Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 924


Chapter 924 Painting Tianzong Saintess

Long Qingchen really felt a little confused, when the quasi-emperor cultivation base , he can defeat the Peak Immortal Emperor, and, after becoming an emperor without Tao, he reached the sixth rank of the emperor realm, and found that his strength did not improve much.

The gatekeeper said with a smile, "Because, you have too many natural phenomena, when you were quasi-emperor cultivation base, your strength has actually reached the limit of the emperor's realm, so no matter what. How many levels of cultivation base you are in the Emperor Realm, the strength is the same, and you will not progress further, unless your cultivation base breakthrough to the Long Life Realm, the strength will continue to increase."

Long Qingchen asked , "What is the limit of the Emperor Realm?"

The gatekeeper explained.

"Each level of cultivation base has a limit to the strength it can exert."

"For example, your Dragon Clan's first cultivation base level, Strong Dragon Realm, No matter what kind of martial skill you cultivate, no matter how many kinds of martial skills you cultivate, the limit of Strong Dragon Realm is just that.”

“The same is true for Emperor Realm, when you have nine natural phenomena At that time, you already have the ultimate strength of the Emperor Realm. After that, whether you are the First Rank cultivation base of the Emperor Realm or the ninth rank cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, and whether you have dozens of natural phenomena or hundreds of natural phenomena, your strength is impossible. Let's move on."

After listening, Long Qingchen frowned, "So, there is no difference between having an infinite number of natural phenomena and having nine natural phenomena?"

"The words You can't say that."

Shouguan humane, "In the emperor's realm, the power exerted by the nine natural phenomena and the power exerted by countless natural phenomena is really nothing wrong, because all of them are emperors. However, once the breakthrough reaches the cultivation base of Longevity Realm, the power exerted by the nine natural phenomena and the strength exerted by countless natural phenomena will make a big difference, because the limit of Longevity Realm is very, very high!”

Long Qingchen suddenly realized, "I understand."

He asked some questions about cultivation, and the gatekeepers answered one after another, and answered The details are so detailed that he feels suddenly enlightened.


Around one hour, the Formation slowly disappeared. Obviously, the Supreme geniuses from other regions had a winner.

"After two rounds of elimination, there are only twenty-five Supreme talents left. If you remove both sides suffer, it is estimated that there are only about twenty left."

Long Qingchen estimated, "As long as I defeat three more opponents, I can enter the finals, which is the most central area, and take away the tree that is dry."

Shouguan humane, "The more In the future, the stronger the opponent, and the Small World in the ancient arena, the more dangerous it is, the more dangerous it is, so you still have to be vigilant."

"I know."

Long Qingchen Walk into this area and start looking for your opponent's position.

Soon, I found it, because the opponent did not hide at all.

"You are the Holy Son Long Qingchen, the president of Dragon Clan, right?"

Painting Tianzong Saintess stared at him.

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "That's right, let's start."

Painting Tianzong Saintess didn't say anything, he turned his hand and took out his weapon.

Her weapon is rather peculiar, a large pen, like a long spear.

shua! shua! shua!

She wields a large brush, and does not use ink, she paints directly in space.

Out of curiosity, Long Qingchen did not rush to interrupt her, but waited for her to finish painting.

Painting Tianzong Saintess gave him a strange look, "Other Supreme geniuses know the weakness of our painting Tianzong, and they know how to interrupt while we are painting, why don't you take action?"


Long Qingchen asked, "Do the two opponents you met before know the weakness of Huatianzong?"

Huatianzong Saintess said, "Of course they know."

Long Qingchen asked. p>

Long Qingchen said, "Since we know, why are they still defeated by you?"

Painting Tianzong Saintess smiled, "Because we are also well aware of our weaknesses. , so we can fight while painting, and it will not be affected, and it is impossible to be interrupted so easily."

Long Qingchen said, "In this case, it is better to wait for you to finish painting."

Long Qingchen said. p>

Painting Tianzong Saintess shook his head, "When I finish painting, you will lose."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Before, the two opponents I met also thought that they would I won, but I ended up here.”

“You are very confident.”

Painting Tianzong Saintess laughed, the big pen in his hand stopped, “I have already drawn It's over."

Long Qingchen glanced at the space in front of her and saw that there was nothing on it, not knowing what she painted, "Then let me see the formidable power of your painting. "

"As you wish!"

Paint Tianzong Saintess with a big stroke.


The space in front of her suddenly sprang out from the space in front of her, a White Tiger with a large mountain suddenly rushed towards Long Qingchen!

Under the blessing of her Emperor Realm eighth rank cultivation base, White Tiger's strength is extremely strong, definitely not weaker than a Supreme genius full strength attack in the Emperor Realm ninth rank.


Long Qingchen used his left hand to cast the Ten Thousand Dragon Palm, and millions of dragon powers roared out, and his right hand used his cockroach to shake the tree, hitting countless cockroaches.


It collided with White Tiger fiercely, and dazzling rays of light erupted, forming a terrifying energy ball that oscillated in all directions, and dozens of surrounding mountains collapsed!

The main reason is that the land of Small World is blessed by an invisible force and is extremely strong. Therefore, the affected area is not large. If it is the outside world, millions of li will become ruins!

"Did you only draw this thing?"

Long Qingchen looked at the space in front of her, and could vaguely feel that there was something hidden.

"Of course it's more than that."

Painting Tianzong Saintess blinked his beautiful eyes.


She waved her pen again, and a row of battle swords flew out of the space in front of her. Each battle sword was extremely sharp, piercing through the void, and piercing towards Long Qingchen.


Long Qingchen performs Jiujiu Daoquan, stacking formidable power, containing but not releasing, punching directly out.

When! when! when!

A sword collided with his fist, and the fire star burst out!

bang! bang! bang!

Each fire star splashes on the ground, burning the ground into a huge crater.

Long Qingchen's fist was unscathed, and a sword was bounced back.

"Come on!"

Painting Tianzong Saintess snorted, holding the big pen in both hands and moving forward a little.


A sword suddenly stopped, fused together, turned into a huge sword, turned around, and pierced Long Qingchen again!

After the fusion, the formidable power of this huge sword has obviously been raised to a new level. Wherever it passes, the space keeps collapsing, and it contains a strong sword intent!

"Since it's a sword, then I'll fight you with a sword."

Long Qingchen stretched out his hand, the dragon's immortal strength spread out, turned into a battle sword, and swept away lightly .


The boundless sword intent swept out, like a thousand-level tornado!

It is exactly the sword dao nine styles, the blind sword style!

The nine styles of sword dao belong to the nine most basic sword styles of sword dao, simplifying complexity!

(end of this chapter)

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