Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 119: Hitomi: Remote Hacking

   "Your look reminds me of the horror movies I watched when I was a child..." Xu Qijing spoke in the language of the half-baked smoky clan.

   Opposite, the small fit BOSS didn't seem to expect that Xu Qiji was not illiterate, and could speak their language, and was slightly taken aback.

   "I have a psychological shadow and I was frightened." In Xu Qiji's eyes under the mask, tears of the big man fell.

   The next moment, a cage made of tears appeared out of thin air on the little BOSS and wrapped it.

  The prison of tears technique certainly cannot block the opponent, but anyway, it is just a little bit of tears at the beginning, and it doesn't take much effort. Xu Qiji already likes this opening pupil technique.

The small island elite next to    looked at Xu Qiji with a bewildered expression, wondering what trick this was?

   "Then, it's over." Xu Qijing activated a "hole card" on the big sword.

   If there is plenty of time, Xu Qiji wouldn't mind practicing well with the small black smoker boss that fits well, or increase his combat experience. After all, he still lacks actual combat experience.

   But time is really tight today, and the other party doesn't give him face. When his big sword stabs like a kid's attack, Xu Qijing feels taken aback.

   So, Xu Qiji did not hesitate to activate his current big move-"A Thousand Hands Big Buddha Palm".

   This trick requires energy storage to be used. It can be used twice after each energy storage.

   If it is used only once, it takes about 10 hours to store energy, which is about twice a day.

   Rumble~ Behind Xu Qiji, a huge Buddha statue stood up.

   The seven-eight-meter-high little BOSS, compared to the phantom of the Buddha statue, is as small as a younger brother.

   This kind of big move, don't you use it quickly at the beginning, do you still have to save dust?

   Xu Qiji also likes this kind of strategy that starts with a big move first.

   "Hiss~It's the palm of a thousand-handed Buddha, giving the enemy enough compassion and fairness. I didn't expect the young island master to even know this trick." A tester swallowed.

   This trick is said to have been used only by the big bosses of the fifth realm... Later, after continuous improvement, a small number of strong fourth realms can barely use it, but the power will be greatly reduced.

   If it is the fifth-grade boss to use his full strength, a thousand palms down, the hill can be leveled. Therefore, it is also called terrain change palm.

   Dying under this palm will become like a hill, level with the horizon, compassionate and fair.

   But, isn’t Young Island Lord only the third level?

   Boom boom boom~ The big Buddha behind Xu Qiji kept falling with his palm.

   is huge.

After    Thousand Palms passed, the location of the original black smoker's combined little BOSS was beaten into a pit.

   After finishing work, Xu Qiji was in pain.

   There is no black energy stone in this little BOSS body. He can be sure that he did not smash the energy stone after a thousand palms!

   The only possibility is that the other party has consumed the black energy stone in the black smoke clan in the process of combining.

   Combination should be the last resort of the other party. After the combination is completed, it cannot be separated again... and may even die after the completion.

   This is very uncomfortable.

   If you do not produce the "Energy Stone", then your attraction to us will drop to the freezing point.

   "It seems that this matter needs to be remarked. In the future battle with the Smoky Clan, we must not let the other party have a chance to fit together and desperately." Xu Qijing wrote down the matter.

At this time, Xuan Seventy-two rushed to Xu Qiji's side again: "Boss Xu is a terrific trick! No rumor? If you can't rumor, I can be the boy under your seat. After learning this trick, I will betray. Martial art is fine."

   What is this human talk?

   "I also used runes to perform this trick." Xu Qiji confessed: "How many people have not evacuated?"

   "There is still more than half, and I have some bad news here." Xuan 72 said: "The other side's support troops are here... just above us."

   Xu Qijing looked up, and saw three handsome-looking starships in the sky flying over here.

   "This is sci-fi." He looked at the smooth lines of the starship, like flying out of a film and television work.

   And beside the three star ships, there are dozens of **** ships.

From a distance, Xu Qijing could see weapons and equipment emerging from the opponent’s ship, locking this area-his artificial eyes, with a variety of functions, waiting for him to continue to develop: "This time it’s better than we thought. Much faster."

"After all, Boss Xu, you just made a big fuss in the other party's experimental base not long ago. The other party will definitely remain vigilant. If they don't react quickly at this time, then they should have been exterminated long ago." Xuan Qi Twelve said very calmly.

   "It's a pity, the rest can be saved as much as you can... If you can't take it away, you will open the prison door. Whether you can survive or not depends on their own good fortune." Xu Qijing made a decisive decision.

   He almost had to let the humans of World 713 who had entered the Black Pillar take off and flee, and for the remaining humans in the prison that had not been rescued, he was temporarily helpless.

   I really am not a savior...

   My strength does not allow me to be compassionate.

   "Don't worry about the little island owner, we've done this, we are actually familiar with this kind of business." An elite on the dying island, lying on the ground, took a breath and replied to Xu Qijing.

   Boom boom boom~

   is still very far away, the large starship on the opposite side has already opened fire.

   Countless shooting beams, as if spreading the entire screen, bombarded Xu Qiji and others' positions.

   Full screen attack.

   Among these attacks, there were some thick beams of light, which were even super-heavy long-range strikes aimed at the "starship". The frontal bombardment, let alone the existence of the third realm, the fourth realm had to be turned into fly ash.

   But just as these full-screen attacks were about to fall, suddenly a layer of ‘energy shield’ rose up over the entire Heizhulin Prison to block most of the bullet rain attacks.

   "I quietly activated the prison's defense system before and set it to indiscriminate defense." Xuan Seventy-two put his hand behind him and whispered beside Xu Qijing.

   Xu Qiji glanced at Xuan Qiji in surprise.

   This one is so capable!

   For a moment, he really wanted to pick up this Xuan Qishi.

   It's a pity that his "Thousand-Hand Big Buddha Palm" is also performed by runes, he doesn't even know it.

"But Boss Xu, don't be happy too This defensive cover will not last too long, especially when the opponent’s main gun attacks. After a few rounds, the defensive cover should be over." Explained.

   "It's enough to buy some time." Xu Qijing held the big sword, the distance between the starship and them was too far, even the stretchable big sword could not touch each other...

   With a thought, he was already riding on a black pillar full of people. Under the remote control of his ‘artificial god’s eye’ command, he started to ignite and enter the launch escape state.


   The second wave of attacks from the starship in the distance fell, and the defensive cover over the prison failed to hold up this wave, and was blown up and collapsed.

   Countless zero-breaking beam shooting, bombing.

   While Xu Qijing was controlling the black pillar to lift into the sky, the artificial divine eyes once again looked at the starship in the distance.

   Then, something interesting happened to him.

   It connected to the operating systems of the three starships in the distance?

  The artificial **** eye is the ultimate masterpiece of the NO.1 national treasure of the smoky clan. The **** eye hides a very high authority.

   These permissions can be applied to many previous works of National Treasure NO.1.

   For example, the operating system of the Imperial Starship comes from this national treasure NO.1.


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