Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 209: Accidentally exposed

Xu Qiji suddenly felt a little silent in the atmosphere.

It's like a good chat, chatting and chatting suddenly the other party does not answer, it will be a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the silence did not last long before the Ooze Messenger spoke again: "When will your ancestor wake up?"

"It's not yet certain." Xu Qijing could only make a vague remark on this question.

This is also something he has recently worried about...Although in the world of 713, the part of the "Sword of Humanity" that the Beholder is responsible for has been cast, the Human Race has completed the task in this era. Even if the ancestor of the beholder awakens, theoretically, he would not do anything to the human race in the 713 world.

However, all the members of the ‘Black Smoke Empire’ in the 713 world were all taken to the dungeon world by Xu Qiji. These members of the Smoky Empire are the minions of beholders.

Killed the opponent's dog, once the Eye Demon clan fully awakened, the Lord of the Eye Demon opened his eyes and didn't know what its attitude was.

Therefore, before the ancestor of the beholder opens his eyes, it is best for the 713 world to master the combat power of the ‘ancestor’ level to be safe. Or at least let him reach the realm of ‘War God’, so that the global humans can start their escape plan.

"When your ancestor wakes up, you can contact me. At the end of this era, my ancestor wants to meet with your ancestor and talk about some things." The Ooze Messenger tone was a little serious.

The ancestors of these two tribes are indeed adulterous.

"Is there anything important?" Xu Qijing asked casually.

Ooze Messenger: "As you know, my ancestors occasionally saw some'futures' and had the ability to predict."

[I don’t know, I don’t know if your ancestor is so hungry, or a prophet! ] Xu Qiji panicked, what is he most afraid of as a spy? The most feared is this kind of prophet who can see the future.

If someone sees him as a spy in the ‘future’ or ‘prophecy’, then he will be very uncomfortable as a spy.

It's not that his professional ability is not strong enough, but that the enemy has opened a ‘future vision’.

"My ancestor predicted that the end of the epoch this time is very dangerous or weird... At the end of the epoch this time, there may be the fall of the ancestor. And the crisis comes not only from the end of the epoch, but even It may come from other places. I am not very clear about some things. It is necessary for the ancestor to communicate with the ancestor face to face." The Ooze Messenger revealed part of his prediction.

Xu Qiji moved slightly.

——From other places, can it be him? In the future, will he cause the fall of ‘ancestor’?

This is quite like what he would do.

But listening to the voice of the Ooze Messenger, it seemed to be wary of other people, wary of existence other than the beholder.

Could it be that the crisis may also originate from other ‘ancestors’?

"I know, I will find a way to contact'Zu' when I look back. If he wakes up, I will discuss the matter with him." Xu Qiji agreed to the matter first.

As for the awakening of the ancestor of the beholder, let alone his lack of skills, it is impossible for him to do such self-destructive things.

The longer the ancestor of the beholder sleeps, the better it will be for them.

"I'll see you next time, pay attention to safety lately." The Ooze messenger was a little bit reluctant. It received the new version of "Friendship Jue" given to it by Xu Qijing, and it had to spread the new version of the exercises quickly. Strive to let more clones master this technique.

At the same time, it also secretly made the beholder envoy to raise the heart of defense. This is suggesting that the beholder is to be careful of other races.

Xu Qijing understood this, and then whispered: "You also pay attention to safety here... Especially the human race living in your world, it is likely to become the target of other races in the Nine Realms."

The human races in the underworld were transformed into ‘ashers’ by him, and the machine race also faintly revealed that their world environment is becoming less and less suitable for human survival, and the number of human races has dropped sharply.

Xu Qijing is a little worried about the life safety of the ooze people.

"Don't worry, I was prepared. And if the Nine Realms really need it, my clan can provide a part of the clone... The clone experiment has been successful. Once we succeed in casting the sword, then this technology can even be extended to nine. World." The Ooze Messenger smiled slightly.

This is what they want to see.

The ancestor of the slime who has the ability to'foresee the future' is obviously a very intelligent existence.

After bidding farewell to Xu Qiji, the Ooze Messenger sent away Xu Qiji's "spiritual light group" and returned Xu Qiji's consciousness group.

In fact, it feels that the small group of minds left behind is also quite good. It can be used as a means of communication for both parties to keep in touch at any time.

"Next time, let it keep its will in our ooze world next time." As the ooze messenger said, he turned to open the space door and flee directly to the deepest part of the ooze world.

