Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 848


Chapter 848 Of course!

Lin Hao took Long Qingchen around the weapons and equipment area, and saw hundreds of strange things, said with a smile, "On the basement floor of this building, there are alien creatures. area, let me show you.”

Are the alien creatures of Blue Star comparable to alien beasts and monster beasts?

Certainly not.

Long Qingchen is not very interested, but Lin Hao is so interested that he can't say it directly, so he can only go downstairs with Lin Hao and enter the basement floor.

I saw that there were thousands of large and small iron cages on the whole basement floor. Only alien creatures.

“Look at the bat inside.”

Lin Hao pointed to a small iron cage.

Long Qingchen looked at it and found that it was an ordinary bat, which made him a little puzzled, "Is this bat an alien creature?"

Lin Hao explained , "This is an ordinary bat, but it caused a big epidemic a few hundred years ago. After everyone's together, the epidemic was overcome."

Long Qingchen slightly Nodding, "Disease, this thing, is really difficult for people to deal with, we need to take precautions and don't take it lightly."

Lin Hao pointed to a small iron cage made of mithril, "And that one The bat in the cage is called the blood bat. I heard that the person who is bitten by it will undergo some kind of terrifying transformation."

Long Qingchen looked at it and saw that it was a bloody bat. Red's bat, with a small human face, was a little weird. It barked its teeth at him and Lin Hao, revealing two blood-colored fangs, looking rather vicious.

He moved in his heart, isn't this the blood-sucking blood race in the legend of Blue Star?

Similar to Blood Moon Race's Innate Divine Ability.

He was first embraced by a female Supreme genius from Blood Moon Race. He has Blood Moon Race's innate talent. I don't know if Blood Moon Race's innate talent is powerful or this blood bat's innate talent is powerful. ?

He thought of comparing, he said to Lin, "If you have a bowl, bring one over."

Lin was so puzzled, "What do you want to do?"

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "It's nothing, I'll put some blood on it, give it a drink, and see how it reacts."

Lin is so helpless, to a young man who is watching over here The woman beckoned, "Bring a bowl here."

The young woman brought a porcelain bowl over, "This is a bowl for feeding alien creatures, it is new and has not been used."



Long Qingchen took the porcelain bowl, pointed like a sword, cut his own finger, and dripped a little blood in it.

“Why is your blood in this shape?”

Lin Hao was surprised to find that his blood was very strange, and it automatically took the shape of a dragon.

Long Qingchen didn't explain anything. Holding the porcelain bowl, he walked towards the small iron cage of Mithril.

"Wait a minute!"

The young woman's color changed suddenly, "Are you going to feed this blood bat with blood?"

Long Qingchen asked, "Is there any problem?"

The young woman said, "Don't do this, this blood bat will be fierce and howling after drinking blood."


Long Qingchen was curious, "Then what do you usually feed it?"

The young woman said, "It's also blood, but it's the blood of some rabbits, and it's been diluted many times. , just give it a drink, so that it won't starve to death, and won't make it go mad."

Lin Hao pointed to Mithril's small iron cage, "If it goes crazy, this cage can be closed. Do you want to live with it?"

The young woman explained, "Yes, the blood bat is most afraid of mithril, which is its nemesis, and even if it is powered by high-voltage electricity, even if it is I can't rush out if I'm crazy."

"That's fine."

Laughed, Lin said to Long Qingchen, "Since there is no problem with safety, let's do the experiment. "

In fact, she was also a little curious, whether blood bats would evolve after drinking the blood of cultivators.

"Don't worry, with me, there is no problem with safety."

Long Qingchen put the porcelain bowl into the small iron cage of Mithril.

Seeing pure blood, the blood bat immediately spread its wings and rushed over.


With blood light in his eyes, he opened his fangs, made a strange noise, and looked at the three of them vigilantly, as if protecting his food.

Finding that the three were not fighting it, the blood bat lowered his head and started drinking.

Lin Hao was very surprised, "It's a little chic, and it's quite clever."

The young woman is not used to it, "Every time you feed it, it will It's all like this, the spiritual wisdom is quite high, and it is estimated that it is no less than eight or nine years old."

After drinking Long Qingchen's dragon blood, the blood bat was covered with blood light and skeletons " creak" sounded.

The fangs grow longer and sharper at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Meat fins, growing fast and getting longer!

A pair of pointed horns grow on the head, ferocious and terrifying!

It has fine scales all over its body.

"How could this be?"

The young woman stared at this scene in awe.

Lin Hao was also a little surprised, he couldn't help but glanced at Long Qingchen next to him, probably related to the cultivator's blood.


Suddenly, the transformed blood bat opened its fangs and bit fiercely on the small mithril cage.

"Not good!"

"It's crazy!"

The young woman panicked, "After evolution, it doesn't seem to be afraid of mithril and High voltage."

bang bang bang!

She found a dry wooden stick and kept hitting the blood bat, trying to stop the blood bat from biting the cage.


The blood bat shook its head, bit the stick, and snatched it from her hand.

Suddenly flung the stick and flew out,


The blood bat again fiercely bites the pillars of the small iron cage.

It snapped off quickly and rushed out, staring greedily at Long Qingchen, obviously wanting to drink Long Qingchen's blood.

"It's over, it's over!"

The young woman's face turned pale, she picked up the wooden stick and held it in her hand, trembling with fright, "We got into trouble, what should I do? What should I do?"

Lin Hao deserves to be a fighter, much calmer than her, looked at Long Qingchen next to her, "You should be able to handle it, right?"

"Of course. .”

Long Qingchen laughed.

The reason why he didn't take any action was because he was curious about how this blood bat would evolve.

Now, after reading it, I found that the magnitude of evolution is not very large.

Obviously, the potential of this blood bat is not high

If some alien beasts and monster beasts drink his dragon blood, it is enough to evolve into Immortal Beast.

The blood bat suddenly opened his mouth and looked at Long Qingchen vigilantly, "Give me a bowl full of blood, and I'll leave here immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite, sucking you all dry. blood!"

Obviously, it was a little bit afraid of Long Qingchen, not sure.

Otherwise, it wouldn't need to say this at all, and it would have jumped straight at it long ago.

The young woman was completely stunned, so frightened that the sticks fell to the ground.

Lin Hao was also dazed, didn't expect that a blood bat drank a little of Long Qingchen's blood and could evolve to such a level, comparable to the monsters in Myths and Legends.

"You made two mistakes."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "First, you shouldn't be in such a hurry to bite through the cage and rush out, you should hide it first and pretend to bite If you don't open the cage, wait for me to leave and then come out. Only in this way can you escape. Second, you shouldn't threaten me. I hate being threatened the most, so you're dead."

Lin Hao's eyes were strange. She found that, facing this vicious and strange blood bat, Long Qingchen's eyes did not change at all. Looking at this blood bat was no different from looking at a dead duck

She was very curious, what kind of existence could make Long Qingchen panic? Where is Long Qingchen?

(end of this chapter)

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