Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1159


Chapter 1159 Eternal Immortal Medicine!

"I thought I could get a little Vermilion Bird, didn't expect, you took it all away."

Zhan Qingmian was sullen, "Next, find Heaven and Earth. Treasure, you have to divide the difference!"

Long Qingchen was not happy, "Why? The two little Vermilion Birds were entrusted to me by Vermilion Bird senior voluntarily, and they do not belong to the common property of our squad. Naturally, it won't take my share."

Zhan Qingchen angrily said, "Why are you like this, you want all the benefits!"

Long Qingchen indifferently said, " I have always been fair, I will divide what I deserve, and I will not divide what I shouldn't, if you don't agree, we can fight."

"Come here!"

Zhan Qingmian glared at him, "It's also an inextinguishable high class, who is afraid of who?"

Gu Xiaojun laughed and took a few steps back, looking like he was watching a good show .

The high-level cultivation base of Zhan Qingqian is indestructible, and slapped directly at Long Qingchen!

Long Qingchen's inextinguishable high-level cultivation base erupted, and it was shot with one palm!
Neither of them used martial skills or any other means, they simply competed and clicked until they reached it.

Two palms fiercely touch together, bursting out Immeasurable Light!
Long Qingchen Motionless As Mountains, he didn't even shake it, while Zhan Qingchen was like drunk, he stumbled back dozens of steps before he could stand, his face flushed and he almost vomited blood.


Zhan Qingmian shook her numb arm.

Long Qingchen smiled lightly, "If you don't agree, can you use various means to really fight?"

Zhan Qingchen said in a sullen voice, "No, I admit defeat. "

"What a profound cultivation base!"

Gu Xiaojun looked at Long Qingchen in surprise, with a fighting intent in his eyes, "The two of us, let's fight too." A fight?"

"."Long Qingchen was speechless, this is a Battle Madman, seeing a powerful Supreme genius, he always wanted to compete, "The two of us are not much different in strength. There will definitely be an injury, so keep your strength, and when we leave Tianhai Island, we will fight again."

"it's a deal!"

Gu Xiaojun laughing out loud.

Zhan Qingmian gritted her teeth and looked at Long Qingchen, "What do you mean, you mean that there is a big gap between me and you?"

"Do you think it's not big?"


Long Qingchen asked rhetorically.

Within the valley outside several dozen li.


middle-aged man slapped his forehead suddenly, "We forgot to bring some snacks for Dawa Erwa."

Medium The complexion of the young woman changed slightly, and with a "sou" sound, she rushed to the bird's nest on the cliff, dug out a large pile of Heaven and Earth Treasure, and quickly packed it up.

After thinking for a while, she picked the Top Grade Immortal Medicine on the cliff, put it in the bag, gave it to the middle-aged man, and urged, "Don't hurry up!"


middle-aged man takes the burden and hurries after him.

After a while, he caught up with the three of them and stuffed the burden directly into Long Qingchen's hands, "This is a snack for the eldest baby and the second baby, which will help you grow up earlier."

Long Qingchen was a little funny, "Okay, I will often serve it to the big baby and the second baby."

The middle-aged man took out another animal skin the size of a slap, "You guys come to Tianhaizhidao. Island, you must want to know the distribution map of Heaven and Earth Treasure on the island of the sky and the sea. This animal skin was drawn by the two of us before, maybe it will be useful to you."

"Thanks Senior."

Long Qingchen was a little surprised, it was an unexpected gain.

The middle-aged man then left contentedly.

Seeing that the bag was filled with all kinds of Heaven and Earth Treasures, Zhan Qingqian's eyes were red, "We also want to divide!"

"You divide a chicken. Son."

Long Qingchen rolled his eyes, put away the burden, and looked at her with contempt, "This is a snack for two little Vermilion Birds, how would you like to share the little child's snack? Are you ashamed?"

Zhan Qingmian really wanted to vomit blood, "I don't believe you would give all these Heaven and Earth Treasures to little Vermilion Bird, you will definitely be greedy for ink!"

"Vermilion Bird senior entrusted me with two little Vermilion Birds, and sent these Heaven and Earth Treasures over to show their trust in me. Although I'm not a good person, I don't care about the two little Vermilion Birds. Snacks, as for you believing or not, that's your business."

Long Qingchen explained, that is, disinclined to pay attention to her.

