Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 993


Chapter 993 The Ultimate Powerhouse!

"It's getting dark, so you can watch Celestial Phenomenon."

Drinking and drinking was so enjoyable that everyone forgot about it, Dongfang Youyue remembered it first.

Hearing this, everyone put down their wine glasses and looked up at the night sky.

Dongfang Luo Lei said with a smile, "Just take a look at it, don't hold out too much hope, we have all been to Guanxing Pavilion many times, if we can comprehend Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian from Celestial Phenomenon The ultimate Profound Truth, it was comprehended long ago."

Dongfang Qinger sighed softly, "It's really difficult, since ancient times, how many shocking and stunning characters have been produced in our Dongfang Family, but it is possible to There are a few more people who have comprehended the ultimate Profound Truth of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, which is one and a half of what the first Ancestor Master said, and we still don’t know who it is.”

Listening to them, Long Qingchen also Without any hope, I watched the peculiar Celestial Phenomenon casually, followed the trajectory of the Celestial Phenomenon, and tried it with the Dragon Vein to see if it could work.


However, to his surprise, Dragon Vein had a reaction!

He felt a mysterious force appearing in the Dragon Vein, which was flowing like a small stream, and it grew rapidly. This kind of force is not Devouring Power, not immortal strength, nor dragon force. , do not know what kind of power.

Is this the ultimate Profound Truth from Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian?

If so, it's too simple.

Is it so easy because of his fusion of Dragon Vein and Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian?

He looked strange and asked, "I wonder what reaction you have in your body when you watch this astrology?"


Dongfang Luolei Shaking his head and laughing, "What can be the reaction?"

Dongfang Qinger said, "I have no reaction at all."

Dongfang Hanshui laughed, "If there is a reaction, then It proves that it can resonate with this Celestial Phenomenon, and it is possible to comprehend the ultimate Profound Truth of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian."

Dongfang Youyue said, "I have already asked many geniuses who have come to Guanxing Pavilion. , there is no reaction at all, if we force the cultivation according to the trajectory of Celestial Phenomenon, it will be injured at light, and cultivation deviation at worst.”

They are so frank, but Long Qingchen can’t hide it, “I seem to feel a little bit”

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were suddenly focused on him, their eyes widened, each one was incredible.

"Brother Chen, are you kidding us?"

Dongfang Luolei was full of doubts.

It's no wonder he asked this question, since ancient times, Dongfang Family has produced countless geniuses, most of them have come to Guanxing Pavilion, and only one and a half people have comprehended the ultimate Profound Truth. Now, Long Qingchen, an "outsider", said that he felt a little bit, and everyone would be suspicious.

Dongfang Qinger said with a smile, "Brother Chen, shouldn't you just say this on purpose to make the senior family pay more attention to you, it's not necessary, we have promised to help you convince the elders Now, I will definitely not forcibly take back your Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian."

"I'm not joking, and I didn't mean to say that."

Long Qingchen looked at them seriously," I really feel it."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn, Dongfang Hao Yang quickly asked, "How do you feel?"

"I just followed the The trajectory of the Celestial Phenomenon was run with the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, and as a result, a mysterious force appeared in the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian."

Long Qingchen told the truth.

Dongfang Hao Yang anxiously said, "What power, let it out and see."

"I don't know if I can control this power, let me try it."

Long Qingchen stretched out a palm, and his mind controlled the mysterious power in Dragon Vein, slowly flowing into his arm and spreading into his palm along the arm, only to see that it was a wisp of gray mist.

Dongfang Qinger, Dongfang Luolei, Dongfang Hanshui, Dongfang Haoyang and Dongfang Youyue all stared at this wisp of gray mist as if fascinated.

It took a long time for the five Supreme geniuses to come back to his senses.

Dongfang Hao Yang looked strangely, "How about, try its formidable power?"

The other four Supreme geniuses looked at each other, all of them were nodded.

Dongfang Hanshui pointed to the west and said to Long Qingchen, "That area is a barren mountain, uninhabited, you can try it."


Long Qingchen flicks with the finger , this wisp of gray fog disappeared out of thin air.


When this gray fog reappeared, it had already fallen into that area. I saw that hundreds of barren mountains were instantly annihilated. That's right, it was not collapsed, but directly annihilated!

The five Supreme geniuses stared blankly at this scene.

Even Long Qingchen himself was stunned.

You must know that only a single strand of this gray fog can burst out such a powerful formidable power!

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that after this wisp of gray mist escaped from his fingertips, it directly shuttling through the void and appeared in that area. What does this mean?

Description, you can ignore the space distance!

Just try it out, there may be some peculiar features that haven't been discovered yet!

came back to his senses and the eyes of the five Supreme geniuses turned red.

"What are you doing?"

Long Qingchen subconsciously took a step back. The five Supreme geniuses with extreme strength in the Emperor Realm stared at him with red eyes, he was still very stressed. of.


Dongfang Hao put his arms around his shoulders, “In the future, I won’t call you cheap cousin, you are my real cousin, uh , no, I'll call you cousin, okay?"

Long Qingchen didn't know whether to cry or laugh, his body shook, shaking his perverted hand away, "As for what, anyway, you He is also one of the top ten Supreme geniuses of the taboo-level Peak full-star force."

"As for, very much!"

Dongfang Hao Yang stared at him solemnly, "Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian The ultimate Profound Truth, do you know what it means to our Dongfang Family?"

Long Qingchen wondered, "What does it mean?"

"You stupid!"


Dongfang Hao said loudly, "Means, in the future, you may become the ultimate powerhouse of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian!"

The ultimate powerhouse?

What does this mean?

Meaning the highest achievement Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian can achieve?

Long Qingchen reluctantly accepted this statement, "Okay"

Dongfang Hao Yang circled around him twice, as if looking at a treasure, with tsk tsk in his mouth. , "I can't hold your thighs before you become the ultimate powerhouse, how long are you waiting?"

"" Long Qingchen was a little funny, "then you have to hold tight."

"It's great fun now, you comprehended Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian's ultimate Profound Truth, when you hold the Elder Conference, who dares to ask for Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian back?"

" It seems that we don't need our help anymore, you can easily pass the Elder Conference."

Dongfang Luolei, Dongfang Qinger and Dongfang Hanshui all stared at him enviously.

Long Qingchen said, "In order to be safe, I still hope that the three of you can help me get along."

"No problem!"

"It's our responsibility. Body!"

The three of them agreed just now, and now they have made a direct promise.

The big stone in Long Qingchen's heart finally landed. Some time ago, he visited the top leaders of the Dongfang Family, plus three Supreme geniuses to help with the relationship, plus he mastered the ultimate Profound Truth of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, yes. The Elder Conference half a month later is almost certain.

(end of this chapter)

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