Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1106


Chapter 1106 The "Boss" of Fengyuan Alliance!

sou! sou! sou!

The current patriarch Dongfang Wushuang, deputy patriarch Dongfang Yintian, and Holy Son Dongfang Yaoshi came from the sky.

Dongfang Wushuang, everyone present is familiar with it, he has mastered the Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian Ultimate Profound Truth, served as the patriarch many years ago, and at the same time became the third Guardian of the Dongfang Family. Moreover, his cultivation base is close to the realm of immortality, and there is an eternal stealing machine, known as one of the "Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years"!

Dongfang Yintian is relatively low-key. Among the people present, only some people know him. He was ranked 2nd among the top ten Supremes of the young generation of Dongfang Family ten thousand years ago, second only to Dongfang Wushuang, cultivation base He is also close to the realm of immortality. He should be dazzling, but Dongfang Wushuang is too dazzling, completely covering his rays of light, so many people don't know him.

Dongfang Yaoshi, the Number One Person among the younger generation of the Dongfang Family, is also the Holy Son of the Dongfang Family. His cultivation base, although not as good as the contemporary four, has reached Undead. Realm Advanced.

"Welcome to our Dongfang Family, to participate in the first Fengyuan Open Source Young Generation Friendship Meeting!"

Dongfang Wushuang gestured to the audience with a smile.

Some of the Dongfang Family allies stood up and greeted him with a smile.

The people from the Great Influence looked at each other, and then, they all looked towards Dragon Clan, and found that Long Qingchen didn't move, and they didn't move either, pretending they didn't see Dongfang Wushuang, because They know the relationship between Dragon Clan and Dongfang Family, so they don't want to be "too close" with Dongfang Wushuang, so as not to cause Dragon Clan's displeasure.

The Open Source Great Influences on the opposite side will not pay attention to Dongfang Wushuang.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Wushuang's face turned gloomy. The Dongfang Family was the organizer, and all the Great Influences ignored him, resulting in a cold scene. This is a very embarrassing thing.

Soon, Dongfang Wushuang concealed the past and said with a smile, "Since Fengyuan and the open source Peak full-star forces and taboo forces have all arrived, then the Friendship Discussion Conference will officially begin. , the specific rules of the discussion have been announced long ago, so I won't repeat it, everyone in the province thinks I'm long-winded."

He paused and continued, "I mainly say, How to ensure fairness?"

"For the sake of fairness, this discussion conference will be divided into three big rounds!"

"The first big round, the ten thousand years of Fengyuan Alliance Qijie, against the Eight Saints of the Open Source Alliance!”

“Both sides are top Supreme geniuses thousands of years ago, and the cultivation bases are both close to the realm of immortality. The duel is very fair.”

“Because the Seven Masters of Ten Thousand Years have one less person than the Eight Saints of Ten Thousand Years, so another person is needed to make up for the Seven Masters of Ten Thousand Years.”

Dongfang Wushuang looked towards the Great Influences of Fengyuan and asked, "Who is coming?"

The Great Influences of Fengyuan were all silent, making up for the Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years, this is an honor However, in the duel, it is necessary to face the Eight Saints of the Ten Thousand Years Alliance, which is a great risk. Is there no one left?"

Dongfang Yin Heavenly Dao, "Since everyone is so humble, then I will come."

"Yin Junior Brother Tian, although your cultivation base is You are also close to the realm of immortality, but your strength is still inferior to our Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years."

Dongfang Wushuang objected, his eyes swept across the Great Influences in Fengyuan , In the end, it fell on Long Jin Feishuang on Dragon Clan's side, said with a smile, "I heard that Miss Feishhuang is one of the children of the first generation of Ancestral Dragon, presumably Miss Feishhuang's strength is already deep and unmeasurable, so you can do it by Feishan. How about Miss Shuang being among the Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years?"

Long Qingchen just wanted to object, but Long Jinfeishuang said, "Okay."


Dongfang Wushuang laughed.

The Great Influences of the open source all look different. Obviously, Dongfang Wushuang is going to use the hands of the Eight Saints of Ten Thousand Years to deal with Longjinfeishuang

"The first big field, already It is certain that the Seven Masters of Ten Thousand Years and Miss Feishhuang will face off against the Eight Saints of Ten Thousand Years!"

Dongfang Wushuangdao, "The second big field, the contemporary four of the Fengyuan Alliance, will face off against the contemporary of the Open Source Alliance. The five tyrants, because the Mingyue Zun can't come, only three are here, so the Fengyuan Alliance needs to make up two juniors, who will come?"

Mingyue Zun is the dísciple of Burning Asura, Burning Tian Asura has now become the mortal enemy of Dragon Clan and the Buddha Palace. If Mingyue Zun dares to appear, Dragon Clan and the Buddha Palace will kill her, so of course she dare not come here.

