Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 868


Chapter 868 I am really ashamed of being inferior

Long Qingchen and the veteran of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau When the advisor appeared again, he was already at the top of a mountain.

I saw, high in the sky, one after another ominous birds with the size of the mountains were circling, their wings spread out, like clouds hanging from the sky, casting huge shadows.

On the ground, wild beasts are leaping in the mountains and forests, perhaps to patrol their own territory or to forage.

"The Spiritual Qi here is so rich, it's about to catch up with the high-level planet."

Long Qingchen took a deep breath, with some emotion.

More than 800 years ago, he was just an ordinary person in the world of Blue Star. If nothing else, he studied, worked, married and had children, raised children, looked forward to children starting a family, and finally enjoying his old age. In a short life of several decades, the mediocrity will pass, and you will never know that Blue Star hides such an alien place.

The old consultant said with a smile, "Blue Star, originally an upper-middle planet, introduced all Spiritual Qi of the entire Blue Star into the Kunming Realm. The Spiritual Qi of Kunming Realm is naturally very strong. .”


Long Qingchen released the induction and spread out.

Soon, his senses touched the boundary of the Kunming Realm, and he knew the area of the entire Kunming Realm, which was roughly equivalent to a Huaxia. Not too small.

When his induction spread, he deliberately avoided the Holy Land of the Three Great Sects, so as not to be noticed by the Immortal Emperor of the Three Great Sects.

Of course, even if he is aware of him, it doesn't matter. He made it clear that he is here to seek justice for those people in Wujiang City who were affected by the Loose Immortal calamity, and there is nothing to hide.

"The cultivator association of the Kunming Realm, in the east."

"The Holy Land of the Buddha School, in the south."

The old consultant pointed in two directions , asked, "Where are we going?"

Long Qingchen originally wanted to go directly to the Holy Land of the Buddha Sect, but then he thought, since there is a cultivator association in the Kunming world, he might as well go to the cultivator association first, and go through the "regular" "The way, the Buddha Sect has nothing to say.

And, he's a little curious about this cultivator association.

Thinking of this, he said, "Then go to the cultivator association first."


The old consultant sneered, "Last time , I came to Kunzong Realm, then went to the cultivator association and filed an application to punish the outer sect genius dísciple of the Buddha sect. As a result, I was directly beaten by an elder of the Buddha sect and threw me out. The cultivator association did not even say a word. Dare to say a word, this time, with you here, I think that Elder of Buddha Sect dares to be so arrogant."

Long Qingchen laughed, "Don't worry, what did he do to you last time, wait a moment, I will Treat him as you would."

sou! sou!

So, the two flew east.

It didn't take long for the cultivator association.

I saw that there was an island in the middle of a large lake. There were dozens of fairy temples on the island. The plaque of the largest fairy temple was engraved with the five characters of "cultivator association", which was very eye-catching.

Long Qingchen and the old advisor landed directly at the gate of the Greatest Immortal Hall, with a huge animal skin drum on the gate.

dong! dong! dong!

Long Qingchen picked up the drumstick and played the drum like howling wind and torrential rain.

The huge sound made dozens of immortal temples on the entire island tremble, and the lake around the island was even more tsunami-like waves!

"Outside the hall, who is beating the drums to complain?"

In the hall, a middle-aged man's voice came out, a little annoyed and a little impatient.

Long Qingchen threw the drumstick and walked into the fairy hall with the old consultant.

I saw an old man with wrinkled skin and white hair sitting on the main seat of the Immortal Hall, looking, divide poise and sagelike features.

On the left side of the theme, sits a middle-aged man with a serious face and no anger.

On the right side of the theme, sits an old woman, although she has gray hair, she has a ruddy complexion, maintaining a young appearance, without a single wrinkle.

Above the heads of the three people, there is a card face, engraved with four gilded characters "just and honorable".

In front of the three of them, there was a long tea table. The three cups of tea on the tea table were still steaming and fragrant. Obviously, the three were drinking tea.

Da da da!

Intensive footsteps came from the corridor, and two teams of guards with water and fire sticks hurried in and stood on the left and right sides of the Immortal Hall.

Boom! Bang! Bang!

They hit the water and fire sticks on the ground, making a "mighty" sound from their mouths, and the sound was long.

Long Qingchen pouted slightly, this cultivator association is very similar to the ancient yamen.

The old advisor said to Long Qingchen sound transmission, "These three are the deacon Elders of the cultivator association, who are responsible for handling disputes among cultivators. The old man on the main seat is the Elder of Qingxu Sect; the one on the right side of the main seat is The Elder of the Mountain Moving Sect; the one on the left of the main seat is the Elder of the Buddha Sect, and the last time I came here, he wounded me and threw me out."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, knowing that.

The middle-aged man was condescending, looking down at the old advisor and Long Qingchen, coldly said, "It seems that I beat you enough last time, how dare you come?"

The old advisor His face turned pale, he glanced at Long Qingchen next to him, took a deep breath, and calmed down.

He lifted the head, looked at the middle-aged man without showing weakness, and said angrily, "Why don't I dare to come? A genius dísciple from the outer sect of the Buddha sect sneaked into the world to play, In the Transcending Tribulation on the outskirts of Wujiang City, thousands of innocent people were killed, which seriously violated the regulations of the Kunming community. I came here to apply for the punishment of that dísciple. Not only did you not punish me, but you also beat me out. The identity of the deacon Elder? I still don't believe it, there is no justice in this world!"


The middle-aged man sneered, "Of course, our Three Great Sects are Fair! You may not have figured out the real role of the cultivator association, the cultivator association is only for regulating those medium sects and Small Sects, and it is ineffective for our Three Great Sects!"

The old woman laughed, took her tea, and drank it. One mouthful, "Mortal people are ignorant, didn't expect, there are also ignorant people among the cultivators, and they came to the cultivator association to complain about the genius dísciple of your Buddha sect. It's a joke." Yu, just watching quietly, not speaking, as if it had nothing to do with him, just watching the fun.

The old consultant was very angry, and pointed at the three people with trembling hands, "You are the jackals of the same tribe, and you are in trouble!"


The old woman reprimanded, her eyes coldly said, "If I remember correctly, you should be the former Sect Master of the Stone Sect, right? Be careful to bring disaster to your Stone Sect!"

middle-aged man He waved his hand directly and ordered the guards, "Abolish his cultivation base and throw it out. If he dares to resist, he will despise the cultivator association, execute without any mercy!"

"You better not resist. !"

"I'm afraid you have brain issues. I let you go last time, but I don't know how grateful I am, but I want to fight against the Buddha."

The guards gathered around fiercely. .

The old consultant looked towards Long Qingchen for help, "senior."

Long Qingchen looked at the three people sitting on the throne indifferently, "I thought I was shameless enough, However, compared to the three of you, I am really ashamed of being inferior, and today, I have learned a lot."

His voice was not loud, but it spread to everyone's ears, in the fairy hall reverberate.

pu! pu! pu!

The guards were all coughing up blood, staggering back, and looking at the young man in horror, as if their hearts were beaten by an invisible hammer fiercely.

You must know that they are all carefully selected and sent here by the Three Great Sects. Although the cultivation base is not very high, all of them have reached the True Martial Realm. This young man can shock them by the sound alone. , what is the cultivation base?

(end of this chapter)

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