Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 138: How about the channel of transmission?

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"Now, now?" Doctor Miehuang felt that he was not well.

You liar, you are not saying that the first three realms can be upgraded faster, it is because you have accumulated for many years, and based on the "blessing runes" collected by the boss of the thrush, so you can quickly complete the three realms in a short time Jump?

But this time?

This time no one gathers resources for you...So, after spending a little more than a month, are you ready to jump to the next level?

"It turned out to be like this. The so-called slower means that it took a few days in the past, but now it takes more than a month?" Doctor Mie Huang's black jewel-like eyes looked at Xu Qiji's body.

I really want to dissect this guy, take a look at his body structure, and see what is the difference between him and others?

"Now? Of course not." Xu Qijing smiled slightly: "I still need to make some preparations before I am about to hit the next level."

He wanted to try to hit the next level in the world of 713, what kind of "catastrophe" would it cause?

Once he returns to his own world, all the ‘catastrophe’ will be blocked by the ‘defense’ arranged by A crab, making him unable to personally experience the power of the catastrophe.

Of course, just in case, he will open the ‘cross-border teleport’ channel between the 713 world and his own world at any time when he crosses the robbery. If the power of the catastrophe exceeds what he can resist, he will roll back to his world as quickly as possible.

After making the decision, Xu Qijing reminded: "Doctor Miehuang, let the researchers put the body of the silver human race away first... If it wasn't for the first shot, it might not be us. Enemy."

Xu Qijing didn't know how to evaluate each other.

It is the same as the extreme idea of ​​‘Red-haired brother’s residual will’ that wants to ligate the entire human race and destroy the human race;

The silver human lurkers have also gone to extremes... Judging from the final obsession information, they should have surrendered to the enemy. The price of surrendering to the enemy is to obtain the ‘sword of humanity’. The promise obtained is that after the demise of the Nine Realms, it will leave behind the fire for human survival.

This is also anxious, but if there is still a glimmer of hope, they will not make such a decision.

After all, no one can guarantee whether the opponent will fulfill his promise after he casts in.

From this matter, Xu Qijing once again deeply realized the importance of'language'. If everyone can communicate in language at the beginning, and sit down and have a good chat, maybe there is still cooperation in the early stage?

If he can live in the future, he must find a way to make Daxia language the lingua franca of the "Nine Realms"~



Three years of Wusheng Crash Space.

Today is the time for teacher Dawei to teach again-this class is actually a temporary addition.

Because he sensed that Xu Qiji was about to face 3 to 4, Dawei, who was still eating, could only put down his job, and urgently add classes to make up for Xu Qiji’s evil things to pay attention to when he was 3 to 4, as well as crossing the robbery. Some preparations at the time.

Venerable Dawei's long hair was tied into a handsome ponytail, and he wore sunglasses, making him look like an evil monk who returned to the vulgar.

The members of the class were also summoned into the space one by one.

Brother Shiyihua was summoned while lying down. The siblings were still wearing pajamas and were summoned together with two beds.

Wujue who has tasted Baitu looks very good today, and a beautiful flower bloomed on her head.

Brother Miao holds a small watering can in his hand, which was spraying water on Xu Qiji's aloe vera before.

Su Xisha is relatively normal, she is a rare lady, is reading at night with a lamp, and the scene of beautiful women reading is picturesque.

The last Xu Qiji was maintaining a push-up posture and appeared confused.

"In the big night, what is your posture? Why are you in this posture?" When the teacher Dawei on the podium saw Xu Qiji, he suddenly felt bored and didn't want to talk--he thought of many inappropriate things. Picture.

Xu Qiji held up her body: "Teacher, what are you thinking? I'm just exercising!"

Even if he became an awakened one, he did not fall behind in the physical training. He was a self-disciplined man in his daily iron training.

When Teacher Dawei heard these words, he showed disgust: "You are a big man, and you have already married and established a business. If you don't accompany your wife at night, you actually do push-ups by yourself? Are you really okay?"

You are not right!

"I feel Mr. Dawei you are targeting me." Xu Qiji gently supported her arms and stood up: "My daughter-in-law has been sitting on my back, but when she was called to the study space, she became me alone. Doing push-ups."

Teacher Dawei: "..."

He silently held out the notebook mark: add money!

