Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1131


Chapter 1131 Heavenly Paradise!

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master came back to his senses, hurriedly gave a salute to the azure clothes boy, "many thanks little friend to help, otherwise, our Sword Immortal Sect has been destroyed, this great grace, eternal life Don't forget."

Long Qingchen was a little unhappy about what happened before, "Now, do you still think I'm the enemy of Sword Immortal Sect?"

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master is embarrassed and Laughing, then gave a salute, "Before, I misunderstood the little friend, and also accidentally hurt the little friend, I was really blushed with shame."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Forget it, I am too lazy to talk to you Sword. Immortal Sect lower oneself to somebody's level."

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master laughed, reached out and made a gesture of please, "Little friend, please, let's Sword Immortal Sect show the friendship of the landlord."

Long Qingchen just wanted to refuse, but his heart moved. The six ancestors did not tell him about the situation of the universe. He just took this opportunity to learn about Sword Immortal Sect, so he talked to Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor. The Master crossed the void together, entered the galaxy, and returned to the previous martial stage.

On the martial stage, everyone looked at the azure clothes boy embarrassedly. No one didn't expect. This azure clothes boy who was misunderstood by them saved Sword Immortal Sect.

The Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master invited Long Qingchen to the high stage, his eyes swept the audience, "Just now, you all saw the battle between me and the black ape, if this little friend hadn't come to help, The entire Sword Immortal Sect is over, and everyone apologizes to this little friend and expresses gratitude."

Therefore, all the senior management and disciplines of the Sword Immortal Sect solemnly gave a salute to Long Qingchen, and they all expressed their gratitude. Express thankfulness.

The pretty girl named Xu Ningning even ran to the high platform, saluted Long Qingchen with a flushed face, and kept admitting her mistakes.

The attitude of Sword Immortal Sect was so sincere in admitting his mistake, no matter how angry Long Qingchen was, he asked casually, "Although that black ape was not lightly injured by me, it won't take long. , it will definitely seek revenge for the Sword Immortal Sect, what is the Sword Immortal Sect going to do?"

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master said with a smile, "many thanks for your concern, this time, the attack of the black ape It was too sudden. We beat our Sword Immortal Sect and it was completely unprepared. Even our allies in the Sword Immortal Sect were too late to support. Next time it will not be so easy. The powerhouses of the forces are here to take control."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "That's okay."

The Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master stretched out his hand and made a please gesture, "It's too noisy here. It's not the place to talk, please come to the great hall of our Sword Immortal Sect for tea."

"I just have something to ask you about."

Long Qingchen didn't back down either.

Therefore, the Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master and other senior officials accompanied Long Qingchen to the great hall, where they were seated separately. A team of maids brought hot tea, some fairy fruits and snacks.

Sword Immortal Sect The Ancestor Master gave the Sword Immortal Sect master a wink.

The Sword Immortal Sect master immediately understood and took out a volume of martial skill, three pieces of materials for refining Undead Realm's top weapons, and ten bottles of medicine pill from the space ring, and placed them on the tea table next to Long Qingchen , said with a smile, "You can't repay the kindness of your little friend. Please accept these cultivation resources with a smile."

Long Qingchen shook his head slightly, "It's not necessary, I just have no effort at all That's it."

The Sword Immortal Sect master said seriously, "For the little friends, it's just no effort at all, but for us Sword Immortal Sect, the disaster is avoided. This is a real big deal. Well, we can see that a super Supreme genius like Xiaoyou must have been born in Super Great Influence. He may not be interested in these cultivation resources. However, this is a little intention of our Sword Immortal Sect. Refuse."

Long Qingchen had no choice but to wave and put these things into the space ring.

Seeing him so casual, without even looking at him, the senior executives of Sword Immortal Sect couldn't help but glance at each other, all eyes flickering, which confirmed the guess in their hearts, this azure clothes boy definitely came from in Super Great Influence.

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master said with a smile, "Just now, the little friend said that there are some things we need to ask our Sword Immortal Sect, I don't know what it is, our Sword Immortal Sect must know everything, There are endless words."

Long Qingchen said, "I said before, I came from an outer universe, and I am completely unfamiliar with this universe. Could you tell me a little about it."

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master asked, "I don't know what the little friend wants to know?"

Long Qingchen said, "I came to this universe mainly for experience, increasing cultivation base, said It's a good place for a cultivation base like me."

"It turns out to be so."

The Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master suddenly realized, and then slowly began to speak.

"This universe is called Tianyuan Universe."

