Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 160: Sir, I’m just being polite~

Protoss messengers are rich in wealth, and have a strong voice.

He said that Xu Qiji's beholder clone had a lot of supplements, and soon he sent a lot of supplements—these are all supplements useful to flesh and blood creatures, and members of spiritual civilization can't use it themselves.

Although they are not useful, they all have the habit of storing them. It is also an excellent thing to exchange them with other races in the Nine Realms and exchange them for energy stones.

Therefore, in the spiritual civilization, these supplements and the like are stored quite large.

Send a car as soon as you give it...shocked Xu Qiji's heart!

Xu Qijing's beholder clone secretly took the tonic of this car, and quietly transferred all of it to his own body, so that his body was nourished.

Then as the effect of'take tonic', Xu Qijing's beholder clone slightly increased his own power aura-the realm of his body was improved a bit, so as a clone, the aura he could leak naturally It's also a lot higher.

After taking the tonic, Xu Qiji's avatar after his injury stabilized, sat in a room specially arranged for him by the Protoss, and began to prepare the speech for the evening.

In fact, Daxia has a special secretary to write this speech for him.

The perseverance to fight, the unyielding will and the spirit, this is undoubtedly the appetite of Daxia tradition. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Daxia has always inherited such a spirit, so even a civilian secretary can write these contents easily.

After all, Daxia's will has long been engraved in the bones of every real Daxia person!

Xu Qiji's beholder clone just pretended to be a manuscript. In fact, it is working with the body to deduce the mystery of the pupil technique and the friend from nothing.

They have just obtained the advanced form of the secret method from the "Dead Witch Inheritance", instead of personally doing the work, they use the energy transfer in the opponent's own body to complete the "Daxia System" exercise method.

Now Xu Qiji's clone and body are deducing this step.

The avatar of the beholder needs to be marked on the speech, when will the audience ‘smart’ look at his eyes during the evening speech, and then achieve the release of the ‘pupil technique’.

——In this regard, the appearance of the beholder family is very advantageous. Because the eyes of the beholders are big! !

With big eyes, when others look at you, it is easy to see your eyes for the first time.

If it is squinting, it is not easy to perform this pupil technique. Especially for those who have the same eyes open and closed eyes, if they want to perform this kind of pupil surgery that requires ‘eye to eye’? It’s very painful.

People can't even see your eyes, how can they see your pupil technique?

This is also one of the reasons why ‘pupil technique’ is not suitable for everyone.



713 world.

Xu Qijing accompanied Thrush? The two were spamming monsters in the dungeon world.

The first layer is only a very weak hound beast? Each one is carefully selected... and at the core of the first layer? There are many hound beasts that have been weakened and added by Saint Yule' Emotional Formation' becomes a tool beast that only knows to breed next generation.

Waiting for these tool beasts to be bred for a few more generations? Maybe they can be domesticated in the future? They become hounds that humans in the 713 world can also breed.

——This is not in a hurry now, let them become monsters in the dungeon first, to atone for their sins of invading the 713 world. The sins once committed will not disappear out of thin air? Before paying enough atonement price? Xu Qiji wouldn't let them go easily.

After the humans and artificial humans in the 713 world become stronger? Then start domesticating the hound beast.

After all? Hounds are very useful beasts. And? The wings are delicious.

Thrush puts on that ‘Emissary’s armor’? Just using some of the functions of this armor can easily brush the first floor of the dungeon.

After slightly experimenting with part of the battle armor's functions, she didn't make any further moves.

There is still a difference between reality and games... After the monsters in the game die, they will appear again as soon as they are refreshed. In reality, the hound beast has to reproduce after it dies? It will take a long time.

So Thrush did not kill more? Instead, try to leave the opportunity to latecomers? Let the 713 world? Even the awakened people in the coming summer can cross the border to hone.

After the thrush beheaded the hound beast, Xu Qijing cut off his wings? Then the wings were set on fire.

The weak hound beasts in the distance saw this scene, shivering and running away quietly.

"Thrush, in the next few days, I have to bring your body." Xu Qijing suddenly said as he blew his wings.

"Huh? Why?" Thrush asked in confusion.

