Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1115


Chapter 1115 Sincerity!

"Saintess of the ancient palace of reincarnation is here again. I want to see the chief patriarch by name."

Half a month, Emperor Xuanyi hurried to the immortal temple on the top of the mountain where Long Qingchen lived. He was a little worried. said, "It seems that the ancient palace of reincarnation and the major taboo forces have already made up their minds to return to the universe. Would you like to invite the Red Dust Fairy to come out to intimidate?"

Long Qingchen said, "The Red Dust Fairy is retreating, It is impossible to come out."

Emperor Xuan Yilong opened his mouth and hesitated. For more than 3,000 years, no one has ever seen the Red Dust Fairy, and the six ancestors and the chief patriarch said every time. Hongchen Fairy is a little suspicious of him in retreat, let alone the outside world.

Long Qingchen said, "Let Saintess from the ancient palace of reincarnation come in. He has already refused once, and it's time to meet him."

Dragon Emperor Xuanyi hurried away, not After a long time, he came back with a beautiful young woman.

The young woman bowed slightly and gave a salute to Long Qingchen, "Reincarnation ancient palace Saintess, Wu Qingxue, see Long Qingchen senior."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "There is no need for more. Courtesy."

Wu Qingxue said with a smile, "It's really not easy to see Long Qingchen senior."

Long Qingchen asked, "Why did you come to Dragon Clan? What happened?"

Wu Qingxue smiled brightly, "It's nothing, just admiring the prestige of Long Qingchen senior, so I came to pay a visit."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "You have already met It's time for me, since there's nothing to do, you can go back."

Wu Qingxue's smile froze for a while, she quickly covered it up, said with a smile, "In addition to Long Qingchen senior, I also I want to meet the Red Dust Fairy."

"Meeting me is just an excuse, the person you really want to see is the Red Dust Fairy, right?"

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "You guys are in the ancient palace of reincarnation. The two Ancestor Masters here let you take a look at the Red Dust Fairy, have you been injured by the Eternal Dao as rumored, and then the ancient palace of Samsara can decide whether to return to the universe?"

Wu Qingxue said with a smile, "Junior dare not, Junior just simply admires you and Hongchen Fairy."

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "I, you have seen it, as for Hongchen Fairy, your status is too low If you want to see her, ask the two Ancestor Masters from the ancient palace of reincarnation to come in person, because I'm afraid they won't dare to come." No, in the end, she said slowly, "More than 3,000 years ago, the Red Dust Fairy touched eternity, and many superpowers participated in the siege of the Red Dust Immortal Sect. Our two Ancestor Masters from the ancient palace of reincarnation were confused for a while and also participated. Now, The two Ancestor Masters are so sorry, let me apologize to the Red Dust Fairy for them, please Long Qingchen senior don't hold back. "

Long Qingchen's voice was indifferent, "You Ancestor Masters dare not come, but ask you to apologize for them, without the slightest sincerity." "

Wu Qingxue's eyes flickered a few times, and she suddenly sneered, "Long Qingchen senior, you did everything possible to prevent me from seeing Hongchen Fairy. It seems that your guess with our Ancestor Master is correct, Hongchen Fairy really suffered. Eternal Dao injury, so you dare not let me meet the Red Dust Fairy. "

"Impudent! "

Long Qingchen's eyes sharpened, "Don't forget who you are talking to, and whose territory is here, believing or not I suppressed you and threw you into the Qunfang Tower." , let you become the top card of Qunfanglou. "

Wu Qingxue's body trembled, looked pale, her eyes were full of panic, she hurriedly bowed and bowed, "I'm sorry, I'm rude." "

Long Qingchen coldly snorted, "As I am, I am too lazy to lower oneself to somebody's level, you can go back and tell your Ancestor Master, since they guessed that Fairy was injured by the eternal Tao, Then, they can unite the super-powers of the major taboo forces to attack Dragon Clan together, don't you know if you try it? "

Emperor Xuan Yilong sneered, "Just in time to bring them all in one pot!" "

Wu Qingxue was silent for a moment, then said, "Whether or not Hongchen Fairy is injured by the eternal Dao, our reincarnation ancient palace will not become an enemy of Dragon Clan again. "

"That's fine. "

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "Seeing off. "

The guard at the entrance of the Immortal Palace immediately walked in and left with Wu Qingxue.

