Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1098


Chapter 1098 You, not yet!

“Brother Chen.”

Liu Xishui was in a dilemma and had to look towards Long Qingchen for help.

Long Qingchen walked directly out of the gate of the Defensive Great Array of the galaxy, looking at the Moon Lord indifferently, "Leave immediately, otherwise, it will be regarded as a declaration of war on the Buddha Palace and Dragon Clan, execute without any mercy."

Mingyue Zun coldly said, "This is about me and the Buddha Palace, you mind your own business."

Long Qingchen said, "Three days ago, Dragon Clan and Buddha Temple The palace has already announced a marriage alliance, and if you provoked the Buddha Palace, you are provoking our Dragon Clan.”

Zun Mingyue sneered, “You may not know that the marriage between the Buddha Palace and Dragon Clan is actually for the sake of Using Dragon Clan to fight against my Master, Dragon Clan is still complacent, thinking that he has picked up a Saintess Buddha Temple for nothing." The strong super strong, the Buddha Palace could not compete, so the Buddha Palace Saintess was launched to marry.

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "The Buddha Palace is very sincere and has already told me, and I also know the origin of your Master."

The complexion of Mingyue Zun Finally changed, after being silent for a long time, he asked, "Knowing the origin of my Master and the grudge between my Master and the Buddha Palace, you Dragon Clan are still married to the Buddha Palace, are you despising my Master?"

"Don't use your Master to scare me, we Dragon Clan won't eat this set."

Long Qingchen's expression became cold, "Isn't your Master an outer universe Asura, you go back and tell you Master, tell him to get out of this universe immediately!"

The return of the ancestor gave him enough confidence to speak, and he dared to challenge the super strong, and directly announced the origin of Master Mingyue Zun to the public. ,

"The Master of Mingyue Zun is Asura of the outer universe?"

"The powerhouse of the outer universe dares to sneak into our universe, and dare to threaten the taboo force of our universe. Gong, do you think that there are no superpowers in our universe?"

"Get out of this universe immediately, otherwise, the Great Influences will unite and exterminate!"

Sure enough, this shocking news made everyone The messengers of the Great Influence were all stunned, and then, their eyes became cold, and they were very disgusted with the powerhouses in the outer universe.

Since ancient times, the grievances and grievances of various Great Influences, and the war between the Fengyuan Power Alliance and the Open Source Power Alliance, have caused this universe to be unbalanced, but, no matter what, this is this The internal affairs of the universe, but the Great Influences of the outer universe have no good feelings, because there was once an outer universe powerhouse who invaded this universe and tried to dominate this universe.


Mingyue Zun both shocked and angry, didn't expect, Long Qingchen dared to directly announce the origin of her Master in public, without revealing her Master at all Looking at her eyes, her voice trembled a little, "My Master will not let you go, nor will Dragon Clan!"

"You dare to threaten me?"

Long Qingchen's eyes sharpened and he walked straight forward, "Then I will kill you first, and then find your Master."

"I'm afraid you don't have this ability!"

The moon is full of frost in her beautiful eyes.


Behind her, the huge blood moon natural phenomenon suddenly erupted with boundless blood light, containing majestic power, rolling towards Long Qingchen, the space suddenly collapsed in a large area, space fragments fell like a waterfall!

"You, not yet."

Long Qingchen's eyes were flat, he stretched out his hands, the immortal strength of pink floated up in his left hand, and the nine-colored rays of light in his right hand.


He put his palms together, and the two forces instantly turned into dragon shapes, and a sky-shattering sound of dragon's roar came out, and then, entangled together, Instantly become a Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture!

The boundless blood light reached a distance of ten meters in front of Long Qingchen, and was immediately blocked by Yin-Yang Primal Chaos.

Seeing this picture of Yin-Yang Primal Chaos, Dragon Clan's general Holy Son shuddered. He was "tortured" and scared by this picture of Yin-Yang Primal Chaos, and had a psychological shadow. He couldn't help but feel a moment of silence for Zun Mingyue

"Give it back to you."

Long Qingchen's palms trembled slightly, and the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos figure spun rapidly.


The boundless blood light rolled back suddenly, moved towards the Mingyue Zun and crushed it away!


Immediately submerged Venerable Mingyue, sending her flying tens of millions of miles, causing her to cough up blood, obviously, she was hit hard!

The Lord of the Moon was injured by his Innate Divine Ability

The messengers of the Great Influence all stared blankly at this scene, obviously, didn't expect, the moon There is such a big gap between Zun's strength and Long Qingchen's strength.

The contemporary four are the leaders of all the younger generation of Fengyuan's forces, the cultivation base is close to the realm of immortality, and there has been an eternal stealing machine, the Great Influence has always thought that the strength of the contemporary four has been It is tied with the Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years.

However, this battle made all the messengers of the Great Influence understand that the four contemporary statues are still too young, their cultivation time is still short, and they are simply no match for the Seven Heroes of Ten Thousand Years

At least, not yet!

As for whether it can be done in the future, I don't know.

The five Ancestral Dragons and the clan elders looked at each other, and all of them smiled. Long Qingchen, who has high expectations, has always surpassed senior, and has never been surpassed by "junior", even the four contemporary statues of shocking and stunning!

“Compared with Dragon Clan patriarch, even the most shocking and stunning junior should be eclipsed.”

“Dragon Clan patriarch has shown invincibility, no After the destruction, I am afraid there will be no rivals."

It took a long time for the messengers of the Great Influence to come back to his senses, their mouths were praising, but their eyes were a little bitter, Long Qingchen is too strong, all the Great Influence Influence's young Supreme geniuses are destined to be overwhelmed. Being in the same era as Long Qingchen is the sadness of all young Supreme geniuses. For all Great Influences, this is not a good thing.

Perhaps, only the other six of the Seven Masters of Wannian can compete with Long Qingchen. Of course, there are also the Eight Saints of Wannian from the open source power, who are also the top of the same era as the Seven Masters of Wannian. Supreme genius.

"With this little strength, you dare to threaten me."

Long Qingchen stretched his arms slightly, holding the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos map, as if holding a fairy mountain.


He stepped out in one step and instantly appeared in front of Venerable Mingyue, fiercely rammed forward!

Mingyue Zun's face turned pale, and she hurriedly retreated. Just now, she had already suffered a big loss, and she did not dare to underestimate this Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture.


She gritted her teeth, and the natural phenomenon of the blood moon suspended behind her fell directly, and it was also fiercely knocked out!

She knew that there was no way to hide, she had to fight!


The blood moon and Yin-Yang Primal Chaos fiercely collided together, bursting out countless rays of light, the terrifying energy swayed in all directions instantly, and the space of tens of billions of miles around was shattered , like a scene of extinction!


After a stalemate for a moment, the blood moon collapsed, and it couldn't stop the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture!


Zun Mingyue was shaken tens of millions of miles away again, blood spurting from her mouth, her face was as pale as paper, and her figure was on the verge of collapse, continuous After being hit hard twice, she has no battle strength anymore.


Long Qingchen shook his palms, Yin-Yang Primal Chaos disappeared like a ghost in an instant, and when he reappeared, it had already appeared on the top of Mingyue Zun’s head Above, suppress down!

"My dísciple, do you mean to kill me?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from inside the Void.


A big blood-colored hand appeared above the head of Venerable Moon, holding the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos picture.


Immediately after, another big bloody hand appeared, click on the Yin-Yang Primal Chaos map.


Yin-Yang Primal Chaos all split up and in pieces at once!

(end of this chapter)

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