"I just received a piece of news that the enemy actually has the ability to calculate hexagrams, which is simply a bug." Xu Qiji flipped his wings and said: "They can calculate whether I am still in the world and whether I am resurrected. I am worried about them. When the time comes, Gua counts your position and it's not good. So take your body first. When you turn around, pick up Brother Miao, and then buy a "blocking the divination" baby from Brother Miao."

"Okay." Hearing this, Thrush nodded.

"Don't worry about the company's office. I can open a small miracle door remotely. You can work remotely. Some things can also be handled by the secretary. I can even ask Mie Feng and Mie Huang sisters to help take care of our company." Xu Qiji added.

Although he is now a national treasure of Daxia, in fact, you don't need to care too much about money. Daxia officials will give great support if you want to spend money.

But that company is the painstaking effort of Thrush...More importantly, Thrush has the identity of the female president, which can make Xu Qiji feel more at ease and feel the pleasure of being nurtured.

He said before that he can't go back anymore. Now you let him go back to the life he lived in college three years ago. He completely disagrees.

Even if he was three years younger, he couldn't get his current happiness.

"Well, there is not a big problem with the company." Thrush nodded, "Just treat it as a vacation for myself. Occasionally, I can do a business remotely..."

With the official care of Daxia, Thrush’s company does not have to worry about operation problems. For now, if Daxia doesn't fail, Thrush's company will not fail.

"Bring my ontology now?" Thrush seemed to suddenly think of something funny.

"Aren't we killing monsters now?" Xu Qiji asked in confusion.

"Bring me here first...I am very confident in my own control. When I used to work, I used to multi-task." Thrush raised his eyebrows.

In addition to being delicious, she is also very capable.

Seeing that Thrush looked very interested, Xu Qiji agreed to her request. Quietly opened the door of miracles, and brought the body of the thrush over.

Thrush’s body was originally in the ‘nutrition cabin’ of the Awakener’s underground space. After all, her consciousness was in World 713, and her body was sleeping all the time.

Xu Qiji hugged the body of the thrush in his hand, soft, but still light-his level has been upgraded recently, and his strength has been increasing. Holding his wife is like holding a small pillow.

If you are light... it will be wonderful!

After the body came over, the thrush controlled Qi Yishan's body and moved closer to his body. Thrush and Qi Yishan, who were originally in the same world and could not meet each other, could see the two bodies magically under the control of the same will.

"Can you touch it?" Thrush was a little curious, and then lightly leaned his forehead against his own forehead.

Lightly touching, but the bodies pass through each other, as if each other's ghosts.

"It's a magical experience." Thrush said softly.

Xu Qiji looked at her curiously: "What do you want to do? Do you want me to help?"

"No." Thrush waved her hand, and she took a deep breath to gather her spirit.

In about a few minutes...

Qi Yishan and Shumei opened their eyes at the same time.

At first, there was some discomfort.

The two individuals seemed to be synchronizing, pulling their hair together, touching their faces together, frowning together, and even walking at the same pace.

For Xu Qijing, this feeling was a little unexpectedly exciting.

However, after a few minutes, Qi Yishan and Thrush were able to perform different actions.

This is different from the clone...

Xu Qiji’s clone actually comes with some ‘basic action modes’, and it’s not too difficult to control. Even if there is no body control, as long as some instructions are given to the clone, the clone will operate in accordance with the "Xu Qijing action, thinking mode".

But now, Thrush is controlling two bodies with one will. Moreover, both bodies are receiving a command of will.

"It's a very interesting experience." The corner of his mouth rose.

"I have a question now...Where is 713's consciousness?" Xu Qiji squeezed her chin.

Originally, he thought that the consciousness of Thrush and 713 might have been interchanged.

But now, Thrush controls two bodies by one person.

What about Qi Yishan's consciousness?

"Sleep mode, or standby mode?" The thrush squeezed his chin following Xu Qijing's appearance.

"Fuhehehe, but it's fun anyway~" Qi Yishan's body let out a string of Yule Saint's smile: "A Ji, do you like it?"

"To be honest, I really like it." Xu Qijing nodded.

But I was a little worried.

Qi Yishan's consciousness problem made him a little concerned.

But... In the past, 713 came to Thrush, and they could last for one weekend or two days.

It has only passed one day, so you can wait and see.

Maybe Qi Yishan's consciousness will be restored tomorrow?



