Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 260: This son has an ancestor's capital!

"Odd!" Xu Qiji reported...part of his name very sincerely.

You can't give a brand new fake name, otherwise if someone calls his fake name, he will be stunned for a moment, and his brain will have to buffer to adapt to his fake name, and he will be exposed if he is not careful.

But you can't directly report your real name. After reporting things like your real name, if someone catches a small tail, you will have endless troubles... Maybe you will encounter an unreasonable curse or something, which will be very troublesome.

Therefore, Xu Qiji simply cut a word from his name and became his code name.

In addition, the communication between him and the giant messenger did not use the ‘mental communication method’, but replied with the giant’s language. He can speak some giants, all of which he learned from the dreams of the ‘Finao, the ancestor of giants’. But only learned a small part, barely able to communicate in life.

"Odd?" The giant messenger nodded with a smile: "What a good name."

How can a tribe call such a strange name, and it is still a single word? This is the inner thought of the giant messenger.

"You have stepped into the sub-sage realm at a young age... Qi, you will be the future of my clan." The giant messenger reached out and threw a healing technique to Xu Qijing, pulling him from the ground.

——It is rumored that the ‘Lord of Mo Ni’ in the Protoss has condensed three thousand feet of golden body, and the strength is close to the Holy Realm. But the Lord of Mo Ni is no longer young, how can he compare to the little giant in front of him?

Become a saint before a hundred years old, as long as you have a little training, you will surely become a real holy land in a short time.

Sure enough, the genius of my giant race is the strongest!

From beginning to end, the giant messenger never doubted Xu Qiji's identity.

The'noble blood' of the giant that Xu Qiji transformed into made him feel very cordial. It is impossible for the giant messenger to think that Xu Qiji is an undercover agent or other races.


This proud son of the heavens is definitely the end of nothing, the proud son of heaven born within our clan. At this moment, I found out that he must be trained least when the catastrophe comes at the end of the era, he will be cultivated into a sanctuary giant!

Only the giants of the sanctuary can come in handy in the final catastrophe. Moreover, it can also condense the luck of the next era!

Xu Qijing was a little hairy at this time, and the straight gaze of the giant messenger who wanted to abduct him made him feel uncomfortable.

"Odd." The giant's messenger solemnly said, "Are you willing to follow me to the ancestral city and let me personally guide your future cultivation?"

When the surrounding giants heard this, they immediately looked at the young little giant with envy.

This young man was so lucky that he was caught by the ancestor!

Especially when the ‘End of Era’s Great Tribulation’ is approaching, being favored by the ancestors is tantamount to being favored by the ancestors!

The ancestor represents the ancestor.

At the end of the epoch, before the great catastrophe, the ancestors would often wake up from ‘dormancy’. When the time comes, I will see a young man who is admired by the ancestors, and he will definitely teach one or two.

This is a good opportunity to reach the sky in one step!

[Furthermore, this little guy is also very strong... it turns out to be in the sub-sage realm. After the six giants armed with giant soldiers took off their armor, they were surprised.

They all rely on giant soldiers and rule fragment cards to temporarily possess sub-holy combat power. Once the battle armor is dissipated, their combat power will directly fall back to the sixth level, which is still a big realm away from the sub-Saint.

"Follow the ancestors to practice?" Xu Qiji was also a little confused at this time.

In his script, after he mixed into the giant team, he had to find opportunities to expose his'potential' little by little, brush his reputation, and finally climb to the top of the giant, be favored by the ancestors, or have direct access to The ancestor of giants.

As a result, his script hasn't even started yet, so he skipped to the closing part.


"I'm willing." After Xu Qijing froze for a while, she immediately simulated the appearance of'excited too much', and replied with great joy.

"Very good." The giant's messenger nodded slightly: "Then you go back to tidy up, bring the materials you need, and report to the ancestral city tonight. I will arrange a place for you and arrange for a teacher to teach you cultivation."

There are two reasons why this genius giant is not taken away directly.

One is to give him some buffer time and tell his family about something.

The second is that the giant's messenger has to prepare two surprises for "Qi".

The giants have two town-level technologies, one is the ‘biological accessory brain’ and the other is the ‘giant soldier’.

The power of the giant soldiers, the six giants just now have already demonstrated-as long as they are willing to spend money and live with physical resistance, the power of the sixth-order eruption of the seventh-order sub-sage peak is not a dream.

