Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1147


Chapter 1147 That's really strong!
"How do I know what to do with you?"

Long Qingchen looked indifferent.

Xu Mengyan thought for a while, "Well, I'll give you two choices, one, I'll take away your nine indestructible Peak weapons, and leave one for you, just pay it back. Your previous gift; second, you hand in seven indestructible Peak weapons to our Tiannvgong, and join our Tiannvgong, our Tiannvgong can give you a place to enshrine the Elder in the outer palace, majoring in exercises and martial skills , and various cultivation resources will give you the best, try our best to cultivate you, in addition, we will select a beautiful female disciple from the inner palace as your Dao Companion."

Long Qingchen laughed, "In this case, I also give you two choices, one, immediately give up the idea of grabbing the inextinguishable Peak weapon, we are still friends; the other, you can grab it, but you will never grab it, and you will be killed by me. Hit me."

"You are very confident."

Xu Mengyan smiled brightly.

Her inextinguishable middle-level cultivation base erupted, stretched out a jade hand, spread her five fingers, and transformed into a huge immortal strength giant palm, like a cloud, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, contains the majestic formidable power, and grabbed it directly to Long Qingchen!

Long Qingchen shouted loudly, and a sound wave in the shape of a dragon head rushed out of his mouth.

Boom! .
collided fiercely with the immortal strength giant palm, bursting out with an Immeasurable Light that instantly shattered the immortal strength giant palm!

Xu Mengyan's beautiful eyes showed a hint of surprise, her expression became solemn, and she stared at him deeply, "Just a sound wave can smash my immortal strength giant palm, your cultivation base is not simple , at least it's the indestructible mid-level, but I looked down on you."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "You give up the snatch now, it's still too late."

"But, I think Try it!"

Xu Mengyan's fighting intent rose high.

She flicked the whip of dark green and fiercely slapped it. This is an inextinguishable Peak weapon. It contains extremely terrifying formidable power. The big crack!
Long Qingchen flipped his hand and took out a battle shot, which is also an indestructible Peak weapon. With a direct stab, it collided with the whip fiercely!
Fire particles burst!

Each particle of fire can burn the space into a terrifying big hole, making the space as ugly as a hornet's nest!
Every particle of fire that falls on the ground can smash a mountain, causing the mountains to crumble, like a world-annihilation scene!
Long Qingchen completely motionless, as stable as a mountain.

On the other hand, Xu Mengyan almost couldn't hold the whip, her entire arm was cracked, blood oozing out, and her whole body was shaken flying out, coughing up blood in her mouth, looking pale, beautiful eyes A little horrified.

Both of them used indestructible Peak weapons, and the weapons belonged to the same rank. However, in this reckless blow, the young man was intact, but she was injured by shocks. Obviously, the young man's The cultivation base is higher than her!
"Your cultivation base has reached an inextinguishable intermediate-level Perfection!"

Xu Mengyan finally realized this.

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "You guessed it right, but unfortunately, there is no reward."

"Since my cultivation base has reached the intermediate level of immortality, there has been no cultivation base for the younger generation. Taller than me, didn't expect, and your character, it's interesting."

The fighting intent in Xu Mengyan's beautiful eyes became more and more high.

Behind her, a goddess illusory shadow with a height of ten thousand zhang suddenly appeared!

She took a step forward, and the ten thousand zhang illusory shadow immediately rushed towards Long Qingchen!

Long Qingchen grasped the battle with both hands, used it as a long sword, and displayed the ultimate sword dao.

Cut out a shallow sword glow, like a ghost, disappearing in a flash!
ka-cha! .
The goddess illusory shadow up to ten thousand zhang was directly split in half!

Life Source Divine Ability was broken, Xu Mengyan was backlashed, coughed up blood in her mouth, and was severely injured!

Long Qingchen stretched out a palm, and in his palm floated Azure Dragon Profound Truth, Red Dust Profound Truth, and Devouring Sky Profound Truth. The three Profound Truths were entangled together and turned into a picture of Yin -Yang Primal Chaos figure!


With a wave of his hand, the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture instantly appeared above Xu Mengyan's head!

He turned over the palm.

Yin-Yang Primal Chaos figure was suppressed immediately!
"It turns out to be you!"

Seeing this picture of Yin-Yang Primal Chaos, Xu Mengyan's expression changed, and she immediately knew the identity of this young man. azure clothes boy!

