Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1014: core zone

On the face of it, the team’s strongest combat power is Biok. If Biok loses the quasi-emperor strength, the team’s strength is almost lost, and the breakthrough rate of a few layers is even lower. , Without Biok, a breakthrough is basically impossible.

In other words, we can only count on the victory of the demon army and completely clear the core of this evil demon lair.

No matter who it is, they are not willing to put hope in the hands of others, even if the success rate in their own hands is lower.

It's just that it's no use not to agree. The Demon Army is extraordinarily tough this time. If you don't agree, it will definitely turn your face.

In the end, Biok could only obey the conscription and go to the core area with the Demon Army.

Along with Biok was Yi Shuihan, who exposed the body of Chaos and also joined the recruited team.

It may be safer to stay in the base camp. You don't have to face the really powerful demons in the lair. But this is equivalent to passively accepting fate. If you go to the core area, you will be active, preferring to be active than passive Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan still has the confidence to save his life. This is just a new evil demon lair. It is impossible to give birth to too powerful evil demon in a short time. That is to say, even if it is exaggerated, there will be at most one or two chaotic emperor-level demons. Yi Shuihan's full burst is not that he can't fight the Chaos Emperor.

Yi Shuihan also has a preliminary understanding of the combat power of the crusaders. In terms of high-level combat power, there is a chaos emperor who participated in this crusade as the military leader, and the military commander is here at this time. At the core level, as for the quasi-emperor under the commander, there are more than a thousand people.

There seem to be a lot of quasi-emperors over a thousand years. In fact, these quasi-emperors are completely incomparable with those of Wanjie United College. The quasi-emperors of Wanjie United College are all quasi-emperors under tens of millions of years. Most of the quasi emperors don't know how many billions of years, and there is no possibility of breaking through to the chaos emperor, and the quasi emperors who can really compare with the Ten Thousand Realms United College are very pitiful.

A total of 296 quasi-emperors were indicated, and they went to the core area of ​​the lair under the leadership of 54 quasi-emperors from the Demon Army.

The road to the core area is not smooth, and many interceptions have been encountered, but in front of this group of quasi-emperors, these interceptions can only delay a little time.

"Everyone hold on for a while, and the reinforcements will be here soon. At that time, everyone can live. If we give up now, not only will we die, but our compatriots outside will also die."

"Boss, we can still persist, but the commander is almost unable to persist."

"Fart, the military master must be able to stick to it, even if it is one enemy three? We must trust the adults."


"Nothing, but now, all we can do is persistence."

The demon armor on his body is half rotten, and the blood is all over the body. Some of the blood is his own, and some of the blood belongs to his compatriots. Don’t get me wrong, but sometimes the comrades in arms rescue each other and get hurt. Demons don’t have blood. Their blood is Some corrosive substances can only cause harm.

From the battle to the present, these fighters who have destroyed the core are exhausted physically and mentally, because the core layer has accidentally cultivated chaos demons, which caught them off guard.

Originally, even if a chaos demon is cultivated, it is nothing to the demon army. The army owner is here for this, but he did not expect that this lair will first cultivate a chaos demon, and then cultivate two chaos demon at once. , The two chaos demons are still the twin chaos demons, and the fighting power they can exert is higher than that of the two chaos demons alone. This is why the military owner can only barely support it. If there are only three chaos demons alone, even if they are invincible Keep it on par.

At present, the Chaos Emperor level temporarily maintains a weak balance, and the same is true below the Chaos Emperor, but the lair can continuously generate new demons. If the battle continues, there is only one way to defeat the demon army.

The sign of the quasi-emperor came to break the balance and destroy the core of the lair. In this way, at least no new demons will be born, and the demon army can retreat.

When Yi Shuihan and others came to the scene, what they saw was a scene of the stubborn persistence of the Demon Army. They were obviously strong at the true sage level, but they didn’t even have the strength to maintain the body, or to maintain combat effectiveness. , Did not dare to consume energy to restore his body.

"Reinforcements are here, it's time to counterattack, kill these beasts."

The arrival of reinforcements shocked the spirits of the demons, no longer reserved their physical strength, and began to counterattack.

"Half to help, the other half to destroy the core."

The sergeant who led Yi Shuihan and the others to the Demon Army commanded.

Both Biok and Yi Shuihan chose to destroy the core.

Biok burst out of the 7th floor of the Tongtian Tower with all his strength, transformed into a fire god, and all the demons that came close to him were burned out.

Yi Shuihan's body of chaos is also not bad, the evil demon he encountered was completely unable to break the defense, and was directly pushed by him.

The other quasi-emperors also showed their magical powers, and for a while it seemed that victory was in sight.

"The so-called core? It looks familiar."

Yi Shuihan looked at the core of a game similar to his memory in a moment of stunned.

Fortunately, there is no life bar displayed on the core, otherwise Yi Shuihan would have to vomit.

In front of the core, there are constant energy gatherings, and these gathered energies form a spherical cocoon, and finally the evil spirits emerge from the cocoon.

"It's creepy, I want to turn around and leave if I can."

Can it not be creepy? These cocoons are densely packed, at least tens of millions, if they all mature, who else can resist.

While killing the evil demon that emerged from the cocoon, while quickly approaching the core, the quasi-emperor finally came to the range where he could attack the core.

"Smash it for me!"

The quasi-emperors used their unique tricks to attack the core, with extremely excited expressions on their faces. If they can destroy the core, not only will the reward be rich, but it will also be the friendship of the demon army, so many benefits!

"not that simple."

Yi Shuihan didn't think that the core would be destroyed so easily, it was so simple, how could this situation be the case with the Demon Army.

As expected by Yi Shuihan, those attacks on the core didn't even play a role, and the core was intact.

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