After putting down the notebook, Mr. Dawei sat down and stopped continuing the previous topic, and went straight to the topic: "I believe you already know the reason for the sudden start of the class today? In this class, I will mainly talk about 3 Jin 4 crossing. Things to pay attention to during the robbery, and some small preparations for the robbery."

"3 Jin 4? Is it Qi Ji's squad leader?" Shi Yihua's younger brother looked at Xu Qiji without thinking.

In fact, among the few students present, only Xu Qijing wants to use the knowledge of today's class, and he is the only one who is still in the third stage.

But he remembered that Xu Qijing was still at level 2 last class, right?

At that time, he and his sister comforted the monitor, saying that if he had an adventure, it was possible to be promoted from the second to the fifth in five years.

To be honest, five years to be able to get 3 to 4 are all geniuses among geniuses.

"Does the passage of time in each world be different?" Shi Yihua's younger brother wrapped herself in a sheet, asking doubtfully.

Is it because we have spent a month here, but squad leader Qi Ji has been there for five years or more?

"The time algorithm of each world must be different. After all, the size of the world and the time required for sunrise and sunset are different." Teacher Dawei is a kind man.

He did not directly reply to Shi Yishi's elder brother's doubts, but used a misleading way to make Shi Yihua's sister and brother feel more at ease.


After all the students were ready, Mr. Dawei began to lecture, explaining the elements of crossing the catastrophe.

Although it is about 3 Jin 4 knowledge, but he will intersperse 4 Jin 5, even 5 Jin 6.

For all students, this class is meaningful and will not waste time.

"I have studied the'catastrophes' of many worlds, and the ways in which different catastrophes of the world are expressed will indeed be different, but the general framework still has some similarities. For example, most of the 3 Jin 4 are based on the'five elements attribute catastrophe'. , With a powerful evil effect... In the first half of this catastrophe, there was greater restraint on those who practice evil-type exercises."

"Then the calamity from 3 to 4, there is a chance that the'Nightmare Tribulation' will be born in the second half. I call it the Heart Demon Tribulation... This kind of calamity will definitely appear in the 4th and 5th period. At that time, it will also appear in the 3rd and 4th stages. Although the chance is small, you still have to pay attention. The mentality is very important. Having magical tools, exercises, and magical powers such as'illusion breaking' will have an advantage in this regard."

Venerable Dawei started the class this time and talked for a full day and night.

After speaking, he drank water to moisturize his throat and asked, "Do you still have any doubts? Especially you, Xu Qiji. Before you cross the catastrophe, do you have any exercises you want to learn to make your own catastrophe change? Have to be more sure?"

"Basically, there is no doubt, teacher, you said it in great detail. If the catastrophe is like what the teacher said, I should be quite sure to get through." After a slight pause, Xu Qiji remembered one of his previous ideas. Asked: "Teacher, do you think there is a way to give my opponent a simplified and abridged exercise? Let the opponent master this very simple exercise passively?"

"Forcibly instill the exercises on the opponent? What kind of weird thoughts are you?" Venerable Dawei looked dumbfounded.

Is this an enemy who strengthens himself? Beat my allies?

"Can't it?" Xu Qijing asked.

After thinking about it for a while, Mr. Dawei replied: "If you have to let your opponent master a certain technique, do you want to try the channel of'passing the power'?"

Su Xisha's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Transmitting gong? It's the kind that jumps down a cliff and meets a white-haired old man, and then the white-haired old man passes on his skills? Does this way really exist?"

"In our world, there is indeed such a way of transmitting gong. It is the loss of it. One hundred years of gong power is passed out, and it is not bad to have 20 years of pure gong in the end. Moreover, it is not intended to pass gong. You can pass it by passing it. For seniors who practice the fire attribute skill, if they pass the skill to the water attribute cultivator, it will be the murder of Chi Guoguo. Therefore, the transfer of skill is generally only carried out among the same sect and the same line of cultivators, and it depends on the physique What. There are so many restrictions and very complicated." Venerable Dawei nodded.

"Then if what I want to teach is the'no attribute' pure technique, there shouldn't be any restrictions in this respect, right?" Xu Qiji asked with her chin.

"Daxia System" itself has no attributes, and the corresponding attributes will be born according to the power of the cultivator's own awakening.

Moreover, as long as the'Daxia System' is deleted and modified, various functions are removed, and the most basic core content is left, then this technique will become extremely simple-like the lurker, just hearing this technique The content of the Dharma, the breathing room runs casually, and then you start.

