Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 225: The ancestor of the barbecue man is coming?

It's not that the **** ancestor really escaped, but that this kind of emotion of ‘wanting to escape’ was created.

This was a little beyond Xu Qijing's expectations... In fact, as the strength increased, the cultivator's will and mood would also be improved accordingly.

A firm-willed person may not necessarily become a peerless strong person, but in general, the will of a strong cultivator will not be weakened.

As the apex of the Nine Realms, the nine ancestors seem a little ‘weak’ in terms of will.

Is it so shameless?

[Even running away? Is this really an ancestor? ] There is also the Valkyrie who also produces unexpected emotions.

She has been a ‘tool man of the **** ancestor’ for so long, and the image of the **** ancestor in her mind is that kind of insidious, manipulating life in the dark, and cruel character.

But now, the counseling ancestor somewhat destroyed the impression of the ancestor in her mind.

"Maybe it's really impossible?" Xu Qiji put forward his own opinion. According to the description of the Valkyrie, the ancestor seems to have always conveyed the emotion of being threatened.

In other words, the ancestors may have been facing the future ancestors in these ‘pictures’ into ‘divine ancestors’ and have been hiding behind the scenes to accumulate strength, perhaps just trying to break the situation.

And now that the emotion of ‘escaping’ is conveyed, it is very likely that the ancestors have experimented with various methods, exhausted their tactics, and were driven to a certain desperate situation.

He who had nothing to do, finally had the idea of ​​‘escaping’?

The Valkyrie was silent, frowning and thinking, her gaze fell on the target who was fighting the **** ancestor in the picture.

With whom did the ancestor see the battle? Finally made him feel fearful?

After thinking for a moment, the Valkyrie suddenly moved in her heart: [There is a threat of the end of the era, there will be no contradictions between the nine ancestors... So in the future, is it the new ancestor who will fight the **** ancestor? 】

The new ancestor she was talking about refers to the mysterious ancestor who appeared in the underworld some time ago.

Speaking of this, I don't know if any of the nine ancestors has fallen?

The ancestor of the barbecue person can prove the Dao and become the ancestor, it must be an accident of an ancestor!

But at present, all the ancestors are contacting their own ‘ancestors’, and there is no news of any ancestor’s accident.

Xu Qiji: "..."

As the ancestor of grilling people, he is inexplicably backed up.

But having said that, in the future, maybe he will really face the ancestors. In the small figure in the gray fog, is there a place for him as the "ancestor of the barbecue man"?

[At present, it is certain that God Ancestor, Dark Ancestor, Giant's Ancestor, and Mud Ancestor are all okay... Other Ancestors are not sure yet. ] The Valkyrie has a headache when it comes to it.

At the end of this era, she really didn't want other nine ancestors to have problems.

At least survive this era first!

She still wants to live a few more epochs~

On the opposite side, the electric wave vibration of the divine ancestor person disappeared and calm was restored. This unscheduled ‘condition’ has stabilized.

Xu Qijing's spiritual power shrank into a ball, wondering whether he could use the ancestor's ‘escape mentality’ in the future.

If the ancestor really wants to escape, he can help!

The door of miracle, directly escaped from the nine realms, technical support can be awesome~

[When I reach the Holy Land and connect with the divine ancestor personality, maybe I can really consider this plan. 】

At that time, the ‘God Ancestor Soul’ in the Godhead will be sent out of the Nine Realms...At that time, the ownerless ‘God God’ will be able to stay and be completely inherited by his contemporary ‘God Ancestor’.

After inheriting the Godhead, the beholder trumpet no longer has the risk of becoming a "God Ancestor Puppet", and even has several powerful "God Ancestor Puppets" in his hands.


However, this plan needs to be carefully considered, to find a way to get the **** ancestor into the set.

Go back and plan again~

Of course he was not planning it alone. Xu Qiji was never fighting alone. There were people from several worlds behind him + the support of many high-floor bigwigs. As long as the krypton gold is enough, he can get a very perfect plan. 'Let's set the ancestor monkey.

[Almost done, I will take you out of here. ] At this time, the Valkyrie spoke to Xu Qiji.

Xu Qiji is only a trace of mental power carried by her into the scope of the ‘God’, and cannot stay for long. After staying for a long time, Xu Qiji's mental energy will be assimilated, and no information will be brought back.

Moreover, she has already tried out the mentality of the Eye Magic King.

This ‘Eyes Magic King’ was completely unafraid of the coercion of the ancestor, and did not show awe when facing the personality of the ancestor. I always feel that the Eye Magic King has a hole card. It may even have been in contact with ‘zu’. Did he ever come into contact with the eye ancestor?

