Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 111: It's flat after one click

   Xu Qijing is still a little curious about the black smoke tribe’s obsession with making black pillars.

   Although I don’t know why the artificial god’s eyes are activated and see through the forest of black pillars, but this is a rare opportunity... just look at the structure of these black pillars and see what they do?

   The aurora in Xu Qijing's eyes, rotating faster and faster, both eyes are physically bright.

   "A Ji?" Thrush was a little worried, and gently grabbed Xu Qiji's hand.

   Brother Miao wanted to stop aloud, Xu Qijing obviously entered a magical state at this time, a bit like an epiphany. Similar to this state, if it is disturbed by the outside world, it is likely to be interrupted immediately.

   As a result, when Shen Shumei held Xu Qijing's hand, instead of disturbing Xu Qijing, Xu Qijing's eyes, which had to be overheated, were cooled down.

  【The relationship between husband and wife is so amazing? 】Miao Miao was lost in thought.

   Fortune Lover's Law Land, the couple here does not necessarily refer to the dual monastic couple, but can be ordinary Taoists... But the fact that the couple ranks in the four major elements of cultivation also shows her importance.

   Shall I find a hamster to be the other half? Miao Miao realized that she was a little moved.

   "Energy transformation, energy extraction, but these are all appearances." Xu Qiji's divine eyes spanned countless distances, staring at the black pillar forest, analyzing their structure.

   "Is it the formation?" When the Hei Zhulin looked carefully, he could see that they were arranged in an orderly manner according to a certain trajectory, not chaotic, and somewhat like the legendary formation.

   "Also...send signal function?" Xu Qijing felt a faint tingling in her eyes.

   The entire Black Pillar Forest seems to be sending a signal to heaven and earth.

   It's just that Xu Qijing doesn't understand the culture of the black smoke tribe, literate, and doesn't know what message they want to send.

   [Substitute and think, if I want to line up so many pillars and send a signal to a certain place or someone in the sky and the earth, what message will be sent? 】

  Thinking about it...Xu Qijing felt that if he were replaced by him, Heizhulin might be lined up with vulgar words like "Uncle Wanni".

   Mainly because their world is a group of spiritual races hanging in the sky.

   If they can look down on the earth from the sky, they can see the vulgar language lined up with black pillars, how interesting?

  The signal sent by the black smokers is definitely not similar information.

  Failed to substitute the way of thinking...

   Xu Qijing feels that her brain is not suitable for doing this kind of thing like'substitute into the enemy's perspective to think'.

  【Next time if there is a chance, do you want to go to the Heizhulin? Or simply put the next script over there? ] Xu Qiji thought in her heart.

   The artificial eye suddenly sees through the area across the space, which is obviously a certain kind of stimulation.

  While thinking, Xu Qijing withdrew her mental energy and slowly closed her eyes.

   In the eyes, the aurora disappeared.

   Xu Qijing felt a slight dizziness surge...Of course, this degree of dizziness was not worth mentioning for him today, and he could hold it through with a little bit of gritted teeth.

But when he felt the fragrant thrush standing next to him and clutching his hand tightly, he took advantage of the trend to let his dizziness attack, and his body fell softly towards his daughter-in-law, relying on her rich like a little bird. In his arms.

   The only flaw in the beauty is that his body is over-fitting, which makes his physique bigger, and the trick of Xiao Niao Yi Ren cannot reach perfection.

   "A Ji, are you okay?" The thrush hugged Xu Qiji quickly.

   "It's okay...It's just a little dizzy, maybe it's too much eye use." Xu Qiji showed a pale smile at the right time.

   This perfect pale smile made Thrush hold him tighter.

   Brother Miao: "……"

   At this time, it only feels that its brains are buzzing, and it can naturally be seen from its eyesight that Xu Qijing has nothing to do with it at all, she is completely acting.

  【If you play again, be careful that the fakes come true. 】Brother Miao whispered inwardly.

   It just thought so casually, the next moment, Xu Qijin in Thrush's arms really turned pale.

   A big cold sweat came from his forehead...

   is painful feedback.

   Xu Qiji's clone died several times in World 713, and all these experiences were fed back to the ontology at this time.

If it’s only this level, it’s fine. For Xu Qijing, who has endured nine hundred holes at one time, he can hold his teeth through gritted teeth... However, the death experience of the 200 elite islanders will be shared with Xu Qi. A little bit of silence.

   After all, the avatar used by the 200 elite islanders is Xu Qiji’s blank avatar.

   200 tiny bit of death experience, when they come together, it is a bit too exciting.

  Different pains are like mixing all the sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, fragrant, and smelly tastes together, stirring them into an indescribable taste, and stuffing them into your mouth.

   This is a fresh experience.

   Enduring the pain forcibly, Xu Qiji closed the'door of miracle' while her consciousness was still awake, let the clone store the big sword, and then looked for a chance to show his face and persuade her freely.

   After doing all of this, Xu Qijing circulated the liquefied gas in his body, and combined with the slight vibration of his mental power-he took the initiative to fall into a state of deep sleep.

   incidentally also activated the blessing function ‘May you have a good sleep without being disturbed’.

   This set of Sao operations was designed by him when he opened the ‘10,000 holes’ on the sword in order to resist Teacher Su in the future.



   However, he has obviously operated such a show, but his sleep still seems to be disturbed.

   is not that the blessing is invalid, but this time the interference comes from within him, from the'artificial **** eye technique' he just got.

  Deeply asleep, Xu Qijing saw a dusty space covered by black particles.

   These black particles, like the particles in the sky of World 713, are the matter transformed by the invaders with black pillars.

   In this space, a huge shadow is quietly suspended.

  The mysterious and weird background seems to be deliberately creating an atmosphere of horror.

   But when Xu Qijing saw the huge shadow body clearly, the strange atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

   Although the shadow is huge, it looks very cute—it looks like a drop-shaped object, and on this drop, there is a watery eye open.

   In this eye, there is an aurora like Xu Qiji's "artificial **** eye". Although huge, the overall painting style tends to be cute and has a high charm.

   [This is not what weird will parasitizes in the eyes of artificial He is familiar with this kind of routine, and I have seen similar ones in previous works.

   In some treasures, the will of the demon **** and the soul of an expert are stored. The good will become the grandfather, the evil will seize the house...

   Xu Qijing looked at this dripping eye, and the dripping eye was also staring at him.

   This guy belongs to the good camp? Or the evil camp?

   The two sides looked at each other affectionately.

   Then, there was no progress.

   Xu Qiji frowned, her small eyes widened, what's next? How to break?

   Just as he was thinking hard about how to break the game, an e-book suddenly appeared in the sky, and he smashed the dripping eye-it was the "Roller".


  The cute water drop eyes were directly smashed and turned into light particles, completely absorbed by Xu Qiji...

After    after absorbing, Xu Qijing only felt refreshed and comfortable.

   Even the mental power has been strengthened.

   Okay, now it is no longer necessary to consider whether Mengmeng's eyes are good or evil. Anyway, they are all flattened.

   After smashing the water droplets, the "Rolling List" revolved in Xu Qiji's consciousness space, just like a tiger patrolling his territory.


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