Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1090


Chapter 1090 has a great chance!

"Brother Chen, you are embarrassing me."

Wang Junming looked at Long Qingchen with a wry smile.

If Long Qingchen is judged to be cheating, they will offend Long Qingchen, that is, Dragon Clan;

Therefore, he was very embarrassed

Long Qingchen certainly wouldn't admit it, said with a smile, "This is not cheating, I didn't tell him the mystery of this picture directly, I just reminded him and reminded him of a Yin-Yang Diagram, but he actually comprehending and found the last distinctive eye of the picture, which only shows that his own perception is not bad.”

Xu Cangming looked at Long Qingchen with admiration, and sounded transmission, "Brother Chen is really brilliant, if it is normal, the Holy Son of Dragon Clan is the same as our Holy Son, and there is no chance at all. However, after being reminded by Brother Chen, he understood that although he was a bit suspected of cheating, he finally passed the test of the first round, it depends on how the Buddha Palace decides."

Long Qingchen sound transmission And said with a smile, "That's right, that's what I mean, don't cheat, he has no chance at all, cheating, there is still a chance." Looked towards Willow Stream Water for help.

Although he is the Husband of Liu Xishui, Liu Xishui is the Palace Lord of the Buddha Palace, and it is better for Liu Xishui to make up his own mind.

Liu Xishui laughed, "Well, this round is not considered cheating by Brother Chen, but in the second round test, I will make it a little harder for Dragon Clan, how about that?"


Long Qingchen nodded slightly, Liu Xishui judged that he did not cheat, it was already considered to give him face, of course he would not be unsatisfied.

The people at Great Influence didn't say much.

“The test of the second round is to compete for the hydrangea.”

Liu Xishui took out five hydrangea from the space ring and chuckled, “These five hydrangea are also our Ancestor in the Buddha Palace. Forged by the Master himself, it is strong enough to not worry about damage."

She rose into the air, "Because your cultivation base is too high, this martial stage can't bear it, please follow me to outer space. ."

sou! sou! sou!

Therefore, everyone also rose into the sky, followed her, flew out of this high-level planet, and came to space.

She put five hydrangea directly together and suspended in space, "The rules of the second round are very simple, the ten young talents who passed the first round test are arranged in a fan shape, and each person follows five A hydrangea is 100 miles away."

Ten young men of Dai Juncai, according to what she said, lined up in a fan shape a hundred miles away.

She looked towards Dragon Clan's Holy Son, said with a smile, "Because you passed the first round test just now, you were a little reluctant to pass, so let's make it a little harder for you, your distance is one hundred and five Ten miles."

Dragon Clan chief Holy Son had to retreat fifty miles.

She continued, "Attention, your positions have been fixed, you can't move around, as long as you win a hydrangea, you will pass the test of the second round."

Double pupil Zun said with a smile, "If I win more than one hydrangea, is there any preferential treatment?"

Liuxi Shuidao, "Without preferential treatment, each person can only grab one hydrangea, if I get more than one hydrangea , even if it's a foul."


Chong Tong Zun was helpless.

Xu Cangming looked towards Long Qingchen and said, "Brother Chen, among the ten young talents, your Holy Son's cultivation base is the lowest and the distance is the farthest, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to win the hydrangea. "

Long Qingchen said, "Second round, the competition is true strength, I have no choice but to help him here."


Willow Stream Water announced.

weng! weng! weng!

The ten young and talented young talents immediately shot, and each of them raised an immortal strength in their hands, turning into a big immortal strength hand, towards the hydrangea catch.

Purple Venerable Lei, Chong Tong Zun, and Ban Xian Zun are worthy of being the well-known figures among the contemporary juniors. Their three people shot the fastest and took away the three hydrangea almost instantly. .

bang! bang! bang!

No way, the remaining seven young talents can only compete for the last two hydrangea, seven immortal strength big hands keep colliding, you The competition is quite fierce.

After about one hour of competition, in the end, the two hydrangea were taken away by the prince of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty and the Holy Son of the Ascension Dynasty.

"I'm sorry, Patriarch, I have embarrassed Dragon Clan"

Dragon Clan's Holy Son walked up to Long Qingchen with embarrassment. The cultivation base is the lowest, and the distance from the hydrangea is the farthest. The immortal strength he has produced is a big hand, and he has never even touched the hydrangea.

Long Qingchen patted his shoulder, said with a smile, "It's okay, you have already Do your best, be ashamed and then be brave, and in the future, work hard on cultivation and catch up with them.”

Dragon Clan president Holy Son’s eyes firmed, “Before, when I was invincible among the Dragon Clan juniors, I was proud and complacent. Not anymore, I have already recognized the gap with the younger generation of Great Influence cream of the crop."

Xu Cangming smiled comforted, "You don't need to undervalue oneself, you are different from these shocking and stunning Compared with the younger generation, there is definitely a little gap, but the gap is not very big, and, apart from these shocking and stunning juniors, among the juniors in the whole universe, you are already a first-class.”

Chong Tong Zun threw the hydrangea in his hand and asked, "There are only five of us left, what is the test of the third round?"

"The test of the third round, no hurry, this second round. The round is not over yet."

Liu Xishui laughed and took out another hydrangea from the space ring, "In the second round, I decided to give you the five young talents who did not win the hydrangea. One chance, of course, this time there is only one hydrangea, whoever wins will enter the third round."

"Very good, there is still a chance!"

"Just now I almost got it, this time I can definitely get it!"

The five young men who did not win the hydrangea were happy.

Long Qingchen glanced at the Dragon Clan chief Holy Son, indifferently said, "What are you smirking at, fight again, can you win it?"

Dragon Clan chief Holy Son His smile slowly solidified, and his face was bitter, "Yeah, I'm happy to fight four times, but I can't fight it"

"This time, you have a great chance."

The willow stream is smiling.

Dragon Clan's general Holy Son wondered, "No way out of the five people, my cultivation base is the lowest, how can I have a good chance?"

Everyone looked at her in confusion, I don't understand why she said that.

Liu Xishui said with a smile, "Because, this time you don't need to fight, but your elders fight for you!"

"So that's how it is."


Dragon Clan's chief Holy Son's eyes lit up, he was still very confident in chief patriarch, "If I compete in this way, my chances are indeed great"

Everyone's eyes became weird, Sure enough, the Buddha Palace recruited Saintess, and the purpose was not simple!

The Buddha Palace is not only interested in the strength of these junior talents, but also how much support the forces behind these junior talents are!

The stronger the support, the more the forces behind it want to marry and form an alliance with the Buddha Palace, and the greater the help to the Buddha Palace when it competes for eternity in the future!

"The five young talents who did not win the hydrangea, please come out."

Liu Xishui was full of smiles.

As the elder of Dragon Clan's chief Holy Son, Long Qingchen walked out first with a determined attitude.

The other four young and talented elders glanced at each other, all of them twitching at the corners of their mouths, arguing with Long Qingchen, it's still a fart. Ah Long Qingchen's cultivation base is close to the realm of immortality, and there are still For the eternal stealing machine, the strength is here.

And, although their cultivation base is not bad, they have reached the high level of Undead Realm, but compared with Long Qingchen, the gap is big.

(end of this chapter)

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