Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 153: If the human race has no future, then may all beings be equal

   What's even better is that this increase in mental power is not a one-off. It flows long and thin, and after raising Xu Qiji's mental power to 4 levels in one breath, the remaining pure energy will continue to slowly nourish Xu Qiji's spirit in the next month or so, and will make Xu Qiji change every day. Get stronger.

   This is the same as paying a large down payment first, and repaying the rest in installments a little bit, in order to make it easier for Xu Qiji's body to bear, and there will be no physical discomfort caused by the skyrocketing mental power.

   is as sweet as a little padded jacket for my daughter.

After    brutally killed Mengmeng with big eyes, the "Roster of Ten Thousand Realms" wandered around Xu Qiji's consciousness space again and patrolled his own territory.

   This time, it cleanly killed the will of the beholder, which also meant to kill the chicken and the monkey. Regardless of whether there is any special existence, secretly peeping at Xu Qiji, will be warned.

   Xu Qijing, who was in deep sleep, rolled over comfortably, slapped her mouth, and slept better. He didn't even notice that a poor beholder had died in his spiritual world again.



  713 world.

   The brother Luofa in the star core controlled the star core and began to slowly return to the inside of the planet.

The'dungeon' world Xu Qiji wanted has been arranged, and the isolation barriers between the layers are also smoothly arranged with the assistance of Saint Yue. The cost is much less than the brother expected-Saint Yule is hurting others. She is very good at disadvantages, and the arranged isolation barrier is so bad that her household registration is blackened.

   According to the current situation, if nothing happens, this "dungeon" should be able to last for more than a year.

   As long as Xu Qijing can find a new ‘energy’ and sealing method in more than a year, this dungeon project can be sustained for a long time.

   "It's a pity, there are still too few types of monsters in the dungeon... Only the Hounds and Smoky Clan members come and go." Saintess Yu Le said with some regret.

   This dungeon will be a good place for her to cultivate a large number of elite islanders. By the way, she can also earn some energy stones. She values ​​it very much and hopes that it can continue to develop.

"If you wish, Ms. Yu Le, you can transplant monsters from other'worlds', and then let the transplanted monsters reproduce properly, and you will soon be able to breed new monster species." Senior Brother Luofa reminded: " After all, the universe is so big, there are nine realms."

   "Nine Realms?" Saintess Yule glanced at Senior Brother Luofa. Even if the "Nine Realms" are big enough? The young man is still too young, the world is so big that it is not limited to the nine realms?

   The entire ‘Nine Realms’ are only a small part of the vast world.

   However, the Sage Yule didn't say anything about the shabby hair brother--in fact, she felt very interesting to see others limited in pain and doubts and confusion about life and the world.

   She is not a good person after all.

"Your suggestion is very interesting. There are indeed other creatures in the Nine Realms that can be transferred and are worth trying. So, I don't mind being used by you." Saintess Yule gently squeezed her chin, and then was The pain from the jaw was irritated, and it was so painful that I almost cried.

"Hahahaha." Senior Brother Luofa, who was pierced by the saint, smiled awkwardly, and then held his fist at the saint Yule: "Then Ms. Yule, the energy consumption is almost the same here, and she has to return to the ground. Sleep. I hope that we will have a period later, and that the humans in this world can have a future."

   If next time he wakes up, there is still no future for mankind... Then sterilize!

   Even if it is to make the entire human race extinct, he does not want to see the despair that humans experience again and again.

  Family planning is everyone's responsibility.

   "Before you fall asleep, don't you go to see your companion?" At this time, Saint Yu Le suddenly said.

   "Huh?" The sinking senior brother Luo Fa was taken aback when he heard the words.

"I have been staying by Qi Ji's side recently, so I know that this world should be the world represented by the'eye ancestor', right? But the human beings in this world that appear here to destroy are the members of the black smoke clan... So, what about the beholder family?” Saintess Yule was sitting on a rock, her legs longer than the senior brother’s body overlapped: "So, do you have any companions who are targeting this'beginner family' who has not had time to show up? ?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just a remnant soul, and I don't have any memory of this." Senior Brother Luo Fa shook his head, and said: "Moreover, I should have no companions in this world. Otherwise, I wouldn't be desperate enough to... Destroy the future of the human race in advance."

