Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1010: Evil Battlefield

The mission of Wanjie United College is still very high. It is full of pressure. Look at it. You can be the savior at every turn. Investigating black holes is really difficult to complete without strength.

"Then which one should I choose? To save the world, it should be done relatively easily with my strength. One hundred points can be said to be a free gift, but one hundred points is nothing to me now. ."

"It is very challenging to kill demons. I have never faced the so-called demons. It is also a good choice to see the real cancer in these worlds."

"As for the black hole, it seems simple, as long as you investigate it, but if you really go there, everything may happen, and it will destroy several big worlds. I am afraid that this kind of strength is at least at the level of the quasi-emperor. I'm not afraid of the Emperor Quasi, I'm afraid that I will be in trouble when I meet the real Emperor of Chaos."

After thinking about it for a moment, Yi Shuihan chose the second mission to kill the evil demon.

The so-called demons do not know how they were born. They only know that the purpose of each of them is to destroy. The more they are destroyed, the stronger they will become. If they are allowed to develop, one day, the heavens All worlds will be destroyed by them, and the creatures will be extinct.

The earliest appearance of these demons can even be traced back to the time when life was first born. They are very old, and even if they know their harm, no one has ever been able to eliminate them. Even the great ones cannot be completely eradicated. A new batch was born.

In the end, there are no more shots, and there are also demons of the Dao Emperor's level. They contain each other and will not easily do it. The Chaos Emperor will fight from time to time. However, the real saints who fight the most are still at the level of the true sage. The demons are the weakest when they are born. They all have the level of 1 gold, and the true saint is actually just a small soldier level.

"Are you sure you want to take over the Evil Battlefield mission?"

The person in charge of the school responsible for the confirmation task looked at Yi Shuihan quite unexpectedly, because Yi Shuihan’s message was for this class of freshmen, and the demonic battlefield missions are generally only taken by students who are close to graduation. Too dangerous.


Yi Shuihan nodded.

"I advise you to wait until you become stronger, or form a team. It is too dangerous to use your strength to go to the evil battlefield. There is a high probability that even the emperor will fall."

The person in charge persuaded that he just didn't want an excellent student like Yi Shuihan to die too meaningless. Judging from Yi Shuihan's current strength, he might become one of the strongest students in the school in the future.

"I will be careful when I go there."

Yi Shuihan couldn't always say that he was not afraid even if he encountered the Emperor of Chaos, he could only say so.

In the end, Yi Shuihan accepted the task. After all, he didn't have much to do with Yi Shuihan. He just kindly persuaded him because of Yi Shuihan's talent.

After accepting the task, Yi Shuihan didn't stay in the task hall much, and returned to his Wangzhefeng. One month later, he would go to the evil demon battlefield with other students who also took the task.

The so-called evil demon battlefield is the lair where the evil demon was born. The heavens and the world, the evil demon battlefield may appear anywhere, and what Yi Shuihan and the others are going to this time is a newly born evil demon lair. If the evil demon lair cannot be safely destroyed. At the core, demons will continue to be born. Of course, for Yi Shuihan and others, their main task is to clean up some miscellaneous demons, and other things will be solved by specialized personnel.

"This is the battlefield of demons?"

The incomparably barren land in front of you, without seeing any living body, even a small grass, is simply a life desperate, and people who see it are extremely depressed.

In addition, there is a disgusting smell in the air, if it is not necessary, I am afraid that most people would not want to come here.

"Yi Shuihan, it's the first time you have come to the Evil Battlefield. You must keep up with the team later, talk less and watch more. It won't be long before you will be familiar with it."

Beside Yi Shuihan, a man with a firm face but a big bald head reminded Yi Shuihan.

On the way to the evil demon battlefield, Yi Shuihan joined a team. This team was full of veterans from the school. There were 7 people in total, and Yi Shuihan had 8 people.

The strength of this team is fairly strong. There is a captain on the 7th floor of the Tongtian Tower, and there are 5 other towers on the 6th floor that are the royal ranks of the virtual battlefield.

Yi Shuihan and another member of the Mu clan were newly added to the team. Both of them were kings, but they were actually just substitutes in the team.

In comparison, the Mu people are more valued, because the Mu people are naturally easy to understand the way of life, most of them are good nurses, even if their strength is low, they have a great effect in the team.

Talking to Yi Shuihan is the melee output Qingfeng in the team, because they are both humans and members of the company, so they are so close.

"I understand, Brother Feng."

This Shengfeng brother Yi Shuihan shouted without hindrance, after all, he was considered caring for himself, and he was also a human senior.

"It's good to know, remember, you must obey the command at any time, well, the captain called us, let's go."

The other few in the team not far away are ready to go, and Yi Shuihan no longer appreciates the scenery, although there is really nothing to appreciate here.

"Let's go this way, zero you go to the front to explore the way, Qingfeng and Brad are responsible for guarding, Snake Ji, look at the wood spirit, Yi Shuihan, follow the iron knife, I will break after the final face."

As the captain, Biok is very skilled at assigning positions.

The players didn't have any opinion on this, and the same was true for Yi Shuihan, and the team quickly moved.

"Are you wondering why we don't have to fly?"

Yi Shuihan just glanced randomly, but the snake girl next to him suddenly spoke, seeming to think that Yi Shuihan had this question.

Yi Shuihan was taken aback for a moment, and then he could only nod slightly, saying that the real reason would definitely make Snake Ji embarrassed and not conducive to team harmony!

"There is an unwritten rule in the battlefield of evil spirits that only the Chaos Emperor can fly. If you fly into the sky, once you are discovered, you will be waiting for the evil spirits of the Chaos Emperor level. You can fly too."

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