Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 145: This is a good spell, I have to spend money to simplify it

Moreover, in order to maximize the benefits, Xu Qijing can even make himself die tragically before his death, and make the “eye demons” who participated in the action also pay a heavy price, striving to get more from the spiritually civilized race. Energy Stone Pension.

   It is a pity that his current ‘hair incarnation’ spell cannot be practiced at home, and he can’t maintain his body even after ‘beheading’. Otherwise, he even hoped that after killing'Xu Qijing', he could use his head to exchange for more bounty.

   If possible, as long as the enemy likes to store his'Xu Big Head', he doesn't mind helping others.

   [In the future, I must find a way to practice a ‘head-off technique’ so that the things of head loss will become as common as hair loss. ] Such a thought flashed through Xu Qiji's heart.

  Since there is no way to do this now, only at the last blow, let'Xu Qiji' be broken into pieces... and let the'Operation Demon Decapitation Members' do their best without revealing flaws.

   By the way, among the spiritually-civilized people, the information about his strength of Xu Qiji is still at the level of the ‘2nd level’. Here you can do something about it-it’s your intelligence that made a mistake and made us beholders pay an extra price. You have to add money!

   There is reason and evidence, justified and strong, and happy.

   As for the fact that the defensive layer did not disappear after the death of "Xu Qijing", what about our "Evil Eye Clan"? We just cooperated with your actions, and we did our best to kill'Xu Qiji'.

  The defensive layer has not disappeared. It must be that your intelligence is wrong. The core of this defensive layer is definitely not this human named'Xu Qiji'!

   Next, the protoss messenger began to introduce his ‘decapitation plan’ to Xu Qijing in detail.

  How to draw out this human being'Xu Qijing'——They laid a dark child, but I hope that this process of attracting strange creatures can still have the cooperation of members of the Beholder family.

  On the way to attract strangers, if members of the Beholder Clan make sacrifices, there will definitely be additional subsidies.

After the human man is led to a designated location, they will place a large number of small shadow worlds at fixed points, interfere with reinforcements, and leave the human man in a lonely battle. Then it will be up to the demons to make a quick battle and kill the human. .

   While listening to this plan, Xu Qijing shakes her drop-shaped body to show that she is cooperating. His cooperation is a two-tier cooperation. When the time comes, the beholder will cooperate, and "Xu Qiji" will also cooperate to ensure that the script can be performed smoothly.

   Seeing the cooperation of the Eye Ancestor Envoy, the Divine Ancestor Envoy secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and became more confident in the plan to kill'Xu Qiji'.

   Seeing this, the messenger of the old giant was also secretly relieved.

   After finishing the detailed plan, the divine ancestor finally handed over the information of the four ‘anzi’s to Xu Qiji.

   That is the projection of four human photos.

   Three men and one woman, they all look energetic and their races are also different.

  As long as there are more people, any bird will come out. The world is so irrational. It is clear that we are facing enemies that will destroy mankind. Such things as **** are still unavoidable.

   Such a thing will happen, Xu Qiji is not surprised.

   Even the entire Daxia, the entire world, have anticipation of such things as rape.

   The human way of thinking is too complicated...

   Spiritually civilized race, it is not difficult to develop a few enemies in this world.

   There are always some people in the world who have world-weariness... I hope the world will be destroyed with him. When you meet such people, give them a little guidance, and they can become the fuse of ‘destroying the world’.

   These people, or have experienced despair, cannot get assistance in despair and cannot be understood. Or it's just a matter of spirit. In short, there are various possibilities.

In addition to this type of human beings, there are also human beings who are in urgent need of "supernatural energy help". They need to be cured or resurrected because their loved ones need to be cured or resurrected, or for various similar reasons...just give them a little help , Even if they destroy the world, they will not hesitate.

   This kind of person lives in other scripts. It may be the protagonist and important supporting role, but it is also easy to use.

   Whether it is for good or evil, it may be used.

   Even if there is enough time, there is no need for outside guidance... Within a few years, the human world itself will appear ‘monster sect’ or ‘monster protection organization’, ‘peace exchange of aliens’ and other weird groups.

   Human beings have always been gifted in killing and destroying themselves.

   After finalizing everything, the divine ancestor smiled at Xu Qiji: "Happy cooperation, see you in three days."

   Xu Qijie's body was shaking in a droplet shape.

   The divine ancestor envoy looked like I understand + satisfaction, and withdrew from this nine ancestor envoy space.

   The rest of the ancestral envoys also withdrew.

