Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 940


Chapter 940 Accommodation

"We have eliminated the Shangshang family and cleaned up 9922 Galaxies, you can send a Dragon Clan army to take over."

Long Qingchen took out the ancestor dragon scales and turned on the sound transmission.

Ancestral Dragon's voice came from the ancestor dragon scales, "Okay, when I finish this cup of tea, I will send an army over."

""Long Qingchen was a little speechless , said slowly, "We're going to take a trip to the Star Sect's territory."

I heard a "ka-cha" sound from the ancestor dragon scales, maybe the teacup fell to the ground, and the time Ancestral came out. Dragon's anxious voice said, "Don't mess around. In the morning, when you came to me, I told you that it's enough to destroy the Shangshang family. The Star Sect is a High Level full of stars, so it's not easy to act rashly for the time being."

"Don't worry, we have our own way."

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "We are just going to kill a few Supreme geniuses in Star Sect's territory and vent our anger."


Ancestral dragon scales was quiet for a moment before the voice of Ancestral Dragon came out, "That's okay, but don't do it too much. If you completely anger the Star Sect, it will be more troublesome."

“I know.”

Long Qingchen finally complied, which is to put away the ancestor dragon scales.

Long Kongli lightly said with a smile, "Since Ancestral Dragon said yes, then it must be fine, we can let go of our hands and feet, kill more Supreme geniuses who kill Star Sect, and give Elder Sister Xuan'er Breathe out."

"Let's go."

Long Qingchen took Long Jingxuan'er's hand, waved the other hand, and ordered the ghost ship, "Go to the shark. The Tooth Galaxy."

The territory of the Zhu Star Sect occupies a large galaxy, which is called the Sharktooth Galaxy because the shape of the large galaxy is a bit like a shark's tooth.


The ghost ship plunged into the Void and sailed very fast.

From the 9922 galaxy to the Shark tooth galaxy, there are more than 100,000 galaxies, and it took more than ten breaths of time to arrive.

I can see that the entire Shark tooth galaxy has more stars and is brighter than ordinary galaxies.

There is an endless stream of spaceships coming in and out. Obviously, the commerce of the Shark tooth galaxy is very developed.

However, there are many battleships patrolling at each entrance of the Sharktooth galaxy, and the security is heavily guarded. Every spacecraft entering the Sharktooth galaxy must be checked.

Long Kongli said, "We killed the Shangshang family, the Star Sect may have learned the news, and have been prepared."

"It's okay, let's sneak in. That's it."

Long Qingchen waved his hand, making the Netherworld ship smaller and bigger than a palm, and tucked it into his sleeve pocket.

Then, he continuously cast three hidden secret techniques, blessing on Sister Xuan, Sister Li Senior and himself, changing various characteristics such as breath, appearance, body shape, voice and so on.

Finally, he took out a spaceship and made it bigger.


Flying forward, among the many spaceships, it seems that it is not conspicuous at all.

As we approached the entrance to the Sharktooth galaxy, spaceships began to line up to enter.

After waiting for about an hour, it was finally the spaceship Long Qingchen's turn to enter.

Five guards in armor and knives jumped into the spaceship.

Long Qingchen greeted him with a smile, "Five adults, you've worked hard."

"It's almost!"

The leading guard rolled his eyes , However, looking at the proud look on his face, the title "adult" is quite useful.

He asked, "What are you doing in the Sharktooth Galaxy?"

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "Do some business."

The lead guard glanced at the empty spaceship, "Why is it so empty, what about the cargo?"

Long Qingchen said, "In the space ring, these days, who would stack the cargo on the ship, of course, except for the live cargo."

The lead guard said, "Take it out and see."

Long Qingchen showed a helpless look, and removed a pile of Immortal Medicine and immortal grade ores from the space ring, but did not take out anything too high-grade, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Seeing so many Immortal Medicine and immortal grade ores, the eyes of the five guards all gleamed with a hint of greed, but they did not dare to take it for granted.

"Goods, no problem."

The lead guard pointed to the top of the spaceship, coldly said, "However, to do business in our Shark tooth system, you need to be in the spaceship Put a flag on the top of our Star Sect, where is your flag?"

"I heard that Immortal Medicine and immortal grade ore in Sharktooth Galaxy are in short supply and can be sold at a good price. So, we came here with this batch of goods, this is the first time we have come to the shark tooth galaxy, and we haven't received the business flag yet."

Long Qingchen grabbed a handful from Immortal Medicine and stuffed it in the In the hands of the lead guard, said with a smile, "Invite the brothers to drink tea and be accommodating."

The lead guard weighed the amount of Immortal Medicine in his hand, his face softened a little, "Go inside. After that, immediately go and pick up a commercial flag, without a commercial flag, you are not allowed to sell goods."

"Many thanks for the reminder."

Long Qingchen bowed his hands slightly.

The lead guard waved, "Go in."

After that, he jumped off the spacecraft with the other four guards and went to check other spacecraft.


Long Qingchen drove the spaceship and flew in slowly.

Long Kongli looked at Long Qingchen strangely, as if she knew Long Qingchen again.

Long Jingxuan'er is relatively indifferent, obviously, it is not surprising that he is used to it.

"Do you know about the Sharktooth galaxy?"

Long Qingchen asked, he usually doesn't pay much attention to this galaxy.

Long Kongli glanced at Long Jingxuan'er, lightly said with a smile, "Elder Sister Xuan'er should know better"

Long Qingchen thought it made sense and couldn't help looking towards Long Jingxuan'er, who killed the Star Sect and killed the Heavenly Immortal Sect, is Long Jingxuan'er's mortal enemy, how could she not pay attention?

Long Jingxuan'er speaking of which, "The Sharktooth Galaxy has thirty-five high-level planets, and the Holy Land of the Star Sect is on the largest high-level planet, but there is powerhouse as clouds, It's not suitable for that."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "Which direction does Sister Xuan think is more appropriate?"

Long Jingxuan'er pointed, "In that direction. The high-level planet near the edge is the most suitable, because that high-level planet is far from the Star Sect Holy Land, and that high-level planet has many good places for cultivation, and the Supreme geniuses of the Star Sect often go there for cultivation.”

"Let's do it on that high-level planet."

Long Qingchen controlled the spacecraft to turn around and fly towards the high-level planet near the edge.

Long Jingxuan'er even knows where the Supreme geniuses of the Star Sect often go to cultivate. Obviously, the Star Sect has been investigated for a long time, and it is estimated that she has already prepared for revenge.

After flying into the high-level planet, Long Qingchen controlled the spacecraft to land in a big city, found an inn, and stayed there.

Living in a big city is mainly to get news, and to ask if Supreme geniuses have come to this planet for cultivation.

I inquired at random and learned that there is a Supreme genius who is cultivating on this planet.


Long Qingchen glanced at Long Jingxuan'er, "If you kill this Supreme genius first, the Zhu Star Sect will be alert and beat the grass to scare the snake, wait a few more and solve it together.”

(end of this chapter)

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