Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 143: Didi Dai Da

   "No matter what... Since Renzu finished the sword casting ahead of schedule, that would be a good thing for us." The divine ancestor said slowly.

   In the past few epochs of reincarnation, the actions of the human ancestors have become more and more abnormal and uncooperative. They and these messengers cannot get the attitude of the human ancestor from the human ancestor messenger.

   This made several messengers who had a bad relationship with the human races always imagined that the nine realms would become 8+1 realms, and the realm that was supported by the ancestors would be ruled by their eight realms, in order to prevent disasters.

   Now that Renzu is so cooperative, at least it can be inferred that "Renzu" does not mean to lift the table.

   Then at least this "end of the epoch" can be easier.

"It makes sense, then everyone will work harder." The messenger of the old giant nodded, and his gaze swept over the rest of the messengers present: "The two parts of the'sword body' represented by the Eye Race and the Human Race are the slowest in the past. The part has been improved in advance. For us, the uncertain factors in the past have been eliminated."

   "Speaking of this, what about the Eye Ancestor Messenger?" The God Ancestor clicked the table lightly and looked at the Ooze Monster Messenger: "Is the Eye Ancestor Messenger not coming out this time?"

   I even received the prepayment, and now I don’t show up?

   "Don't look at me, I've been busy with my own business recently. I haven't seen the Eye Ancestor Envoy since the last time I met." The Ooze Monster Envoy shook his head.

While    was talking, it seemed as if he had sensed the ‘nomination’ of the envoys. In a lazy glow, a water droplet appeared in the eyes of the envoys.

  Xu·Eye Envoy·Qiji is online.

After    was promoted to the 4th level, the biggest gain for Xu Qiji was that he could autonomously lock the signal of the'Nine Ancestor Envoy Space'.

  ——He put a black pillar into his great sword space, and he can come and go freely in this Nine Ancestor Envoy space.

After    appeared, Xu Qiji looked at the messengers with curiosity, the big eyes on the water droplets were filled with confusion.

   The messenger of the slime monster cast a kind look at it, and at the same time secretly glanced at the messenger of the ancestor, and winked at Xu Qijing.

   Xu Qiji's eyes shifted to the divine ancestor envoy.

   Oh, yes~ I received this guy’s ‘advance payment’, and now a month and a half has passed, and it’s time to arrange a batch of ‘reinforcements’ to support the ancestor’s envoy across the border.

   If you are lucky, you can still collect the subsequent payment... and even get some pension.

   Thinking of this, Xu Qiji looked at the divine ancestor's gaze, and there was two more nuclear goodness.

   Now that he has been promoted to the 4th level, Xu Qiji can continue to improve his spiritual power with the ‘Holy Spring’ medicinal solution, and then use the ‘Holy Core Pill’ to speed up the materialization of his ‘Void Pill’.

   The last pure energy stone is even more useful. In addition to Thrush's favorite food, he can also buy a variety of good things from Miaoge-including but not limited to physical treasures, and remotely ask Miaoge to find someone to help develop special spells.

   Not long ago, Xu Qijing spent a lot of money, so I asked Miao to find a master to add a basic magic function called "Summoning·Didi Fighting" to "Daxia System".

  This ‘summoning technique’ is based on his three abilities, the ‘blank clone’, the ‘cross-border projection’, and the ‘miracle’s door’, combined.

   When the time comes, as long as the practitioners of the "Daxia System" can use the summoning technique by sacrificing the ‘blessing rune, energy stone’ to summon a powerful fighter projection.

  Didi, there is always a beater who can suit you~

   Xu Qiji hopes to transform himself into a platform and integrate it into the "Daxia System", so as to gather the wool and give them some benefits. At the same time, it also allows the ‘thugs’ to make some extra money...

   By the way, the energy consumption of summoning ‘thugs’ can also be dispersed, and the summoner can bear most of it...greatly reduce Xu Qijing’s own consumption.

   can do many things in one stroke.

   Brother Miao was very powerful, and Xu Qiji did not disappoint. It found a master who is good at the development of new functions of the exercises, and he is not an ordinary master, but a one-hundred-storey high master, to personally design this'Summoning Technique·Didi Fighting' function for Xu Qiji. .

   Brother Miao himself said that it was his luck to find this one-hundred-floor master, and it was also Xu Qiji's luck.

  This new function can definitely be done by a master of this level, and you can directly make a perfect version that no longer needs to be upgraded, saving a lot of future work.

   But the disadvantage is that it is expensive.

   Xu Qijing has invested a lot of energy stones for this project, and feels that his wallet is shrinking, and he is in dire need of a windfall to enrich his wallet.


   Seeing Xu Qiji looking at him, the ancestor envoy gently knocked on the table and asked directly: "Essence ancestor, how are your preparations for cross-border support? When can you help us?"

   Xu Qijing's big eyes were shining, and he shook his body slightly, and shook it three times-he felt that after giving himself three days, he would be able to pull out an ‘Elite Clan’s Elite Reinforcement Army Pioneer Army’.

   The Eye Ancestor Envoy on the opposite side did not disappoint Xu Qiji, and successfully read what he meant by shaking three times: "Three days? Will your reinforcements come across the boundary in three days?"

   "The efficiency of the eye ancestor envoy makes me so pleased." The old giant envoy on the side laughed and praised it, which made the atmosphere more active.

   It is rare that the Eye Ancestor Envoy has a symbol of gregariousness. The Elder Giant Envoy naturally hopes to seize the opportunity to let the Eye Ancestor Envoy who have been floating on the edge of the envoys completely integrate into the big group.

   It seems that these "Knowing the King" are still very understandable~ Xu Qijing shook his body slightly, this time it was just a simple sway, no other meaning.

   But he underestimated the understanding of the kings.

"Is the number of reinforcements? So that's it. It seems that you have prepared a large army for the ancestor eyes." The old giant messenger understood after a little thought, it turned to look at the ancestors' messenger: "How much do you need for the first batch of reinforcements? Quantity? For the first cross-border cooperation, UU Reading can't directly send all the troops there in one go, unnecessary consumption is too great."

   Therefore, we must first come to support the vanguard and cooperate with the divine ancestor. After the two sides cooperate once, we can estimate how many reinforcements are needed to deal with that ‘defense’.

   "It's because I haven't considered it." Upon hearing the words, the divine ancestor nodded slightly: "I only thought before that the beholders could come directly in one breath, but did not consider the quantity issue. It just so happens that we come to discuss with each other."

   said, the ancestor of the eye stretched out his hand and waved out a projection screen.

   This hand projection technique is quite practical-Xu Qiji is ready to buy the corresponding spell rune from Miao.

   The divine ancestor's messenger projected it was a green and blue planet.

   The periphery of this planet is shrouded in a powerful light.

   And on the periphery of this layer of light, there is also a familiar pattern printed by Xu Qiji-it is his face that is covered on the entire planet's defense layer.

   is obviously a handsome face. After being covered in a spherical shape, his eyes twisted and turned into a mocking smile.



   The new book "Secret War Silent" by my friend Chang Feng. During the massacre, Luo Yao escaped from the dead...a new work in the Secret War series~


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