Seeing that the Great Influences were silent again, Dongfang Wushuang said, "Since everyone is so humble, I will name them directly. I heard that the Great Overflowing Sect Holy Son is very powerful, so I can make up for it, as well as Dragon Clan. The total Holy Son, the strength of the younger generation of Dragon Clan, can also make up for it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience understood that Dongfang Wushuang was clearly targeting the Dragon Clan faction. I want to kill the Great Overflowing Sect Holy Son and the Dragon Clan chief Holy Son with the help of the contemporary five tyrants of the Open Source Alliance.

Xu Cangming coldly said, "Our Holy Son, although the cultivation base has reached the high level of Undead Realm, compared with the real shocking and stunning juniors, it is far behind, he is not qualified to make up for it. Go in."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, "Our family's head is Holy Son, and the cultivation base is only Undead Realm fifth-level, which is regarded as the middle level of Undead Realm, and it is even less qualified to be mentioned on equal terms with the contemporary four."

"Master Great Overflowing Sect and Dragon Clan patriarch, do they not want to contribute to Fengyuan Alliance?"

Dongfang Wushuang sneered and questioned.

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, "In terms of cultivation base and strength, the Holy Son of the Dongfang Family is much stronger than the Holy Sons of our two families. I think the Holy Son of the Dongfang Family should be added."

Speaking of which, Long Qingchen looked towards the Great Influence of Fengyuan, "Everyone said, isn't it?"

The Great Influence of Fengyuan looked at each other in blank dismay , Obviously, Long Qingchen is letting them make a choice, between the Dragon Clan and the Dongfang Family, who to choose as their "boss".

They were quick to make a choice, and they responded.

"Dragon Clan patriarch is right, the strength of Dongfang Yaoshi is second only to the contemporary four, and he should make up for it!"

"Patriarch Dongfang, this is your fault. , your son Dongfang Yaoshi is stronger than Great Overflowing Sect Holy Son and Dragon Clan Holy Son, this is something everyone knows, doesn't Patriarch Dongfang want to contribute to Fengyuan Alliance?"

Dongfang Wushuang is ugly, didn't expect, and shot himself in the foot.

This made him angry for a while. In the past, all the Great Influences in Fengyuan were headed by the Dongfang Family. Great Influence soon followed the lead of Dragon Clan, it's just a wall!

The people who open source the Great Influence are smiling, take pleasure in other people's misfortune, and are happy to see the Fengyuan Alliance fight infighting.

"father, then let me fill it in."

Dongfang Yaoshi clenched the teeth.

Dongfang Wushuang also knows that the current situation, on Long Qingchen's side, he has no way to shirk the blame, "Okay."

"One more!"

His eyes fell coldly, and he glanced at the juniors of the Great Influence in Fengyuan, "I've filled my son in, there's one more left, who will come?"

Dongfang Yaoshi suddenly shouted. , "Long Qing Sichen, who once defeated me, proved that she is stronger than me, she made up for it!" Sichen should make up for it."

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Little girl, the cultivation has not been going well recently, the cultivation deviation, the strength has been greatly damaged, and I can't come."

Dongfang Wushuang sneered, " How can there be such a coincidence? Long Qing Sichen is not pretending to be sick, right?"

"Since Miss Sichen's cultivation is not going well and her strength is damaged, let's change someone else, why is it difficult to force others?"

"It's boring to force others like this."

People from the Great Influence in Fengyuan spoke up, helping Long Qing Sichen speak, and doing everything possible to make friends with Dragon Clan.

The complexion ashen of Dongfang Wushuang and Dongfang Yaoshi father and son is as uncomfortable as eating live flies. The Dongfang Family, which has always been very prestigious, has not been able to seal the source. The support of Influence has been suppressed by the great Influences of open source.

In the end, the Great Influences of Open Source discussed and agreed that among the juniors of the Open Source Alliance, in addition to the contemporary four, the Holy Son of the Qing family is the strongest, and the cultivation base is close to immortality. He made up for it

The patriarch of the Qing family was helpless, but there was nothing he could do.

Therefore, the second big showdown has also been decided. The three contemporary masters, plus Dongfang Yaoshi, plus the Qing family, will face off against the five contemporary tyrants of the Open Source Alliance!

The third big showdown was more casual. The Fengyuan Alliance and the Open Source Alliance chose five Supreme geniuses from both sides for a showdown.

Everyone knows that the main event is the first big showdown, which is the contest of the highest Supreme geniuses of the young generation in the whole universe, followed by the second big showdown, and the third big showdown. Just a foil.

(end of this chapter)

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