Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1134


Chapter 1134 is amazing!

As the sky gradually brightened, the Supreme geniuses sitting cross-legged on the ground slowly opened their eyes, all looking up at the sky.

"The Light of Fei Xian is coming soon."

Lin Kexin was refreshed, and his eyes were staring at the sky without blinking.

Seeing Long Qingchen stand up, Wang Yayu's complexion changed slightly, "What do you want to do, don't you really want to grab it?"

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Heaven and Earth Treasure, whoever sees it has a share, I want to give it to others."

Wang Yayu smiled bitterly, "It seems that what we said to you just now, you have ignored it all, and don't break your head. Bloody, you don't understand the weight of the top ten Supreme geniuses."

Lin Kexin was a little excited, "Since this big brother is not convinced, let him go, I haven't seen it for a long time. Those who dare to challenge the top ten Supreme geniuses."

Wang Yayu shook her head slightly, "Although it's not ashamed to lose to the top ten Supreme geniuses, but the mood will be severely hit, leaving a psychological impact. Shadows are not good for future cultivation."


Suddenly, a blue light band slowly fell from the sky, as if it came from across time and space, reflecting the entire The sky turned light blue.

"Come on, the light of Feixian is here!"

"This time the light of Feixian is blue, which should be related to Essence of Water!"

The Supreme geniuses all widened their eyes and stared at this blue light band, but none of them dared to snatch it.

The two Supreme geniuses next to the purple clothed youth suddenly got up.

"Don't worry, don't put it away so quickly."

Until then, the purple clothed young man with a giant sword next to him slowly opened his eyes. He lightly glanced at blue's light belt, as if it was already in his pocket, and he was not in a hurry to put away the light of the flying fairy, "You Supreme geniuses have stayed overnight, although I can't keep the light of the flying fairy. Leave it to them, but it will be good for them to appreciate the light of Feixian and feel the Dao Rhyme of Feixian light.”

Hearing this, the purple clothed youth beside The two Supreme geniuses can only wait.

"Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son, I have a kind heart, and I can't wait to be grateful."

"Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son, every time I collect the light of Fei Xian , Dao Rhyme, who will make us feel the light of the flying fairy, he is the most approachable one of the ten Supreme geniuses."

The Supreme geniuses expressed their gratitude to this purple clothed youth.


Suddenly, a teenager in azure clothes stepped into the air, and in just one step, he came to the sky and grabbed the blue light band, as if he was holding a mud The ball, blue's light band struggled in his hands.

Long Qingchen took out a jade bottle, put Feixianzhiguang in it, and threw it into the space ring, "Since everyone is so polite, then I'm welcome."


The Supreme geniuses all stared blankly at this scene, who is this?

Lin Kexin and Wang Yayu were also dumbfounded. He really dared to grab it?


"Are you courting death, dare to steal the light of our Holy Son's flying fairy, do you know the rules!"

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect The other two Supreme geniuses turned pale and glared at this azure clothes boy.

The purple clothed youth was also stunned for a moment, then, he smiled and got up slowly, "Very well, no one has dared to snatch the light of Fei Xian with me for many years, didn't expect, today, it's a little surprise, you can exercise your muscles and bones a little."


He flickered, appeared in the air in an instant, and stood in front of the azure clothes boy , "Did you take it out yourself, or did I find it from your body?"

Long Qingchen asked without answering, "I heard that you have received the Light of Fei Xian for seven consecutive months? "

I don't understand why he asked this, the purple clothed young man was stunned for a moment, "Yes, among the top ten Supreme geniuses, it is my turn to collect the light of flying fairy this year."

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "The Seven Paths of Fei Xian Light, do you take it out yourself, or should I find it from your body?"

Hearing this, all Supreme geniuses were dumbfounded.

Lin Kexin and Wang Yayu are also completely dumbfounded, is this person crazy?

"What a big tone, act recklessly!"

