Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 855


Chapter 855 Fight BOSS!

Wang Xueli was stunned for a moment, then, a hint of contempt appeared, looked towards Bao Yuan, and said, "Bao Yuan Captain, this is what he said. He hurt him, but I can't blame me!"

He's a cultivator, and it's weird that you can hurt him

Bao Yuan looks weird.

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Yes, I said, if you can hurt me, this instructor will do it for you."

"Wang Xueli is a special event for us. The well-known figure among all the combatants of the Bureau of Investigation is extremely powerful. What is the origin of this young instructor who looks like a high school student, with such a big tone?"

"Since the above asked him to train us, we should If you have a bit of ability, let’s take a look first.”

“Although I don’t know what this instructor is about, I still think Wang Xueli is stronger, because since the year before last, Wang Xueli has not been defeated. , even the Captain of each team is not necessarily his opponent."

Thousands of combatants whispered.

Long Qingchen said, "You can shoot."

Wang Xueli was annoyed, "Why didn't you shoot first?"

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, " If I shoot first, you won't have the chance to shoot, are you sure?"

Thousands of fighters are smacking their tongues, this instructor is not an ordinary madman

Wang Xueliqi Angrily roared, "I just want you to shoot first!"


Long Qingchen shook his head slightly.


Suddenly, Wang Xueli's entire body flew out like a windmill, fell dozens of meters away, lay on the ground, spat out a few bloody molars, and a fist on his face. print!

Thousands of combatants stared blankly at the scene.

"What's the matter?"

"I didn't see this instructor make a move, why did Wang Xueli suddenly get hit? Who hit him?"

Wang Xueli lifts the head and looks around angrily, "Who sneak attack me?"


Bao Yuan almost laughed, although he didn't see it clearly Long Qingchen shot, but he was sure that it was definitely Long Qingchen, because there was only one cultivator in the room.

Long Qingchen looked at Wang Xueli indifferently, "I told you a long time ago that if I shoot first, you will have no chance to shoot. You just don't believe it."

He hit?

Thousands of combatants were stunned for a moment, and then looked at him strangely, as if they were looking at a monster.

"With so many people present, no one saw him shoot. What speed is he?"

"Is he a human or a ghost?"

Wang Xueli's face turned red and turned into a pig's liver, and he glared at Long Qingchen, "Impossible! No matter how fast you are, someone can see it, how can you not even see it? You must be using some trick!"

"There are so many things you don't know."

Long Qingchen didn't bother to explain to him, and he wouldn't understand it. A cultivator with a level above Loose Immortal Realm, using the speed to the extreme, can easily make it difficult for the eyes of the ordinary person to catch it, which is not surprising.

He said indifferently, "In order to convince you of losing, I can give you another chance, this time, let you take the shot first."

"Okay, I'd rather Look, what tricks do you have!"

Wang Xueli got up and stared at Long Qingchen.


He stepped on the ground and rushed over quickly.


When he was still a few meters away from Long Qingchen, he suddenly punched him with a hint of punching style. For an ordinary person, the formidable power of this fist is already Peak.

"Do you only have this strength?"

Long Qingchen slowly raised a palm.


I immediately blocked Wang Xueli's fist.

He then clenched his palm and grabbed Wang Xueli's fist.

The fight between the cultivator and the ordinary person is not really interesting, it's too easy


Wang Xueli frowned, his fists struggled suddenly.

However, it is completely motionless, as if caught by a tiger.

"It's useless."

Long Qingchen's palm squeezed slightly.


Wang Xueli's fist burst, and a little blood oozes out.

The severe pain made Wang Xueli look pale, sweating all over his body, and his entire body bent down, as if bowing to Long Qingchen.

"Hey, what are you doing to salute me, you don't need to be so polite."

Long Qingchen looked at Wang Xueli jokingly.

The more than 3,000 fighters were stunned, and now they can see clearly that this young instructor did not use any "tricks", but simply raised his hand and grabbed Wang Xueli's fist , and easily defeated Wang Xueli. Obviously, the gap in strength was too large to cause such a result.

Bao Yuan hurriedly said, "The outcome is already divided, there is no need to compare."

Long Qingchen let go of Wang Xueli, looking towards the more than 3,000 fighters, "Am I qualified to be your instructor? If there are still people who don't agree, you can stand up and fight alone or together."

More than 3,000 combatants looked at each other in blank dismay, and then, one by one, standing tall and straight, shouting together, "You are qualified to be our instructor, we have taken it!"

It was so easy to convince them, Long Qingchen No surprise, these fighters are probably carefully selected from the army. The most important thing is strength. If they are stronger than them, they will naturally accept it. It's as simple and straightforward.

Wang Xueli's whole arm was trembling, he looked at Long Qingchen with complicated eyes, and gave a salute, "Report, I have also accepted, I am willing to accept your training, and request to return to the team."

“Go back to the team.”

Long Qingchen waved.

Wang Xueli immediately ran back into the queue and stood up straight, "Report the instructor!"

Long Qingchen glanced at him, "What else?"

Wang Xueli said, "Although I have convinced you, I will not give up pursuing Lin Hao. When you train me, I will challenge you until I defeat you!"

Hearing him say this, more than 3,000 fighters couldn't help but want to laugh.

Long Qingchen also laughed, "Then you have to work hard, my strength is very strong, you are impossible to beat me in your life."

Wang Xueli is suffering face, gritted his teeth and said, "I will spare no effort!"

"That's good."

Long Qingchen waved to the more than 3,000 fighters, "Let's start training, My training method is very simple, you can come together and fight with me.”

These fighters all have no martial arts and do not have the potential to become cultivators. Long Qingchen can only teach them some fighting skills. , the best way is to fight!

To put it bluntly, if these fighters are beaten a lot, they will naturally know a little of his fighting skills.

To learn martial arts, learn to be beaten first, that's the truth.

Long Qingchen glanced at Baoyuan, "You can also join in."


The corner of Baoyuan's mouth twitched.

He knows the identity of Long Qingchen as a cultivator, and of course he knows that no matter how many people there are, it is impossible to win Long Qingchen

Therefore, he can vaguely guess Long Qingchen's intentions, and Long Qingchen wants to They were beaten

However, he couldn't refuse, because he also wanted to increase his strength through training.

"One team, two teams, three teams, attack him directly!"

"Four teams, five teams, six teams, flank from the left."

" Team Seven, Eight, Nine, on the right."

"Other teams, go around to the back!"

He commanded loudly with a solemn expression.


Under his command, more than 3,000 fighters were in an orderly manner, and they rushed towards Long Qingchen in groups, as if they were a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, and it was like fighting a BOSS.

(end of this chapter)

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