Myriad Realms Grand Manager with a God Class System

Chapter 2601: : This **** brain supplement

Is this the city and calculations owned by the powerful Lord God that survived the ancient times?

Before the ultimate goal was revealed, these newly promoted master gods had never thought that this store manager Qi had such a huge ambition.

It can even be said that they all felt the moment before the manager Qi took the initiative to condense the law of the netherworld.

Shop Manager Qi must be on the same side as them.

But now, the situation reversed instantly.

Manager Qi also mastered the law of the netherworld!

Doesn't that mean that the Sky God Realm is going to be chaotic.

The broken nether law and the complete nether law, in the underworld, which one is more advantageous, don't even think about it.

An ominous place like Mingtu doesn't care who opened it up.

Nether Law is the only power to control!

So, the manager Qi has been waiting for this moment, before just letting the **** of the nether to attract firepower.

Moreover, even if it fails in the end, it has nothing to do with him.

Because as long as Manager Qi himself does not expose the Nether Law, no one will know it.

Thinking about it this way, the mind and calculations of Manager Qi are so terrible!

"Looking at the expression of Dragon God, is he not clear about this?"

"What? Manager Qi even concealed the Dragon God!?"

"This...this is terrible too!"

This group of newly promoted main gods guessed here, they couldn't help taking a breath.

Seeing Dragon God's astonished look, the shock in their hearts obviously became stronger.


"who are you?"

"It can be calculated to this level!"

The eyes of the Nether God looking at Qi Le at this moment have completely changed.

When Qi Le was forced to make an early move before, the Nether God thought that this guy was a helper from the Goddess of Life, or a certain **** under the command of the Goddess of Life.

Mastering the law of light, ready to become famous on the battlefield.

Then in the first fight, he found that this guy not only mastered the law of light, but also mastered the law of space.

This also gave the Nether God a heart of solicitation.

Of course, more, it was also because the Nether God wanted to know this secret.

If the law of death and the law of the nether can be mastered together, the improvement that can be obtained for the **** of the nether is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two.

Unfortunately, the solicitation plan failed.

And the goddess of life also joined the battle, so that the attention of the **** of nether was attracted.

The situation after that was even more twists and turns, and Qi Le, who was completely invisible on the battlefield, was naturally ignored.

However, who would have thought that in the end, there would be such a shocking turn!

This completely invisible, seemingly humble guy is the one with the deepest thoughts.

Just to wait for the last moment!

In order to **** the underworld!

Such a terrible calculation, such a deep city, even the Nether God, felt a chill on his back.

"who am I?"

"This is really a good question."

Qi Le touched his chin, feeling that this question was not answered for the first time.

"If I insist, I'm just an ordinary store manager who has nothing to do with the world."

There is absolutely no problem with this description.

At least Qi Le didn't say, he just passed by accidentally.

"The manager... So you are the manager Qi who has gained a reputation in the chaotic area these days."

"Choose to have a good relationship with the Kingdom of Life at this time. If you didn't come here for the underworld, would you believe it yourself?"

The Nether God spoke these words in an ironic tone.

Judging from the results alone, Qi Le's actions really seem to be for the purpose of controlling the underworld, so he will be able to make the kingdom of life.

Then you can join the war as a matter of course, paving the way for future plans.

And it's not abrupt at all.

No one had thought about this before.

But now that the Nether God proposed this way, the main gods swallowed silently.

Could it be that Manager Qi had already anticipated that Nether God Congress would attack the Kingdom of Life?

That's why I chose to open a store in a chaotic area not far from the Kingdom of Life.

And also use those rare commodities to attract the attention of the great kingdoms.

The purpose is for this moment!

"Does Manager Qi really think so?"

Tariana asked aloud in disbelief.

The dragon **** next to him shook his head slightly and said, "It's not impossible that this is possible, at least from the current situation, it looks very similar."

The speculation of the Nether God is not without reason.

Judging from the current development situation, the possibility of the ambition of the manager Qi is really high.

Qi Le had no choice but to shook his head helplessly, and said, "If you have to think like this, there is no way."

These guys are all master gods, and once they have any ideas, they are very stubborn.

Qi Le didn't think that a few words could change their minds.

But to be honest, the current situation will become like this, really just because of Qi Le's whim.

Because at the very beginning, Qi Le's idea was definitely to prevent the formation of the earth.

But, afterwards, Mingtu took shape and became unstoppable, so Qi Le could only think of other ways.

So when I thought about it, I thought of the biggest advantage I have-the body of law!

What is the purpose of the **** of the netherworld to attack the goddess of life?

One is for the foundation of Hades, which is the land of death.

After all, it is the kingdom of the dead, and it must have enough souls to establish the land of the dead.

The other is for the law of life possessed by the goddess of life.

Both of these are indispensable.

Without the support of the laws of the Netherworld, even if the Netherland is cast, it cannot be controlled.

So Qi Le thought, since the **** of the netherworld, for the law of the netherworld, so much effort to start a battle.

So, can I directly take the hard-won fruit from the hands of the **** of the netherworld?

Anyway, the Nether Law is not a very powerful law for Qi Le.

As long as Qi Le needs it and the power of faith in his hands is left, just get one out.

The facts have also proved that this approach is indeed useful.

Because while Qi Le mastered the laws of the netherworld, standing in this land of the underworld, as if there was some special connection with this land of the underworld, basically being able to control everything in this land of the underworld.

Why add a "basic" in front?

No way, the nether law in the hands of the **** of nether, even if it is broken, has a certain control over the land.

It is impossible to be completely suppressed by Qi Le, after all, where is his realm.

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