Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1182


Chapter 1182 Peak Long Qingchen!
The senior leaders of the Ninth Emperor looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them were bitter in their hearts, the Sect Master was killed, the Black Flame King was killed, and the three Ancestor Masters were captured, do they still have a choice?

The First Grand Elder hurriedly instructed the Great Elder, "Go and call Holy Son out and accept the challenge of the Dragon Clan patriarch!"

Great Elder said with a bitter smile, "But, Holy Son He is in retreat, impacting the immortal Peak, which is the most critical period. Interrupting his cultivation at this time may cause him to fail in his promotion to the immortal Peak, and even affect his future cultivation.”

No. One of the elders glared at him, "If you want to go, go, there is so much nonsense!"


The Great Elder hurried to the top of the mountain in frustration go with.

It is really helpless, Holy Son is the Number One Person of the younger generation of Ninth King, with great potential, in the future, there is hope to become Half Step Eternal, even, there is the potential to become eternal, Holy Son's cultivation is important or not , of course important.

However, if you don't agree to the request made by the Red Dust Fairy, the ninth generation is in danger of being destroyed.

So, only interrupt Holy Son's cultivated.

Not long after, the Great Elder leaped down from the top of the mountain with a white clothed youth.

I can see that this white clothed youth has a strong aura, rich and handsome, like an exiled immortal, but his face is a little gloomy. Obviously, the critical moment of secluded cultivation is interrupted, and he is very unhappy.

"This is the Holy Son of our Ninth King."

The first lady smiled and introduced the Fairy to Hongchen, "Our Ninth King has already made your request. I agreed, look, did you release the three Ancestor Masters of our Ninth Kings first?"

"After the duel, I will naturally release you Ancestor Masters."

Red Dust Fairy Li Mou was indifferent, she glanced at Long Qingchen, "The best sharpening stone is already in front of you, whether you can use it to sharpen yourself is up to you."

"Ok. .”

Long Qingchen laughed.

white clothed youth said indifferently, "You treat me as a whetstone, why don't I treat you as a whetstone?"

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Then It's a whetstone."

The Great Elder cautiously said, "Fairy, you just said that in this duel, no matter who lives or dies, you will not take action, I hope you will keep your promise."

Hongchen Fairy calmly said, "Don't worry, I always keep my word."

"Let's get started."

The white clothed youth looked at Long with a sneer. Qingchen.

His cultivation base of indestructible high-level Perfection exploded, and he directly displayed the stunt of the Ninth Emperor—the incarnation of the ninth generation!

On his left and right sides, there are four incarnations, a total of eight incarnations, each incarnation looks exactly like his main body, and has the same appearance as his main body. cultivation base!

The eight incarnations, plus his body, are equal to nine immortal high-level Perfection cultivation bases, and the battle strength instantly reaches nine times!
"Really strong opponent!"

Gu Xiaojun's eyes lit up, as a Battle Madman, seeing a strong opponent is happier than seeing peerless beauty, "If Long Qingchen If he loses, I hope I can challenge him too."

Zhan Qingmian couldn't help sweating for Long Qingchen, "Among the super Supreme geniuses in every universe, the Holy Son of the Ninth King, should be It's one of the cream of the crop, let's not talk about whether he has any other stunts, the ninth incarnation technique alone is enough to crush many super Supreme geniuses."

The body and eight incarnations of white clothed youth shot together, each displaying nine different top-level martial skills, crushing them towards Long Qingchen!

Long Qingchen's expression was solemn, without any carelessness.

His body trembled, and a loud sound of dragon's roar emanated from his body, and the immortal high-level Perfection cultivation base exploded instantly.

The left hand displays the ultimate form of the eight major battle skills of the original Ancestral Dragon, and billions of dragons roar out!

The right hand uses the sword dao, the ultimate nine-style, to cut out a shallow sword glow. It seems light and weak, but no one can ignore this sword glow!
The attack of the white clothed youth and the attack of Long Qingchen, fiercely collided, and a dazzling Immeasurable Light erupted, the terrifying energy swayed in all directions, the space without several li was shattered, and a huge explosion occurred. Collapse, space fragments fall like a waterfall, like a world-destroying scene!

Long Qingchen was shaken thousands of miles away, a strand of dragon blood oozing out of his mouth, the injury was not minor, the nine immortal high-level Perfection cultivation bases shot together, it was really strong , the others aside, the "energy level" is higher than him!
The white clothed youth was also knocked thousands of miles away, and it was also uncomfortable, which surprised him a little. With his nine times the battle strength, logically speaking, he should be able to easily crush Long Qingchen. However, the martial skills and sword skills displayed by Long Qingchen are very unique. They seem to be ordinary, but they have a feeling of simplifying the complex, and the penetrating power is extremely strong!

