Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 944


Chapter 944 Regret now, too late!

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha!

Tai Xuan Bing refers to Tenth Layer's cold air and finger force, instantly piercing the three martial skills displayed by the faceless boxer, as if crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!


And, the trend continues unabated, piercing the body of the Faceless King!

"What Finger Law is this, the Faceless Fighter can't match the three top martial skills of the Star Sect?"

"The Faceless Fighter is the Star Sect Supreme Genius, in front of this new boxer, there is a feeling of being suppressed everywhere, who is this new boxer?"

Except Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli, everyone in the audience They all stared blankly at this scene, feeling unbelievable.

In fact, it's not because Taixuan Bingzhi is stronger than Zhu Star Sect's three top martial skills, but Long Qingchen's cultivation base is higher than this faceless boxer, so even if two For people who use the same level of martial skill, Long Qingchen will still be even better.

The faceless boxer looked down at the wound on his chest, looked up at the teenager in azure clothes coldly, "You completely angered me!"

"You haven't Die."

Long Qingchen felt a little surprised, looked at his index finger, and soon understood that although his Taixuanbing finger had reached the Tenth Layer, it had not yet reached the level of the Great Accomplishment. Not enough to kill the third rank Immortal Emperor directly.


The faceless boxer shook his body.


He released his own way and rolled it out!

And, behind him, the natural phenomenon of Bright Moon Rises Above the Sea emerges!

Dao, coupled with a natural phenomenon of ancient power, the superimposed formidable power of the two is enough to kill an ordinary Supreme genius, but unfortunately, his opponent is Long Qingchen, Long Qingchen is not General Supreme genius.

"It will only be you who will die."

Long Qingchen thought for a moment.

weng! weng! weng!

Behind him, the natural phenomenon of Bright Moon Rises Above the Sea also emerges!

Around him, the natural phenomenon of Primal Chaos Growing Azure Lotus appears!

In front of him, there is the natural phenomenon of the mighty Nine Heavens!

Three natural phenomena!

The gamblers in the audience were all wide-eyed and silent.

Have one natural phenomenon, which can be called Supreme genius;

Have two kinds of natural phenomenon, which is the best among Supreme geniuses;

Have three kinds of natural phenomenon phenomenon, the king of battle among Supreme geniuses!


The major Super Influences will be crazy to recruit Well, what kind of boxer do you need to be?

The moment they saw the three natural phenomena, they already knew that the faceless boxer's 83-game winning streak was about to end, and they bet on the Immortal Spirit stone on the faceless boxer. It will be lost!

The middle-aged driver who came here with Long Qingchen, Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli slumped on the chair, wanting to cry without tears, "I have lost half of my life savings."


The faceless boxer seemed to have seen a ghost, his pupils contracted violently, and he became terrified.


His Tao and the natural phenomenon of Bright Moon Rises Above the Sea are instantly pierced by three natural phenomena!

Immediately afterwards, his entire body was crushed by three natural phenomena and turned into a blood mist!


Long Qingchen raised his hand, and the True Fire floated in his hand.

"Stop it!"

The old man in Chinese clothing suddenly changed color, "The rumors from the outside world are correct, the King of Faceless is indeed the Supreme genius who kills Star Sect and cannot be killed!"

From the blood mist came the flustered voice of the faceless boxer, "I am one of the geniuses of the Star Sect Nine Great Supremes, Ranked 8th, I came to the underground boxing arena, just to experience it, you can't kill Me."

Long Qingchen sneered, "According to the rules of the underground boxing arena, once you enter the ring, you must share life and death, how can I break the rules?"

indifferently said, "The rules are set by people, and since they are set by people, they can be changed. In this duel, you won, defeated the faceless boxer, and defeated the genius of Star Sect Supreme, which is enough to make you famous Now, you don't need to offend Star Sect and destroy your future."

"When other fighters die in this ring, why don't you change the rules?"

Long Qingchen His eyes were cold, "When it's time to punish the genius of Star Sect Supreme, the rules will be changed. Then, aren't other boxers dead in vain?"


He swayed the nine-color True Fire and landed on the blood mist, which immediately burst into flames.

"The Star Sect won't let you go!"

Mournful scream came from the blood mist.

Soon, the screams were gone, blood mist flying ash annihilation!


The old man in Huafu was trembling with anger and glared at him.

The audience was deadly silent. The gamblers looked at this azure clothes boy in amazement. Knowing that the faceless boxer was the Supreme genius who killed Star Sect, he dared to kill him. Go crazy.


With the death of the faceless boxer, the Formation on the edge of the ring opened, and Long Qingchen fought Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli in the audience With a wink, he walked out of the ring and went out.

"You can't leave!"

The old man in Chinese clothes stopped him, his voice was cold, "If you let you go, the Star Sect will be held accountable, and our underground boxing circle will not be able to tell the truth. Punish Star Sect!"

sou! sou! sou!

Two Immortal Emperors rushed out and surrounded Long Qingchen.

Glancing at the old man in Chinese clothing and the two Immortal Emperors, Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "There are three Immortal Emperors in an underground boxing ring, if I guess correctly, the owner behind this underground boxing ring is It's Star Sect, right?"

"Not bad!"

The old man in Chinese clothes said coldly, "It's okay to tell you, this underground boxing ring is what we started with Star Sect, you A little new boxer with three natural phenomena, so powerful, I suspect that you are a spy sent by other Great Influence, lurking here, killing our Supreme genius who kills Star Sect, so you must stay, Accept the investigation of our Star Sect!"

Long Qingchen floated a little joking, "Since you know my strength and you stop me, I think you are impatient."

Hearing this, the old man Huafu and the other two immortals, Imperial Capital, hurriedly retreated. Indeed, if this person wanted to leave, they would definitely not be able to stop him, and they would only sacrifice their lives in vain.

"I regret it now, it's too late!"

Long Qingchen unleashed three natural phenomena, directly crushing the three Immortal Emperors.

bang! bang! bang!

The faces of the three Immortal Emperors changed drastically, and they tried their best to release their own way. Piece of blood mist!

Long Qingchen waved his hand and spilled three True Fire, then strode away, not bothering to take a second look.

"Dare to kill on the chassis of our Star Sect, you will never get out of the Sharktooth Galaxy!"

"You will surely die!"

Three pieces of blood mist were ignited, screams came out, and soon, flying ash annihilation!

sou! sou! sou!

Long Qingchen walked out of the underground boxing arena and met Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli who just came out. Rush to the city gate at a high speed!

"Do you want to leave after killing the Supreme genius and the three Immortal Emperors of our Star Sect?"

City Lord's Mansion, came out a long whistle, a The silhouette rises into the air, exuding a strong breath, chasing Long Qingchen, Long Jingxuan'er and Long Kongli at high speed!

(end of this chapter)

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