Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 866


Chapter 866 Planet in disguise!

During the next period, Long Qingchen everyday all is full of schedules and has no free time.

Teach students during the day.

At night, more than 3,000 combatants were trained.

In addition, students and fighters must adhere to the medicated bath for more than an hour every day.

It is obvious that the students have mastered more and more basic knowledge of cultivation, and it will not be long before they can be formally taught cultivated.

However, the physique of the fighters has increased rapidly and has reached dozens of times the physical limit of the ordinary person, infinitely close to the physique of the "Xiaowujing" cultivator, and it is almost time for the finished apprenticeship.

On the 23rd day, Long Qingchen was giving a lecture to the students in the newly built Martial Discussion Hall of the Department of Extraterrestrial Warfare. The director of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau hurriedly called and stood at the door anxiously.

Long Qingchen stopped lecturing and walked out.

The chief's voice said solemnly, "Old advisor, he's back, he's injured."

"What's the matter?"

Long Qingchen wondered, "Who Injured him?"

The director smiled bitterly and glanced at the Martial Discussion Hall, "It's not convenient to speak here, go to the old advisor and talk."

Long Qingchen slightly disavowed. , walked back to the Martial Discussion Hall, and said, "I have something to do. Please review the notes you have made."

After that, he left with the director.

Bao Yuan, Bai Ying and Lin Hao also followed.

When I came to the base of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, in a room of a villa, I saw a tall old man lying on the bed. The breath is also very weak.

Bai Ying was surprised, "Why is the consultant so thin?"

The director glared at him.

Long Qingchen walked over, put his hand on the old man's wrist, and checked it out, "I've been injured by the shock, so I'll be fine for a while."

Thinking about it. , Long Qingchen took out a medicine pill and handed it to the old man, "Take it."

"This is Immortal Pill!"

The old man looked at the mysterious texture on the medicine pill, The spirit was shocked.

Introduced by the director, "Consultant, accept it, this is the Long Qingchen I told you, the cultivator from the alien return, and the current Chief-In-Charge of the Alien War Department."


"You even have Immortal Pill, and you can take it as a gift. It can be seen that your cultivation base is definitely higher than mine, that is my senior, and you haven't saluted the senior yet."

The old man hurriedly tried to get up and salute Long Qingchen.

The director, Bao Yuan, Bai Ying, and Lin Hao are all a little stunned. The consultant is a lot of age, and he salutes a youngster?

They thought about it, and then they were relieved, cultivators can be senior regardless of age, whoever has a strong cultivation base is a senior.

Long Qingchen waved his hand slightly, "You're injured, don't be polite, just lie down."

"Thanks Senior for your understanding."

The old man is grateful Glancing at him, he stretched out his hands and took the Immortal Pill, "Thanks Senior for the medicine pill."

Long Qingchen said, "Didn't you go to Kunjing to find that Loose Immortal? How did you come back injured and what happened?”

“It’s hard to say.”

The old man put Immortal Pill into his mouth and laughed bitterly.

Bai Ying picked up the water cup on the table next to him and handed it to the old man.

The old man waved his hand, "Take the medicine pill, don't use water, melts in the mouth."


Bai Ying was a little embarrassed, so he had to put Put the cup back in its place.

The old man sighed and started talking.

"Some time ago, three consecutive lightning strikes occurred on the outskirts of Wujiang City, causing many deaths and injuries. After I went there to check, I found out that it was caused by the cultivator Transcending Tribulation, and the Loose Immortal robbery. There is such a strong destructive power."

"There is no such strong cultivator in the world of Blue Star, so there are only two possibilities left. One is that an alien cultivator came to Blue Star, The other is the cultivator from the Kunming Realm sneaking out.”

“If it is an alien cultivator, I will definitely go back to the Kunming Realm and report it so that the Kunming Realm can be prepared. As for the cultivator in the Kunming world, I have to go back and investigate, so I went back to the Kunming world."

"After investigation, I found that it was indeed a cultivator from the Kunming world who had sneaked into the secular world. This cultivator is a genius of the young generation. When playing in the suburbs of Ujiang City, the cultivation base broke through continuously, and there was a Transcending Tribulation, causing three lightning strikes."

"Then, I told Kun The cultivator association in the world filed an application to punish this young genius."

"However, the genius sect did not agree, and beat me up, and directly threatened me not to pursue further investigations. This matter, otherwise, my cultivation base will be abolished, I have no choice but to come back."

Bai Ying said angrily, "Is this too crazy?"

The director, Bao Yuan, and Lin Hao remained silent. The laws of the world really couldn't control the cultivator, so they could only be dealt with by Kunjie.

Long Qingchen asked, "If the sect doesn't agree, will the cultivator association in the Kunming world leave it alone?"

"senior is the key to the question."

The old man smiled bitterly, "The key point is that this sect is one of the Three Great Sects of the Kunming World and the president of the cultivator association of the Kunming World. The bad is the bad here."

I heard this. , Director, Bao Yuan, Bai Ying and Lin Hao all frowned.

What does this mean?

It means that this sect can hide the sky with one hand in the world of Kunming!

Disagreement with this sect means that the cultivator association in the Kunming world does not agree!

Lin Hao frowned, "What should I do now, in the three lightning strikes, many innocent people were killed, is that enough?"

"That sect is so powerful, If you can't even control the world of Kunming, who can control it?"

Bao Yuan sighed, and when he said this, he looked towards Long Qingchen intentionally or unintentionally.

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Since I decided to take care of this matter, I will naturally take care of it to the end, don't provoke me."

His mind was broken, Bao Yuan's face became hot, "Boss, Domineering"

The old man looked at Long Qingchen suspiciously, "That sect, there is an Immortal Emperor, I don't know what level the senior's cultivation base has reached?"

Long Qingchen didn't answer the question. , "One thing, I feel strange, Blue Star, Spiritual Qi is very thin for cultivators, and it is considered the lowest planet. Why are there so many cultivators in Kunming Realm, and Immortal Emperor exists?"

Old man said with a smile, "Senior doesn't know anything, in fact, Blue Star is not a low-level planet!"

Long Qingchen wondered, "How do you say this?"

"Before, Blue Star was not a low-level planet!" The star is a medium planet, and it is also considered to be upper-middle among medium planets. About 10,000 years ago, when an alien cultivator flew near the blue star, he found that the blue star had a lot of cultivation resources and invaded. The cultivators of Blue Star fought back to occupy the Blue Star, and the battle was too tragic. More than half of the cultivators of Blue Star killed the alien cultivator."

"In order to prevent this from happening again. , The surviving cultivators decided to establish a Kunming realm after deliberation, introducing the Spiritual Qi of the entire Blue Star into the Kunming realm, bringing all Spirit Stone Ore Vein and Spirit Stone Ore Vein into the Kunming realm, all cultivators You live in, and you are not allowed to go out casually. Ordinary people live in the mundane world outside the world, so on the surface, Blue Star is just a low-level planet.”

“ This method is very useful. For more than ten thousand years, when some alien cultivators flew near the Blue Star, they found that the Blue Star was a low-level planet and had no value, so they didn't bother to invade."

The old man explained the origin of the Kunming world in detail.

Long Qingchen suddenly realized, "This method is really wonderful. It's the first time I've heard of it, disguising the planet as inferior."

(End of this chapter)

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