This is interesting.

Next, she might have to provide some help to the ‘Eye Magic King’ appropriately.

The Valkyrie returned with Xu Qiji's consciousness.

As soon as she returned, she saw the body of the "Eye Magic King" being held by her body, sitting on the white jade throne, as if receiving some information.

[White Jade Throne has a new heritage? ] Asked the Valkyrie.

Xu Qiji: "No, it's the divine envoy contacting the divine ancestor..."

Today's beholder trumpet + Valkyrie body = contemporary ancestor tool man.

So when the beholder contacted the **** ancestor, the message would be received by the beholder trumpet at the same time.

Valkyrie: [God contact? What's the news? 】

"A very intriguing news." The eye demon trumpet's eyes were bent with a funny expression: "The God Ancestor has just received a request from the Mechanic Messenger to meet, and the Mechanic Messenger brought a message from the'Machine Ancestor', which I hope to convey to you. Ancestor."

[A message from the ancestor of machinery? In other words, is the ancestor of machinery also safe? 】The consciousness of the Valkyrie returns to the tail.

The ancestor of machinery can send a message, which means it is still there.

Valkyrie: [What news does the ancestor of the machine hope to bring to the ancestor? 】

The Beholder Trumpet is a ‘new appointment’ after all, and she can help deal with the following reports to the Protoss.

"The ancestor of the machine said that it was ambushed two days ago... and it was the new ancestor who ambushed it. The mysterious'ancestor of the barbecue man' who appeared in the underworld, so the ancestor of the machine wanted to meet the **** ancestor "Xu Qiji's mouth raised.

God is attacked by the ancestor of the barbecue man!

If I have the strength to ambush the ancestor of the machine, do I need to send a clone to undercover in the Protoss?

The new ancestor, the ancestor of the barbecue, really became the pot-back man, and he kept the pot everywhere.

Whenever something happens in the Nine Realms related to the ‘ancestor’, it seems to be able to pull the ancestor of the barbecue man out of the pot when he wants to back the pot!

[Does the ancestor of machinery meet with the **** ancestor? This is also normal. After all, when the two ancestors were in the Great Tribulation at the end of the Era, they were fighting the Great Tribulation because they thought of a related position, and they had cooperated in several epochs. ] Valkyrie.

Each of the nine ancestors has a page of gold, on which there will be a type of ‘swordsmanship’, which can jointly control the ‘sword of humanity’ against the end of the era.

And the sword style of this combination is in order, the ancestor of machinery and the sword style of the **** ancestor are connected, so the cooperation between the two parties will be more tacit.

[However, why did the new ancestor attack the mechanical ancestor? Is it also to turn the human race of the ancestor of the machine world into a barbecue person? ] Doubt in the Valkyrie.

"In fact, I feel that the one who ambushed the ancestor of the machine... is not necessarily the ancestor of the barbecue man." The beholder said solemnly.

He can be sure that he never made a move.

Then there are two possibilities!

One is that the ancestor of the machine really encountered an ambush, but it is certainly not the ancestor of the barbecue man who ambushed it, but someone else pretending to be the ancestor of the barbecue man and ambush the ancestor of the machine.

The second is...the ancestor of the machine is lying, it has not been ambushed at all.

If it's one, it's good to say, if it's two, it's intriguing. The ancestor of the machine lied and wanted to meet the ancestor. What did he want to do?

[Do you have any clues? ] The Valkyrie asked in doubt.

"There is no clue, it should be some kind of intuition." Xu Qijing replied casually.

Valkyrie: "..."

I believe you a ghost!

Instinct a ghost!

She could feel weird in the funny expression and intriguing smile of the magic king. Obviously the Eye Magic King found some clue, but he didn't tell her.

"Do you want to agree to the meeting request of the ancestor of the machine?" Xu Qijing asked.

He has not yet responded to the envoy, waiting to listen to the Valkyrie’s opinion, or see if the ‘God’ will respond to the envoy’s contact.

Valkyrie: [Maybe this is the ancestor of machinery testing the ancestors to see who among the nine ancestors has fallen? So, just get in touch, it's not a big deal. 】

"Then reply to the envoy like this." Xu Qijing leaned on the white jade throne and sent a note to the envoy.



Protoss main star.

The divine ancestor opened his eyes, looked at the mechanical messenger sitting opposite, nodded and said: "My ancestor has recovered, and I can meet the ancestor of the machine."

The divine envoy would never think that the one who approved him just now was the "Fighting Dharma King Xubaba" he had painstakingly cultivated.