"Come again!"

The white clothed youth has released tens of thousands of natural phenomena. Similarly, his eight Avatars have released tens of thousands of natural phenomena, adding up to a total of 10,000 natural phenomena. Over 90,000 natural phenomena!
Like a tsunami wave, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards Long Qingchen rolling away!

"Is this going to compete with me on natural phenomenon?"

The corner of Long Qingchen's mouth twitched, "You don't want to inquire, I have countless natural phenomena. People, your body and the eight natural phenomena of Avatar combined, there are not as many as me.”

He did not retreat, but took a step forward, countless natural phenomena Immediately burst out!

More than 90,000 kinds of natural phenomena collide fiercely with countless natural phenomena, as if a large piece of the sun collapsed together, erupting countless rays of light, it is estimated that tens of thousands of galaxies can see the dazzling rays of light here!

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha! .
There is no suspense, countless natural phenomena crushed more than 90,000 kinds of natural phenomena, the white clothed youth was blown away again, blood spurted from his mouth, and suffered a big loss, obviously, he did not know that Long Qingchen had Countless natural phenomena, otherwise, there would be no use of natural phenomenon to fight Long Qingchen recklessly.

The senior management of the ninth emperor all brows tightly knit, First Move, Holy Son and Long Qingchen suffer both sides; 2nd move, Holy Son is injured again, but Long Qingchen is intact; from this In two ways, the situation is not very good.

"Come again!"

white clothed youth is like a wounded wild beast, although wounded, the more fights the more brave is.

He unleashed his own way, transformed into a pitch-black coffin, and shot it suddenly!
The same is true for the eight Avatars, each of which has a dark coffin, which is very strange!

This kind of dark coffin is not an ordinary coffin, but the eternal weapon of the Ninth Emperor, which is the famous Ninth Black Coffin. The white clothed youth used his own way to evolve the Ninth Black The coffin contains the Profound Truth that is part of the Black Coffin of the Ninth World!
"It's good."

Long Qingchen released his three Profound Truths and transformed into three hands of the sky, a pink hand of the sky, and an azure hand of the sky. Hand, a hand of nine-colored heaven, shot directly!

The three hands of the sky collided with the nine black coffins of the ninth generation. The energy that erupted was too terrifying. The space collapsed in a large area, and even time appeared a little stagnant!
The three hands of heaven and the nine black coffins of the ninth generation canceled each other out, but the terrifying energy that erupted sent the white clothed youth and Long Qingchen flying tens of millions of miles each. , Both of them were coughing up blood, and their bodies were covered with cracks, like porcelain that was about to shatter!
Everyone can see that the strengths of Holy Son and Long Qingchen are very close, which is why both sides suffer.

"Our Holy Son and Dragon Clan patriarch are both the highest geniuses of Supreme, with equal strength, I am afraid it is difficult to decide the winner. If we want to decide the winner, the final result is perish together. "

Ninth Emperor's first grandfather elder smiled and looked towards Hongchen Fairy, "Otherwise, if we are here today, it is a tie, what does Hongchen Fairy think?"

" If you can't tie, the tie will not have the effect of tempering, you have to keep fighting until the winner or loser, or, life and death, so far."

Hongchen Fairy's beautiful eyes are indifferent.

With her here, how could Ninth Sejong Holy Son and Long Qingchen perish be together?

If Long Qingchen is really on the brink of death, she will definitely stop it.

Therefore, she advocates fighting all the time, and is not worried about the result of perish together.


The Elder, the First Lady of Ninth King Sejong, was helpless, and the decision was not up to him.

white clothed youth and Long Qingchen are constantly showing off their own stunts, trying hard again and again, almost every time they suffer from both sides , After fighting for more than a thousand moves, both of them looked pale, their bodies were on the verge of collapse, and they had been seriously injured, but neither of them stopped.

"This style of play is really crazy."

Zhan Qingmian couldn't help but click her tongue.

The battle between cultivators is generally divided into three situations.

First, the strength gap is huge, within a few moves, the opponent is defeated and the battle is over.

second , there is a gap in strength, but the gap is not very big. After dozens of moves, the opponent will be injured, and the opponent will choose to escape when they know that they are no match.

Third Type, there is no difference in strength, and they can't tell the winner after fighting for more than a few hundred moves. At this time, the two sides will retreat separately. After all, normal people don't want to perish together.

Situations like Holy Son and Long Qingchen of Ninth Sejong are rare. There is no difference in strength between the two sides. Knowing that they may perish together, they are still fighting desperately. They are fighting like crazy. Law!

"I like this style of play."

