Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1178


Chapter 1178 Who's the whetstone!
"zhi zhi zhi!"

After waiting for five or six hours, the golden mouse came back, wagging its three tails like a puppy, barking non-stop, as if asking Long Qingchen for credit.

"Found it?"

Long Qingchen said, "Lead the way."

"zhi zhi zhi!."

Golden Rat But he didn't lead the way, he walked around him a few times, raised his head and looked at him eagerly.

Zhan Qingmian was a little confused, "What did it say?"

"It said, give it Immortal Medicine, and it will lead the way, something good-for-nothing."

Long Qingchen laughed and scolded, took out a Immortal Medicine, and threw it to the golden rat.

The golden mouse immediately ate happily.

Zhan Qingchen looked strangely, "You can even understand the language of the Rat?"

Long Qingchen said ill-humoredly, "Thank you for being a Half Step Eternal person. expert, when communicating with alien beasts, you don't have to master the alien beast's language, just use induction to communicate with alien beasts, don't you even understand this?"

Zhan Qingqian sneered, "I Of course I know this, but I didn't know that the tracking mouse also has the ability to sense."

After eating Immortal Medicine, the golden mouse led the way satisfactorily.

Long Qingchen, Zhan Qingmian and Gu Xiaojun followed behind the golden mouse.

After running for about three hours, the golden rat stopped, raised one paw, pointed to the valley in front, and called "zhi zhi".

Long Qingchen understood, "It said that the Young Pavilion Lord and three companions of Xichen Pavilion are in the front within the valley."

"What are you waiting for. "

Gu Xiaojun's eyes were full of fighting intent, he pulled out the giant sword behind him, and strode towards the mountain valley.

Long Qingchen and Zhan Qingmian quickly followed.

The three walked into within the valley together, and saw a silver-haired youth, a beautiful young woman, a handsome boy, and a petite girl sit cross-legged in an ancient tree. Under the tree, the four of them were riddled with scars all over their bodies, their clothes were stained with blood, and they were healing.

The four suddenly opened their eyes when they heard the movement.

"Dragon Clan patriarch, Long Qingchen?"

"Yes, it's him, I have seen his portrait."

"Long Qingchen, Did you happen to meet us, or did you come to us on purpose?".
The four of them recognized Long Qingchen at a glance, and became a little puzzled.

Long Qingchen was too lazy to go around the bend, stared at the silver-haired youth, and directly asked, "Young Pavilion Lord of Xichen Pavilion, dare to accept my challenge?"

He knew that this silver-haired young man was Xichen The Young Pavilion Lord of the Pavilion, because, Dragon Soul Temple provides a list of super Supreme geniuses, with a portrait.

"The other three are mine!"

Gu Xiaojun loudly said.

The silver-haired youth frowned, "We just met an ominous beast with an inextinguishable Peak. The injury is not minor, and it is inconvenient to accept the challenge!"

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Don't worry, we We won't take advantage of people's dangers, we will only take action when you are healed."

The silver-haired youth sneered, "Then just wait!"

"You choose The opponent, the Young Pavilion Lord of Xichen Pavilion, the cultivation base is OK, and the Perfection who has reached the high level of immortality, is a very good opponent."

Gu Xiaojun said to Long Qingchen.

He stared at the young woman, the boy, and the girl carefully, and said disappointedly, "The other three are a bit bad, one indestructible high-level and two inextinguishable middle-level, I'm a big loss. ."

Hearing this, the young woman coldly said, "You, like me, are also indestructible high-rank cultivators, so what qualifications do you have to despise me?"

"We Although the cultivation base has not yet reached the high level of immortality, we have at least become famous in the universe in the very beginning, what thing are you, not even famous at all!"

"Never seen you, a It looks like an unknown person!"

The boy and girl were also a little annoyed.

Gu Xiaojun said seriously, "After a while, you will remember my name for the rest of your life, Gu Xiaojun!"

Long Qingchen said with a smile , "Although my opponent's cultivation base is a little higher, your opponents are a little bigger, so it's okay."