There is the sleeping place of the ancestors of ooze, a huge temple.

The appearance of the temple is similar to the structure of a human temple, and many details can be seen from human hands.

On both sides of the avenue leading to the temple, a statue is erected.

These statues, transformed into countless arhats, are in various shapes.

Upon closer inspection, we can see that these Luohan statues are all ‘mud sculptures’, with the breath of life emerging from their cores, which are living creatures.

They are all members of the ooze family and are the guardians of the ancestor of the ooze. When the mud ancestors fell asleep, they would also fall asleep and turn into mud sculptures to guard outside the temple.

Along the way, you can occasionally see human figures.

Unlike the ancestors of the other Nine Realms, the area where the mud ancestors sleep is not a forbidden area, but some human races and some members of the ooze race live.

The ooze messenger came all the way to the largest one in the temple and pushed open the temple door.

In the big temple, a huge lotus grows.

On the flower lies an equally huge clay sculpture, lying on its side.

This huge clay sculpture is the ancestor of clay.

Compared with the mud ambassadors who follow the "eye magic messenger" because of their aesthetics, the mud ancestors prefer to turn into this kind of human posture.

By the side of Nizu, two huge statues of guardians were erected.

One is like a beast, and the other is like an eagle.

The aura exuding from these two mud sculptures are faintly about to come into contact with the gods, they are the top existence among the martial sages. This kind of realm is called the ‘child of god’ among the slime clan, and one step further is the god.

The slime messenger came to the mud ancestor and jumped onto the futon.

The ancestor of the mud was still sleeping, with no trace of awakening. However, this did not affect the situation reported by the Ooze Messenger. After it sat down, it began to sort out the affairs of the recent Nine Realms, and read to the mud ancestors piece by piece.

After reading all the big things, the Ooze Messenger also reported on what happened today.

For example, the birth of the ‘new ancestor’, the underworld human race turned into ‘ashers’.

And the success of the ‘Clone Project’.

"I have followed your instructions from the ancestors, ask the beholder to convey the invitation, and please come over. The beholder has agreed that once the ancestor of the eye is awakened, it will notify the ancestor of the eye as soon as possible." Reported.

The mud ancestor who was sleeping, his body did not move.

However, above its head, a dreamlike projection faintly appeared.

The colorful colors are distorted in the projection, turning into a mist like a dream.

In the fog, some pictures were vaguely projected.

The ooze and beholders in the picture are guarding each other and seem to be fighting against something together. But what is the specific confrontation is very vague in the dream, and it is not clear.

"In the future, will our two races watch each other? I will continue to strengthen our relationship with the Eye Demon Race." The Ooze Messenger said with joy.

The ancestor has given instructions like this, then it is the will of the ancestor to make a good relationship with the beholder.

In the future, the other races of the Nine Realms will not be reliable.

Even the human race may not be reliable.

But the demons will fight side by side with them!

After receiving the instructions of the ancestor of mud, the messenger of mud happily left.

When the slime messenger disappeared, a warm smile appeared on the corner of Nizu's mouth, as if he saw his own bear child grow up.

Above it, the dream scene began to shrink.

In the dream, in addition to the Eye Demon Race watching each other with the Ooze Clan, a few human races also appeared. It's just that these human races are very weak and belong to the objects that need to be protected.

[Human race. 】In the body of Nizu, there was a long sigh.

It has a relationship with humans that is different from other races in the Nine Realms... However, this relationship is not the entire human race, but only the human race living in the ‘slime world’.

In ancient times, the human race and the ooze race were in a symbiotic relationship.

With this relationship, the Ooze Clan will take extra care of the entire human race.

Mu Zu's sigh disappeared.

At the same time, a volume of "Scriptures" quietly dropped from the hands of Nizu lying on his side.

After the book fell to the ground, the mud shell on it shattered, revealing a page made of metal.

The eagle-like statue next to Nizu, as if hearing the sound of an alarm clock, came to life.

Its wings spread out slowly, its claws stretched out, and grabbed the metal scroll.

Then, it bowed to Nizu, grabbed the metal page, spread its wings and soared.

After flying out of the Nizu Temple, its wings vigorously accelerated, activating the'cross-border teleportation tool' on its body, and its figure disappeared directly into the ooze realm, and escaped to the world of the Protoss of the Nine Realms-where Xu Qijing was. Fang Jiujie.

The golden page on the mud eagle's claws is a method of sword formation, which is held by the nine ancestors of the nine realms. Every ‘ancestor’ is in charge of a move in this sword formation.

