Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1128


Chapter 1128 Why is this so troublesome

"Or else, you guys continue to compete"

With this Sword Immortal Sect lacking hatred and enmity, screwing up the final of the Sword Immortal Sect total Holy Son competition, even if Long Qingchen is thick-skinned, he is a little sorry. "Just treat me like air, just treat me like I haven't been here before"

Hearing this, the already ugly faces of the senior executives of Sword Immortal Sect were even more ugly!

Continue his sister!

The two Supreme talents who entered the final were severely injured by him, how can they continue?

In addition, the two Supreme geniuses were no match for him, and they were completely crushed by him. Holy Son, who was selected in this way, must not be a joke in the entire Tianyuan universe?

These two Supreme geniuses have basically lost their Holy Son qualifications, which is a shame.

However, these two Supreme geniuses are already the two strongest among the Sword Immortal Sect young generation. If these two Supreme geniuses are not allowed to be Holy Sons, who can be?

There is no doubt that Sword Immortal Sect will become an "embarrassing sect" without Holy Son for a long time in the future.

The only good thing is that Sect Master is in its prime, Don't worry about the next Sect Master for now.

Lin Qingfan and Bai Sha, who were lying on the ground coughing up blood, both blushed to the color of pig liver. The two of them looked at each other, tacitly, suddenly their necks twisted, and they pretended to faint

The two really didn't know how to face such an embarrassing situation, so pretending to faint is the best choice


The Sword Immortal Sect master jumped off the high platform and landed on the ring, staring at the azure clothes boy coldly, "What kind of hatred do you have with our Sword Immortal Sect, To humiliate our Sword Immortal Sect so much, do you think that you can act wilfully if you are strong enough? You need to know that a mountain is higher than a mountain. You dare to attack our Sword Immortal Sect alone at the beginning level of the Indestructible Domain. You also underestimate our Sword Immortal Sect. Then don't go!"

""Long Qingchen was really speechless, he said slowly, "One, I don't have any grudges with you Sword Immortal Sect, don't doubt it; two, I really The six ancestors of Dragon Clan once traveled in this universe, Long Qingchen did not mention the names of the six ancestors, otherwise, all the Great Influences in this universe would give him three points, then The effect of experience is not achieved.

"Oh, what a passerby, passing by to the arena of our Sword Immortal Sect total Holy Son competition final, and even now, you are still treating us as fools!"

Sword Immortal Sect was furious, "Well, I'm too lazy to ask, lead to death!"

"Kill him!"

"He defeated Lin Qingfan Senior with one move. Brother and White Senior Brother Sha, the strength is indeed great, but, to humiliate our Sword Immortal Sect like this, we cannot leave him!"

"Only his blood can wash away the shame of our Sword Immortal Sect! ”

The recipes of Sword Immortal Sect are also shouting and killing, and the crowd is excited.

Long Qingchen is helpless, "I have already said what I should say. If you don't believe me, I can't do anything about it. However, if you take action against me, I am also impossible to sit still and I will fight back."

Long Qingchen said helplessly.>


Sword Immortal Sect's main voice is cold, "Very good, I want to see how you fight back!"


With a wave of his hand, he pushed the fainted Lin Qingfan and Bai Sha out of the arena. Following that, his cultivation base in the middle-level of the immortal realm broke out completely and charged directly at the azure clothes boy!


Long Qingchen's body trembled, like an ancient Battle Dragon awakened, a loud sound of dragon's roar came out, his left hand raised the Power of Azure Dragon, his right hand condensed pink immortal strength, he will not retreat but advance, and fight with the Sword Immortal Sect master in close quarters!

bang! bang! bang!

The two of them were quick and ruthless, in a flash, they fought hundreds of moves!

The recipes of Sword Immortal Sect can't be seen clearly at all, only one after another afterimage can be seen, sometimes colliding, sometimes separating, from the ring to the ring, and from the ring to the ring, it explodes. With bursts of Immeasurable Light, the terrifying energy spread freely, causing the entire super ring to shake!

The Sword Immortal Sect master is getting more and more frightened as he fights. With his inextinguishable medium-level cultivation base, after hundreds of tricks, he still can't kill this azure clothes boy, and even this azure clothes boy hasn't been injured yet. , on the contrary, he was so shocked that his blood was boiling, and he felt like he wanted to vomit blood.

"It's no wonder that our Sword Immortal Sect two Supreme geniuses were defeated by your one move. It turns out that your strength has already stood in the ranks of the young generation cream of the crop in the entire universe. Unfortunately, you should not come. We Sword Immortal Sect are wild, and today, I will kill the supreme genius with my own hands!"

Sword Immortal Sect's eyes are getting colder and colder.

If this azure clothes teenager escapes, then, in a few years, no one in Sword Immortal Sect can control this azure clothes teenager. This is a huge hidden danger and must die!


The Sword Immortal Sect turned his hand and took out a battle sword, and the sound of sword chants spread throughout the audience. I saw that this sword was as black as ink, and it was known from the terrifying power that it exuded. An indestructible weapon!


He loudly shouted, chopped out one after another human-shaped sword glow, shrouded all the vital points of the youth in azure clothes, and blocked all escape routes. It is the nirvana of Sword Immortal Sect, and it is also a sect protecting stunt. Even Holy Son is not qualified to learn it, only Sect Master can.

Looking at the sword glow of these human figures, Long Qingchen felt the danger of death with chills all over his body.


He didn't dare to keep his hands anymore, his left hand Dragon Clan Profound Truth, right hand Red Dust Profound Truth, his palms together, instantly turned into a Yin- Yang Primal Chaos Figure!

In addition, he opened his mouth and spewed out a ray of nine-colored rays of light, which turned into the curved midline of the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos diagram, making the formidable power of the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos diagram soared to a new level!

In the past, in order to hide the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian, he always used Dragon Clan Profound Truth and Red Dust Profound Truth. Now, even the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian Ultimate Profound Truth is used. This is his full strength, Truly unreserved!


The Yin-Yang Primal Chaos figure and one after another humanoid sword glow fiercely collided, bursting out endless rays of light, terrifying energy oscillating in eight directions, the entire arena cracked like a spider web , there is a crack of densely packed, about to collapse!

ka-cha! ka-cha! ka-cha!

The Yin-Yang Primal Chaos figure is like a grinding wheel, crushing all the humanoid sword glow!


Immediately afterwards, fiercely slammed into the inextinguishable weapon in the hands of the Sword Immortal Sect master, and the inextinguishable weapons were all shattered!


In the end, Yin-Yang Primal Chaos blasted the Sword Immortal Sect's entire body, causing the Sword Immortal Sect to spurt blood and hit the Formation on the edge of the ring. , making the Formation ripple like a stormy sea!

Sword Immortal Sect's sack-like body slid down from the Formation, lying on the cracked arena, coughing up blood, unable to get up after half a sound, seriously injured!


was silent again.

On the high stage, the top executives of Sword Immortal Sect were completely stunned!

The recipes of Sword Immortal Sect make the scalp feel numb. Even the inextinguishable mid-level Sect Master can't match this azure clothes boy. What kind of strength is this?

"What's the trouble with this?"

Long Qingchen didn't continue to attack, and waved away the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture. He was really helpless. He was unfathomable when he first came to this universe. mystery did two games

(end of this chapter)

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