"You're dead today!"

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect The other two Supremes Genius is furious.

The purple clothed youth also laughed angrily, "I admire your courage, but courage is not equal to strength, I will put my words here today, if you can leave Feixian Blessed Land alive, then I will Give you the title of the top ten Supreme geniuses!"

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "I have no interest in the false name of the top ten Supreme geniuses, if I can leave the land of flying immortals alive, then, you How about giving me a hundred rays of flying fairy light?"

"it's a deal!"

The purple clothed youth's eyes became cold.


His Imperishable Realm mid-level cultivation base suddenly exploded, he stretched out one palm, his five fingers spread out, revealing five sharp immortal strengths, and he directed towards azure clothes The teenager grabs it, like grabbing a chick, it's so domineering!


Long Qingchen also stretched out a hand, and the nine-color glow, Power of Azure Dragon, pink immortal strength instantly condensed, and turned the palm to shoot!


The two palms fiercely collided, and Immeasurable Light erupted. The entire space of the Fei Xian Blessed Land collapsed instantly, and the space fragments fell like a waterfall, like a world-destroying scene!

Long Qingchen's body is as stable as a mountain, completely motionless.

However, the entire arm of the purple clothed youth shattered inch by inch, turning into pieces of blood mist, and the entire body was hit by the ancient Tyrant Dragon, flying backwards, and it was difficult to stabilize the figure. Coughing up blood in the mouth, serious injury!

The Supreme geniuses all shrank their eyes sharply, watching this scene in disbelief, Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son, one of the top ten Supreme geniuses whose cultivation base has reached the Imperial Realm intermediate level, is invincible in the younger generation An existence like this was actually injured by someone's palm?

Wan Ancient Heaven Sect's two Supreme geniuses were also stunned, their mouths wide open, as if someone was fiercely grabbing their necks, their faces flushed red and the color of pig livers, how could this be?

Lin Kexin and Wang Yayu's eyes widened even more, thinking they were dazzled, what is the origin of this azure clothes boy?

The audience was silent!


The purple clothed youth looked pale, staring at the azure clothes youth.

It's not that his strength is not as good as the azure clothes boy, but he didn't expect the strength of the azure clothes boy to be so strong, he is too careless!

He only used 50% of his strength, but this youth with azure clothes did his best, causing him to suffer a big loss in an instant!

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Hasn't your Master taught you, the big eagle fights the rabbit, you still need all your strength, don't despise any opponent, you dare to fight me with 50% of your strength, act recklessly ."

Hearing this, the Supreme geniuses suddenly realized that Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son underestimated the enemy and only used 50% of his strength. However, this azure clothes boy can use 50% of his strength. The Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son was seriously injured with one palm, which is also powerful enough!

"That's right, I just thought there was something wrong, our Holy Son is invincible in the young generation, how could it be severely injured by his slap, he is too shameless, our Holy Son only uses five When he became strong, he suddenly shot with all his strength, shameless!"

"Holy Son, don't be careless!"

The two Supreme geniuses of Wan Ancient Heaven Sect are both sighed in relief, The invincible Holy Son of the young generation was wounded by a palm, which really shocked them. They thought that this azure clothes teenager was an incarnation of an older generation.

Lin Kexin and Wang Yayu looked at each other, the terrified look in their eyes softened a little, but still a little shocked, this azure clothes boy crushed 50% of the strength of Wan Ancient Heaven Sect Holy Son, also It's very strong.

Long Qingchen looked at the purple clothed youth indifferently, "Take out the light of the seven flying immortals, lacking hatred and enmity, I don't want to kill you."

purple clothed youth Reaching out his hand, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, coldly said, "I admit, looked down on you. Next, I will do my best to not give you any chance!"

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "If you're not injured, maybe you can fight me. Unfortunately, you've been seriously injured, and you have no chance of winning. Don't invite humiliation to oneself."

(End of this chapter)

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