Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1164


Chapter 1164 The Weakest Half Step Eternal!

sou! sou! sou!
When they rushed to the edge of the island in the sky, Long Qingchen, Gu Xiaojun, and Zhan Qingmian didn't stop at all and rushed directly into the Chaos Sea.

sou! sou! sou!
The five Super Influences and the powerhouses of each Great Influence also chased into the Chaos Sea without the slightest hesitation. Unfortunately, the Chaos Sea is filled with thick chaotic mist, and they are very The three of them were nowhere to be found.

"Don't let me catch these three people, otherwise, I must smash these three people to pieces and smash their bones into ashes!"

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect's Sect Master angry His whole body was trembling, his fists were clenched tightly, and his eyes were burning with anger, "Especially that Long Chenchen, I must take out his fairy soul and bake it slowly on the True Fire, so that he will not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death!"

Everyone's eyes were weird, and the one who hated Long Qingchen the most was definitely Wan Ancient Heaven Sect, Long Qingchen killed Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son and captured Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Saintess alive Yao Xi has long hated Wan Ancient Heaven Sect. Now, Long Qingchen brought two loose cultivators and took away Immortal Medicine. You can imagine how Wan Ancient Heaven Sect is feeling.
At this point, it's useless to say these angry words."

The King of Eternal Immortal Kingdom lightly glanced at the Sect Master of the Ancient Heaven Sect, "The most urgent task is to find a way to recover the loss."

"How to recover the loss?"

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect's Sect Master sneered, "I would like to hear your opinion."

The Eternal Heaven Sect's Sect Master thinks After thinking about it, he said, "In addition to Eternal Immortal Medicine, there are many Heaven and Earth Treasures on the island of Tianhai. We should sweep the entire island of Tianhai and get the other Heaven and Earth Treasure to make up for the loss. This is The first point; the second point, there are countless monsters in the Chaos Sea, Long Qingchen and the three of them are impossible to hide all the time, we should guard the ferry!"

"I think it's feasible!"

"Just do it!".
The powerhouses of Great Influence agree.

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect's Sect Master looked embarrassed. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to say that the "high opinion" of the Eternal Lord was really good.

The lord of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom continued, "Well, each of our forces will leave behind an indestructible Peak powerhouse to form a battallion, responsible for sweeping Heaven and Earth on the entire Tianhai Island. Treasure, the rest of the people, guard the ferry, as long as we take back the immortal Immortal Medicine and the cubs of the Chaos Nine-Image Beast, then our previous agreement is still valid."

So, everyone split up!
Staying all the way, sweeping away the remaining Heaven and Earth Treasure on the island of the sky and sea;

A few beyond a thousand li in the chaotic sea, Long Qingchen, Gu Xiaojun, and Zhan Qingmian stopped, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing, The harvest is too rich!

"Give me Eternal Immortal Medicine!"

Zhan Qingmian suddenly looked towards Gu Xiaojun, "This is what was agreed before, Eternal Immortal Medicine to me, the rest, Divide it as you like."

Although Gu Xiaojun was very painful, he still took out the Immortal Medicine and slowly handed it to her.

Zhan Qingmian grabbed it and held it tightly in his arms, his face flushed with excitement, as if he was drunk, and his whole body was shaking slightly.

Long Qingchen looked curiously at Eternal Immortal Medicine. It looked like a small grass with nine leaves, crystal clear and near-transparent, and the rays of light were flowing. At the very top, there was a nine-colored bead. , he just smelled a scent of medicine, and the cultivation base began to stir, as if it was about to break through.

Gu Xiaojun also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Take it quickly and try the effect, is it the same as in the legend."

Zhan Qingmian took a deep breath, slowly He calmed down and asked, "Eat the leaves or the beads on it?"

Long Qingchen couldn't help laughing, "Eternal Immortal Medicine is this thing, which is rare in the world, and no one has ever taken it, ghosts know. How to take it."

Gu Xiaojun rolled his eyes and said ill-humoredly, "You don't care whether it's leaves or beads, eat it together, don't waste it."