The giants have thick skin and thick skin and are resistant to manufacturing. This is their advantage. Switch to other races and equip this giant soldier. Once activated, it will be turned into gray by the power of the giant soldier.

In addition to improving combat power, the giant soldier has another use to experience the power of the'law' in advance. Although all the effects experienced are the effects of the fragments of the law, it is also very beneficial for Ascension's promotion to the holy realm.

As for the auxiliary brain, it is the ‘giant’s inheritance.’ In addition to assisting in cultivation, each boutique auxiliary brain will store a lot of knowledge about giants’ combat experience, giant training methods, giant martial arts and so on in advance.

This knowledge, combined with the auxiliary brain's ‘assisted training’ effect, can make the giant’s promotion speed hang.

It's a pity that the production of the'giant's vice brain' is too expensive. The giants, who are not wealthy, have no money to match all the giants. On weekdays, they can only be regarded as rewards, given to some giants with great achievements. Or when you encounter the potential genius of the giants, you will be equipped with a vice brain only after being recognized by the giant messenger.

At this time, the giant's ancestor made up his mind to find two sets of boutiques and present the genius giant as a meeting ceremony, which is regarded as wining people’s hearts and let the potential giant work hard to cultivate and step on the'geniuses' of other races. .

Regardless of the overall strength or the strength of the newcomer, his giants must fight for the position of the Big Brother of the Nine Realms.

The giants are strong now, and they will definitely be strong in the future!



Xu Qijing really didn't expect that his own entry into the giant would become so simple and fast.

So smooth!

It went so well that Xu Qiji felt uneasy in his heart, as if someone was constantly blessing him behind his back, frantically using the updraft super power to lift the skirt of the goddess of luck for him.

Next, he only needs to rest for one night, and go to the giant's ancestral city tomorrow, and he will be able to directly step into the top of the giants and get in touch with the power center of the giants.

The only thing to worry about is that he is now in the form of a ‘giant’. It is different from the trumpets in the Pluto, Protoss, and Elemental races.

Even if the trumpet is in an accident, the trumpet is missing if it's a big deal.

But if there is an accident in the body, the thrush will have to be a widow.

Therefore, when the undercover is in the giant clan, he must be cautious, never waver, and act low-key!

Don't let the giant messenger see the flaw.

[If you can think of a way, get a trumpet out of the giants, it would be even better. 】

That night, Xu Qijing stayed awake all night.

He stared at the starry sky-no wife was by his side this night and missed her.



The next day.

Suffering from sleeplessness, Xu Qiji rushed to the giant's ancestral city early - and this fits his role.

A young giant who was suddenly spotted by the giant messenger would be so excited that he couldn't sleep, and he would definitely rush to the giant's ancestral city early.

His every move is just in line with the personality.

The giant messenger seemed to have guessed that Xu Qiji would come early, and had already sent someone to wait in the ancestral city to welcome Xu Qiji into the city.

The outer city of Giant Ancestral City still maintains fantasy-style buildings, huge stone walls, and various weird stone statues.

According to the giant who led the way, this is because the outer city of the ancestral city has a powerful enchantment, which was arranged by the ancestor of the giant himself, so it cannot be dismantled.

Xu Qijing looked at the style of the'Outer City', always feeling that the Outer City seemed to be defending against attacks...especially in air defense.

After entering the main city, it is another style of painting.

There are ordinary high-rise buildings and buildings with pure energy structures... There are also paper buildings with folded spaces, which look like a piece of paper, but when opened, you can see the huge space inside. This painting style is even more than the ancestors of the Protoss exaggeration.

Xu Qi looked at the paper-shaped buildings—this kind of technology, if it could be brought back to the human race, would be incredible. It will be a huge impact on the real estate industry.

After passing through the main urban area where various painting styles are mixed, finally enter the inner city.

The number of giants that can be seen in the inner city is greatly reduced...The giant leading the way also stopped. Moving forward, only the giant messenger and the special members specified by the messenger can approach.

After sensing Xu Qijing's breath, the giant messenger's figure crossed the space and instantly appeared: "You came very early, strange."

"Because I can't wait." Xu Qiji replied.

"I can understand." The giant's messenger smiled kindly. After he said, he reached out and took out two boxes and pushed them in front of Xu Qiji: "These are the two meeting gifts I prepared for you. You can open them."

Xu Qijing was taken aback for a moment-so powerful, give a gift at the beginning of the game?

