Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 4: Xiong Ba

At this time, Zhang Ping in the group said: "When you talk about time travel, I think of Gao Cuan. He hasn't bubbling for more than half a year, and I don't know why? I doubt he has traveled... …"

   Zhang Banpo: "I should know the location of his home. I went to his home in my junior year. I will pass through Dazhong City next time on my business trip. When I have a chance, I will come to see the situation."

   "Okay, then this matter will be left to you with three inputs and three outputs." Yang Yue agreed.

   Zhang Banpo is a reliable character in the dormitory, and everyone can rest assured that he does things.

   "+1" Xu Qiji has no memory of nearly three years, so he dare not interject, try to make himself a little transparent, and at most silently send a sweet +1.

   After chatting for a while, the university dormitory group quieted temporarily.

   Xu Qijing originally wanted to talk about the topic of'Amnesia for Three Years', but couldn't find a suitable opportunity to interrupt, so she had to give up temporarily.

   He held his chin, tapped his finger on the phone again, and returned to the main interface of the chat software.

   In addition to the group chat record, there is also a friend with the avatar of "Paddy Field", who has sent him more than a dozen messages in a row.

   The nickname marked on his head is... Wheat Ear.

   "Waisui?" Xu Qiji became flustered inexplicably when he saw this nickname.

   This panic comes from the instinctive reaction of the pigeons who cannot deliver the draft.

   "Isn't it the ‘wheat ear’ that I often call him in the address book?"

   Click to open the chat box... That's right.

   But the message the other party sent to him this time has nothing to do with the "comic".

   The message was from yesterday.

Mai Sui: "Teacher Xiong Ba, the batch of mechanical parts that you consulted me before, my cousin happened to be in stock. I have already placed an order for you... Maybe it will arrive tomorrow, teacher Xiong Ba, you will be there. Remember to sign for it and praise it."

   There are more than a dozen pictures attached to the news. They are all strange pictures of ‘mechanical accessories’, which are basically unrecognized by ordinary people.

   Xu Qijing stared at the news.

   Mr. Xiongba?

   I have to abandon myself more to get the pseudonym "Bear Tyrant"?

   In addition... This year, the editor of the comics is also responsible for online shopping customer service? Even part-time ordering and shipping for him? Is it so sweet?

  Also, why should I order these mechanical parts?

   Why do I order them?

   Assemble Transformers?

   There is another question mark in his head.

   The question marks in my mind today are extremely hardworking.


   Although confused, Xu Qiji still replied a message to this ‘Mai Sui’ out of courtesy: "Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome, so Mr. Xiong Ba, let me find all the things your wife wants to buy in the future. I will gather all these accessories and send them to the teacher. In short, don't waste your time buying these mechanical accessories. [Smiling emoji] "At this point, Mai Sui is at work and will reply as soon as possible.

   Xu Qijizhu lifted his chopsticks and looked at the reply.

   These mechanical accessories are not what he wants to order, but what his wife needs?

   He looked up at a magnified wedding photo in the opposite living room with the quietly smiling woman on it.

   Is her job related to this?

   To be honest, after mixing her painting style and mechanical style... unexpectedly, it's quite touching!

   Would you like to go to her place of work if you have the opportunity to see what she looks like at work?

   "I'm really looking forward to it," Xu Qiji said happily.

"By the way, Mr. Xiongba, I will take care of all the accessories for you, so you can hand in the drafts for this issue on time? You promised me to hand them in two days." Mai Sui added, I also added a cute expression at the back.

   Judging from the tone of communication and the emoji, this comic editor Mai Sui is likely to be a girl? Of course, it is not ruled out that rough guys also like to use this cute emoticon pack-who has never used a few cute emoticon packs?

   Xu Qiji: "..."

   The problem that should come is still here, I can't hide it.

  ——He is about to face delivery next?

   I don’t know if the "drawing draft" is finished?

   All night last night, did I get work done?

