Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 908


Chapter 908 Three Heavenly Supreme Treasure!


Time Ancestral Dragon opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, and finally, shook his head slightly, turning into a sigh.

Long Qingchen felt a shock, but looking at the appearance of Time Ancestral Dragon, it seemed that there was really no way, "Unless you say something!"

Time Ancestral Dragon watched A glance at the humanoid trace, "It's useless to say it, it is impossible to do it."

Long Qingchen's depressed voice came from the humanoid trace, "It's a human effort, nothing is impossible."

Time Ancestral Dragon was silent for a moment, then said slowly, "If there are three pieces of Heavenly Supreme Treasure, they can fight Heaven and Earth Law."

"Three pieces of Heavenly Supreme Treasure?"

Long Qingchen Doubt, he once heard the Spear of Destruction talk about the Supreme Treasure in the sky, "Why three?" Time Ancestral Dragon explained.

"It is said that when the universe was born, there were nine things associated with it, a rootless spring, a handful of dustless sand, a leafless grass, a flowerless lotus, a A tree without stem, a piece of invisible iron, a cluster of incombustible fire, a beam of incombustible light, and a lifeless spirit, these nine things are called the Supreme Treasure in the sky, and they are also the most terrifying things in the universe.”

“Because these nine things are derived from Heaven and Earth Law at the same time, these nine things are not afraid of Heaven and Earth Law. If you collect all three, you can even suppress Heaven and Earth Law and surpass Heaven. and Earth Law."

"That is to say, with three pieces of Supreme Treasure, Heaven and Earth Law must also yield!"

"Unfortunately, from ancient times to the present, it has never been No one has collected all three pieces."

After listening to this, the humanoid trace was silent for a long time before Long Qingchen's voice came out, "Since no one has ever collected all three pieces, how do you know that there are three pieces? Can Heaven and Earth Law be suppressed by Supreme Treasure?"

"Can't we not dig into the bull's horns?"

Time Ancestral Dragon Qi is not light, "Because, in Ancient Times, there is Three Great Influences, each has a piece of Heaven Supreme Treasure, they have joined forces once, and they can indeed suppress Heaven and Earth Law, this is something that has been verified for a long time, do I still fool you?"

Doll The traces of Long Qingchen's laughter came out, "It's not that I don't believe you are old, it's just about my life, it's better to ask clearly"

Time Ancestral Dragon said ill-humoredly, "If you really cherish You should not challenge Heaven and Earth Law because of your own small life. This is no different from courting death. It is also considered your life. Use a clever method to take advantage of Heaven and Earth Law. , I barely saved my life."

Long Qingchen pondered for a while, "Heaven and Earth Law, when the strong is strong, when the weak is weak, that is to say, for the stronger person, Heaven and Earth Law The stronger the law, the weaker the pair person, Heaven and Earth Law is almost useless, if I'm just an ordinary person, Heaven and Earth Law is useless? "

"Yes, Heaven and Earth Law will only suppress cultivators, and not valid for the ordinary person, so the ordinary person doesn't know what Heaven and Earth Law is." "

Time Ancestral Dragon said, "It is very easy to turn you into an ordinary person, as long as you abolish your cultivation base, Dragon Vein, and physique, but you are willing to be an ordinary person for the rest of your life." ? "

"Of course not reconciled"

Long Qingchen was helpless, and tasted the "sweetness of cultivator martial power, flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, long life essence, almost omnipotent" ”, let him become an ordinary person from now on, more uncomfortable than death

Time Ancestral Dragon reprimanded.

“Even if you are willing to become an ordinary person, the entire Dragon Clan will not be willing! "

"Give you the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, give you the memory of Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni, give you the Spear of Destruction, give you ten ancestral dragon scales, give you the position of the Holy Son, how much cultivation do you need All the resources are given to you, and I have almost become your Dao Protector. The most important thing is that you are also proud of yourself, and derived the reverse scale that the original Ancestral Dragon had. The entire Dragon Clan will give you the best things. That's what made you what you are now! You are just abolished, how do you explain to the entire Dragon Clan? "

"You will become the Dragon Clan the first sin dragon of all ages!" "

""Long Qingchen was speechless.

Time Ancestral Dragon continued, "In the entire universe, there are many star forces, and we Dragon Clan is one of them. However, among all the star powers, our Dragon Clan belongs to the High Level level, but not the highest. Why is this? "

Long Qingchen knew that he didn't need an answer

Sure enough, Time Ancestral Dragon sighed, "Because, since the fall of the first Ancestral Dragon, Dragon Clan lacked the first-class powerhouse in the universe, Our eight Ancestral Dragons who are still alive are also second-rate powerhouses in the universe, and their potential has reached the limit, and the impossible reaches the level of the original Ancestral Dragon. Once our Dragon Clan and the star power of cream of the crop break out, then, Our Dragon Clan will inevitably suffer a big loss, and even be in danger of being exterminated! "

Having said this, he paused, "We Dragon Clan since ancient times are the Overlord level forces in the universe, and have offended many star forces, including the extremely powerful open source forces, the ancient ten Fierce forces, dark souls, undead Demon Race, etc., they are staring at Dragon Clan all the time, waiting for the opportunity, and when Dragon Clan reveals a weak spot, they will be like sharks smelling blood, crazy counterattack, will Dragon Clan Shred, Divide, Eat and Wipe! "

"So, Dragon Clan isn't as beautiful as it appears, actually dangerous lurks on every side!" "

"So, Dragon Clan needs one or two first-class powerhouses in the universe to maintain a deterrent to open source forces!" ”

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and wanted to pat Long Qingchen on the shoulder, but he patted it empty and stared at his palm in a daze.

Long Qingchen was a little embarrassed, "Although you missed the shot, I already felt it."

Time Ancestral Dragon looked at the humanoid traces.

"Looking at the entire Dragon Clan, there are The potential to become a first-class powerhouse in the universe, there is no senior or middle generation, and you can only pin your hopes on your younger generation."

"Fortunately, your younger generation is more competitive, you are considered to be in the ancient Dragon domain. The most potential one, Xuan’er is one, Heavenly Dragon Galaxy Feishhuang is one, Beiming is one, Tianque Galaxy is Xiaoning one, Tiansha Galaxy is one hundred, and it is six when it is full. However, you It has become the current state of being inhuman and ghost-like. Let me tell you what is good for you? "

"How much hope the whole Dragon Clan has placed in you, do you have any points in your heart?" "

"However, you always make some risky decisions and put yourself in the danger of being signed to eternal damnation. How can I trust Dragon Clan to you in the future? "

"You have to remember that your life does not belong to you, but belongs to the entire Dragon Clan, all for the revival of Dragon Clan!" ”

Long Qingchen was scolded with blood, but he couldn’t say anything, because he knew that time Ancestral Dragon was for his own good and the future of Dragon Clan as a whole.

Seeing the time, Ancestral Dragon finally finished scolding Long Qingchen and cautiously said, "You'd better talk about the Supreme Treasure in the sky, does our Dragon Clan have the Supreme Treasure in the sky? ”

(end of this chapter)

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