In the Protoss, the divine envoy was very kind to his beholder trumpet, but he was not so enthusiastic at the beginning.

"Open it and take a look, it will give you a surprise." The giant's messenger smiled slightly. This little giant is already in the sub-sage realm, and it is also a top-level existence among giants. If it's an ordinary gift, it doesn't make much sense to Ashen. This is why he gave a big gift at the beginning of the game.

With a curious mind, Xu Qijing reached out and opened the first box.

After the box was opened, a gorgeous gold belt was revealed, and there was a row of nearly 30 matching cards on the side. .

"Giant soldier belt?" Xu Qiji asked.

He used this thing when he saw the six giants transforming yesterday, but compared with the belts of the six giants, the value, strength, and energy fluctuations of the golden belt in his hand are two or three grades higher.

The belts of the six giants are black iron belts at best, and his belt is gold.

"Exactly, you can put it on and see if you can activate it. If it doesn't match you well, I can change a belt for you." The giant messenger smiled into Laoju: "I hope you can The tone was successfully stimulated, because if it were to be changed, the quality of other belts would be inferior to this giant soldier belt."

"Thanks to the ancestor, then I will try it?" Xu Qiji grabbed his belt with some excitement.

Transforming something like this is really attractive to men for a lifetime. Even if it is a family and a family, this attraction remains unabated.

After grabbing the waist, Xu Qiji tied it to her waist.

The golden giant soldier belt has a self-adjusting function. The moment the belt is fastened, it automatically adjusts to a suitable size, enclosing Xu Qiji's bear waist.

In the next step, without Xu Qijing's control, the'power of the giant' in his body will automatically flood into the golden belt and start the activation process.

The giant messenger narrowed his eyes, looking forward to the next change-this golden belt was also his test of Xu Qiji.

Becoming a sage at a young age represents great potential. But if you want to become the future of the giants and become the top card among the young giants, only potential is far from enough, you have to be bold!

Subduing this golden belt is the link where this little giant shows his courage.

In a buzzing sound, the gold belt turned on.

A phantom of'Giant Soldier Armor' appeared faintly, covering Xu Qiji's body. But these phantoms are not solid.

If you want to condense the phantom into an entity, you need the power of the'Law Fragment' card, and Xu Qiji needs to subdue this golden belt and make it surrender.

This process is not easy, the giant has to activate his own blood and all the giant's power to compete with the belt.

The giant messenger found a place on the side to sit down, and was about to fetch some tea and wine, drink a few cups, and wait to see the results.

But as soon as he sat down, he noticed that the ‘giant soldier armor’ shrouded Xu Qiji’s side suddenly stopped, and then began to cleverly transform into a prototype.

"??" The giant messenger was full of question marks.

This is, surrendered?

The belt of the golden giant soldier is so easy to surrender?

While in doubt, the giant messenger sensed a flash of supreme aura from Xu Qiji's body!

With that supreme breath, even the giant messenger felt his heart palpitations.

It is precisely because of this breath that the golden giant soldier will surrender in an instant to recognize the lord cleverly and become the possession of this young giant.

"This is the hidden power in the bloodline? Is his bloodline more noble than I thought?" The giant messenger was delighted.

[Could it be that this little giant was born to take my place? 】

The giant messenger is getting old. During his tenure, the ancestors of the other nine realms have changed several times.

His ancestor's eldest brother is really old.

Although he hasn't felt the ‘Shouyuan is approaching’ yet, he knows that he is no longer young.

It is time to cultivate a young giant, teach him the work of an ancestor, and finally take over his status as an ancestor at the right time.

[Unlimited potential, noble blood. Then, let me take a look at your other abilities. ] The messenger of the giant is looking forward to it.

As an ancestor, he needs not only strong power, but also means to be able to interpret the mind of the ‘ancestor’, to be compassionate, and to maintain the operation of the entire giant clan.

Kaka Kaka~ Amidst a crisp sound, Xu Qijing has a body of pure gold armor on her body. However, there is no pattern of law fragments on it.

"It seems that you have let this golden giant soldier surrender. Then, open the second gift and have a look." The giant messenger was full of expectation.

If "Qi" can be equipped with a giant's auxiliary brain and use the knowledge freely, it means that he truly has the qualifications of an "ancestor heir".

At that time, he can bring this little guy to the ancestor...see if he can interpret the ancestor's heart.

If you can reach a tacit understanding with the ancestor, you can directly enter the internship period of the ancestor.

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