Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 902


Chapter 902 The Origin of Immortal Spirit!

"Can you show Tenth Layer's Taixuan Bing Finger, so that I can open my eyes."

Qian Family patriarch said embarrassedly, "I'm ashamed to say, Tai Xuan Bing Finger is our Qian Family member. One of the five stunts, we have never seen the formidable power of Taixuan Bingzhi above the 10th layer."

"Of course."

Long Qingchen raised his hand. , Running the Taixuan Bing Finger, the index finger suddenly became crystal clear and near-transparent, with a graceful back inside.


The forefinger exudes a cold air, and the surrounding temperature drops rapidly.

"Sure enough, there is Immortal Spirit in the finger!"

"If Taixuanbing refers to cultivation to the Great Accomplishment, what will happen to the Immortal Spirit in it?"

The people in Qian Family stared at the Immortal Spirit in Long Qingchen's index finger in amazement, discuss spiritedly.

As if sensing that everyone was watching her, the back slowly turned back.


People are sucked in a cold breath.

I saw that her face was very beautiful, like a goose egg, but she had no facial features.

The Faceless!


"The Immortal Spirit in the finger has its own mind!"

"This is not a good thing, will there be a backlash in the future?"

"Holy Son, you have to be careful."

Qian Family powerhouses all looked solemn.

Long Qingchen frowned, he also felt a chill down his back, the Immortal Spirit inside his index finger was too weird.


The Elder, the second wife of Qian Family, stared at the Immortal Spirit in Long Qingchen's index finger, affirmed, "I won't backlash, the Holy Son is absolutely fine. Peace of mind and cultivation."

Qian Family patriarch asked, "Why is the elder so sure?"

The second elder took out a portrait from the space ring, "oh "la la" to expand.

"Isn't this the portrait of Immortal Spirit? How could the Supreme Elder have a portrait of Immortal Spirit?"

"The woman on this portrait has facial features, not a faceless person , However, it can be seen from the face and figure that it is indeed very similar to Immortal Spirit!"

The people of Qian Family exclaimed.

Second wife Elder explained with a wry smile.

“This portrait is actually painted by an ancestor of our Qian Family, the great power that Tai Xuanbing, who founded the Ancient Times, refers to. The woman on this portrait is his Dao Companion. ”

“During the cosmic war in Ancient Times, his Dao Companion fell, so he created Taixuan Bingzhi based on the characteristics of Dao Companion’s martial veins, breath, immortal soul, etc. The door stunt, after the cultivation reaches the Tenth Layer, in his fingers, the illusory shadow and ideas of Dao Companion appear."

"This makes him see hope, and hopes that Taixuan Bing will refer to cultivation to the extreme. , resurrect the Dao Companion!"

Qian Family patriarch exclaimed, "There is such a wonderful martial skill in the world, can it really resurrect the dead? In the end, did this ancestor successfully resurrect the Dao Companion? "

The second elder looked at him and shook his head slightly, "This ancestor pointed Taixuanbing to cultivated to Twelfth Layer, but still failed, resurrecting the dead is not that simple. , In the end, the ancestor's cultivation base did not advance but retreated, and he died in depression."

"If this ancestor is still there, the power of our Qian Family will not only be as strong as it is now."

"Yes, if this ancestor is still there, our Qian Family can become a star powerhouse!"

Qian Family powerhouses is a little regretful.

Long Qingchen was a little amused after hearing what they said, and they took it for granted that the Manxing Force is definitely not something that can be achieved by a single person, and there are many standards!

There are five main aspects.

In the first aspect, it is necessary to have two or more powerful people and five or more powerful people who are beyond the realm of emperors.

The second aspect, the high-level personnel, that is, the powerhouses of the Immortal Emperor Realm, are more than twenty.

The third aspect, the young generation of geniuses, that is, the geniuses with Heavenly Rank martial arts, more than 100, there must be a few Supreme geniuses.

