Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 934


Chapter 934 Rolling!

"Issued a military order?"

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Okay!"

His eyes slowly swept across the faces of the seven emperors and daughters, "However, what if you lose?"

Long Jinyuelan sneered, "We lose, you can handle it!"

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "You can Do they mean it?"

"We mean it too!"

"That's right, we lost, it's up to you!"

The other six The emperors and daughters expressed their opinions one after another.

They know very well that Long Qingchen is stronger than natural phenomenon.

Without using the natural phenomenon, they have no reason to lose!

Besides, it's still seven-on-one, absolutely impossible to lose!

"Okay, cheer up!"

Long Qingchen took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the space ring, quickly wrote the military order, and read it out, "Today, Long Qingchen and Long Shixiaoning , Long Shiqianqian, Long Shibai, Longjin Beiming, Longjinyuelan, Longqing Baizheng, Long Qingmiao, the seven emperors and daughters compete, one-on-one, Long Qingchen is not allowed to use any natural phenomenon, if he loses , voluntarily give up the position of the chief Holy Son, and if the seven emperors and daughters lose, they will kneel down to apologize to Long Qingchen, and if they encounter Long Qingchen in the future, they should make a strategic withdrawal!"

After reading, he looked towards the dean, vice deans and academicians, "Please be a witness to the Space Dragon Academy seniors here."

The dean smiled bitterly, "OK"

Long Qingchen turned to look towards the Space Dragon Academy's recipes, said with a smile, "Also please all the dísciples of the Space Dragon Academy present to be a witness."

"No problem, we can all do it. Testify!"

"Hahaha, I thought I was just listening to a sermon today, didn't expect to watch a battle."

The disciples are in their teens and twenties, It is the age of full of vigor, and all are excited.

"Then sign and sign."

Long Qingchen picked up the pen, signed his name at the bottom of the military order, and pressed a handprint. After doing this, Throw the military order to the seven emperors and daughters.

The seven emperors, sons and daughters signed and signed one by one. Finally, the general's warrant was handed over to the dean of the Space Dragon Academy for safekeeping, and the dean was asked to preside over the showdown.

The dean had no choice but to board the arena, standing between Long Qingchen and the seven emperors and daughters, and said, "In order to ensure fairness, in the duel, it is not allowed to use weapons that exceed their own strength, Ancestral dragon scales, Supreme Treasure, forbidden secret arts, seal scrolls, etc. items."

The disciplines of the Space Dragon Academy are all weird-looking, this rule is mainly to constrain Long Qingchen, because everyone knows , The Supreme Treasure of the Spear of Destruction, Ancestral Dragon Scales, and the Dragon Ring of Time are in the hands of Long Qingchen. If they are used, the seven emperors and emperors will be incomparable.

"Are you ready?"

The dean looked at Long Qingchen, and then looked at the seven emperors and daughters.

Long Qingchen nodded lightly with a smile.

The seven emperors and daughters are also nodded.

The dean slowly withdrew from the ring and announced, "The duel, start!"

weng! weng! weng!

Long Shi Xiaoning, Long Shi Qianqian, Long Shibai, Long Jin Beiming, Long Jin Yuelan, Long Qing Baizheng, and Long Qingmiao looked at each other, cold light flashing in their eyes, they all released their own way and crushed Long Qingchen away!

In addition to the natural phenomenon, Tao is the strongest attack method in the Emperor Realm, and it can be called the killing move of every Emperor Realm cultivator.

As soon as they made a move, it was a killing move, and they didn't want to give Long Qingchen any chance!


The rolling of the seven Taos instantly makes the entire ring space flying ash annihilation, which contains boundless formidable power!

Seeing that the seven emperors, sons and daughters took action, they used their own way, so ruthless, the dean, vice dean and academicians were all stunned. Judging from this posture, they not only thought After defeating Long Qingchen, I want to kill Long Qingchen!

"What are you guys doing, this showdown is not a life-and-death battle!"

"It's unfair that Junior Brothers can't use the natural phenomenon, but they can use their own Tao!"

The six emperors and daughters who supported Long Qingchen were all indignant.

Space Dragon Academy's recipes are also stared wide-eyed, staring closely at the ring, although their cultivation base is not high, but it can be seen that Long Qingchen's situation is very bad, not using Supreme Treasure , Without using the natural phenomenon, how can I take the path of the seven emperors and emperors?

The corner of Long Qingchen's mouth twitched, waiting for this time!


His body trembled, the Jiu Ni Long Jue and the ancient demon scriptures ran to the extreme at the same time, and a loud sound of dragon's roar came out of his body, the sixth rank of the emperor realm. The cultivation base erupts, no longer hides!


The dragon immortal strength spreads out from his body, like seven True Dragons, containing terrifying formidable power!

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha!

The seven emperors and emperors were all forcibly smashed to pieces, and their bodies were knocked out. Fiercely hit the Formation on the edge of the ring, slipped down, and lay on the ground, coughing. The blood does not stop, like a dead dog, unable to get up after half a sound!

The Dean, Vice Dean, Academicians and Disciples of Space Dragon Academy all stared blankly at this scene.

The six emperors and daughters who supported Long Qingchen were also stunned.

One move!

He really didn't use any natural phenomenon, let alone Supreme Treasure, he just hid the cultivation base emperor realm, sixth rank!

Long Shixiao Ning raised his head and glared at him, "It turns out that you are not a quasi-emperor, you have already proven the Dao to become Emperor, you are cheating!"

"Despicable! cultivation The base has been in the sixth rank of the Emperor Realm, and it is still pretending to be the Emperor Realm!"

"The cultivation base has far surpassed us, no wonder it dares to promise not to use the natural phenomenon to fight with us, this matchup is not counted!"

Long Shiqianqian, Long Shibai, Long Jin Beiming, Long Jin Yuelan, Long Qing Baizheng and Long Qingmiao were also very angry and felt like they were being played.

Long Qingchen glanced at them indifferently, "I never said I was in the quasi-emperor realm, you believe oneself infallible, thinking that I am still trapped in the quasi-emperor realm."

The seven emperors and daughters were all speechless. He did not say that he was a quasi-emperor, but, in any case, they couldn't understand. A few months ago, he hadn't developed his own way. How did he break through to the sixth rank of the Emperor Realm in just a few months?

"The result can be announced."

Long Qingchen looked towards the Dean.

The dean came back to his senses, flew into the ring, and announced, "Long Qingchen wins this duel!"

After the announcement, he quickly handed the military order to Long Qingchen , like a hot potato, I really don't want to get involved in the dispute between Long Qingchen and the seven emperors and daughters.

"You should fulfill the military order."

Long Qingchen held the military order in hand and looked at the seven emperors and daughters jokingly, "Kneel down and apologize, and see me later. , a strategic withdrawal!"

All the seven emperors, emperors and daughters turned red and turned into pig livers, of course they wanted to renege on a debt, but the other six emperors, emperors and daughters present were present. The president, vice-president, academicians, and disciplines all witnessed this confrontation, and they were not allowed to deny it.

"If you lose, you must admit it. If you don't dare to admit it, then the entire Dragon Clan will look down on you. Think clearly."

Seeing the seven emperors and emperors Before kneeling down to apologize, Long Qingchen folded his arms and waited, not in a hurry. Anyway, no matter what they did, they were embarrassed today and will always remember this lesson.

(end of this chapter)

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