Gu Xiaojun said dissatisfiedly, "Then let's change opponents, I'll challenge Xichen Pavilion's opponents. Young Pavilion Lord, give you the other three stinky fish and rotten shrimp?"

Stinky fish and rotten shrimp?

Young women, teenagers, and girls all looked embarrassed and glared at Gu Xiaojun.

"That's not possible."

Long Qingchen refused, "I want to use this Young Pavilion Lord as a sharpening stone, and I can't change it with you."

The Young Pavilion Lord of Xichen Pavilion coldly said, "It's not sure who's the whetstone, Long Qingchen, don't be too confident!"

"Okay, you're less. Speak,"

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "take the time to heal."

The Young Pavilion Lord coldly snorted, no more words, closed his eyes, and continued to heal .

The other three also continued to heal.

"Aren't they afraid of being suddenly attacked by us when they heal their wounds like this in front of us?"

Zhan Qingmian felt a little strange.

Long Qingchen smiled slightly, glanced all around, "Young Pavilion Lord and three Supreme geniuses from Xichen Pavilion, come to a dangerous place like Desolate Star to experience together, do you think there is no Dao Protector to follow? "

The complexion of Zhan Qingmian changed slightly, and he became vigilant. "I didn't even notice it. It seems that the Dao Protector of the four is not simple. It is estimated that they are the strong ones in the Half Step Eternal realm."


The sound of light footsteps came from behind the old tree, and I saw an old man in a robe slowly walking out. This robe is very strange, embroidered with Sun, Moon and Stars. The pattern is immortal, and it is not Mortal Grade at first glance.

"As long as it's a fair duel, I won't interfere."

The robed old man looked at Long Qingchen, Zhan Qingmian, and Gu Xiaojun calmly.

Long Qingchen looked at the robed old man, "Which one of the four Ancestor Masters in the Cleansing House are you?"

The robed old man said, "Ranked Third."

Long Qingchen asked, "There are rumors that the ancient palace of reincarnation is a branch of the Qingchen Pavilion?"

The robed old man said, "You can say that, because the two Ancestor Masters of the ancient palace of reincarnation , used to be the dísciple of our Xiechen Pavilion. In Ancient Times, they came to the universe in the beginning and created the ancient palace of reincarnation."

Long Qingchen lightly said with a smile, "I once killed the ancient palace of reincarnation. Young Palace Lord-Ling Han, the ancient palace of reincarnation has always hated me, doesn't Xichen Pavilion intend to seek justice for the ancient palace of reincarnation?"

"I said, as long as it is a fair duel , we will not interfere in the Dust Pavilion."

The robed old man shook his head slightly, "Ling Han, the Palace Lord of the ancient palace of reincarnation, belongs to the same generation as you. He died at the Fengyuan Open Source Friendship Conference. In your hands, it can only show that his skills are not as good as others, and I can't blame you, we have already warned the ancient palace of reincarnation, let go of this hatred, and never mention it again."

"Then many thanks. ”

Long Qingchen laughed, he knew that Xichen Pavilion was so easy to talk about, it must be because of Hongchen Fairy, otherwise, how could a Super Great Influence like Xichen Pavilion not be held accountable.

After waiting for more than an hour, the silver-haired youth, young women, teenagers, and girls woke up from the state of healing, and the injuries had been completely recovered.

"Can we start now?"

Long Qingchen looked at the silver-haired youth, yawned, and waited for more than an hour, which was indeed boring enough.

The silver-haired youth sneered, "Yes!"

The robed old man reminded, "Dragon Clan patriarch's strength is very good, and has defeated the Holy Son of the Luo Family and the Holy Son of the Shengtianmen. , you can't be careless, you have to remember that as the Young Pavilion Lord of the Cleansing Pavilion, you must be invincible in the same generation. If you lose to the same generation, then it means that you have no dominance among the same generation. It is suitable for inheriting the position of Pavilion Lord."

"Ancestor Master, I understand."

The silver-haired youth respectfully gave a salute, and then, with fighting intent, stared at Long Qingchen high, "Come on!"

(end of chapter)

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