Emperor Xuanyi said with a smile, "Compared with the general patriarch, this reincarnation The ancient palace Saintess is still too young, she still wants to fight with the chief patriarch, and she doesn't know what the two Ancestor Masters of the ancient palace thought, so she sent such a little girl to try it out. "

Long Qingchen also laughed, "It's useless to send anyone to test, as long as the major taboos don't see the Red Dust Fairy with their own eyes, it is impossible to determine whether the Red Dust Fairy has been injured by the eternal Tao, and it is impossible to determine whether the Red Dust Fairy is injured by the eternal Tao." To what extent is the eternal Dao injury of the Red Dust Fairy, and whether there is the power to fight again, this is an invisible deterrent! "

In the next six months, the major taboo forces have sent messengers to "visit" Dragon Clan.

It is said to be a visit, but in fact, it is just like Saintess in the ancient palace of reincarnation. It is to test whether Hongchen Fairy is injured by Eternal Dao.

Unfortunately, these messengers were all sent away by Long Qingchen, and they could not even see Hongchen Fairy's face, so there is no way to determine Hongchen Fairy's condition.

There is no way to determine the status of the Red Dust Fairy, so the major taboo forces do not dare to unite to attack Dragon Clan, in case this is Dragon Clan's trap, deliberately attract them, and then, Red Dust Fairy suddenly shot , what should I do if I catch them all?

So, if the Red Dust Fairy does not show up for a day, the major taboo forces will not dare to act rashly, and Dragon Clan will be absolutely safe.

After a few more times months.

The old woman Ancestor Master, one of the two Ancestor Masters in the ancient palace of reincarnation, came to visit Dragon Clan in person. This time, it was not a test, but a real visit, because, if you continue to test, you have already It's useless.

Long Qingchen met the old woman Ancestor Master in the great hall of Holy Land.

The old woman Ancestor Master kept her posture very low and did not dare to talk to Long Qingchen put on the air of senior, she smiled and kept praising, "Dragon Clan patriarch is indeed the highest genius in the universe. After only three thousand years, he broke through the realm of immortality. After a few years, We, the so-called super-powers, are probably not your opponents anymore. ”

She came alone, without the help of the Red Dust Fairy. If the six ancestors of Dragon Clan wanted to kill her, she would not be able to escape. Of course, she had to correct her attitude.

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Overpraised. "

The old woman Ancestor Master said bitterly, "More than three thousand years ago, in that friendship meeting, our ancient palace's Palace Lord Ling Han died in the hands of Dragon Clan patriarch. However, we The ancient palace of reincarnation is very clear that the culprit is Dongfang Wushuang, who provoked the bloody battle between the two sides. Therefore, our ancient palace of reincarnation has never blamed Dragon Clan patriarch. "

Long Qingchen is still indifferent, "Reincarnation ancient palace can distinguish who is the enemy, that's good. "

The old woman Ancestor Master talked about the siege of the Red Dust Immortal Sect back then, and kept apologizing.

Long Qingchen responded with one and no one, he was To put on this look of aloof and remote, the old woman Ancestor Master can't figure out the situation of the Red Dust Fairy.

The old woman Ancestor Master took a sip of tea, lightly coughed, said with a smile, "We Reincarnation ancient palace, intends to return to the universe, what does Dragon Clan patriarch think? "

Long Qingchen said flatly, "This is a good thing. "

The old woman Ancestor Master pondered for a moment, "Since the misunderstanding has been cleared up, after we return to the universe in the ancient palace of reincarnation, Fairy and Dragon Clan It shouldn't be embarrassing for us to reincarnate the ancient palace?" "

Long Qingchen thought for a moment and said, "Then it depends on the sincerity of the ancient palace of Samsara." "

asked the old woman Ancestor Master, "How can I be sincere? "

"The sky Supreme Treasure." "

Long Qingchen said directly, "Give the Supreme Treasure of the ancient palace of reincarnation to Dragon Clan, then, all previous grudges will be written off, and Dragon Clan allows the ancient palace of reincarnation to return to the universe, It will no longer be difficult to reincarnate the ancient palace. ”

(end of this chapter)

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