The world is impermanent, nothing more than that.

"It's so good~" The mechanical messenger on the opposite side showed a "smile" pattern at the core, and then said: "Then where is the place where the two ancestors meet?"

"Since it is the Lord of Machines who wants to meet my ancestors, then set it in the world of my Protoss." The **** envoy said.

On the opposite side, the mechanical messenger looked embarrassed: "If it is normal, my ancestor will naturally have to come to meet the **** ancestor. However, it is true... my ancestor's current state is not very good."

The divine ancestor envoy was taken aback: "Could it be the ambush of the new ancestor?"

"That's the case." The mechanical messenger smiled bitterly: "My ancestor was ambushed by the new ancestor, and suffered some injuries. After all, my ancestor was in a state of long sleep, and was suddenly alarmed and ambushed again, which affected my ancestor's state. My ancestor’s current state is probably not suitable for leaving the mechanical world easily."

"This..." The divine ancestor frowned.

What the other party said is justified.

But if the **** ancestor came to see the mechanical messenger, he felt that his ancestor's compulsion would be affected, and he felt like being summoned by the mechanical ancestor, making him psychologically uncomfortable.

"I ask for my ancestor." The divine ancestor sighed, and began to use the ancestor's authority to communicate with the divine ancestor again.

【My ancestor, the ancestor of machinery was ambushed by the new ancestor and was injured, so he could not leave the mechanical world easily. The mechanical messenger asked, can we arrange the meeting place between the two ancestors in the mechanical world? 】The news of the divine envoy was conveyed to Xu Qiji, the Valkyrie, and the "God Ancestor Person".

When Xu Qijing received this news, he felt that the weirdness in it always felt that the ancestor of the machine deliberately abducted the ancestor to the machine world?

He smelled a strong scent of "routine".

If the true ancestor goes to the machine world and is trapped by the ancestor of the machine, Xu Qiji will shout 666 and give thunderous applause to cheers~

But considering the status of the **** ancestor, it is very likely that the person who will be sent to the machine world will be the ‘tool man of the **** ancestor’, that is, the body of the Valkyrie + the beholder trumpet.

This will not work.

You can set the ancestor monkey, but you can't set my small monkey!

The Valkyrie also frowned at this time.

If you did not see the intriguing expression of the King of Magic Eyes, then after hearing the news, knowing that the ancestor of the machine was injured in an ambush, when the two ancestors met, she would agree to the common front of the nine realms and nine ancestors. Put the place that Zu met to the mechanical world.

But now, the Valkyrie also felt something was wrong.

[The agreed place, set it at the junction of the Protoss and the mechanical world! 】The Valkyrie suggested that she made this compromise.

The two ancestors each came to the edge of their own world, relying on the power of ‘cross-border space’ to open the door of space. Then the two ancestors communicated directly through the door.

"You can try the master plan." Xu Qiji actually wanted to see, what kind of approval would be given to the ‘God Ancestor Person’?

However, the ancestors of the gods entered a state of peace after they became ill, and the sages did not work.

Therefore, Xu Qijing approved this reply to the divine ancestor according to the proposal of the Valkyrie.



Protoss main star.

After receiving the answer from the divine ancestor, the divine envoy raised his head again and said to the mechanical messenger: "My ancestor replied that the two ancestors can meet at the edge of the nine realms. My ancestor and the mechanical ancestor can communicate through the cross-border space gate. "

The mechanical messenger was stunned when he heard the words, as if it was in a down state, it also began to communicate with its ancestors.

Soon after, the mechanical messenger opened his eyes and nodded: "My ancestor said yes, so I agreed, and the two ancestors will meet at the edge of the world!"

After the agreement, The Mechanic Messenger tentatively asked in a worried tone: "Is the ancestor in a state that is not suitable for leaving the God Realm?"

The envoy faintly shook his head and said: "My ancestor's state has always been very stable and has not been attacked by the new ancestor. There is nothing unusual."

"That's fine, the end of the era is coming soon, and I hope that the nine ancestors will not have any more problems." The mechanical messenger seemed to heaved a sigh of relief.

After that, the two messengers talked about some more topics, and the mechanical messenger got up and said goodbye.

The envoy pinched his chin and watched the mechanical envoy stay away.

"I have to prepare a picture of the meeting between my ancestor and the ancestor of the machine. Then the ancestor may come...At that time, I have to pull the Eighth Dharma King out and show off in front of the ancestor." Eight-eight Dharma King.

Think about everything.

Even the ancestors came to this matter, it was thinking of letting the emptiness show up, and brushing the favor in front of the gods~


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