Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 921


Chapter 921 Disappointed?

“When will it start?”

Long Qingchen asked the gatekeeper in mind.

The gatekeeper also has an idea, "When you reach 100 people, it will start."

Long Qingchen counted, there are only forty-six Supreme geniuses present, and there are still fifty-four People, "How long do we have to wait? If there are less than 100 people, should we wait forever?"


Shouguan Humane, "Before, As I told you, the ancient arena is too dangerous. Countless geniuses died here. Fewer and fewer geniuses dare to come here. Over time, this place has been forgotten. Only you Supreme geniuses with star powers dare to come. Let's compete here and find out each other's bottom."

The gatekeeper always said that it is dangerous here, but Long Qingchen looked at the various terrains of Small World and could not find where the danger was for the time being

He released the induction and opened the fairy eye to detect, but was blocked by an invisible force and could not detect.

Unfortunately, he had no choice but to sit cross-legged, close his eyes, and wait patiently, just like other Supreme geniuses.

As time passed, another Supreme genius flew in one after another, and the number of people was increasing.

These new Supreme geniuses changed their faces when they saw the beautiful woman with long hair scattered.

Long Qingchen became more and more curious about who this beautiful woman was.

Although Supreme geniuses are very afraid of this beautiful woman, but no one is scared away, after all, they are all Supreme geniuses with star power, they are still very arrogant

Wait until On the third day, I finally waited for a hundred Supreme geniuses.


Suddenly, the bell rang out from nowhere and spread throughout the Small World.

"Are you going to start?"

Long Qingchen asked the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper thought, "It hasn't started yet, but the three slashes are coming, so get ready."

Long Qingchen saw Supreme geniuses from meditating one after another. He opened his eyes and stood up slowly, his eyes full of vigilance looking at the most central direction of Small World.

He also stood up and looked towards the center suspiciously, only to see a blood-colored sword floated out from the center. This sword, as thin as cicada wing, looked extremely sharp.


This sword shook lightly and burst out with dazzling blood-colored rays of light.

bang! bang! bang!

It suddenly slashed three times in a row at a young Supreme genius, and cut out three bloody blade glows!

Long Qingchen understands, it turns out that the three cuts at the door are like this. If you are cut three times by the justice knife, if you can block it, you will be eligible for the competition. If you can't stop it, you will be seriously injured or fall.

However, those who dare to come here are all Supreme geniuses from the star power. If there is no accident, they should be able to stop them


Young people Supreme was a genius and quickly displayed three martial skills.


The first martial skill and the first bloody blade glow fiercely collide, and the fire star shoots out, canceling each other out.


The second martial skill and the second blood-colored blade glow collided and canceled each other out.


The third blood-colored blade glow suddenly burst into blood light, and the formidable power increased sharply, cutting off the Third Type martial skill.

The young Supreme genius did not panic, he released his own way and crushed the third bloody blade glow.

The blood-colored sword did not continue to attack, and swept towards a young Supreme genius.

bang! bang! bang!

The same three slashes, three blood-colored blade glows cut through the space, containing majestic formidable power!

The formidable power of these three knives is obviously stronger than the previous three knives, because this young Supreme genius has a higher cultivation base than the juvenile Supreme genius.


The young Supreme genius shook his body, and an ancient ape illusory shadow with a tall mountain appeared behind him!


He punched lightly, and the ancient ape illusory shadow behind him also punched, as if crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, sending three blood-colored blade glow shattered!

The blood-colored sword did not continue to attack, and swept to the next Supreme genius.

bang! bang! bang!

Its speed is very fast. When it passes in front of every Supreme genius, it slashes three times, cutting out three bloody blade glows .

No more, no less!

bang! bang! bang!

One Supreme genius shot after another, facing three cuts.

As expected by Long Qingchen, these people are worthy of the Supreme genius of the star power, and they blocked them all. Only one Supreme genius was too careless and suffered a slight injury, which did not affect the competition.

When the blood-colored sword swept in front of the Holy Son Saintess who painted Tianzong, the six blade glows that came out were obviously raised a level. Obviously, this was because the cultivation base of the painting Tianzong Holy Son Saintess was relatively high.

The paintings of Holy Son Saintess of Tianzong are all calm and easy to block.


When the blood-colored sword swept in front of the beautiful woman, ten thousand zhang blood light suddenly erupted, slashing out three blood-colored blade glows that were ten miles long. With terrifying formidable power, the space is like a painting, and three big cracks are broken open!

"Her cultivation base is too high, and the formidable power of the Justice Blade is also stronger, this is the justice of the ancient arena!"

"I hope she gets hurt a little, so we can Only have a chance to take the first place."

"Even if she is injured a little, we are still no match for her, unless she is seriously injured."

Supreme geniuses are closely watching following her.

The beautiful woman's eyes were cold, and with a wave of her long sleeves, she directly confiscated the three-knife blood-colored blade glow into her sleeve pocket. Then, her bright wrist flicked slightly, and the three-knife blood-colored blade glow was caught. Shattered, turned into a little bloody rays of light and floated out.

Supreme geniuses are all twitching at the corners of their mouths and a little disappointed in their eyes. Not to mention she was injured, not even a single corner of her clothes was damaged.

Because Long Qingchen's position is the closest to the bloody chopping knife far, so he was the last to be tested, and it was not his turn yet, watching quietly.

bang! bang! bang!

When it was the turn of the three Pu family members, the three of them easily blocked it.

"It's almost his turn."

The short-haired woman opened the photo stone, ready to record Long Qingchen's test.

The long-haired young man sneered, "If he can block it as easily as we do, then forget it, as long as he looks a little embarrassed, then the situation recorded by the photo stone will be published and let the whole universe know. , Dragon Clan's Holy Son is merely this, the strongest Great Emperor elected by the emperor is just a joke!"

sou! Came in front of Long Qingchen.

bang! bang! bang!

Slash three times in a row, and cut out three bloody blade glows.

Maybe because Long Qingchen's cultivation base is not high, and the formidable power of the three blood-colored blade glows is not strong, it can only be regarded as average.

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha!

Long Qingchen didn't even bother to use the dragon's immortal strength, so he smashed his fist directly, smashing the three blood-colored blade glows.

"Are you disappointed?"

He glanced at his fist, there was not even a trace of it, and instead, he looked towards the three Pu family playfully.

His physique has undergone transformation, and it was stronger than other Dragon Clans. With the enhancement of the cultivation base, the mutated Dragon Clan physique began to show infinite potential. The current physique strength, even his own. Are a little surprised.

Even if the dragon immortal strength is not used, and only the strength of the body is used, it is estimated that the general Immortal Emperor can be easily defeated.

His physique is a weapon!

(end of this chapter)

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