Myriad Realms Roll Book

Chapter 101: Upgrade expert of 3 Jin 4

"Huh? He was sealed for hundreds of years, and then met a kindhearted person who saved his life and got free. But the kindhearted person has set a curse of'honesty' for you, and gave you a very heavy task... …This routine feels a bit familiar.” Xu Qiji said as she thought about it.

   These years, there are many routines in cities and slippery roads in rural areas. If you are not careful, you will suffer routines. And it is very likely that the old routine is still a change of shell.

   Yule Saintess is obviously following an old routine.

   "Will you pluck your hairy avatar, saint? Are there any magical items that can be large or small? Is there a pupil technique that can see through the illusion of all things? Are you good at escape?" Xu Qijing asked four times.

   Yule Saintess: "???"

   What does Mr. Xu want to express? She didn't understand the meaning of the other's words at all.

   By Xu Qiji's side, Brother Hamster looked at the saint in shock, a little bit strong in training disciples!

   After she inherited the island, she worked hard for hundreds of years to cultivate a full 12 thousand fourth-level abilities.

   Although it is said that before she inherits the island owner, there is the foundation left by the old island owner...There must be a lot of people with abilities in the 1, 2, and 3 realms in preparation.

   But this is still similar to wholesale production! Wholesale 4 disciples, horror.

  ——Fortunately, she is no longer the lamp-holder of the Taisu Xuanyin Sect. Otherwise, with her teaching ability, given her thousands of years, the Taisu Xuanyin Sect could explode.

   With their teachings, then the whole world can feel pain!

   Fortunately, the original Taisu Xuanyin Sect did not excavate her teaching talent...

   In addition, looking at it now, the old island owner has given her a number of 50,000 fourth-level disciples that seem to be difficult to complete. I am afraid that after hundreds of thousands of years, she can really become it!

   This is very interesting.

   As far as Miao Miao knows, the old island owner let her inherit her own island, just to cultivate her and inherit her own mantle.

The old island owner did not completely heal the sequelae of the injury of Saint Yule, he also imposed a curse of'being honest with others' on her, and arranged a task that was so heavy that it was almost impossible to complete, and there were many details in secret. .

   All this is to force a certain obsession from Le's heart, and then use the obsession to cultivate a magical power.

   As a result, this saint is too capable.

   Even though she suffered from the sequelae of a gunshot wound and even with limitations, in just a few hundred years, she still surrendered perfect answers for 12,000 people with four-level abilities.

  Because she is so capable, she can handle all the difficulties without obsession.

   an endless loop, no solution.

   "So your severe pain reaction is related to the sequelae of the gunshot wound?" Thrush said. Her attention has always been focused here.

   "That's right." Saintess Yule nodded: "Only sugar can ease my pain a little."

   She is in a state of sequelae of pain almost all the time now, a little poke on her can detonate her pain value.

"Whether I am able to retire earlier and solve this sequelae problem depends on whether the'Trial World' provided by Mr. Xu can meet my trial requirements." Saintess Yu Le showed whiteness to Xu Qiji. Teeth: "My future depends on Mr. Xu."

   "Squeak~ He has a daughter-in-law, he can't afford your future." Brother Miao said casually-he preempted Xu Qiji's lines to speak, lest he take the opportunity to spread dog food for a while.

   can't give him any chance to show affection!

   But it has forgotten one thing, it does not speak human words but just squeaks, Xu Qijing can't understand it. Xu Qiji will probably repeat the lines it uses to **** it away.

   "Is the Yule Saintess married? Is there someone you like?" Shumei suddenly asked again.

The saint replied: "Not yet, but the person I like has a vague figure, that is, the one who nailed me to death in the blue sky. It may be the reason why I pierced my heart. I found that I could not forget it. His figure always thinks of him when he is in pain... Maybe this is love? Wait, Mrs. Xu, don't ask about personal matters."

   [I think that shouldn't be love? ] Xu Qiji and Miao Brother had the same thoughts in their minds at this time.

   "Okay." Thrush nodded obediently.

Xu Qiji coughed slightly and brought the topic back: "I understand, I hope that the world I provide can meet the requirements of your trial of the saint... In addition, I actually want to get your help from the saint, so in fact It is mutually beneficial."

