Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 244: Guys, you guys also take the friendship route!

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Habit is really a terrible thing.

The mysterious man thought that as long as he gave the star beasts a chance to'freedom', and then shouted a slogan, the star beasts would follow him to overthrow the tyranny of the gods and become free beasts from the gods.

As a result, he did not expect that in the endless years, the star beasts had long been accustomed to the slavery of the gods. This habit has been carved into the genes of the star beasts, and it is normal for them to be driven by the gods.

As for freedom? What's that stuff? Tasty?

Whether there is freedom or not does not seem to matter to the Star Beast.

The mysterious man talked there for a long time, and the result was that the chicken talked to the duck. If it hadn't been for him to carry the Golden Dragon Scissor, the star beast clan's natal artifact, these star beast leaders would never have come to listen to him.

"I miscalculated." The mysterious man felt a faint pain in his liver.

They had a good plan, and they were still dead.

If the star beasts cannot arouse their desire for ‘freedom’, the following plan cannot be carried out.

Should we give up the chess piece "Star Beast"?


The dog who had gnawed on Xu Qiji's brain, after turning his eyes, decided to cooperate with this mysterious man-he swears that he did not look at the golden Jiao scissors in the hands of the other party, but the other party's proposal of "Star Beast Freedom" conforms to the dog Zi and Xu Qiji's "Future Plan".

In Xu Qiji and Gouzi's original plan, instigating the star beast was also a part of the fight against the Protoss.

Gouzi was still secretly collecting a batch of Star Beasts' subordinates. After it gathered a sufficient number of Star Beasts, he raised his arms and raised a star beast resistance team, trying to get some Star Beasts out of the control of the Protoss.

But there is a danger in doing so, it will be exposed to the foreground and become the target of Protoss sniper.

In the case of insufficient strength, the clever dog has maintained a state of counseling.

But now, the opportunity is here!

This mysterious person took the initiative to send the opportunity to it...If the mysterious person comes out and becomes the leader, it can hide behind the scenes and cooperate quietly.

And judging from the content of the mysterious man's speech, it seems that it has the means to release the Protoss' control over the star beast-it is probably the dragon's scissors.

Thinking of this, the smart dog is ready to take action.

When the mysterious man was about to despair, the dog said solemnly: "Do you have a way to release us from the shackles?"

The star beast has always been driven by the gods, in addition to the habit of being enslaved in the genes, but also because the gods have the secret method for forcibly controlling the star beasts.

This secret method does not need to be learned, just like an instinct, every member of the Protoss will be innately mastered, just like a racial talent.

"Yes." The mysterious man looked at the dog, his eyes lit up.

This dog gave him hope.

Moreover, he could see that among the other star beast leaders around, many seemed to approve of this dog, and faintly regarded this dog as a leader.

"Speaking is no proof." Gouzi stood up and pointed to the faithful little brother beside him, a stone star beast that seemed to explode at any time.

The stone star beast floated out immediately, floating to the mysterious person's side.

The dog's meaning is very clear-the words are unfounded, and they are convinced by performing on the spot.

"Very good." The mysterious man also had this intention. The reason why he came with the natal magic weapon of the Star Beast was to show the method.

The star beast is a chess piece that they buried many epochs ago, and this magic weapon is the key to activate this chess piece.

After all, the mysterious man took off the dragon's scissors and cut at the exploding stone void!

During this cut, nothing happened. The scissors seemed to only cut the air and cut loneliness.

The explosion rock rolled several times, but nothing happened.

However, the leaders of the several high-level star beasts here can sense that a certain ‘fetter’ has been cut off the explosive stone.

It may still obey the orders of the Protoss, but it will no longer be forcibly controlled!

This scissors, good stuff!

The clever dog stared at the scissors, but it carefully concealed its gaze and did not reveal its greed.

"You should feel it." Mysterious humanity said: "It is free... However, although the chains that bound it have been untied, the chains that bound its soul are still there."

The mysterious man began his speech again: "If you want true freedom, then you have to tear and cut the chains of your hearts together! You want true freedom, but the Protoss will not give you. Therefore, there is only resistance!"

But his speech still did not arouse the enthusiasm of the star beasts.

Obviously he has a strong ability to evade his mouth, and his speech talent is excellent, but this audience is really not good!

Even the Explosive Stone Star Beast that had just gained true freedom rolled and rolled back to Boss Gouzi.

The mysterious heart is tired.

Can't bring him, how can he bring such a teammate?