   What if I don’t get it done?

   In his current state, he doesn't even know what he draws, and he doesn't even know how to draw comics.

   If the ‘drawing’ is not completed, he will be 100% unable to deliver it on time.

  Unless, at this time, a light yellow system suddenly popped up in his mind, and he was given 10,000 starting package attribute points, so that he could add points to the ‘painting’ skill and increase it to the full level in one breath.

   But light yellow did not appear.

   Xu Qiji can only bite the bullet and reply Mai Sui: "Wait a minute, I'll check the manuscript first."

   If the drawing has been completed, at least I can pass this level first.

  If it is not completed...

  Then, young Maisui, it is true that your teacher Xiong Ba has lost his memory in fragments, right?

   Opposite, Mai Sui sent a series of question marks over: "???"

   Go and see the manuscript first?

   The painting is not finished, Mr. Xiong Ba, don't you have any AC numbers in your heart?

   She had a vague premonition in her heart.

   Teacher Geba, do you want a pigeon again this issue?


   After finishing the breakfast in two mouthfuls, Xu Qiji packed up the dishes, got up and walked to the study room.

   He doesn’t know if he works from home?

   If so, the work place may be in the study room.

   If not, where is my "manga" studio located?

Xu Qijing doesn’t know anything about drawing comics, but he also knows that drawing comics is difficult for one person to handle from start to finish... Under normal circumstances, there should be some comic assistants to help the artist. such as.

   If he has a studio outside, it would take a lot of thought to find out the location of the studio, assistants, etc.... And when he thinks of these things, his brain hurts.

   He is not a ‘famous detective’ material, he is not good at this, and he is not interested in this kind of business!

   The door of the study is not locked.

   Xu Qiji turned the door handle and pushed in.

   Like the bedroom, this study has been renovated.

There is a computer inside   , and there is a set of equipment that looks like "painting" in front of the computer.

   Seeing this, he secretly relieved, so it seems that he should be working here.

   After coming to the computer and sitting down expertly, Xu Qijing tapped on the keyboard.

   The computer is in standby mode, and you can enter the password page with one tap.

  "20020120" He entered a string of passwords skillfully. This is his birthday and his password for computer login all the time...I hope he has no habit of changing passwords.

   Otherwise, just cracking the code will make his hairline move up a bit!

   Fortunately, UU reading www. uukanshu. The com password is correct.

   With a melodious sound, the computer successfully entered the system page.

   There is a manga software opened on the desktop, and there are pictures saved on it.

   "I haven't finished painting all... the next few pages are still draft pages and have not been colored yet." Xu Qiji reached out and took out his mobile phone and looked at the "Wheat Ear" displayed on the phone.

   Do you want pigeons?

   Or, look forward to my capable assistant who doesn’t know if it exists?

   While thinking, he clicked the mouse and flipped through the contents of his painting.

   He is still quite interested in what comics he draws.

   The name of the comic: "If I Only Live to 36".

   "..." Xu Qiji couldn't help but twitched: "This name is very different from my style of painting."

   Just just listen to the name of this comic with a strong tragic and literary taste. Even if he has a system to add his ‘comic skills’ to the full level, I’m afraid he won’t be able to continue the following content.

   With the way of thinking of his current college students, even after reading the previous content, it is estimated that he cannot figure out the successor of this kind of comics.

   Sure enough, should I go to the construction site to move bricks?

   I'd better put down the idea of ​​relying on comics as soon as possible, and change careers honestly.

   After all, I still have a family to raise.

   With his strong flesh, why does his physical work not fragrant?



Thank you for your support from the handsome Taoists and beautiful fairies. The new book is uploaded, and five chapters will be published today... I will refine the fifth chapter in a while and upload it~ just to open the plot... Although the manuscript has been revised many times, but Before uploading, I just can't help but want to change it carefully. Every time a new book is uploaded, I feel frustrated...


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