This is the swordsmanship that controls the'Sword of Humanity'.

The gold book in the hands of the ancestor of the gods originally belonged to the **** ancestor... At the beginning of the era, the ancestor of the gods used some means to take the book of gold from the hands of the **** ancestor.

Now at the end of the era, it is time to return this golden book to the ancestor.

When the mud eagle escaped into the'Nine Realms·God Realm', the coordinates were random.

It will randomly appear in a certain coordinate in the Protoss world, and then with its excellent spatial sensing ability, this golden book can be placed back to the center of the Protoss’ “Trial Land”.

That trial center was the Sara star that the gods arranged for the "King of the Clan Protector Xu Ba Ba" and others to participate.


The result may be a problem of luck. When the mud eagle appeared, it suddenly bumped into an extremely hard object, and its head became soft mud.

The huge body of the mud eagle took a half step back, looking at the hard object in front of him-you must know that with its ‘child of god’ realm, even if it hits a meteor, it will smash it through.

As a result, when it glanced at it, it saw a huge defense.

This defense firmly guards the entire planet of life.

Far away from it, there are warships and star beasts of the Protoss, constantly attacking the defense of this life planet.

Niying understood after a little thought.

This is what the mud ambassador said about the ‘dilemma that the Protoss has encountered this year’—I don’t know which tycoon has installed such a layer of defense on the human planet of the Protoss world.

In this defense, the Protoss has damaged a palace master, and now it can only rely on grinding methods to wear away this defense little by little.

Niying glanced at the defense, and shook his head as he recovered.

Even it can't break through the defense, the Protoss is really a fleeting disadvantage this year.

fair enough.

After a period of delay, when the "Sword of Humanity" of the Ooze Clan is successfully cast, they can export a batch of "clones" to the Protoss as an excuse to replace the humans in this world.

By the way, you can also make a fortune from the hands of the tyrants of the Protoss.

Thinking of this, the mud eagle opened its wings cheerfully and prepared to stay away.

Just when it wanted to go far and high, suddenly... a ‘face’ appeared right in front of it.

It was a very small patterned face, with a tricky angle that only it could see.

It is said to be a ‘face’, but in fact it should be a ‘drop’-shaped thing.

Above the water drop, there was a big eye open, and a small mask attached.

The mud eagle, which was about to fly away, stiffened its wings.

what's the situation?

This little face, a member of the beholder family?

It shook its head vigorously.

When I looked at the defensive position again, I saw that the ‘face’ had long since disappeared.

"Is my eyes dazzled?" Muying asked puzzled.

It hit this defense just now and smashed its head. Maybe it was because of this collision that it produced a vision?

"But if I look at it, why does the look of a beholder appear in my head? Is it because the ancestor has been talking about it?" Ni Ying murmured.

After that, it carefully fought the last lap of this defense. After seeing nothing, it spread its wings and fleeed away.

Although I am very puzzled, UU reads, but it still has a task to do, and there is no time to waste here.


After the mud eagle disappeared completely, Xu Qiji's consciousness hidden behind the'defense', he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a coincidence.

His small group of consciousness force just left the ‘soft mud world’ and was sent back by the mud envoy.

When the consciousness of this small group returns, it returns from the ‘soft mud world’ to the ‘nine ancestor messenger space’ and then from the ‘nine ancestor messenger space’ back to Xu Qiji’s ontological position.

Because of the transfer, it took a while to toss - plus Xu Qijing was still in the'Nine Ancestor Envoy Space' for a while.

When he is free now, he will sit in the world of the Nine Ancestors for a while to see if he can strengthen his relationship with other messengers, and have the opportunity to become ‘friends’ in the future.

When his consciousness returned to the world, he suddenly sensed that the'defense' was hit hard.

The extent of this heavy blow surpassed previous Protoss attacks.

With a swipe of his consciousness, he saw this mud eagle...

Originally, Xu Qijing's consciousness would not be exposed, just watch it quietly through the defensive layer.

But the golden page on the foot of the mud eagle attracted Xu Qiji's attention.

He watched, unconsciously fascinated.

His eyes were attracted by the ‘sword technique’ recorded on it, and the projection of the will of the moment was accidentally revealed, and was caught by the mud eagle.

"I hope it is only a mistake." Xu Qiji secretly said in her heart.

Today I have another book, my good friend Qing Zida’s new book: "The God-in-law of Maoshan", it has 100,000 characters~

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