"There are indeed many Heavenly Paradise suitable for young Supreme geniuses, the most famous are the three Celestial Grotto and Two blessed lands, three Celestial Grotto are flame Celestial Grotto, Wanqi Celestial Grotto, and terrifying land; two blessed lands are Fei Xian Blessed Land and Heaven and Sea Island.”

“flame Celestial Grotto, with There are countless kinds of flames, Supreme geniuses can use these flames for tempering physique, fairy soul, immortal strength and refining tools. Of course, some flames are extremely dangerous, and even the peerless powerhouse in Half Step Eternal can be burned to death, so you have to be careful. "

"Wanqi Celestial Grotto, very interesting, every Supreme genius who enters Wanqi Celestial Grotto must pay a high-grade treasure from Undead Realm as a ticket. Take a treasure from the Celestial Grotto, and what kind of treasure you can take depends on your fortune. According to legend, there are even eternal weapons in it!"

"The strange place, The most terrifying thing is that every Supreme genius who enters the terrifying land will lose spiritual wisdom and fight crazily in it for ten days. After ten days of continuous life and death battles, it is difficult not to improve the cultivation base, of course, the premise is that he can survive."

"Flying Immortal Blessed Land, every other month, there will be a light of Fei Immortal, the light of Fei Immortal can be used for refining equipment, can also be used for cultivation, it is very useful, of course, robbed There are also a lot of people, since ancient times, the Supreme genius of our Sword Immortal Sect has not yet grabbed a light of flying immortals, and all the Supreme geniuses of the forbidden forces have occupied it."

"In the end, it is Tianhai. The island, in the westernmost part of the Tianyuan universe, has the boundless Chaos Sea, and there is an island in the center. Because it is surrounded by the Chaos Sea, Spiritual Qi is extremely dense. The Heaven and Earth Treasure on the island grows extremely fast, every five It can be harvested once in a hundred years, so it is also a Sup The place where reme geniuses want to go most, of course, now is not the time to harvest, and we have to wait more than a hundred years. "

Master Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor spoke in great detail. He explained the three Celestial Grottos and the two blessed places in detail, and reported the coordinates.

Long Qingchen is a bit I sighed, "This universe is indeed a lot of good places, no wonder our family elder would recommend me to come to this universe to experience. "

The senior leaders of Sword Immortal Sect looked at each other, and the Sword Immortal Sect master asked, "I don't know which universe the little friend came from? What is your family? "

Seeing the azure clothes teenager smiled but didn't want to say anything, the Sword Immortal Sect master quickly said with a smile, "I just asked casually, don't mind." "

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master asked, "What else do you want to know? "

Long Qingchen said, "In this universe, is there a Super Great Influence that is not to be trifled with? "

Maybe he thought this was a bit funny, Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master couldn't help laughing, "I don't know what kind of Super Great Influence is not to be trifled with for little friends"


Long Qingchen thought for a while, "There must be a Half Step Eternal environment. "

Master Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor couldn't help but take a deep look at him, and probably understood what he meant, which means that without the existence of the Half Step Eternal realm, he can afford it all, just need to pay attention Just look at the forces that have the existence of the Half Step Eternal realm

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master said, "If you want to say that there are Super Great Influences that have the existence of the Half Step Eternal realm, there are five, the Ancient Heaven Sect, the upper sect , Huanyu Palace, Tiannv Palace, Eternal Immortal Kingdom, among them, Wan Ancient Heaven Sect and Eternal Immortal Kingdom are the strongest, there may be more than one Half Step Eternal realm peerless powerhouse, it is estimated that there are two or three, of course, this is the outside world The speculation, there are a few specific ones, is not quite clear. "

Long Qingchen was a little surprised, didn't expect that there are five forces in this universe that have peerless powerhouses in the Half Step Eternal realm. It seems that the overall strength of this universe is stronger than his universe. , you must know that his universe is full of calculations, and only three forces have the existence of the Half Step Eternal realm, Ancient Celestial Court, Purgatory and Red Dust Immortal Sect.

Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master put these five Super Great Influence introduced them one by one to make him understand more.

Long Qingchen asked some less important questions, and the Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master answered them in detail.

After having a general understanding of this universe, Long Qingchen also said goodbye and plans to go to Heavenly Paradise to experience it.

"Little friend, it is best not to let people know that you are from an outer universe. Our universe is still relatively exclusive of people from the outer universe. ”

The senior officials of Sword Immortal Sect personally sent him out of the galaxy, and the Sword Immortal Sect Ancestor Master finally reminded him kindly.

(End of this chapter)


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