   "Well, that's the case." Saintess Yule put her hands on her cheeks, staring at Senior Brother Luofa, as if lost in thought.

   Senior Brother Luo Fa saw this, he didn't rush to go back to sleep, staying in place, waiting for the words under the Le Saintess.

   "Actually, I like you very much." Saintess Yule said suddenly.

   Senior Brother Luo Fa: "Sorry, I should be someone I like. Although my memory is not clear, I have such a vague feeling."

   "No, what I like is not the emotional aspect, but your enlightenment." Saintess Yule sat upright-her temperament became cold and holy.

   is like entering a certain mode.

"In order to make mankind no longer suffer, your decision to destroy all mankind and to exterminate mankind is in line with my doctrine of equality of all beings taught by Tai Su Xuan Yin." Saint Yule is like the ray of light in the dark at this time: " Are you interested in contacting the most profound meaning of my Taisu Xuanyin Sect, that all beings are equal?"

   Brother Luofa looked dazed.

"Next time, if you wake up, Fellow Daoist, you find that human beings still have no future. Then after sterilizing mankind...Should you consider giving those foreign races who impose pain and sacrifice on human beings, all beings are equal? With your potential and energy, I will teach all beings to be equal, and I will ensure that those foreign races who are painful to the race will lose their future just like the human race." Saintess Yule opened her hands, and there seemed to be a nuclear in her hands. Flat world.

   Brother Luo Fa, the more he listened, the more he felt wrong. But the more I listened, I felt that it was in line with his wishes.

   His distorted and desperate outlook on life is in line with the teachings of the "Tai Su Xuan Yin Sect" of the Saint Yule.

   "If next time... how should I contact fellow Daoists?" Senior Brother Luo Fa asked.

"I'll give you a rune, and you take it." The "Nu Ping World" between the hands of Saint Yule condensed and turned into a rune, and handed it to Brother Luo Fa: "In the future, you just need to crush it, I A ray of spiritual consciousness remaining in it can emerge and teach you the ultimate meaning of what I teach."

   "Thanks to the saint." Senior Brother Luo Fa carefully collected the runes.

   "You are welcome... everything is for the equality of all living beings. There is no reason why our human race suffers, but the foreign race sits on the bones of our human race and enjoys the beauty of this world." Saint Yu Le smiled slightly.

   Now she, and herself in the "Tai Su Xuan Yin Sect", her outlook on life and values ​​have improved a lot. But when faced with the injustice encountered by the human race, she wanted to give all beings in the nine realms an objective equality.

"I really want to give all beings in the Nine Realms an equal opportunity at this time... but I also hope that next time I wake up, I won't have to crush this rune." Brother Luo Fa finally looked at the Saintess of Le: "Finally, can I ask you a question to the saint?"

   "Excuse me." Saintess Yule nodded.

   "Holy woman, beyond the Nine there a universe?" Senior Brother Luo Fa looked at the holy woman, but his eyes seemed to see the human young man named Xu Qiji through the holy woman.

   "You have already guessed it." The Saintess of Yule regretted: "Yes, I do not belong to the human race of the Nine Realms."

"It's great." Senior Brother Luofa closed his eyes and his figure sank--Although Xu Qijing is still weak, he represents real hope. He is the only living being in the Nine Realms who has contact with outside the Nine Realms. people.

   It is no wonder that when he saw Xu Qijing, he subconsciously entrusted his ‘hope’ to the other party.

   The star core has completely sunk to the bottom. From all over the world in 713, several figures of "Senior Brother Luofa" have returned and integrated into the star core.

   These clones were all scattered by Senior Brother Luofa, transforming the planetary environment + arranging some barriers.

   713, in a human rejuvenation base in the world.

   Qi Yishan is still working with No. 616 and a group of elite researchers to decompose the technology of the "Black Smoky Empire", studying starships, their weapons, and space technology.

   Qi Yishan at work suddenly felt something, turned her head and looked at the door of the laboratory, where there was a clone of Senior Brother Luofa who was smiling and nodding at her.

   "Hello." Qi Yishan recognized this. This should be the ‘core’ of their planet at present, and it’s not an exaggeration to call him a ‘god’ on this planet.

   "Hello, hello, please don't care about me, you are busy with you." Brother Luo Fa's clone said softly.