"You have seen that I have the ability to give you freedom. As long as you say a word, I can immediately untie you all from the shackles of the Protoss." The mysterious man finally struggled for several waves and wanted to work harder.

As a result, even if the freedom to be delivered to the door, these star beast leaders are still cute and stupid, none of them take the initiative, and they do not grasp the freedom that is delivered to their lips.

The mysterious man looked up at the ceiling, he did his best!

[Your way of thinking is different from that of Star Beast. 】At this moment, a voice was passed into the mysterious person's mind through sound transmission.

[If you continue to speak in this way, you will not succeed. What you said can't move the star beasts, and it is also something that the star beasts don't care about. ] The voice continued.

Hearing this, the mysterious body gave a sudden stop.

[Afterwards, make an appointment and time, let's have a good chat. ] This time the mysterious person heard clearly, it was the conspicuous dog.

The mysterious man looked at Gouzi, and Gouzi exchanged glances with him secretly.

The two reached a perfect understanding.

In setting off the star beast uprising, the dog will be the biggest help from the mysterious man-only the star beast understands what the star beast needs!

For the mysterious man, the result of this speech was a failure. Fortunately, the failure was not so thorough, he took the opportunity to find an ally among the star beasts.

If this dog star beast can become a breakthrough, he can also go back and explain to his immediate boss.



At the same time, the position of the ancestor star in the gods.

The envoy once again accepted the arrival of the mechanical envoy!

The machine messenger came back this time to bring back the ‘core living species of the ancestor of the machine’-it’s said that during this period of time, the machine race seemed to have finally selected a suitable heir, so it wanted to welcome the ancestor core.

In this process, the gods cooperate fully.

After all, the end of the epoch is coming. At this juncture, the nine ancestors of the Nine Realms need to work together.

He also didn't want to see problems with the ancestor of machinery.

It is best that the living seed core of the ancestor of the machine is returned, and it can be resurrected with full blood on the same day, or a new ancestor of the machine can be born to fight the crisis with other ancestors.

Just in case, the ceremony of welcoming back the core living species of the ancestor of machinery is simple and secretive.

The **** ancestor also did not retain the core of the machine ancestor, and he cooperated with the custody of the core of the machine ancestor.

When the mechanical messenger took over the core of the live seed, he was happy.

It can be seen from the naked eye that the previous wounds of the core of the ancestor of the machine have been restored-that is to say, the ancestor of the machine has been fixed by the core seed of the ancestor of the machine!

So, from today... the Protoss will become the secret lower race of their mechanical race!

After eagerly welcoming the living seed of the ancestor of the machine, the machine messenger and a master of the machine clan known as the "Preparation of the True Ancestor" escorted the core of the living seed to return.

However, the mechanical messenger would never expect that the ‘living seed core’ of its ancestors has no soul.

Even the living seed in their hands is not the body, but the projection of the living seed created by Xu Qijing, and the consciousness stored in it is also Xu Qiji's will.

[Come, come, finally come. ] Xu Qiji happily waited for the mechanical messenger to bring this ‘Projection Living Seed’ back to the mechanical world.

As he guessed, there are no members of the ‘Preparation True Ancestor’ in the mechanical world.

After bringing back the core of the ancestor's living species, the mechanical messenger directly stuffed the'core living species' back into the body of the ancestor of machinery at that time.

The body of the ancestor of machinery was instantly connected to the core species, and recovered with a rumbling sound.

"My ancestor, have you succeeded?" The Mechanical Messenger asked cautiously.

"Of course." After the mechanical ancestor's body recovered, the dull voice sounded: "The soul of the ancestor has been exiled by me, leaving only a blank core. Now, as long as I have a thought, I can use the power of the ancestor's core!"

Xu Qiji is an honest man, he is telling the truth!

The soul of the ancestor was indeed exiled, and now it has become the ‘core’ of his pet world. As long as he keeps on thinking, he can mobilize the power of the godhead.

"Cheers!" Xu Qiji held up the right hand of the ancestor of the machine.

Suddenly, the mechanical messengers and core members of the mechanical clan present cheered vigorously.

The ancestor has taken it, so are the other ancestors still far away?

"We are bound to integrate the power of the blood moon into the nine realms. My clan is the pioneer of the blood moon. When the blood moon comes, under the guidance of our ancestors, we will rebuild this distorted world." Mechanic Messenger and Mechanic Core Members, there was a pop of red light on their bodies, and the scarlet evil power appeared in their cores, and they were all patients who were too deeply poisoned.

