Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1118


Chapter 1118 Who?

After collecting all nine pieces of Supreme Treasure, Long Qingchen's life returned to normal. He just broke through the realm of immortality. In a short period of time, the cultivation base is also impossible to break through again. Therefore, he is the most famous in the entire Dragon Clan. Leisurely.

In the morning, I went out to fish with a fishing rod and a wooden barrel; in the afternoon, I had tea with the six ancestors and played chess; in the evening, my family got together and made some Delicious food.

In this way, after more than 20 years

One morning, Long Qingchen carried a fishing rod and a wooden barrel, came out of the fairy temple on the top of the mountain, and walked towards the river. go.

"Master patriarch, go fishing again."

"Master patriarch, I haven't eaten the fish you caught for many days, can you give me one today?"


Along the way, I met many Dragon Clans and greeted Long Qingchen with a smile.

"Okay, come and get it at noon."

Long Qingchen waved his hand casually, he could catch more than ten fish every day, and his own impossible I eat fish every day, so I will share it with my "neighbors". Over time, I will have a good relationship with my "neighbors".

Neighbors eligible to live around his house are, no doubt, all members of the Dragon Clan high-rise family.

He came to the river, sat on the root of an old tree, put a small half-length earthworm on the hook, and started fishing. A few days ago, he had already been "making a nest" in this place. "Well, so, a lot of fish.

Anyone who often fishes should know that "hitting a nest" means throwing some bait in this place a few days in advance, so that the surrounding fish will develop a habit of coming to this place for food, so that Once, when fishing in this place, many fish gather here and are easy to be hooked.

oh la la!

No, before the time for a cup of tea, a fish bit the hook, and it was quite strong.

Long Qingchen didn't use the martial power. Like an ordinary person, he slowly dragged the fishing rod, first consuming the fish's strength, using up the fish's strength, and then dragging the fish. It was a golden-tailed crucian carp that was dragged ashore.

"Master patriarch, you're here too, what a coincidence."

A beautiful girl with a ponytail carried a folding fishing rod and a small bucket to the riverside When she came, she trotted over in surprise when she saw him, "What a big golden-tailed crucian carp, I'll unhook it."

She squatted down, grabbed the golden-tailed crucian carp, and pulled the hook from the fish. Take it out of the mouth, put the golden-tailed crucian carp into Long Qingchen's wooden bucket, and, using her small bucket to beat some water, pour it into Long Qingchen's wooden bucket, and finally, wash your hands by the river.

After washing my hands, I came to Long Qingchen, lightly said with a smile, "General patriarch, can I sit here?"

Long Qingchen lightly glanced at her , indifferent expression, wears a small piece of earthworm on the hook, throws it into the river, and continues to fish.

What a coincidence?

Is it a coincidence?

For more than two decades, the entire Dragon Clan has known him to fish the river every day.

At the beginning, there were also many Dragon Clans who came here to show their hospitality, which made him very annoyed, so he gave an order, under the senior elder, not to come to this river to fish, and finally it was quiet .

didn't expect, more than 20 years later, and Dragon Clan dared to come here to show his hospitality.

"Master patriarch, can I sit here?"

The pretty girl asked again, looking at him pitifully.

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "What's the matter, let's talk."

The pretty girl was silent for a moment, "Last month, Dragon Clan held the general selection of Saintess. After a series of screenings, in the end, three of them made it to the finals, and I was one of them."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "Since you have entered the finals, then try to defeat the other two opponents, you don't Hurry up to improve your strength, but you come to me, do you expect me to cheat for you?"

The beautiful girl quickly said, "I dare not ask the chief patriarch to help cheat, I will win by my own strength. The head of Saintess."

Long Qingchen said strangely, "Since it's not cheating, what are you doing here?"

The pretty girl opened her mouth and seemed to want to stop talking. .

Long Qingchen got a little impatient, "Just say something."

The pretty girl said, "The other two opponents are from prominent families, one is the biological leader of Holy Son. The younger sister, one is the granddaughter of the deputy patriarch, and I, born in an ordinary Dragon Clan family, I don't cheat, it doesn't mean that the other two opponents don't cheat, I just hope that there is a chance for a fair competition."