"Just die. Die, the chance of Half Step Eternal is right in front of me, I must not back down!"

Clenched the teeth and stuffed the entire Immortal Medicine into his mouth, because the beads are relatively large and choking She rolled her eyes, but forcibly swallowed.

"You protect me from the monsters in the sea from disturbing me."

Then, she sat cross-legged on the sea, closed her eyes, and felt the eternal Immortal Medicine effect.

Long Qingchen Gu Xiaojun stood beside her, looking all around and the sea vigilantly.

Gu Xiaojun said, "How do we divide the spoils?"

Long Qingchen said, "Five Heavenly Soul Fruits, nine Heavenly Heart Lotus Seeds, and 421 Immortal Plants medicine, twenty-three inextinguishable medicines, a cub of a chaotic nine-image beast, according to the previous agreement, the heavenly soul fruit belongs to me, and the heavenly heart lotus seed belongs to you, there is no dispute.”

Gu Xiaojun nodded, "OK."

Long Qingchen took out nine Tianxin lotus seeds and handed them to him, "Immortal medicine and inextinguishable medicine are added together, as one portion, the chaotic nine-image beast cub alone serves as the One, choose one of the two, which one do you choose?"

Gu Xiaojun thought for a while, "I choose immortal medicine and inextinguishable medicine, although the chaotic nine-image beast cubs are good to cultivate, but , I am impatient, too lazy to cultivate."


Long Qingchen took out 421 immortal medicines and 23 immortal medicines. hand it to him.

So, the split is complete.

Long Qingchen's harvest is five Heavenly Soul Fruits and Chaos Nine-image Beast Cubs.

Gu Xiaojun harvested nine Tianxin lotus seeds and hundreds of plants of immortal medicine and inextinguishable medicine.

The biggest harvest is definitely Zhanqing Cotton, eternal Immortal Medicine!

After waiting for about an hour, Zhan Qingmian suddenly burst out with a powerful force, her cultivation base was promoted from the Imperishable Realm high level to the Imperishable Realm Peak!

It still hasn't stopped, it's still going up.

After waiting for more than two hours, the power of Zhan Qingmian broke out again, jumping from the Imperishable Realm Peak to the Half Step Eternal realm, a chaotic sea capital without several li around. It's a huge wave!


Zhan Qingmian suddenly opened her eyes, bright radiance glowed in them, she slowly got up, feeling the boundless power in her body, like crazy He laughed loudly, "Half Step Eternal, you have boundless formidable power when you raise your hands and feet. Looking at the entire universe, who would dare to fight me?"

Long Qingchen and Gu Xiaojun glanced at each other , all looks weird, she is a loose cultivator, has no backer, no background, with her own efforts and some luck, she has reached the achievement of Half Step Eternal and completed the ultimate dream of loose cultivator, she is really excited now Understand
"You should stay calm. The Half Step Eternal realm is not invincible. The five Super Influences in this universe all have the peerless powerhouses of the Half Step Eternal realm."

Gu Xiaojun couldn't bear it Live to remind her.

Long Qingchen is even more ruthless, "Other peerless powerhouses touch eternity, and only after the promotion fails will they become Half Step Eternal realm, and your Half Step Eternal realm is completely promoted by eternal Immortal Medicine. So, you should be the weakest Half Step Eternal realm."

"You shut up!"

Zhan Qingmian glared at them, angrily.

She was enjoying this wonderful feeling of "invincible in the whole world", but two pots of cold water were poured on her head.
The good mood was gone in an instant.
"Little Chenna, Xiaojun, your strengths are pretty good, why don't you learn from me?"

She rolled her eyes and landed on Long Qingchen and Gu Xiaojun, making a joke. smile.

Hearing this, Long Qingchen and Gu Xiaojun both grimaced and shook their heads quickly.

What a joke, the immortal high-level and the Half Step Eternal realm compete, isn't this looking for abuse.
Even if the weakest Half Step Eternal, it is also Half Step Eternal, by no means immortal high Ranks can compete, but neither can the indestructible Peak!
(End of this chapter)

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