"Ancestor, is the next goal still the Eye Demon Race?" On the mechanical messenger's body, the red light is restrained: "Last time the Eye Demon messenger agreed to come to our family as a guest. It's almost time to count."

[Good guy, you invite me to come over as a guest, you really want to eat my body! ] Xu Qiji took a bite in her heart.

Fortunately, my ‘Evil Envoy’ account is not visible, and I have not been free, so my visit to the Robot Race has been delayed. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm asking for your way!

However, this is just an opportunity-the machine clan is targeting other members of the Nine Realms. Then he just seized the opportunity to take advantage of the wave!

Now, the beholders, the ooze, the gods, the underworld, the humans, and even the mechanical races in front of him and the element races that have just come into contact with him, have been exposed to him, and some races have also entered the undercover trumpet.

Among the nine races of the Nine Realms, he has opened up the circle of friends of the seven races.

Among the remaining two tribes, the giant tribe also has the "giant's ancestor assistant brain" as a springboard, and has the opportunity to open up the "friend circle".

The only thing left is that meteorite clan, who is particularly independent and difficult to contact.

Why don't you get in touch with the Meteor Clan through the channel of the Mechanical Clan?

Nine Realms and Nine Races, neat and tidy.

Thinking of this, Xu Qijing controlled the body of the ancestor of the machine to sit down-operating this large body consumes a lot of energy, and the energy is provided by the'core living species' remotely, but every movement of the ancestor of the machine has to be allowed Xu Qijing concentrated, and it would inevitably be exhausted after a long time.

After sitting down and resting, Xu Qiji said: "The things of the beholder family can be slowed down temporarily. After I came into contact with the godhead of the protoss, I got a way to contact the beholder more easily. The protoss and the beholder One clan has a deal, and I can use the protoss to draw the beholder, it will be more convenient."

"My ancestor Yingming." The mechanical messenger nodded slowly, and it also knew that the Eye Demon Race had cooperated with the Protoss not long ago. It is indeed easier to seduce the Eye Demon Race through the channel of the God Ancestor, and it can also relax the vigilance of the Eye Demon Ancestor.

"Then where do we put our next goal?" a core member of the mechanical clan asked.

"Meteor family." The voice of the mechanical ancestor sounded: "Meteor ancestor is the most mysterious and oldest of the ancestors. He has too many secrets. If we don’t fix it, even if we take the rest of the nine worlds If the ancestor is all done, it may also be overturned on the ancestor of the meteorite. Therefore, the ancestor of the meteorite and the ancestor of the giant must be pulled into the water first."

This reason is reasonable!

The meteorite clan is too mysterious in the Nine Realms. The ancestor of the meteorite is the first ancestor of the Nine Realms. It may hold a mystery that many ancestors do not know. UU Reading

In each end of the era, the ancestor of the meteorite cooperates very well, but there is also a taste that is superior to the people.

"In the past epoch catastrophes, I always feel that the meteorite clan seems to have a retreat, even if the nine realms fall, they are not afraid. Indeed, the meteorite clan and their ancestors are a big threat." The mechanical messenger nodded in agreement.

"Then it is confirmed, the next target is the ancestor of the meteorite!"

"Are there any clansmen in our clan who have friendship with the Meteorite clan?"

"I will go down and investigate immediately. If there is, I will develop friendship and hook up with the thread. If not, I will find a way to make friends with members of the Meteorite clan."

Amidst all the rumors, a plan for the Meteorite tribe is ready!

[Good guy! 】Xu Qijin didn't expect that the Mecha Clan would follow the path of ‘friendship’ just like him.

Moreover, as he was watching, he also learned many ways to make friends from the machine clan.

He may not be able to use these methods, but they can enrich his ‘make a friend’ pupil theory data and add a foundation for him, the friendship flower of the Nine Realms.

After the project "On How to Become a Best Friend with the Meteorite Clan" was established, the Mechanic Messenger and the core members exchanged for a while to perfect the plan.

Then, immediately execute it.

Xu Qiji envied Xu Qiji's execution ability.

[If you can really take the opportunity to break into the Meteorite Clan and develop a group of friends from the Meteorite Clan, then the Nine Realms and Nine Clan will have my friends everywhere. ] Xu Qiji's mouth raised.

After thinking about it, he silently released the magnetic field of the "Daxia System" through the "Machine Ancestor Body" to influence the mechanical messenger and a group of mechanical elites.

Before attacking the Meteorite Clan-you first become my good friends and a star in my harem "Xinghai"!

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