Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1154


Chapter 1154 was attacked!

The five Super Influences and the battleships of each Great Influence are all comparable to the size of mountains. The boats are covered with densely packed inscriptions and Defensive Great Array. They are armed to the teeth and ride the wind and waves, which is quite spectacular!

And the ships of the loose cultivators are all kinds of strange things, some like a whale, some like a Flying Sword, some like a lotus leaf, some like A barrel shape, also has a shape like a shoe, it looks kind of funny.

The most common is the old man's boat, which is a simple wooden boat.

"Have we met?"

Gu Xiaojun looked sideways at Long Qingchen, a little puzzled.

Long Qingchen smiled lightly, "It shouldn't be."

Gu Xiaojun frowned, "Why do I feel a little familiar with you, my intuition has always been accurate."


"Familiar, why have I never met you?"

Long Qingchen smiled as usual, but was a little surprised in his heart, you know, with his current cultivation base, the hidden The secret technique, even the gatekeepers and ferrymen can't detect the abnormality, and the elder powerhouses of the indestructible Peak of the Great Influence can't detect it. This Gu Xiaojun can actually feel it. It can be seen that this Gu Xiaojun is not simple.

Gu Xiaojun finally gave him a deep look and shook his head slightly, "Maybe I have seen too many people recently, and I have an illusion."

Suddenly, the water erupted in the sky, and a monster with a human face and snake body burst out of the water, opened its mouth wide, revealing two sharp fangs, fiercely bit the upper sect warship!
ka-cha! .
A sturdy warship full of inscription patterns was bitten off by it!

“evil creature!”

The upper sect Sect Master was furious, and slapped the monster with a human face and snake body.

The monster with a human face and a snake body was hit and fell into the sea, causing a splash of water in the sky!
However, the monster with human face and snake body quickly rushed out of the water again, looking at the upper sect Sect Master fiercely.

Everyone's face changed. You must know that the upper sect Sect Master can't destroy Peak's cultivation base. With this palm, what formidable power can't kill this monster with a human face and a snake body. , even without any damage at all, it can be seen how tough the monster with the human face and snake body is!

"The creatures born in the Chaos Sea, to put it bluntly, are Chaos Creature. The physique is extremely tough and difficult to kill."

The old man on the boat said lightly.

Gu Xiaojun's eyes glowed, "Such a tough physique, how good would it be if it was used for refining?"

The old man who punted the boat laughed, "The idea is very good, But how do you catch it? Even if you can catch it, what kind of equipment can you use to trap it? Unless you have an eternal weapon, you can't trap it at all."



Gu Xiaojun was stumped and could only give up the idea.

At this time, the monster with the human face and snake body did not continue to attack the upper sect's warship, it also seemed to know the power of the upper sect Sect Master, and instead rushed towards the loose cultivators. vessel.

"Don't let it come over!"

"Hurry up and stop it!".
loose cultivators all turned pale and shot.

one after another immortal strength slammed on the monster with the human face and snake body, just like taking a bath, the monster was not damaged at all!

It quickly rushed onto a lotus leaf-shaped boat, bit an inextinguishable junior middle-aged loose cultivator, and burst out a large amount of blood!
"Save me!"

This middle-aged loose cultivator screamed for help, struggling violently, but couldn't break free.

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha! .
The monster with human face and snake body tore this middle-aged loose cultivator to shreds and devoured it in just a few bites, extremely terrifying!
loose cultivators all turned pale and felt shivering, this monster's physique was too strong to hurt it at all, and could only watch it run wild.

The five Super Influences and the people of each Great Influence are watching from the sidelines, as long as the monster doesn't attack their warships.

After eating this middle-aged loose cultivator, the monster with a human face and snake body slowly turned his head and stared at an old loose cultivator, with a ferocious roar from his mouth.

The old loose cultivator was so frightened that the body trembled, hurriedly abandoned his boat, jumped onto the wooden boat, took out an indestructible high-level weapon, and handed it to the old man on the boat with both hands, give a salute, "senior , I am willing to pay an inextinguishable high-level weapon and request to take your boat."


The old man on the boat smiled lightly and took the indestructible High-end weapons, put away.

A strange phenomenon happened. The monster with the human face and snake body saw the old loose cultivator get on the wooden boat, and immediately looked away, and turned towards other loose cultivators.

The loose cultivators were so frightened that they put away their boats and jumped onto the wooden boats.

"Senior, I'll take your boat too."

"And me.".
They took out the indestructible high-level weapons and handed them over to the old man .

You must know that they are just loose cultivators, and their family property is very "weak". An indestructible high-level weapon is almost equal to half of their net worth.

Although I am reluctant, there is nothing I can do. After all, life is still the most important thing.

Seeing the loose cultivators get on the wooden boat, the monster with the human face and snake body can only look away, looking towards the five Super Influences and the people of each Great Influence.

"Evil creature, watch what I do, get out!"

"Don't look at me!".
The five Super Influences and the people of each Great Influence are all nervous.

The monster with the human face and snake body moved his eyes around, as if looking for a target. Anyone who was noticed by it felt cold all over.

"Don't look at me, my skin is rough, flesh is thick and not tasty."

Eldest Prince from Eternal Immortal Kingdom laughed, "You can look at Ancient Heaven Sect's new Holy Son, he's less than ten thousand years old, very young, soft skin and tender meat, delicious."

"Eldest Prince, what do you mean?"

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect's new Holy Son scolded, "Your ancestors, I invited you to mess with you?"

The Eldest Prince said indifferently, "It's not interesting, it just doesn't look good to you, if Wan Ancient Heaven doesn't like you Sect's predecessor, Holy Son, was not killed by Long Qingchen, whoever gets you to be Holy Son, you are a cheap waste."

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect's new Holy Son looked embarrassed and annoyed Qing, "You have to thank your mother, if it wasn't for your mother who secretly crawled on the emperor's bed, where would you be a bastard?"


"Be careful Out of the mouth!".
The elder powerhouses of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom shouted with cold eyes.

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect's elder powerhouses were not happy, and they also scolded it.

"You Eldest Princes are impudents, we have the Ancient Heaven Sect to choose who to be Holy Son, and it is his turn to point fingers?"

"You Eldest Princes are just a mad dog, biting people. , are you not allowed to talk about him?".
Watching the quarrel between Eternal Immortal Kingdom and Wan Ancient Heaven Sect, everyone was speechless. These two strongest Super Great Influences had to quarrel every time they met. , but they are afraid of each other, no one dares to do anything, and can only play a talk big
The monster with a human face and a snake body stares at Xu Mengyan, the goddess of the Tiannv Palace, and suddenly rushes over.

"evil creature!"

"get lost!".
The five immortal Peak powerhouses in the Tiannv Palace took action one after another.

The monster with human face and snake body was blasted out. Although it failed to kill it, it stopped it from approaching.

The monster with the human face and snake body can only turn around and rush towards other forces.

The older powerhouses of other forces also took action one after another, knocking it back and preventing it from approaching.

"Although the powerhouse of the immortal Peak cannot kill it, he can knock it up and make it unapproachable."

The Eldest Prince of the Eternal Kingdom discovered this law," It seems that it is not so terrifying."

bang! bang! bang!
In this way, the monster with the human face and snake body kept rushing over, and kept being shaken and tossed. After more than an hour, in the end, he could only stare at everyone fiercely, plunged into the sea, and disappeared.

(end of this chapter)

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