Gu Xiaojun's eyes are full of yearning, "It's hard to find an opponent of comparable strength like this, how I hope to meet An opponent of equal strength, unfortunately, I have never met."

Zhan Qingmian rolled his eyes, "With your aggressive personality, sooner or later, you will die in a certain Super Supreme. In the hands of a genius."

Gu Xiaojun said earnestly, "I have two wishes, the first one is to become the invincible powerhouse of the Eternal Realm, if the first wish cannot be fulfilled, then my first wish is The second wish is to die in the hands of some super genius, and there will be no regrets."

Zhan Qingmian pouted, "You are completely helpless."

bang !
When white clothed youth and Long Qingchen fought more than 1,500 moves, the aura of white clothed youth suddenly skyrocketed, and his cultivation base ranged from perfection breakthrough of immortal high-end to immortal Peak. cultivation base!

Zhan Qingmian was stunned.

Gu Xiaojun was also fascinated, "Long Qingchen is so unlucky, the ninth King Holy Son broke through at this time."

"Very good!"

"Holy Son is worthy of being the Number One Person of our Ninth Emperor's younger generation, the retreat was interrupted, I thought it would take a few more years to be promoted to the inextinguishable Peak, didn't expect to break through in the battle! "

"From now on, our Ninth Emperor has another inextinguishable Peak powerhouse!".
The high-level officials of Ninth Emperor were also stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed.

Hongchen Fairy frowned, but only for a moment. To her, there is no difference between the immortal perfection and the immortal Peak. However, to Long Qingchen, But there is a big difference.

"Is this what the immortal Peak feels like?"

white clothed youth clenched his fists tightly, feeling the boundless power of Peng Bai in his body, a little obsession in his eyes, and muttered Talk to yourself.

He suddenly looked towards Long Qingchen and laughed wildly, "hahaha, Long Qingchen, why are you fighting me?"

Long Qingchen's expression was extremely dignified, not destroying high-level and Indestructible Peak, this is a real cultivation base gap, no matter how strong the Indestructible High-level is, it is impossible to defeat the Indestructible Peak, since ancient times, no one can break this Martial Dao criterion.

When the cultivation base is low, it is easy to beat the opponent by crossing several small cultivation bases, which can be done by ordinary geniuses.

However, after the cultivation base is high, every small-level gap is the same as the gap between the moat and the abyss, and it is fundamentally impossible to cross domains.

For example, Half Step Eternal and the real Eternal Realm are completely different levels, even if there are more Half Step Eternal and no matter how strong the Half Step Eternal is, it is impossible to defeat the real eternal, indestructible high-level and The same is true for inextinguishable Peak.

"Try to receive my palm?"

The white clothed youth grinned and shot directly with one palm, without using any martial skill or Profound Truth, just a simple palm.

However, this simple palm contains boundless formidable power!
Long Qingchen exploded the cultivation base of immortal high-order Perfection to the extreme, released three kinds of Profound Truth, and turned it into a Yin-Yang Primal Chaos map.

The image of Yin-Yang Primal Chaos shattered, and his entire body was blown away for tens of millions of miles, and he couldn't stop it at all!


A cold light flashed in the white clothed youth's eyes, and it was shot with another palm.

This time, he used the Ninth World Incarnation Technique to increase his battle strength nine times, and used the Profound Truth of the Nine Worlds Black Coffin, full strength attack!
Hongchen Fairy sighed, the immortal strength of pink floated in jade hand, and was ready to make a rescue. She said that she would not interfere with the result of this duel, only to save Long Qingchen's life at the last critical moment That's it.

Facing the full strength attack of the inextinguishable Peak powerhouse, Long Qingchen felt chills all over his body and felt like he was dying.

The Dragon Vein is shaking!
reverse scale is fluttering!
Every muscle, every skeleton, every meridian in his body is shaking, and even the dragon soul is shaking!
Just like a spring, after it has been pressed to the extreme, it bottomed out, and the cultivation base of his immortal high-level Perfection erupted like a volcano!

Peak is immortal!


Zhan Qingmian was stunned.

Gu Xiaojun's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he could put down an egg.

The white clothed youth's face turned green, as if he had eaten live flies.

The senior management of the Ninth Emperor were all dumbfounded. Holy Son breakthrough cultivation base, they thought they could easily win, didn't expect, Long Qingchen, who killed a thousand knives, also broke through!

Even the Red Dust Fairy was lost for a while. It was a relatively common phenomenon that the Holy Son of the Ninth Sejong broke through the cultivation base during the battle. However, Long Qingchen was under the tremendous pressure of the Holy Son of the Nine Sejong to break through the cultivation base. , also followed the breakthrough of the cultivation base, which is extremely rare.

(PS: 2 in 1)

(end of this chapter)

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