Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 890


Chapter 890 Absolutely impossible!


"My Ice silkworm!"

came back to his senses, and the girl in the long skirt screamed.

She was holding the white small cauldron, anxiously and distressedly looking at the fainting ice silkworm inside, at a loss, not knowing what to do.

"It's not right!"

"It's not right!"

"My ice silkworm is a hundred thousand years old to say the least. He can easily bite through his weapons, why can't he bite one of his fingers?"

She muttered to herself with a frown, staring at Long Qingchen angrily.


A punch hit Long Qingchen's chest, she shook her hand in pain, "It's like hitting a weapon, is he a human?"

Long Qingchen thought in his heart Sneering, with his current cultivation base, a small ice silkworm wants to hurt him, then, isn't his Dragon Clan physique a joke, and he has transformed into a Dragon Clan physique.

Fortunately, this ice silkworm is quite magical. The broken fangs soon grew out and woke up from fainting.

"Wow, the fangs can grow so quickly, that's great, my baby!"

The girl in the long skirt exclaimed, her eyes lit up, "Quick, then again! Bite him and try, anyway, your fangs can grow back."

The ice silkworm shuddered and kept shaking his head, his small eyes the size of mung bean looked at Long Qingchen in fear. , quickly crawled to the corner of the small cauldron and curled up.


The girl in the long skirt stared at it panting with rage.

No matter what she said, the ice silkworm would not bite Long Qingchen again.

“cough cough”

Long Qingchen felt that it was time to wake up, slowly opened his eyes, as if he had just woken up, and stared blankly at the cabin, "I am Where?"

"You're awake."

The girl in the long skirt quickly retracted the white small cauldron back into the space ring, and glanced at his index finger strangely. The sharp fangs bit, and there was not even a single tooth mark, "This is my home."

Long Qingchen asked knowingly, "This place seems to be a cabin, I feel it moving, could it be that your home is there? On a spaceship?"

The girl in a long skirt said, "Yes, our Qian Family is a cosmic You Family, with no fixed territory, roaming in space all the year round, you are lying on a meteorite, from our Qian Family Family's ship passed by and was rescued by my grandfather, my grandfather is your life saving benefactor!"

Long Qingchen showed a sudden realization, "many thanks."

"Is it enough to say many thanks?"

The girl in the long skirt rolled her eyes.

Long Qingchen was a little amused, "Otherwise?"

The girl in the long skirt rolled her eyes, "My grandfather is your life saving benefactor, and I am the grandfather's granddaughter, too. It's your life saving benefactor, don't you show it?"

"It's time to show it."

Long Qingchen seriously nodded.

The girl in the long skirt was overjoyed and looked at him expectantly, wanting to see what he had to say.

Long Qingchen got off the bed, stood up, and bowed to her to give a salute, "many thanks to your grandfather's life-saving grace."

The girl in the long skirt was stunned for a moment. , and then became annoyed, "It's not this kind of expression, but a substantive expression!"

Long Qingchen looked at her pretty face, looked at the bed again, frowned, devotion to The righteousness that inspires reverence said, "Although your grandfather saved me, but you want me to devote one's life to, but absolutely impossible! Miss, please respect yourself!"


The girl in the long skirt screamed with red face, "What are you thinking, who made you devote one's life to!"

"Isn't it?"

Long Qingchen looked at her suspiciously, a little funny in his heart, teasing this girl's movie is still very funny, "Then what do you mean by substantive expression?"

Girl in long skirt Staring at him with big eyes, "I'm asking you to take out something of value to repay life-saving grace."

Long Qingchen carefully looked over his clothes, spread his hands, and apologized Said, "sorry, I'm penniless now."

The girl in the long skirt discovered mystery said, "No, you have something very valuable."


Long Qingchen asked, "How come I don't know?"

"Your body!"

The girl in the long skirt pointed at him.

Long Qingchen looked angry and glared at her, "It seems that you are still obsessed with my body, and you said you don't want me to devote one's life to!"

Long The girl in the skirt turned red again, "I didn't mean that!"

Long Qingchen coldly said, "What do you mean?"

The girl in the long skirt explained, "What I mean is, I want you to help me practice."

Long Qingchen sneered, "Help you practice, let me do Dual Cultivation with you, and you still want to get me and dream!"



The girly body in the long skirt is trembling, she is really going crazy!

She simply took out the white small cauldron and pointed to the ice silkworm inside, "I mean, you let my ice silkworm bite, and then you will be my furnace cauldron, help me Practice."

Long Qingchen looked at the ice silkworm shrunk in the corner, extended the hand, "It's okay, bite it."

Long Qingchen glanced at his fingers, the ice The silkworms panicked and ran about inside the white small cauldron.

The girl in the long skirt said, "Your physique is too strong, my ice silkworm can't bite, you cut a hole yourself."

Long Qingchen stared at her, " I haven't tried it, how do you know it won't bite?"

"Uh" the girl in the long skirt choked, "Aiya, why do you have so many problems, my ice silkworm broke down a few days ago. When it comes to the teeth, the teeth are not good, so you can make a cut yourself."

Long Qingchen was a little curious about how she cultivated "Tai Xuan Bing Finger", cut a cut on the index finger and stretched it to the white Inside the small cauldron.

"Quick bite."

The girl in the long skirt got excited and looked at the ice silkworm expectantly.

Then, the ice silkworm avoided Long Qingchen's index finger and did not dare to touch it.

"There's already a wound, bite it!"

The girl in the long skirt glared at the ice silkworm and threatened, "Will you bite? If you don't, I will send you Treat the Golden-Winged Great Peng of patriarch as a snack!"

The ice silkworm was very spiritual and could understand her words.

The girl in the long skirt coldly said, "Don't pretend to be pitiful with me, you won't give me the cultivation "Tai Xuan Bing Finger", what's the use of keeping you?"

Ice Silkworm is helpless , had to reluctantly slowly crawled over to Long Qingchen's index finger, it still did not dare to bite, but lightly touched Long Qingchen's index finger.


The biting cold air immediately spread to Long Qingchen's body along his fingers.

Long Qingchen felt the chill for a moment, "Well, Interesting."

The girl in the long skirt looked at him blankly. In an instant, it will become an ice sculpture, and the fairy soul will be frozen by flying ash annihilation. This person has nothing at all, and it is simply abnormal!

"What are you doing, don't you want cultivation?"

Long Qingchen gave her a strange look.

"It's starting."

The girl in the long skirt hurriedly came to his back and pointed at his back like a sword.


The cold air suddenly flowed from Long Qingchen's body and into her fingers.

Long Qingchen understood, it turned out that what she said about furnace cauldron was actually using other people's bodies to "filter" out the poison in the cold air, and using other people's bodies to "buffer" the cold air, so, She can take it.


Long Qingchen felt a move in his heart, released his induction, followed her fingers, and checked the trajectory of the "Tai Xuan Bing Finger" running in her body, and immediately knew The cultivation method of "Taixuan Bingzhi".

He pointed like a sword, and clicked on the ice silkworm, directly absorbing the cold air of the ice silkworm, cultivation "Tai Xuan Bing Finger"

(end of this chapter)

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