She held the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos figure with both hands with difficulty, as if she was carrying a Supreme mountain, her whole body was bent like a bow, her body and skeleton kept cracking, blood stained red The pure white training clothes are horrible!

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Long Qingchen walked over with a light smile, wrapped his arms, and looked at her with interest, she had been caught by Yin-Yang. Primal Chaos figure is suppressed, impossible to move even a little bit.

Xu Mengyan gnashing teeth, "I used to wonder why such a strong person appeared in the younger generation."

Long Qingchen thought about it, "What should I do with you? ?"

Xu Mengyan hurriedly said, "Although I wanted to snatch your inextinguishable Peak weapon, I never thought of killing you."

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "If You you think you can kill me, you are dead now, will I still show mercy?"

Xu Mengyan probed, "Otherwise, I will return this dark green whip to you, you Let me go?"

"The things I send will never be taken back."

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, he looked at Xu Mengyan's bow-like body, floating in the air. With a smile, he suddenly had an idea, and slowly raised his slap.

fiercely hit Xu Mengyan's ass!

Xu Mengyan's face was flushed and she almost fainted. She dignified the goddess of the Tiannv Palace, and has always been the target of countless young handsome talents. When has she been spanked.

The most important thing is that she is now carrying the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture, as heavy as a Supreme mountain, she has exhausted all her strength, this slap hits down, making her whole body All trembling, his legs trembled, almost.
Long Qingchen slapped again, fiercely slapped twice.

Xu Mengyan couldn't help screaming, she wanted to die.

“If you’re not good, you’re going to spank.”

Long Qingchen laughed heartily and left across the void.

An old woman came out from inside the Void and looked strangely at Xu Mengyan who was suppressed by Yin-Yang Primal Chaos. You."

Xu Mengyan's beautiful eyes glared at her angrily, "Why did you go early? Is that how you are Dao Protector?"

The old woman smiled wryly, " Your cultivation base has already surpassed mine, and even you are no match for him, and I am no longer his opponent, what's the use of me coming out"

Not long after, Palace Lord of Tiannv Palace hurried across the void Come, when she was about to smash the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos map, the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos map dissipated by itself. Obviously, Long Qingchen had calculated the time.

The Palace Lord of Tiannv Palace is a beautiful middle-aged woman with a similar eyebrow to Xu Mengyan. She frowned and looked at Xu Mengyan, "What's going on?"

Xu Mengyan's face was still flushed and she didn't say a word, it was really hard to tell, it was too embarrassing
The old woman hurriedly explained the details.

After listening to this, the goddess Palace Lord sighed, "His strength is stronger than it was more than a hundred years ago, and he has reached this point. He's gone."

The old woman said with a strange look, "He obviously had the opportunity to kill the goddess, but he didn't kill him, he just taught him a little lesson, does he have a bit of admiration for the goddess? "

Xu Mengyan glared at the old woman, "Shut up! Where did you see that he had a crush on me?"

The old woman sneered, not much to say .

The goddess Palace Lord's eyes brightened in autumn, "even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beauty, our Mengyan is a real perfect woman, countless young talents like our Mengyan, he It's not impossible to like Mengyan. For such a super Supreme genius, it's worthy of Mengyan. Mengyan, you can find opportunities to interact with him more. If you can recruit him as a son-in-law, then it's very good. In the future, when he reaches the Half Step Eternal realm, then our Heavenly Maiden Palace can be on an equal footing with the Ancient Heaven Sect and the Eternal Immortal Kingdom."

"Mother, what nonsense are you talking about."

Xu Mengyan was annoyed, "I can revitalize the Tiannv Palace by myself, without relying on a man."

Tiannv Palace Lord looked at her seriously, "Before, you said that if no one in the younger generation can If you defeat him, you will marry him. From the current point of view, there is no one in the younger generation who can compete with him. He is the true uncrowned king of the younger generation."

Xu Mengyan's face flushed, " How did I know he was so hateful, if I had known, I would definitely not talk like that."

Speaking of this, she paused, "Besides, he may not be the number one in the young generation, don't forget , and the Eldest Prince of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom has not yet shot, the cultivation base of the Eldest Prince has already reached the Perfection of the inextinguishable intermediate level, and is definitely not weaker than him!"