   Qi Yishan: "……"

   You have been staring at us at the door, we are very uncomfortable.

Perhaps seeing Qi Yishan's uncomfortableness, Senior Brother Luo Fa sighed and said: "I was chatting with Her Royal Highness just now, and the Saint asked me to see my'companion' before I fell asleep... …I feel very reasonable, after all, I don’t know when I wake up next time. But I don’t have any memories related to my companions, so I came here based on my feelings.”

   Qi Yishan blinked, and then she looked at #616.

   Steel Daughter 616 looked towards Senior Brother Luo Fa: "Sorry, we are not suitable. You can't produce engine oil, we will not be happy in the future."

   Senior Brother Luo Fa: "???"

   Forget it, it seems that there is no information about his companions here.

   He is about to leave.

Before leaving, he glanced at Qi Yishan and reminded: "Yes, Ms. 713. I can see that your body can't last for much longer... The body that should have been able to last for more than 2 years now has Omen of premature exhaustion. What have you done to yourself?"

   Hearing the words, No. 616 looked at Qi Yishan nervously.

   At present, their world is waiting to be thriving. Qi Yishan's position in this world is the same as Xu Qijing's in Daxia-she is the connection between Xu Qiji and this world.

   Moreover, without Qi Yishan, many projects in this world would be stopped.

"Don't worry about me, 616." Qi Yishan smiled: "It is because of my body that has a big problem. So, I am transforming her... I want to live longer. After all, I I have something I don't want to give up."

  "Do you want to completely mechanize yourself?" No.616's eyes widened: "Will you succeed?"

"Well, the progress so far is very good. I am still preparing to make my final determination, and make changes to my body. In addition, I have to build a strong armor to accommodate my new self." Qi Ishan didn't hide her thoughts, she said.

   "Strong armor? What do you want to do, you want to become Xu Qiji's armor to protect him?" No. 616's heart moved: "Do you really fit in with your beloved man?"

   As a straight daughter of steel, she seems to see the possibility of her future love.

   Qi Yishan: "……"

   No. 616's steel mind, what she thinks is really surprising to her.

"Do you need armor?" At this moment, the avatar of Senior Brother Luo Fa suddenly moved: "If you only want armor with a strong material, maybe I can provide a little help. Let me think about it. There should be something in my memory fragments... "

   While he was talking, he stretched out his hand in the void and did the action of ‘looking back and drawing’.

   One dig, one pull.

   A full-body black armor appeared in his hands.

   Full-covered sci-fi style tight-fitting armor, the kind that will not show even a little skin after wearing it.

   And, judging from the details of the protruding part on the chest of the armor, the thin waist and other details...this should be a female armor.

   "Huh? Why do I have women's armor?" After taking out this armor, Senior Brother Luo Fa himself panicked.

   is like a big man looking back and taking out a set of **** female underwear, very embarrassing. After all, this thing is not something a man should wear.

   "It's a beautiful shell." No. 616 looked at this beautiful armor and exclaimed-from the eyes of her true steel daughter, this armor can be rated at least 99 points. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

"But if you want to wear No. 713, some parts need to be adjusted. The position of the chest is obviously small and needs to be enlarged. The leather thighs are also..." Before No. 616 was finished, his head was kicked, flying out like a ball. , Rolling on the ground.

   "This armor should be the standard armor of our ‘Emissary’. The material is absolutely leveraged. I'm giving it to you." Senior Brother Luo Fa was a little bit shy, and he threw the armor into the hands of 713 with gentle strength.

   "Thank you." After catching the armor, Qi Yishan found that the armor was much lighter than expected.

"Then I'll see you next time I wake up... I hope that next time I wake up, I can see a human race with a future." Brother Luo Fa said, before Qi Yishan and others could answer, the figure disappeared. Grow the taste of fleeing.

   went to No. 616, picked up his head, patted the dust and reinstalled: "No. 713, why are you kicking my head?

   Qi Yishan held the armor, ignoring the issue of No. 616, but checked the armor again: "With it, my transformation plan can be put on the agenda."

   "Then only obsession is left, right? What is obsession? Didn't you do anything shameful with Xu Qiji?" No. 616 raised the doubt in his mind.

   As soon as the voice fell, No. 616 was powered off.

   was stiff in place, even the backup power was pulled...


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