All Great Influences look down on loose cultivators, which actually makes sense. Many loose cultivators want to take cultivation resources for themselves when they see them, but their vision is too small.

Does he need the Heaven and Earth Treasure?

No need!
Wouldn't it be better to feed these Heaven and Earth Treasures to two little Vermilion Birds, and let the two little Vermilion Birds grow up early and become the powerhouse of the inextinguishable Peak?
Therefore, there is no need for him to be greedy for these Heaven and Earth Treasures, and even he will take out some of his own Heaven and Earth Treasures and feed them to two little Vermilion Birds to help them grow up early!

"Look at the map."

Gu Xiaojun's attention is on the animal skin, he should be from Great Influence, and he doesn't care about these Heaven and Earth Treasure at all , unlike Zhanqingmian, who cares about everything.

Long Qingchen put some immortal strength into the animal hide, and the palm-sized animal skin suddenly grew up and became the size of a mat.

I saw a complete map of Tianhai Island on the animal skin, and marked what kind of Heaven and Earth Treasure there are in each place!
Gu Xiaojun and Long Qingchen are both staring at the most central area of the map. The four big characters "Eternal Immortal Medicine" are really dazzling!

"What is Eternal Immortal Medicine?"

Zhan Qingqian swallowed, "Does it mean that you will reach the Eternal Realm?."

Long Qingchen didn't know either, so he looked at Gu Xiaojun, hoping he could answer.

Gu Xiaojun shook his head slightly, "I don't know very well, our universe does not have Heaven and Earth Treasure like eternal Immortal Medicine, but I have heard a legend, no matter what Cultivation base, if you eat Immortal Medicine, you can be directly promoted to the cultivation base of Half Step Eternal. Qing Mian's eyes brightened, "If I can reach Half Step Eternal, I'll be content!"

Long Qingchen is a little disappointed, his ultimate goal of Martial Dao is definitely not Half Step Eternal, but, finally The eternal, "If I get this eternal Immortal Medicine, I shouldn't be eating it."

Gu Xiaojun said with a smile, "I won't eat it either."

"You don't want it, then give it to me, give it to me!"

Zhan Qingmian was overjoyed.

Long Qingchen said ill-humoredly, "Be sober, Eternal Immortal Medicine hasn't been acquired by us yet." , Eternal Immortal Medicine is still on the map.
Gu Xiaojun stretched out his hand and pointed to the four characters "Eternal Immortal Medicine", "Look at this location, it is in the very center of the entire Tianhai Island, there must be a Half Step Eternal's monster is guarding, so you can't get it that way."

Zhan Qingmian was a little frustrated, "Knowing the location of Eternal Immortal Medicine, I can't get it at all."

Long Qingchen looked away from "Eternal Immortal Medicine" and slowly looked towards other parts of the map, noting "Heavenly Heart Lotus Seed" and "Heavenly Soul Fruit".

His eyes brightened, "Heavenly Heart Lotus Seed is a good thing, just like the Heavenly Heart Fruit and the Heavenly Heart Stone marrow, it can repair the wounds of the eternal Dao; the Heavenly Soul Fruit is even more incredible, it can strengthen the soul of the Great Immortal. , let the immortal soul sublime to the utmost."

Gu Xiaojun's eyes were deep, "I want Tianxin lotus seeds, if I fail to attack the eternal in the future, it can be used to repair the eternal injury."

Long Qingchen said with a smile, "I want the Heavenly Soul Fruit more, so that the soul of the immortal can be sublimated."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Exhibition Qing Mian put her hands on her slender waist, "You two divided the good things, what should I share?"

Long Qingchen looked at her strangely, "Don't you want eternal Immortal Medicine?"

Long Qingchen looked at her strangely. p>

Zhan Qingchen became annoyed, "You think I'm stupid, Eternal Immortal Medicine is impossible to get!"

"It's not necessarily."

Long Qingchen laughed "With the three of us alone, of course we can't get it. If we leak this map to the Great Influences and let the Great Influences jointly attack the most central area, then we can take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, not necessarily without it. A little chance."

Hearing this, Zhan Qingmian's eyes widened and looked at him strangely, "You are so sinister"

Long Qingchen said, "You Are you complimenting me or scolding me?"

Zhan Qingmian smiled, "Of course I'm complimenting you."

(End of this chapter)

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