Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 186: Supernatural escape

I don't know if this Jin Dan core can pass the test?

[Never mind if it works, try it first. ] Xu Qijing put away this golden core, and reluctantly ended this practice...

In fact, now, there is not much difference between him sitting down to practice and standing up to practice, or even practicing while walking around.

Now the sea of ​​stars in his body has become a scale, even if Xu Qijin didn't deliberately guide, the stars in the sea of ​​stars will automatically run, and he will use the golden core of his life.

This is already a mature Dantian Xinghai, already able to move and practice by himself.

As long as he is still alive, his cultivation will not stop like breathing. Sit down and meditate just to adjust the state, use the best state of spirit, energy, and spirit to break through the realm.

Now, Xu Qiji's life-saving pill is evolving toward the'Nuclear Golden Egg'. What he missed is not meditation, but a loss of time.

It is estimated that after the remaining two ancestor's golden pills are also plated into golden eggs, his natal golden pills will be able to perfect the eggs-at most three days can be almost the same.

No more will be given, at most three days.

After receiving the work, Xu Qiji glanced at the remaining "Sub-Holy Temple Master" stars. It is estimated that tonight, these sub-holy stars can also be turned into golden pills.

[The Lord of Despair is just the beginning...One day, I will have to replace all the sub-temple masters with my core. 】Xu Qiji has some ambitions in her heart.

As soon as he finished his cultivation, a congratulatory voice came from behind him, blessing his nephew, Xingyun and other guardians of the palace: "Congratulations to the Lord, and return to the six emperor realm!"

"I'm waiting to wish the King an early advancement to the sub-sage and take charge of a palace."

These congratulations and blessings are from the heart.

Under Xinghai's brainwashing day and night, the 110 temple guards behind him have completely become his diehard fans, the kind of diehard fans who dare to kill their relatives at the critical moment.

They hoped that Xu Qijin could formally prove the Daoism soon, and take charge of one of the twelve halls, so that they, the guardians of the temple, would also formally shoulder their duties.

"It won't be too long..." Xu Qiji smiled, and the cloak on his back was handsome and flying: "You stay, and feel the details of my promotion, and strive to be promoted to the sixth level as soon as possible. Come, wait until I have mastered a palace, you can become the real elites in my hands, become my right and left...become my powerful arm!"

I wanted to talk about the left and right arms, but when he thought that there were 110 soldiers behind him, he wanted to treat him fairly, so he changed his words to a hundred arms... In the future, a thousand arms will be no problem.

Blessing my nephew and other guardians of the temple, they couldn't help feeling a kind of ‘moved’ in their hearts.

Even if he was not very moved, after hearing Xu Qijing's words, the "movement" in my heart seemed to be forcibly aroused, and then moved to a mess.

The effect of Xu Qijing's "friend from nothing" has been strengthened again!

Let the more than a hundred warriors of the temple stay and continue to practice, Xu Qijing sat on his mount, a dragon-shaped star beast.

The most recent realm of the dragon-shaped star beast is also quickly recovering... But since it was a realm that was cleared to zero, it has been restored to the second stage only a month later.

Xu Qiji took it this time to the research center of the Protoss camp to find the researcher'horns' who mastered the skill of'heart-changing surgery'.

Before handing the "Golden Pill of Despair" to the Lord of Despair, Xu Qiji wanted to do an experiment and try it.

So he remembered the star beast that accompanied him, willing to be his mount.

The dragon-shaped star beast was originally at the level of the 5th realm king. If it is replaced with a golden core, can its realm be restored all at once?

In Xu Qiji's body, in addition to the ‘ancestral ambassador-level core’ that needs to suppress the family’s camp, a batch of Jindan cores will be born next.

In the Protoss camp, there is a ‘Hallmaster’ level sub-sage starlight, and then the corresponding Jindan level cores will be born one by one.

In the underworld camp, the six cute skeletons related to the life of Xu Qiji's skeleton trumpet will also provide at least the core starlight of Jindan-level in the future. Those six skeletons are cute and have unlimited potential.

The faction of the Beholder Clan is currently unknown, but the entire Beholder Clan is constantly under the influence of the Heart Demon, and is being turned into a friend of Xu Qiji's little by little by'friends from nothing'. In the future, some sub-saints will definitely be found exist.

In the human race camp, there happened to be a sub-saint-level'silver human race' elder who took the initiative to practice the "Great Summer System". The core of this elder is currently under the influence of the entire human race starlight, and is gradually evolving in the direction of gold core-and this The silver elder also attracted a master of the same level. Currently, there are two sub-saint-level cores in the human camp.

