Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 938


Chapter 938 never talks about evidence


Long Jingxuan'er He stretched out his hands, the Golden Dragon force floated in his hands, and when he touched his hands, it instantly turned into a golden chessboard, with one after another golden chess pieces distributed on the chessboard, just like reality.

"This is the famed stunt of Empress Huangpu Yingxue, Heaven and Earth Chess Match!"

Immortal Emperor, the lowest fifth-order cultivation base, exclaimed, "How could you ?"

Long Jingxuan'er flipped his hand, took out nine tortoise shells, threw them upward, and performed the Divination Technique, the nine tortoise shells spun, and a strange scene appeared in the middle: Long Qingchen was holding the spear of destruction , killed the nine Immortal Emperors of the Shangshang family one by one, while the Peak Immortal Emperor of the Star Sect fled in a hurry.

This is a hexagram!

Long Kongli's Qiu eyes are strange, this should happen later, she was divination by Long Jingxuan'er, I don't know how these ten Immortal Emperors feel when they look at this hexagram ?

"The Divination Technique of the inheritance of the Huangpu family!"

The fifth-order Immortal Emperor stared at Long Jingxuan'er tightly, "Who the hell are you?"

Long Qingchen said with a sneer, "She is Long Jingxuan'er, the young Supreme genius of the Golden Dragon clan, and also my Dao Companion. In her previous life, she was Huangpu Yingxue, the daughter of the patriarch of the Huangpu clan!"

"Huangpu Yingxue was reincarnated in Dragon Clan?"

"How could this be, God wants to destroy my Shangshang family."

The nine Immortal Emperors of the Shangshang family are all looks When pale got up, they felt cold all over. With their strength, they were not afraid of a Huangpu Yingxue. However, Huangpu Yingxue is now a Dragon Clan Supreme genius. How to contend?

Long Jingxuan'er coldly said, "Today, Husband and I are here to clean up the traitor Shangshang family of Heavenly Immortal Sect, and to get back everything in Heavenly Immortal Sect!"

"There are not only the Huangpu family who are proficient in Divination Technique, how can you be sure that she is related to the Huangpu family?"

Peak Immortal Emperor frowned and hit the fifth-order Immortal Emperor Winking and admitting that the woman in front of her is Huangpu Yingxue, then Dragon Clan can justifiably help her to avenge her past life, so it is absolutely impossible to admit that this woman is Huangpu Yingxue.

"Yes, the messenger is right, I admit I was wrong!"

The fifth-order Immortal Emperor responded quickly, and quickly changed his words, "Even if she is proficient in Divination Technique, it cannot be explained She is a member of the Huangpu family, let alone Huangpu Yingxue."

Long Jingxuan'er coldly said, "Divination Technique, not only the Huangpu family knows, but Heaven and Earth Chess Match was created by me, Huangpu Yingxue, when I was proving Taoism. In this world, no one can perform it except me!"

The fifth-order Immortal Emperor's eyes flickered and he quibble, "Immemorial Era Huangpu Yingxue is just a young generation of the Huangpu family. Her famous stunt—Heaven and Earth Chess Match, was created by her herself, or not unique to her, I don’t know, maybe she has You can also play Heaven and Earth Chess Match if you learn it from somewhere, it's nothing unusual!"

"Maybe Dragon Clan wants to occupy the 9922 galaxy, so she deliberately pretends to be Huangpu. Yingxue!"

Peak Immortal Emperor looked at Long Jingxuan'er and asked, "The martial skill of Divination Technique and Heaven and Earth Chess Match does not prove that you are Huangpu Yingxue, do you have Other evidence?"

The ninth rank Immortal Emperor suddenly said, "Don't say she is not Huangpu Yingxue, so what if she is Huangpu Yingxue? Back then, seven of the eight Heavenly Immortal Sect families had With the help of Zhan Star Sect, our Shangshang family destroyed seven families, quelled the rebellion, and became the only legitimacy of Heavenly Immortal Sect! Therefore, Huangpu Yingxue is just the remnant of a traitor, not qualified Inherit the territory of the Heavenly Immortal Sect!"