   And in the end, the mechanical life messenger who had been talking a lot told Xu Qiji: "After the Eye Race messenger has helped the Divine Ancestor messenger, we will also have a good chat. Maybe we can also cooperate."

   Xu Qijing looked at the robot messenger with some curiosity. Do you need help too?

   Judging from the recent ‘message chat gatherings’, this mechanical life messenger is still quite calm, and its progress there should be relatively smooth.

"Our realm, because of the characteristics of our mechanical life and the continuous transformation of the environment, has become less and less suitable for the survival of ordinary flesh and blood creatures... even the human race. In fact, our realm itself is not suitable for the survival of flesh and blood creatures. "The mechanical life messenger seemed to see the doubts of the eye ancestor messenger and explained it aloud.

   Xu Qiji: "???"

  Is environmental problems related to me? Is it possible that the ‘eye demon family’ I represent can improve the environment?

"In this recent era, even if we work hard to improve the environment, the harsh environment still prevents human beings from adapting to...the population can’t grow. I heard that the Beholder Clan has special environmental modification methods and methods to stabilize the population. Cooperation." The Mechanical Life Messenger replied.

   Xu Qiji's drop-shaped body vibrated slightly-in other words, because of the deterioration of the environment in their realm, the human population is insufficient, and if this continues, it will not be able to meet the requirements of ‘sword casting’?

   Is this nature's retribution?

   Xu Qijin couldn't help but think of the star-core senior who went to extremes in the 713 world.

  【It's okay to go and see, know yourself and each other. After thinking about it for a while, Xu Qiji agreed to the request of the mechanical life messenger, and moved his body slightly.

   "Hahaha, then I look forward to the arrival of the eye ancestor envoy." The mechanical life envoy stretched out his finger and projected a ‘smiling face’ expression pattern, and his figure receded from the envoy space.


   Nine Realms·Mechanical Life Realm.

   The consciousness of the mechanical messenger withdrew from the world of the nine ancestor messengers. Its body was piled up with countless messy mechanical parts and had several mechanical arms.

   In the center of this pile of mechanical parts, there is a blue fire light group, which is its core and soul, and the source of its power.

   Exited the consciousness space. After a slight pause, the core of the mechanical messenger suddenly exploded in waves of sparks.

   The original blue tinder light group, after a burst of electric flowers, turned into an unknown red color.

   The mechanical messenger was even more violent.

   ‘Papa Papa~’ At the core of the crimson, a steady stream of powerful forces poured out, making the mechanical messenger stronger.

   But this kind of power is a bit like a state of confusion.

   Crunch~ The mechanical parts on the mechanical messenger are a bit overwhelmed, as if they are about to collapse at any time.

   "Cooperate, and then obtain the coordinates of the Eye Ancestor Messenger World... Then, what should I do next?" It asked the void.

   This is that it is communicating with its own ‘ancestor’.

   "Do you think of a way to bring the Eye Ancestor Envoy into our world in a year? Okay, Ancestor Lord." The Mechanic Envoy respectfully said.

   As he spoke, its red core color changed again, turning into a pitch-black color—like a virus.

   The state of the mechanical messenger is obviously wrong, but the ‘Machinery ancestor’ who talked to it didn’t care about it at all.

   Communicating with the ‘Eye Ancestor’ and keeping in touch is the first step. Try to get the coordinates of the eye ancestor messenger in cooperation...

   Then I figured out a way to lead the Eye Ancestor Envoy into the mechanical life world after the relationship was established.

  The ancestor of the machine obviously wanted to do something ulterior to the ancestor of the eye.

   What they didn't expect was that the "Eye Ancestor" on the opposite side had no good intentions towards them.

   Both sides are making each other's ideas.


   Nine Ancestor Messengers in the world space.

  The rest of the messengers left one after another, leaving only Xu Qijing and the ooze messenger in the space.

   "You'd better be careful of some mechanical messengers. Although there is no evidence, I always feel that something is wrong." The ooze messenger reminded Xu Qijing after thinking about it.

   Among the Envoys of the Nine Ancestors, the Giant Envoy and the Mechanical Envoy are the two most active, always maintaining the atmosphere between the envoys. But the mechanical messenger always gives the slime messenger a weird feeling, very awkward.

   Xu Qijing was taken aback for a moment, but he moved slightly to receive the kindness of the ooze messenger.

  ——This guy, although he looks ugly, is very different from other messengers.

   is barely the type of heart beauty.

