Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 983


Chapter 983 is not good for this

"Okay, Dragon Clan kid, don't tease these guards Come in now."

Suddenly, an old voice came from the continent.

It was the voice heard in the ancient arena. Obviously, the first Ancestor Master of the Dongfang Family sensed what happened here.


Long Qingchen is a little embarrassed.

The impersonation was exposed on the spot

“Is he Dragon Clan?”

“How can Dragon Clan have Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian of our Dongfang Family?”

"I understand! He is sure that Dragon Clan's chief Holy Son, Long Qingchen!"

"Okay, Long Qingchen, how dare you pretend to be the core member of our Dongfang Family!"

The guards were stunned for a moment, then, they reacted and glared at Long Qingchen, they felt like they were being played like fools.


Long Qingchen laughed, of course not admitting it, “I never said I was the core member of your family, you just thought I was when you saw Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian It's a core member, who can blame it."

The guards were very depressed, he didn't seem to say


Long Qingchen was too lazy to say it, Xiang Fly inside the continent.

The first Master Ancestor had spoken, so the guards naturally did not dare to stop him, so they could only let him in.


After flying into the continent, Long Qingchen released his senses, covering the entire continent and finding the highest mountain. According to the fourth Ancestor Master of the Dongfang Family, the first Ancestor Master lives on the highest mountain.


He flew to the highest mountain, and soon came to the foot of the mountain.

No way, there is a protective great formation in this big mountain, you can only walk up the mountain.

Following the stone steps, dashed up to the top of the mountain.

I saw an old man sitting cross-legged under an old tree, closing his eyes and resting, with only a faint breath, like an ordinary old man.

"Senior, are you the first Ancestor Master of the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian family?"

Long Qingchen gave a salute and asked, there is no one else in this mountain, It shouldn't be wrong, but I still have to make sure, it would be embarrassing to visit the wrong person.

The old man's eyes slowly opened, and a kind smile appeared on his wrinkled face, "Yes, I am."

Long Qingchen knew it was the sound when he heard this voice. Now, I took out a prepared gift from the space ring and placed it gently in front of the old man, "Anyway, I have half the blood relationship of the Dongfang Family on me. Dare to come empty-handed, bring a little gift and ask senior to smile."

"Good child, very polite, much better than the juniors in our family who don't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth. "

The old man glanced at the gift, smiled and said, "Last night, the cakes made by your two daughters-in-law, as well as the special tea and wine from Dragon Clan, yes, they are all things I like. "

How did he know?

Long Qingchen was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved after thinking about it. For a peerless powerhouse at the level of cultivation base like him, it is estimated that everyone in the entire small universe is under his induction. Also normal.

The old man asked, "Are you here for your parents and the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian in you?"


Long Qingchen is very clear that nothing can be hidden from such a strong man, there is no need to beat around the bush, and said directly, "The fourth Ancestor Master asked me to visit all the senior elders, to establish a good relationship, and to challenge the top ten Supreme geniuses, Let the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian family see my potential, in this way, the probability that the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian family is willing to negotiate will be greater."

The old man nodded slightly, "Old Fourth is right, Regarding you, there are big differences within the family. The key is how you behave. Go, visit other Ancestor Masters and Elders. With me, don't waste any more time. Your grandparents and your mother, I It's all watching you grow up, I support you."

"Thanks Senior."

Long Qingchen gave a salute again, didn't say much, turned around and went down the mountain.

Looking at his back, the old man was slightly absent-minded and muttered to himself, "The Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian of Supreme Perfection, there are not many among the core members of our Dongfang Family, and, with The Dragon Vein is so perfectly integrated, perhaps this is God's will."

After leaving the mountain, Long Qingchen visited the second Ancestor Master and the third Ancestor Master of the Dongfang Family in order. and the fourth Ancestor Master.

The second Ancestor Master and the third Ancestor Master of the Dongfang Family did not see him at all, so Dao Child under their seat dismissed him. It can be seen from the attitude that the second Ancestor Master And the third Ancestor Master was extremely opposed to him.

Long Qingchen didn't take seriously either. He handed over the gift to Dao Child, and asked Dao Child to pass it on. It's fine when the gift arrives. As for whether the second Ancestor Master and the third Ancestor Master don't appreciate it, that's not true. He can change.

After visiting the four Ancestor Masters, he went to visit the patriarch and vice-patriarch of the Dongfang Family.

The patriarch did not see him either, and he also left the gift.

Deputy patriarch was quite enthusiastic and talked with him for over an hour.

When he left, the deputy patriarch told him that his mother was the great-great-granddaughter of the deputy patriarch, that is to say, the deputy patriarch was his great-great-grandfather. Of course, it was only based on blood. Not yet, after all, the Dongfang Family has not accepted him as an "outsider".

“We visited four Ancestor Masters, patriarchs, and deputy patriarchs. According to the order of identities, we should visit twenty-one Supreme Elders.”

Long Qingchen Xiang The oldest one flew to the residence of the Elder.

Among the Great Influences, generally speaking, the status of the Supreme Elder is higher than that of the patriarch and the deputy patriarch, while the Dongfang Family is not like this, but the status of the patriarch and the deputy patriarch is higher Yu Taishang Elder.

Of course, it is related to the system of the Dongfang Family. The Dongfang Family implements the elder parliamentary system. There can be many elders. However, there are only two patriarchs and vice-patriarchs, which can be regarded as rare and precious.

"You've come!"

Just arrived at the residence of the oldest elder, but found that the elder was already waiting at the gate, looking forward to it , rubbed his hands and said anxiously, "Where's the gift? What about the gift for me? It won't come to me without the gift, right?"

""Long Qingchen is a little speechless, is this senior's house unable to open the pot? Looking forward to the gift so much, he took out a gift from the space ring and said with a smile, "How come, every senior has one."

The Supreme Elder hurriedly took the gift and was on the spot. When he took it apart, he didn't even look at the tea and cakes. He picked up the wine jar, patted the open seal, pointed it to his mouth, and shouted it.


After taking a few gulps in a row, he put down the wine jar, cautiously covered the sealant, and complained, "There's only so much wine, look Come, I have to save some drinks."

Long Qingchen looked strangely, it turns out that this senior is an alcoholic, love wine as one's life.

However, it can be seen from the attitude that this senior should support him, otherwise, he will not be so kind. For a senior like this cultivation base, what kind of wine can't you want? There is absolutely no need for this.

The Supreme Elder stared at the time dragon ring in his hand, "My favorite is your Dragon Clan specialty wine, do you still have it?"

"No. "

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, "The wine I brought is divided into one hundred and thirty-three gifts, and each gift contains only one jar of wine."

Shang Shang Elder pondered for a moment, looked at the pastries and tea, "Maybe this is the case, you can take out two more gifts, disassemble them, and take out the wine. I will use this pastry and tea leaves for two jars of wine."

""Long Qingchen is really speechless, "This is not good"

(end of this chapter)

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