Teacher Dawei speculated and nodded: "If it is a skill and technique without attributes, it should be feasible."

"Then the channel and method of'transmitting gong', do you know how to do it, teacher?" Xu Qiji was pleasantly surprised, and the aurora in her eyes couldn't help turning around.

"I won't, why should I learn this stuff? Why should I pass on the skills I have worked so hard to pass on to others?" Teacher Dawei replied with disdain.

Brother Miao: "Squeak~"

"Boss Miao, don't make trouble, it's time for my lectures. Don't talk about business in my class." Teacher Dawei looked at Miao, only feeling tired.

This guy actually wanted to sell him the ‘method of passing the exercise’ in class.

He came to class to make money, not to spend money on teaching materials.

"Although I really don't know how to'transmit gong', I know where there is a method of'transmitting gong'. I can take you to find out. It's up to you whether you can learn it or not." Teacher Dawei looked at Xu Qi Ji is like looking at a lovely treasure.

Xu Qiji was stunned.

"The price is the credits. You pay the credits, and I will take you to learn about the method of'passing gong'." Teacher Dawei rubbed his fingers.

Xu Qijing: "But it should be the content of normal class, right?"

"No, this is extracurricular teaching. According to the contract, the lessons I want to give you are limited to understanding the'catastrophe' and the'experience of crossing the catastrophe'. Passing on merit is beyond the scope of classroom teaching." Teacher Dawei was happy. Tao.

"How many credits? We don't have many credits, right?" Xu Qijing tried to ask.

They only really learned about the "credits" in class, and then they also called a few times in the "Xu Qiji's group space" and got some credits.

In total, it does not exceed 10 points.

"Every time you roll the call, you increase your credits... Didn't you notice it?" Teacher Dawei reminded.

Not only in this teaching space, but also in the group chat room with Xu Qijing.

As long as Xu Qijing uses the "Rolling Book" for roll call, as long as the members on the book answer, credits will be added.

This is the same as check-in points.

Except for a few days of being too busy, Xu Qijing has conducted almost 30 roll calls in the past month or so.

Ordinary students have one credit at a time, and Xu Qiji, the acting monitor, has two credits at a time. In the past month or so, he has accumulated 72 credits.

But before that, in the three years of that fragment, he had accumulated the largest number of credits, as much as 1122 points.

"One hundred credits, I'll take you to personally experience the method of'passing gong'." Teacher Dawei showed a honest smile, took off his sunglasses, revealing his sincere eyes.

"Squeak~" Brother Miao patted the table lightly.

"Boss Miao said, it only takes 70 credits to do it." Saint Yu Le didn't know when she appeared in this space, sitting in the corner with her cheek in one hand, translating for Xu Qiji.

She is a member who signed a contract with Xu Qijing directly and was on the "Rolling Roll".

This is her first time in this wonderful teaching space.

"Boss Miao, you have passed the line!" Teacher Dawei stared at Miao Miao the hamster.

You are also an old businessman, don't you know that the price war hurts the most?

"Saint Yule, do you know'passing gong'?" Xu Qijing's eyes lit up when she saw the Saint.

"It's a pity that I haven't come into contact with this kind of self-interested exercises, which conflicts with my philosophy. If I replace myself with the skills of others to strengthen myself, I will definitely be very interesting, Fuxihe~" Le Saint shook her head.

Teacher Dawei breathed a sigh of relief, and then called out a lower price: "Sixty credits!"

This is already the limit, and it won't be economical if it is lower.

"Squeak~" Brother Miao nodded, indicating that the price is OK.

When Xu Qijing sees he makes a decision: "Deal!"

"Boss Miao, your position is wrong." Teacher Dawei looked resentful.

Brother Miao held his claws behind him, and stepped up to Xu Qiji's head: "Squeak~"

"Boss Miao said that Xu Qijing’s credits are the purse he wants to emptied. It can prevent it from leaking out as much as possible. This time it is your class with Teacher Dawei, it is not easy to cross the line. But it must find a way to protect Xu Qijing’s Credits.” Yu Le Saintess Translator said.

This is very realistic.

Xu Qiji's energy stone and Xu Qiji's credits are likely to be in Brother Miao's pocket in the future. It has to be optimistic, don't let Xu Qiji spend the wrong money.

Xu Qiji: "..."

Although I am very moved, I always feel that something is wrong.

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