In a few hours, both human golden cores will be activated.

What Xu Qiji wants to use is this silver human elder's core gold core, and wants to transplant it to the dragon-shaped star beast, so that this dragon-shaped star beast will become Xu Qiji’s spokesperson in the "star beast", for Xu Qi Ji contained a large number of star beast thugs and help.



I haven't seen it for more than a month, and Horn looks even older than last time.

The aura on his body was a bit more rotten than the Lord of Despair, and it seemed that he would die in the next second.

"Huh? Eighty-eight Law King, why would you want to come to our side today?" When seeing Xu Qiji's figure, Researcher Horn was a little surprised.

As far as he knows, the Void Eighty Eight Dharma King is about to go to Sara Xing for a trial, and he should be in full retreat to recover his realm.

Could it be that... This Xu Ba Ba Dharma King has recovered to the sixth level of imperial strength?

"I'm here this time, I want to make a deal with Mr. Horn." Xu Qiji patted the dragon-shaped star beast next to him lightly, and said: "I would like to ask you to perform a nuclear replacement operation on my mount. I will provide the core."

"Change the core for a star beast?" The horn was taken aback.

To know the core, at least the five-level king level can be condensed... That is to say, the eighty-eight magic king needs to replace a pet with a five-level core.

When Horn heard this, he suddenly felt sour.

Level 5 core, he wants it too.

After all, his life will be exhausted.

The young core can survive.

"That's right." Xu Qiji patted the dragon-shaped star beast lightly: "As a reward, I can also provide Mr. Horn with a core... as long as your operation is successful."

"The Eight-Eight Law King, you didn't dig out the core of your temple guard, did you?" Mr. Horn swallowed, the core is not a stone that can be picked up at will.

The Eight-Eight Dharma King took out several cores in one breath. He could only think of the group of guardian warriors transferred to the Eight-Eight Dharma King by the ancestors, and those were all Protoss warriors above the fifth level of the elite.

According to his gossip, it is said that many of the palace masters forced their eyes in when sending a team of elite palace guards...

Combining the upper and lower clues, wouldn't it be the Xu Ba Ba Dharma that gave all those eyeliners to the shark?

"How is it possible? Those eyeliners are my richest wealth, and they will become my powerful arm in the future." Xu Qiji's mouth raised up: "I have a special technique to get the core. If you believe in me, then trade with me. If you don’t believe me, then I will find someone else."

The technique of ‘nuclear replacement surgery’ must be mastered by other researchers in the Protoss.

Xu Qiji just changed a researcher lazily.

In addition... He always felt that there was a secret hidden in this'Researcher Horn'. But because Horne has never practiced before, it is difficult for him to play a role in "Friends in Nothing".

Therefore, Xu Qijing figured out the way of'changing the core' and tied Mr. Horn into his camp.

"The core source, don't you violate the taboo of the ancestors?" Mr. Horn is still abiding by the law and he is dying, and he is still worried about whether he will commit the taboo.

"Don't worry." Xu Qiji waved his hand-after all, he produced and sold it himself, and I took my own kidney and sold it. It was not shabby.

"Okay." Mr. Horn nodded earnestly: "Then it's settled. May I ask the Eighty Eight Dharma King, where is the core to be replaced?"

"Wait a minute." Xu Qiji happily found a place to sit down: "Let's talk about the sky for three hours first. Well, let's talk about the specific operation of transforming flesh and blood creatures into energy bodies."

Mr. Horn looked confused.

What do you want to do when you talk for three hours?

However, Bajin Karmapa is the uncle.

He wants to chat, and Mr. Horn can only do his best to accompany him with a smile-after all, it matters whether he can live longer.

More than three hours later...

Xu Qijing took out two'Golden Core Cores' in one go, all provided by the elders of the Silver Human Race.

One is a reward, and the other is used to operate on the dragon-shaped star beast.

Mr. Horn did not disappoint Xu Qiji.

His technique of ‘nucleus replacement and life renewal’ is truly superb. One operation only consumes half an hour of Xu Qijing’s world unit.

Half an hour later, the dragon-shaped star beast was alive and kicking.

After it adapts to the new core student Xu Qijing has given it, the realm of strength begins to recover rapidly...It is estimated that it will not take long before it will be able to recover the strength of the 5th realm. Not only that, its potential has also been greatly improved.

