Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1175


Chapter 1175 Gate of Heaven, open!

ka-cha! .
Shengtianmen Holy Son grabbed a weak spot in Long Qingchen, his palm was like a sharp knife, fiercely pierced into Long Qingchen's chest!

I grabbed Long Qingchen's heart and brought it out!
With his palm, Long Qingchen's heart shattered and became a blood mist!
"Hahaha, the feeling of bathing dragon blood is really wonderful!"

Shengtianmen Holy Son couldn't help laughing wildly, bathing in the blood mist of dragon blood to further strengthen his body.

However, the smile of Shengtianmen Holy Son quickly solidified, because Long Qingchen was extremely indifferent, he didn't even look at his heart, as if it wasn't his own, his palm was like a battle blade, Fiercely slashed on Holy Son's shoulder and cut directly into it!

A large blood flower bloomed, cutting off half of Holy Son's body!
Long Qingchen swayed the nine-color True Fire at will, ignited the half body of Holy Son of Shengtianmen, and instantly turned into fly ash!

Holy Son shouted.

ka-cha! .
Both of his hands grabbed one of Long Qingchen's arms and forcibly ripped it off, bringing out a large piece of dragon blood!

Long Qingchen still looked indifferent, the other hand, an accurate uppercut, fiercely smashed the chin of Holy Son of Shengtianmen!
ka-cha! .
Holy Son's jaw collapsed, his teeth were scattered, and even half of his head was shattered.
"Melee combat, too terrifying!"

"Completely both sides suffer!".
The guests of Great Influence stared at this crazy battle method .

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha! .
After more than a thousand moves against each other, the bodies of Long Qingchen and Shengtianmen Holy Son are all tattered, like tattered sacks!
Shengtianmen Saintess suddenly reminded, "Senior Brother, Long Qingchen belongs to the Azure Dragon Clan among the Dragon Clan, and he is best at restoring ability, and, according to the information we have at Shengtianmen, Long Qingchen once comprehended the way of wood. Otherwise, it will make his recovery ability to a higher level, don't fight with him at close range, it will be very bad for you to go on shopping like this."

Hearing this, Shengtianmen Holy Son calmed down, I got a hand with Long Qingchen.

Long Qingchen was knocked flying a few hundreds of thousands li, and he was also knocked a few hundreds of thousands li away, pulling the distance away.

Immediately after, he released his own Dao, transformed into a ten thousand zhang-long Warhammer shape, moved towards Long Qingchen fiercely and threw it away, intending to hammer Long Qingchen remotely die!

"This Warhammer should be the eternal weapon of Ascension Gate!"

"Tao, turned into an eternal weapon, can enhance the formidable power of Tao to the extreme!".
The guests of the Great Influence stared at the Warhammer in horror. Although they were separated by a long distance, they could feel the terrifying power of this Warhammer.

Long Qingchen is an emperor without Tao. He has no Tao of his own. He released a nine-colored glow and turned into the hand of the sky. Fiercely patted Warhammer.

"This is the power of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian's true ultimate Profound Truth cultivation!"

Dongfang Wushuang gritted his teeth and looked at the nine-colored rays of light, and the two Guardians walked with him. At the fork in the ultimate Profound Truth, what comes out of cultivation is gray fog. Although the gray fog is also formidable power, it is still a little worse than this nine-colored glow.

Seeing the nine-colored glow, the old man who guarded the tomb could only sigh. The most wrong decision of the Dongfang Family was to take back the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian of Long Qingchen. Fight with Dragon Clan and Fairy.

Warhammer and the hand of the sky fiercely collided, like two Eternal Realm invincible powerhouses fighting in the air, an Immeasurable Light erupted, the terrifying energy instantly swept away hundreds of millions of miles, and shattered the space of hundreds of millions of miles in an instant !
ka-cha! .
After a moment of stalemate, the Warhammer shattered, and the hand of the sky continued to slap on the body of Holy Son of Shengtianmen, blasting him thousands of miles away, coughing up blood and hurting him!

Fortunately, Warhammer has canceled most of the formidable power of the hand of the sky, otherwise, he would have been flying ash annihilation directly, it is not as simple as being injured!

"How could this be!"

There were bloodshot eyes in Holy Son's eyes, and he roared in disbelief.

"This Warhammer is in the form of an eternal weapon, and it can't match that hand. Could it be that the hand is also in the form of an eternal weapon?"