   "By the way, do you have a clue about the exercises I mentioned last time?" The Ooze Monster Messenger asked again.

   It is making clones here, but there are some differences between clones and real people... It hopes to have a technique that is simple to get started, and can promote clones to the level of 1 sooner, which can be used to replace humans to make swords.

   Xu Qijing moved his body slightly, and then moved his mind, and he projected the mantra of the abridged version of "Daxia System".

   At the same time, he stared at the ooze monster messenger again, considering whether to give the opponent a pupil technique, force transmission of power, and the technique of being out of nowhere.

   But considering that the other party is the messenger of the first ancestor, and the realm strength is terrifying, maybe he will follow the vine and detect the abnormality, Xu Qiji is a little uncertain.

"Thank you, I received the exercises... This is indeed a simple and introductory exercise, which is really interesting. If I want to, I can get started with a single idea. It is indeed suitable~ If you get started, then just spend enough time to run it, even if A clone with low intelligence can also step into the first stage." The ooze monster messenger accepted this technique, and then looked at Xu Qijing.

   After a while, it seemed to understand: "Do you have a more convenient way to transmit power? Then try it?"

   The other party said so, so Xu Qijing is not polite.

   At this time, the one eye on the water droplet is bright, and the pupil technique inspires-deepen the friendship between you and me, Ooze Monster Messenger!

   After the forced transmission of power and the friend from nowhere, the body of the ooze messenger on the opposite side shook slightly. It did not resist Xu Qiji's pupil technique, and even deliberately let go of its own defenses, allowing Xu Qiji's'pupil technique' to take effect on it.

   Thanks to its cooperation, otherwise Xu Qijing's pupil technique released by the strength of the 4th realm of the virtual pill level would be directly immune to the ooze monster messenger.

   The ooze monster messenger turned on the firewall by himself, and Xu Qiji's pupil technique was unimpeded and successfully took effect.

【what? ] At the moment when the pupil technique took effect, Xu Qijing realized that the target of his pupil technique was not the ‘soft monster’ in front of him, but a certain core life inside the ooze monster.

  ——The ‘slime body’ of this ooze monster messenger seems to be a piece of armor?

   As soon as the pupil technique took effect, the Ooze Monster Messenger instantly mastered the "Great Summer Technique", and the Daxia technique's practice interface popped up in its mind.

"Huh? This is interesting. Even if it's cultivation, you can hang up, just click on'meditation' to enter the cultivation state? This technique is simply created for my clone." The Ooze Monster Messenger exclaimed joy. sound.

   In this way, the clones it creates, no matter how stupid they are, they don’t have to worry about subsequent cultivation problems. The time to enter the first realm will be greatly shortened.

   "You really gave me a big surprise this time." The Ooze Monster Messenger patted Xu Qijing.

   Take a big drop of water from a puddle of ooze, giving people the feeling that the ooze is about to tarnish the dirt.

  【You also gave me a big surprise. ] Xu Qiji secretly said in her heart.

   The ooze monster messenger also gave him a big ray of light at the moment after he got started—this ray of light was simply bigger than his 4th realm imaginary pill!

   is overwhelming.

   He almost burst his dantian... Now Xu Qiji has a swelling feeling in his abdomen. In reality, his abdomen may have been bulged.

   Ooze monsters can also provide him with ‘starlight’ like Humans, which is a surprise.

With this huge light, the speed of Xu Qiji's "Xu Dan" has to be increased by rocket The realm that others need dozens of hundreds of years to polish, Xu Qijing can save at least ten Times more time.

"I'm very satisfied with your practice. In return... I will also give you an interesting spell frame." The Ooze Monster Messenger laughed and wrote an article for Xu Qijing that looked very simple. "Spell Frame" training program.

   This is a ‘changing’ spell frame, a type of transformation system.

   Moreover, this spell can not only change itself, but also change the appearance of foreign objects-turning stones into gold is not a problem.

   Xu Qijing carefully read this spell frame, and understood the effect of this spell in his heart.

   However, it is not easy to practice this spell.

   Without ten or eight years of hard work, wanting to master such spells is just like dreaming.

   Not all exercises are the same as the "Daxia System", you can get started at a glance.


   Xu Qiji sighed silently, and copied the content of the spell with his ‘artificial god’s eye’, and looked back and studied it carefully.

   Or, you can also spend money to ask Brother Miao to find a master to see if you can simplify this spell to the point where he can quickly learn it.

   This time I don’t have to find a master with a 100-story building. There is a 50- or 60-story building, which should be enough.


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