   The saint wants to train 50,000 elite disciples early.

   Xu Qijing also wants to use the hand of the saint to pacify the invaders in the 713 world...If possible, he hopes that the saint and brother can bring more powerful people over.

   If this model is mature, maybe this template can also be used in our own world in the future. Although the star beast rune is not as attractive as the energy stone, it also has some tricks.

   "Come on, let's show the world." Saintess Yule looked expectant.

   Xu Qiji adjusted herself, stretched out her hand and tapped in the void, and a small purple miracle door opened.

   The lock coordinate is a sword the size of a rusty pin.

   As long as there are coordinates, it can be operated.

   "Let me first try to see if the transmission ability of the Miracle Gate has been strengthened as my realm improves." Xu Qijing said, stretched out a hand to open a small bag, and took out a precious'Curious Silent Hair'.

   With a flick, he flicked the hair into the miracle door.

   Hair is a very small object, and it is also the most practical thing. As long as the hair can be transmitted, a clone can be made on the other side.

  嗖~ That short hair successfully crossed the door of miracle, entered the opposite world, and fell on the edge of the big sword.

   But Xu Qiji didn't smile.

   He clearly feels that his "Miracle Gate" is faintly reaching its limit, and if the real thing is transmitted, it can transmit a longer hair at best.

   This is his current limit.

   In this way, the energy stone exploded in the 713 world cannot be brought back to this world.

   "Success or failure?" Saintess Yule asked.

"Successful, but not as successful as imagined." Xu Qijing introduced her own situation again: "It seems that if I want to increase the transmission strength of the'Miracle Gate', I have to wait until I reach the fourth realm. That's fine."

   Or the space technology that got 713 World Invaders.

"Ascension to the fourth great realm? I'm familiar with it when I talk about it. How to go from the third great realm to the 4th great realm, I master many small skills for improvement, all of which I am in these hundreds I figured it out during the year, and it was determined through practice to be an effective method. Fuxihe~" Saintess Yule let out a series of triumphant laughter.

   She is a 3rd and 4th expert!

The saint slapped her chest and promised: "I will help Mr. Xu, even those stupid aboriginals on the small island, I can train them to the fourth state, let alone be like Mr. Xu. Fuxi ~Fuchi~"

   "It may take some time to advance to the 4th stage...Will this delay the plan?" Xu Qijing was a little uneasy.

The saint smiled generously and said sincerely: "A few years ~ I can still afford it. I have been here for more than 600 years, not bad for the past few years. If you can trust me, Mr. Xu After that, just tell me briefly about the attributes of your cultivation method, when you started to practice, how many years you have practiced, and the approximate experience of the practice. Then, I will tailor a set of 3 to 4 professional programs for you. ."

   "Squeak~" Miao Miao hurriedly reminded-don't ask this kind of question, don't ask this question from our mouth!

   "Boss Miao, is there a problem with my words?" The saint of Fu Xixi looked at the anxious hamster in doubt.

In front of   , Xu Qijing thought for a while, and felt that what the saint said was very reasonable. The other party is an expert who trained more than 10,000 indigenous people on the islands into the fourth stage. At least more than 10,000 successful experiences are worth relying on.

He also needs these 3 Jin 4 experiences of Saint Yule. In the future, he can change hands to teach Daxia's awakened person—his Daxia's'teacher' is full of water, so if he has the opportunity, he also wants to do his duty. In vain, Daxia held him in his palm as a national treasure.

   "I was at the end of last month, on the 27th...The Miracle Gate was successfully constructed. I relied on it to successfully awaken and master extraordinary power." Xu Qijing said.

   When he introduced his experience, he was a little shy. Because it was obvious that he was telling the truth, but for some reason, when he started to introduce his practice experience, he suddenly felt a strong sense of pretence, which made him a little embarrassed when he was shy.

   When Xu Qijing spoke, Du Fuxihe, the saint of Fuxixi, couldn't get up.

   Beautiful eyes widened.

   The end of last month?

   Is this world different from theirs? Is it the kind of algorithm that is one month in the sky and ten years on the ground?

   or a question of translation, this "month" means "decades ago"?


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