"Impossible, even if Long Qingchen once saw After passing the eternal weapon, it is also impossible to derive the form of the eternal weapon. You must know that it is not so easy to derive the form of the eternal weapon. Only those who have been in contact with the eternal weapon for a long time can get the recognition of the eternal weapon. Derived from the shape of an eternal weapon.".
The guests of the Great Influence were also incomprehensible.

Dongfang Wushuang couldn't figure it out, "I've never heard of Dragon Clan possessing eternal weapons."

"The Red Dust Fairy may be the red dust body of an invincible powerhouse of the Eternal Realm in the ancient universe, perhaps , she has an eternal weapon, which Long Qingchen has been in contact with for a long time."

The old man guarding the tomb had deep eyes, so he speculated.

Ascension Gate Saintess frowned, worried for Holy Son, the situation was a little bad, "Senior Brother, why don't you admit defeat, today is our big day, there is no need to fight to the end."

“I didn’t lose!”

Holy Son of Shengtianmen was furious.

As a super Supreme genius, he can only be defeated in the hands of the older generation and in the hands of the same generation. What kind of super Supreme genius is that?
More importantly, for a Super Great Influence like Shengtianmen, Holy Son must be invincible in his generation, and must not lose to his generation, otherwise, the top of Shengtianmen will think that he has no dominance among his generation, He may consider substitutions. Among the young generation of Shengtianmen, there are countless geniuses who are staring at his position as Holy Son, and everyday all is praying that he will fail!
Ascension Gate Saintess sighed and didn't say more, she also knew that if Holy Son conceded, then the position of Holy Son might belong to someone else, and she also belonged to someone else.

"Gate of Heaven, open!"

Holy Son used the last stunt.

Above his head, an illusory shadow of a gate appeared, shrouded in chaotic mist, extremely mysterious, suddenly opened a gap, and there was boundless coercion!
Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the crack of the door, the wind rose sharply, turned into the size of dozens of ten thousand zhang, and instantly appeared above Long Qingchen's head, fiercely pressed it down, containing With terrifying formidable power!

Long Qingchen is slightly frowned, with a solemn expression. This Ascension Gate is somewhat similar to the Great Overflowing Sect. It may be a relic of the ancient universe, and there is a great horror hidden inside the gate.

He didn't care at all, his body was shocked, three kinds of Profound Truth broke out directly, Azure Dragon, Heavenly Venerable, and Taishang Red Dust appeared behind him!

The three statues all stretched out their hands and forcibly held the terrifying big hand. Forcibly, Long Qingchen was also crushed into a skeleton, cracked all over, and numerous cracks appeared, as if the porcelain was about to shatter. !

Shengtianmen Holy Son laughed ferociously, he raised his head suddenly, opened his mouth and spewed blood mist, offering sacrifices to Shengtianmen.

Bang! .
Let the Ascension Gate open a bigger gap.

The formidable power of the big hand above Long Qingchen's head is further enhanced!
ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha! .
Azure Dragon Venerable, Heavenly Venerable Venerable, Taishang Hongchen Venerable, all have cracks, and they are a bit unbearable. Although the three Profound Truths are strong, there is no Great Accomplishment after all, and they can compete with mysterious things like Ascension Gate. , still doesn't work!
Long Qingchen's entire body was crushed and bent like a bow, the cracks on his body were getting bigger and bigger, and a lot of dragon blood poured out, dyeing his azure clothes red, turning into a bloody shirt!
"As expected of a real super genius, you are much stronger than Holy Son of the Luo Family. You didn't let me down."

As the injury got worse and worse, his eyes became more and more serious. brighter.

Because, he could clearly feel that such a fierce battle was indeed very useful, and the cultivation base of his immortal high-level Perfection had a vague upward trend, and it might break out at any time, breaking into Immortal Peak!
Shengtianmen Holy Son frowned, not understanding why Long Qingchen was so calm, for the sake of safety, he spit a mouthful of blood to Shengtianmen, offering sacrifices, and continued to strengthen the formidable of Shengtianmen power!
"Long Qingchen, you should admit defeat."

The old man guarding the tomb had a gray fog in his palm, ready to attack at any time, not to deal with Long Qingchen, but to keep Long Qingchen's Destiny
If Long Qingchen dies, then the hornet's nest will be stabbed, Dragon Clan and Hongchen Fairy will go crazy, that's no joke, Dongfang Family and Shengtianmen may bury Long Qingchen with him.

Therefore, as long as Long Qingchen admits defeat, he cannot kill.

Of course, it would be better if Long Qingchen could apologize and make today's happy event more perfect.

"Are you admit defeat?"

The corner of Long Qingchen's mouth floated slightly, "The one who should admit defeat should be Holy Son of Shengtianmen."

(End of this chapter )

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