The Peak Immortal Emperor gave him an approving look, that's right, put the "hat" of a traitor on the Huangpu family, even if Long Jingxuan'er produced evidence Proving that he is Huangpu Yingxue will not help!

"You shameless!"

Long Jingxuan'er beautiful eyes were frosty, and his body trembled slightly.

“Sister Xuan, don’t get mad.”

Long Qingchen reached out to hold her cold hand, and glanced coldly at the ten Immortal Emperors, as if watching Ten corpses, "We Dragon Clan take revenge, we never care about any evidence or right or wrong. In short, you are all dead today, Shangshang family, I am dead!"




He turned his hand and took out the Spear of Destruction, sent it straight forward, fiercely stabbed the Peak Immortal Emperor!

"Long Qingchen, Zhu Star Sect and Dragon Clan belong to the Fengyuan faction. If you don't tell the evidence, right or wrong, you will attack me. When the Fengyuan faction gathers next year, you will kill Star.

Sect will definitely let the major Fengyuan forces do justice, you Dragon Clan can't hide the sky with one hand!"

Peak Immortal Emperor both shocked and angry, but did not dare to neglect, and took out a giant with both hands sword, slashing suddenly.


The Spear of Destruction collided with the giant sword, the fire star shot out, a bright radiance erupted, the terrifying energy oscillated in all directions, the space collapsed, and the space fragments fell like a waterfall!


After a stalemate for a while, the giant sword was broken, and it couldn't be stopped!


Blood blossoms, the sharp spear of destruction penetrated the body of the Peak Immortal Emperor!


Long Qingchen slapped the Spear of Destruction with his palm.


The Spear of Destruction trembled, and the sound of dragon's roar rang out.


The entire body of the Peak Immortal Emperor was shattered and turned into a blood mist!


Long Qingchen didn't give him a chance to reunite, waved a large piece of nine-color True Fire and landed on the blood mist.

"Long Qingchen, you!"

In the blood mist, the screams of the Peak Immortal Emperor came out, the sound became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Flying ash annihilation!

The nine Immortal Emperors of the Shangshang family stared blankly at this scene, Long Qingchen shot too fast, the spear of destruction stabbed out, smashed the messenger's weapon, penetrated the messenger's body, shocked They shattered their bodies and swayed True Fire, and it was completed in an instant. Before they could react, Lord Messenger was killed.

Moreover, although Long Qingchen is a young generation Supreme genius, he is still a young generation. They absolutely did not expect that Long Qingchen's strength has reached the point of instantly killing the Peak Immortal Emperor!

Even Long Kongli was slightly stunned, a little surprised that Long Qingchen's strength had grown so fast.

Only Long Jingxuan'er is relatively calm. It seems to her that the strength of Long Qingchen is a matter of what it should be by rights.

The nine Immortal Emperors of the Shangshang family looked deathly pale at each other. At this time, there was only a single thought, run away!

Peak Immortal Imperial Capital was instantly killed by Long Qingchen. Although there were nine of them, they had no chance of winning.

sou! sou! sou!

They were smart enough to spread out and flee in different directions.


Long Qingchen uses the time dragon ring with a thought.


The flow of time, stop!

Fix their bodies!

He carried the Spear of Destruction that dripped blood and walked towards them slowly, step by step, like a Death God who harvested life, let them taste the taste of fear well before dying!

Long Kongli glanced at Long Jingxuan'er with a chuckle, "Elder Sister Xuan'er, it seems that it is different from your divination"

Long Jingxuan'er beautiful There was a little helplessness in his eyes, "According to the hexagram, Brother Chen should kill the nine Immortal Emperors of the Shangshang family first, and the one who escaped was the Peak Immortal Emperor who killed the Star Sect, but when Brother Chen saw the hexagram, it changed invisibly. The idea is to kill the Peak Immortal Emperor who killed the Star Sect first. This is the helplessness of divination, often a little change can change the result."

Long Kongli seems to understand, "It means that , it is best not to let the people in the hexagrams see the hexagrams, otherwise, it may change the result?"

Long Jingxuan'er nodded and shook his head gently, "You can say this, but more To be precise, the process of divination is a change that has invisibly affected future results.”

(end of this chapter)

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