This night, Xu Qiji's experience was very subtle.

He lay in the center of the big bed, with Qi Yishan on one side and Thrush on the other, two different bodies, but the controllers were both Thrush.

Fortunately, Thrush still has a bottom line. At night, she didn't use Qi Yishan's body... This made Xu Qiji's heart more subtle.

Now he is fortunate that there is only one Qi Yishan. Among the Nine Realms, only Thrush and Qi Yishan are special.

Otherwise, if there are several different bodies, all controlled by Thrush alone, he will feel guilty after thinking about the picture.

After Thrush took a rest, Xu Qiji's mind began to shift to the clone.

The clone beholder elite is already in a huge starship of the Protoss, ready to start today's speech.

The number of "friends" that can be developed among the Protoss tonight depends on whether the number of listeners gathered by the divine ancestors is strong.

What's more regrettable is that the steps to improve the pupil technique and the friend from nothing, I always feel that it is still almost.

Xu Qijing tried it... barely able to make the pupil technique do not need to release the'gong power', but through the guidance of will, let the subject accept the inheritance, and automatically start to operate the "Daxia System" technique.

But I don't know which part of the problem is. The improved version of Wuzhong Friend pupil surgery has a limited scope, which is smaller than the original version.

This is a bit tasteless and needs improvement.

Before the ‘speech’ was opened, Xu Qijing logged his consciousness into the little skull account in the underworld.

At the last moment, he was going to experience the taste of the inheritance in the "Dead Witch Meditation" on the side of Little Skeleton again, and see if he could get some clues from it.

This can be considered a toe-holding.

It's best to get something, but if he doesn't get something, he can use the original pupil technique...Anyway, he has more than one chance to speak.



After the consciousness landed, Xu Qiji's will successfully came to the little skull.

However, when he landed this time, he suddenly felt something, and seemed to have caught a ray of ‘opportunity’.

With a thought in his mind, his consciousness followed that ray of opportunity, broke through a certain limit, and came to a blue sea.

The sea breeze blows, bringing the taste of the ocean.

"Here...Where is it?" Xu Qiji looked around curiously.

At the same time, he was thinking about the ‘opportunity’ he had just seized.

The opportunity is the transfer process of his consciousness-his consciousness first transfers from the body to the clone, and then from the clone to the world where the little skeleton is.

The two consciousness transfer jumps seemed to have touched something, allowing him to seize this familiar opportunity.

"Huh? Are you here again?" A familiar, warm voice rang beside Xu Qijing.

Xu Qiji followed the sound and saw a handsome figure sitting on a rock on the coast.

It's the gentleman whose real name is 1.8 million characters long and is referred to as "the end" for short.

This gentleman's floor is not low, according to Brother Miao, it is at least as high as eighty or ninety floors. He is a very expensive boss.

"Mr. Mo, we met again." Xu Qijing tried to stand up and found that she turned out to be a little skull this time.

"Well, you changed your appearance, I didn't recognize you all of a sudden." Mr. Mo shook the fishing rod lightly, and smiled and pointed to his side.

Xu Qijing also sat down beside him politely.

This Mr. Mo's aura is very strong, but very refined. So Xu Qijing was by his side without pressure.

"I thought we didn't have a chance to meet again, or it would be a long time before we could see each other again, how did you toss and come to me so soon?" Mr. Mo smiled.

——In other words, he deliberately changed his fishing place from that small lake to the seaside. Why was he hit by this little guy all of a sudden?

This guy won't put a position on me, will he?

"I can't tell, I was a little confused this time, but it seemed that I caught an opportunity and felt a little familiar, so I grabbed it and came in." Xu Qiji laughed and scratched his head.

At this time, he found that there was a mask hanging on the top of his little skull.



The mask should be worn on the ‘eye demon clone’.

Xu Qiji faintly felt that he might have caught an important clue. But for now, it is still unsure.

"This time, is there something you can't grasp again?" Mr. Mo gently pulled, and a fatty fish was hooked.

"Look at Mr., what you said, can't I come to see Mr. if I'm fine?" Xu Qiji laughed.

"Oh? Then forget it." Mr. Mo glanced at Xu Qiji and replied.

Xu Qiji: "..."

Sir, I’m just being polite, you can ask me more?

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