Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 896


Chapter 896 Both owe each other

"How can you be too mysterious?"


Qian Muya is not stupid, she reacted very quickly, she said angrily, "You sensed the operation method of Taixuan Bing Finger while I was cultivating Tai Xuan Bing Finger, and you stole it! No wonder Bing The silkworm died so fast, it turns out that you have absorbed all the cold air!"

Long Qingchen laughed, "I think you are too hard to learn, so I couldn't help but try it casually didn't expect , out of control."

Just try it out, and you have reached the Tenth Layer!

Hearing this, Qian Muya trembled with anger, "You pay my ice silkworm!"

"Girl, accept your fate, this may be God's will."

The tenth Seventh Elder sighed, "Except for the great power of our Qian Family Ancient Times, no one has ever pointed Taixuanbing to the 10th layer or above. The natural phenomenon that will produce Immortal Spirit is an eye-opener for me.”

“Stealing to learn the martial skill of other people’s family is a taboo in Cultivation World, I’m really sorry.”


Long Qingchen bowed slightly to the tenth Seventh Elder.

He thought about it for a while, took out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the space ring, wrote hard, wrote out the martial skill silently, and handed it to the tenth Seventh Elder. , the stunts recorded in the "Ancient Demon Sect" were personally created by one of the twelve ancient demons of the Ancient Demon Sect Ancient Times, and their value will never be lower than Taixuan Bingzhi, as compensation."

“Are you from the Ancient Demon Sect?”

The tenth Seventh Elder was suddenly surprised, “Besides, you have mastered the stunt of the Ancient Demon Sect, so your status in the Ancient Demon Sect should be unusual. Right?"

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, said with a smile, "No, I'm not from the Ancient Demon Sect, but I got this stunt by chance."

"I don't want any Ancient Demon Sect stunt, you pay me five ice silkworms and one female silkworm!"

Qian Muya glared at him.

Long Qingchen> nod, take out a space ring, "In this space ring, there are one trillion Immortal Spirit stones that are enough for you to buy ten silkworms."10,000 billion Immortal Spirit stones?

Qian Muya was stunned.

With one trillion Immortal Spirit stones at your fingertips, what is the identity of this azure clothes teenager, is he really just an inner sect disciple of a small sect?

An inner sect disciple can take out one trillion Immortal Spirit stones, is this sect too rich?

You must know that a Great Influence like Qian Family, even if it is a high-level Elder, spends all his wealth, it is difficult to come up with a trillion Immortal Spirit stones!

She took the space ring in a daze, released the induction, and checked it out, and found that there are really one trillion Immortal Spirit stones, densely packed with the entire space ring!

Long Qingchen simply put the martial skill in her hands, "One trillion Immortal Spirit stones, as compensation for four ice silkworms and a female silkworm, this stunt of Ancient Demon Sect is In exchange for Taixuan Bing's finger, we don't owe each other."

The tenth Seventh Elder opened his mouth, originally wanting his granddaughter to return the things to others, but the Ancient Demon Sect stunt and a trillion The allure of the Immortal Spirit stone was too great, and he still didn't say anything in the end

"It's so easy to owe each other?"

Qian Muya snorted twice, "And what about my grandfather's life-saving grace for you? Life-saving grace is priceless!"

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "I just lay on the meteorite to rest, without any danger, Your grandfather has to carry me on board, it's not a life-saving grace."

Qian Muya's pretty face was ashen, "So, you told me before that you were the inner sect of a small sect. disciple, is it fake too?"

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "When you go out, will of the people is vicious, naturally you should hide your identity."

Qian Muya stepped back a few times. He stepped forward, distanced himself, and glared at him, "You are so cunning, I'm so sorry for believing in you."

"It's because you are too naive, as a cultivator, don't trust people of unknown origin easily. ”

Long Qingchen laughed, “Don’t worry, I have no ill will towards you, otherwise, your corpse will be cold now”

Qian Muya shuddered, indeed, if This azure clothes teenager wanted to harm her, she didn't know how she died, and said indifferently, "You are not welcome here, please leave!"

"Farewell, it will be indefinite later."

Long Qingchen cups one fist in the other hand slightly, turns around, and walks towards the door.

Before, he was just a little curious about the space roaming forces, so he pretended to faint and sneaked into the ship to take a look.

Now, after reading it, I found that the cosmic roaming forces are no different from ordinary forces except that they have no fixed territory, so there is no need for him to continue to stay.


The tenth Seventh Elder stopped him, said with a smile, "Meeting is fate, since we are here, you might as well stay for a while."



Long Qingchen looked back at the tenth Seventh Elder, "No, your granddaughter doesn't seem to welcome me very much. I'd better go back to the meteorite to rest more comfortably."

The tenth Seventh Elder He hurriedly said, "You only know how the Tai Xuan Bing Finger works, but you don't know the complete Tai Xuan Bing Finger. If the cultivation continues like this, there may be deviations and dangers. Stay for a while. I can discuss it with patriarch. The complete Taixuanbing will be pointed to you."

Long Qingchen had to stop slowly

Qian Muya pouted, "che, are you reluctant to leave?"

The tenth Seventh Elder glared at her slightly, "He gave you all the Ancient Demon Sect stunts, you should give him a complete Taixuan Bing Finger."

Long Qingchen turned and walked back, said with a smile, "Yes, I should get the complete Taixuan Bing Finger, this kind of transaction is fair."

The tenth Seventh Elder patted great cauldron, with some headaches, "The Great Elder is a violent Temper, you have evacuated all of the Great Elder's belongings, what if you are found out by the Great Elder, and your life will not be guaranteed."

Long Qingchen said, "Don't worry about this, we It's very secretive, and it's impossible to find out."

Qian Muya is even more like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, "We've done everything, what else can we do, that's it."

"Take it out."

The tenth Seventh Elder said, "Take out all the things of the Great Elder, I will keep it, I am afraid you accidentally exposed."

Qian Muya had to reluctantly take out the Great Elder's things.

Long Qingchen took out what he got.


The tenth Seventh Elder took out a space ring and put it all in.

Then, he shook it suddenly.


The space ring is broken!

In this way, these things enter the space turbulence and can never be found!

Qian Muya felt a little pained, "What a pity it was destroyed."

Long Qingchen also felt that the tenth Seventh Elder was too careful.


At this moment, the entire ship shook suddenly!

"What's the matter?"

Qian Muya frowned, "Isn't the space robber captured?"

"You stay here, why not? Don't go, wait for me to come back."

The tenth Seventh Elder said, opened the door, and hurried away.

(end of this chapter)

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