The fourth aspect, the territory, must have the Spirit Stone Ore Vein, which can't be mined in an era, and some Heavenly Paradise.

The fifth aspect, the heritage, is the prestige, contacts, trump cards, cultivation resources and other factors accumulated by since ancient times.

In these five aspects, Qian Family has not yet reached the standard, so even if it has a great power, it is impossible to be rated as a star power.

The second elder of Qian Family looked towards Long Qingchen, said with a smile, "Holy Son, please come with me, I will take you to the Book Collection Pavilion of our Qian Family, and will complete the Xuan Bing points to you."

"many thanks."

Long Qingchen followed him into the boat.

The so-called Book Collection Pavilion is actually a relatively large cabin full of books.

The Second Elder took a blue jade slip from the innermost bookshelf and handed it to Long Qingchen.

Long Qingchen took it, released the induction, probed into the jade slip, memorized the Taixuan Bing fingering method recorded in the jade slip, and returned the jade slip to the second elder, "Okay. , make a note."

The second madam Elder said with a smile, "The Holy Son is kind to our Qian Family. In return, you can choose any three kinds of martials from this Book Collection Pavilion. skill."

Long Qingchen has the memory of Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni, the complete ancient demon scriptures and the eight battle skills of the first generation Ancestral Dragon, which are enough and do not need to learn other martial skills.

He originally wanted to refuse, but when he remembered that the Qian Family had a peculiar martial skill like "Tai Xuan Bing Finger", his heart moved, "Apart from Tai Xuan Bing Finger, what else does Qian Family have? A more exotic martial skill?"


The second lady, the Elder, wondered, "Holy Son needs a strange martial skill?"

Qian Family's powerhouses also looked at him strangely. The cultivator chooses the martial skill, and there are generally four choices.

The first is the martial skill that is compatible with its own martial art;

second is the martial skill with strong formidable power, large range and high hit rate;

Third Type , it is a high-grade martial skill, high-grade, more advantageous.

The fourth is a martial skill that is easy to use and can be mastered quickly. After all, the cultivation base is the most important foundation. Many cultivators do not want to spend too much time on cultivation martial skill, so they will choose the easy martial skill. .

However, what Long Qingchen asked about was a "peculiar" martial skill, they have never seen anyone who chooses a martial skill make such a request

Long Qingchen said, "Yes, I This person has this hobby, and likes the martial skill that is a little bit biased.”

The second wife, Elder, thought about it, took out three jade slips from the corner, blew the dust on them, and handed them to Long Qingchen , said embarrassedly, "These three kinds of martial skills are the most peculiar martial skills in our Qian Family. I don't know how many years I have put them here, and I have never seen anyone cultivate."

Long Qingchen took it. Release the induction, infiltrate three jade slips, and write down the martial skill recorded in it.

These three jade slips are a set of boxing techniques, a set of leg techniques, and a sword technique.

"The Mayfly Shaking the Tree Fist"!

"Infinite Legs"!

《Jiujiu Sword Controlling Art》!

Looking at the name, it's a bit strange.

“Many thanks to the generous gift from Qian Family, I should go.”

Long Qingchen returned the three jade slips to the Second Elder.

The Second Elder waved his hand slightly, "Anyway, our Qian Family doesn't have the three martial skills of cultivation, so let's give it to the chief Holy Son, or treat it as a unique skill."

Long Qingchen also did not refuse, of course, he hoped that his martial skill in cultivation would not be cultivated by others.

Qian Family patriarch said with a smile, "In the future, when we have time, our Qian Family may visit Dragon Clan, is it convenient?"

This means intentional friendship Of course Long Qingchen would not dislike Dragon Clan's many allies, and said, "Welcome at any time."

After chatting for a while, Qian Family powerhouses sent Long Qingchen away with no end in sight, all the way to the deck.

“Long Qingchen, I want to challenge you.”

When Long Qingchen was about to leave, a young man suddenly came over.

(end of this chapter)

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