Long Qingchen helplessly said, "You don't have to worry about this, we Dragon Clan have always been fair."

The beautiful girl's eyes became strange, "But, the Holy Son has threatened me. Now, if I dare to win his younger sister, I'll have to go around, and the deputy patriarch has hinted to me several times that I will lose to his granddaughter on purpose."

I heard this. , Long Qingchen was furious, "You are telling the truth?"

The pretty girl grimaced, "How dare I deceive the chief patriarch."

Long Qingchen was very angry , turned over and took out the general patriarch token, and sent a sound transmission to the agent patriarch Xuan Yilong, roaring, "Let the chief Holy Son and deputy patriarch roll over to see me!"

The pretty girl was taken aback , took two steps back.

Dragon Emperor Xuan Yi was also taken aback, "What happened?"

Long Qingchen said, "Don't worry about anything, just pass the word to them."


Xuanyi Longdi had to send a message to the chief Holy Son and deputy patriarch.

Not long after, the chief Holy Son and the deputy patriarch, the ancient and modern dragon emperors, came. Seeing the beautiful girl next to Long Qingchen, the chief holy son and the deputy patriarch froze for a while, and immediately understood.

Long Qingchen stood up and looked at the chief Holy Son and the deputy patriarch coldly,

The chief Holy Son and the deputy patriarch were both furious and bowed their heads, Dare not say a word.


Long Qingchen sneered, "You guys are so bold, relying on your high position to intervene in the selection tournament of Saintess, Dragon Clan, when? It's your turn to hide the sky with one hand, I'm not dead yet!"

Both Holy Son and Deputy Patriarch trembled, and Holy Son said with a bitter smile, "I originally I don't want to interfere, but, my younger sister, I really can't do anything about her. I'm bothering me every day, asking me to help her suppress her competitors. If I don't agree, she will take a poisonous medicine pill. I'm not bothered. The only way is to threaten her competitors"

The deputy patriarch said quickly, "I am also in the same situation, my granddaughter has been spoiled since she was a child, and I must help her win the total Saintess. Otherwise, she will not be alive, what can I do"

Long Qingchen coldly said, "No matter what the reason is, it is not the reason for you to intervene in the selection tournament of Saintess!"

President Holy Son said, "I know I'm wrong."

Deputy patriarch said, "I also know I'm wrong."

Long Qingchen thought about it for a while, then pointed to beautiful The young girl said to the chief Holy Son and deputy patriarch, "I punish you to write an apology letter, read it out in public, apologize to her, and let the entire Dragon Clan take a warning, and your younger sister and your granddaughter, first Play a duel, the winner will be eligible to duel with her and compete for the position of General Saintess."


Chief Holy Son and deputy patriarch glanced at each other , are sighed in relief, this punishment is relatively light.

Long Qingchen looked towards the pretty girl, "Are you satisfied with this punishment?"

The pretty girl said, "Satisfied, many thanks, always patriarch."

Long Qingchen nodded slightly, "In the future, whoever dares to threaten you again, come and tell me, I'll see who dares, go ahead."

The beautiful girl kept thanking again and happily left.

Long Qingchen glared at the chief Holy Son and the deputy patriarch, "What are you doing standing here, why don't you walk away and scare my fish away."

The chief holy son and The deputy patriarch hurriedly retired.

Long Qingchen sat down and was about to continue fishing when suddenly, the clear sky darkened, the wild grass on the river grew rapidly, and soon it was full of wild flowers, and countless birds came out of the woods. Fly out, gather in the sky, dancing lightly and gracefully, as if celebrating something.

"Someone touched eternity?"

He was shocked, when the red dust Fairy touched eternity, he had seen these strange phenomena once, and now, see you again Arrived, immediately understood.

He suddenly got up, took a step forward, flew out of the atmosphere of Heavenly Dragon star, and came into space. Sure enough, he found that the sun of the entire Heavenly Dragon galaxy has converged rays of light.

"Fairy touches eternity, didn't expect, just in the past three thousand years, someone touches it again."

"This time, who will it be?"


The six ancestors also came to space, guessing.

(end of this chapter)

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