With this core potential, the dragon-shaped star beast will enter the sub-sage realm very securely in the future.

After seeing the success of the operation, Xu Qiji's heart was settled - after another two days of observation, if the dragon-shaped star beast did not show rejection, then he would have a good chat with the Lord of Despair.

After the operation was completed, Xu Qiji bid farewell to Mr. Horn and prepared to leave.

"The Eight-Eight Lord, can you wait a moment? Do me a favor." At this moment, Mr. Horn made a request.

Xu Qijing: "What is busy?"

"I want to operate on myself right away, and I hope the Eighty-Eight Law King can take care of me." Mr. Horn replied.

Xu Qiji: "???"

Are you going to operate on yourself?

"Yes, don't give me this kind of surgery, I don't worry. I want to perform nuclear replacement surgery on myself." Researcher Horn replied affirmatively.

This is a cruel man!

I had a heart-changing operation on myself, and I was able to do it myself!

"I promise you." Xu Qijing nodded.

He became curious about Horn's ‘operating himself on himself’.



The operation on the horns was very successful. With a calm expression on his face, he cut open his energy body and plunged himself into the energy liquid to prevent losing consciousness due to the removal of the core.

Then, in front of Xu Qijing, the core replacement surgery was completed.

As long as this guy does not die, he will surely be able to toss a big event in the future! Xu Qijin was extremely sure of this.

People who are cruel to themselves are really cruel.

After the core replacement operation was completed, the new core was operating in Mr. Horn's body. After a while... the power that belonged to the combination of Xu Qiji and the silver human race filled Mr. Horn's body.

Mr. Horn voluntarily started the exercises of "Friends Without a Middle".

Not only that, a lot of knowledge in his mind was also shared with Xu Qiji through this new core.

There is an ordinary method of ‘flesh body transforming energy body’, and most of the ‘fighting law king’s transformation mode’. In this knowledge, there are not only ‘theoretical data’, but also the way to actually manufacture and transform the instrument.

"Thank you Eighty Eight Dharma King." After obtaining the new core, Researcher Horn seemed to have returned to his youth.

"Don't thank me, we are just a fair deal." Xu Qiji waved his hand: "When I become the lord of the first palace, I want to establish a research team that belongs to us and conduct some special research. Then, I will I want to invite Mr. Horn."

After thinking about it for a while, the horns nodded vigorously: "The Eight-Eight Dharma King, please inform me when the time comes, and I will go and run."

"Okay, then it's settled." Xu Qiji smiled and jumped on the back of the dragon-shaped star beast and returned to his island garden.

There are many things he wants to study.

In addition to the technology of the Protoss, he also wants to study a technology that can roll up a large number of humans, contain them in a certain space, and then run away.

Two-handed preparation, advance, attack, retreat and defense.

Once the situation is not right, he is still ready to run with the human race of his world and the human race of the 713 world.

At that time, he would need such a technology to instantly roll up tens of billions of human beings and run away.

It is not easy for him to come up with such a technique, he needs professionals to help him research it.



Sun rises, sunset.

When the planet of the Protoss camp was at sunset, all the Palace Master's starlights in Xu Qiji's body were transformed into golden pills. It was heavy, and Xu Qiji felt a bright future.

If one day in the future, he will transform the Protoss from the ‘messenger’ head, to the Lord, to the members of the council, and then to the thousands of ordinary members of the Protoss. The leadership is all replaced, and the ordinary members are all ‘turned into friends’ and then packed and taken away.

Then when the ancestor **** comes out... will it be interesting to be the commander of the bachelor?

The ancestors finally woke up from sleep, UU reading www.uukanshu. When com was preparing to fight the'End of Era', it opened its eyes and found that the Protoss camp was empty.

The Protoss of Nuo Da, not even a member of the clan.

Thinking about it is exciting.

Similar situations can also occur in all parts of the Nine Realms.

Xu Qiji almost cried with her fantasy beauty.

[In other words, I should be considered to have acquired the'Flesh Body Transformation Technology' now, right? I don’t know how to meet that ‘Mask Lord’ boss? 】

The one who said last time, the "hypocritical mask" is just a deposit. After Xu Qijing gets the complete technology, he has bigger rewards waiting.

I don’t know how to find that big man. If possible, Xu Qijing wants to ask if there is any drama in the “Rolling Covered Fleeing Supernatural Power”. If there is a drama, how can we lock tens of billions of humans in an instant, and all humans Roll up?

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