The goddess Palace Lord shook her head slightly, "You don't need to use the Eldest Prince as a shield. I don't know how strong the Eldest Prince is, but this azure clothes is really strong. First kill the Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son, and then capture the Ancient Heaven Sect Saintess. Capture the upper sect Holy Son again, and now you are suppressed again, almost all the top ten Supreme geniuses have been beaten again, and the facts have proved that he is invincible in his generation.”

Said Here, she stared deeply at Xu Mengyan, she knew no better than her mother, of course she knew Xu Mengyan very well, and continued to persuade her to speak of which, "I know you have been really strong since you were a child, but, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, there is Person beyond the Pers on , a mountain is higher than a mountain, you have been suppressed by this azure clothes in all aspects, you can't accept it, you should think about it carefully, don't wait until you miss it, and then you will regret it for the rest of your life. "

The old woman also sighed, "Yes, it's normal for a girl to be a little shy, but don't be stubborn, just like when I was young, at that time, I was also a big beauty, There was a young genius who liked me very much, and I actually liked him in my heart, but because I was too shy, I rejected him stubbornly. Later, he formed a Dao Companion with another woman. Until now, I still stay. I have regrets. ”

Xu Mengyan was silent.

The goddess Palace Lord and the old woman looked at each other, it was enough, she didn’t say anything more, let her think clearly.

"Invincible is also a kind of loneliness. ”

Tens of thousands of galaxies away, Long Qingchen stepped out from inside the Void and felt a little emotional. For the first time, he experienced this kind of "invincible" feeling.

He is really feeling it, not for pretending, there is no one around, who is he pretending to be compared with
Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son , Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Saintess , upper sect Holy Son , Tiannv Palace's Goddess, the first few of these top ten Supreme geniuses, was crushed by him, only the Eldest Prince of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom and the Holy Son of the Universe Temple were left. He really stood at the forefront of the young generation of the entire Tianyuan universe. , there are hardly any opponents in the same generation.

"If you want to break through to the Imperishable Realm high-level, then you must continue to fight and sharpen yourself from the battle, but you can't find it among the same generation. What is the opponent, what should I do? "

He sat cross-legged in space and pondered.

"Looking for a chance to beat the Eldest Prince of the Eternal Immortal Kingdom and Holy Son of the Universe Palace?" "

Thinking of this, he can't help shaking his head and laughing.

It doesn't make sense to do so.

Because, the Eldest Prince and the Holy Son of the Universe are also Imperishable Realm middle-level, such a battle has not formed a big threat to him. If you can't put pressure on him, then there is no way for him to break through!

"Young generation can't find a suitable opponent, it can only be Put the target on the older generation of powerhouses. "

His eyes darkened.

This time, he is going to take the initiative to "pick things up"!

However, when picking things up, you must be careful.

He needs an inextinguishable high-ranked older generation as his opponent, not an old monster of an inextinguishable Peak, let alone a pervert of Half Step Eternal!
In case an old monster of an inextinguishable Peak is attracted It will be very troublesome if you come out.

If the metamorphosis of Half Step Eternal is brought out, it will be very dangerous.

So, must find the indestructible senior elders , to start alone, timing is very important.

"The inextinguishable seniors are usually cultivated in the territory of the major Super Influences. How can we lead them out? "

Thinking of this, he has nodded pain.

If in the original universe, the eyeliner of the Dragon Soul Temple spread all over the universe, he can always know the movements of the Great Influence elder powerhouses.

However, in this Tianyuan universe, he is only one person, like a blind man who has no idea about the movements of the Great Influence elder powerhouses.

He can't go anywhere. Let's pick something at the gate of the Great Influence, that is, the old birthday star eats arsenic and is tired of living

Intelligence is very important!
"In this universe, the only person I have a little friendship with is Sword. Immortal Sect, although Sword Immortal Sect is not one of the five Super Influences, it is still a Great Influence, perhaps, you can get some information from Sword Immortal Sect. "

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up and he got up slowly.

He first changed his clothes, and then applied a secret technique to himself, He has changed his face, body shape, breath and other characteristics.

Because Xu Mengyan has seen what he looked like just now, if he doesn't change, he will go to Sword Immortal Sect like this, which will affect Sword Immortal Sect.
Therefore, a new identity must be changed.

After doing all this, he crossed the void and went to the Sword Immortal Sect!

(PS: two in one)

(end of this chapter)

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