Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1085


Chapter 1085 Killing Past Lives

Crossing the void, passing through hundreds of thousands of galaxies, Long Qingchen When he came to a small galaxy, he took out the trinket and glanced at the coordinates engraved on it again, "According to the coordinates on this souvenir, it is in this small galaxy."


He unleashed his induction, enveloped the entire small galaxy, and searched.

This galaxy is very barren, most of the planets are uninhabited, only a few planets have some ape-men that have not yet fully evolved, and are still in the primordial social form of blowing hair and drinking blood.

"Ye Meijia?"

Suddenly, his senses stopped on a planet, and a young female cultivator appeared. Moreover, the cultivation base was not bad, reaching the immortal realm. The seventh rank, the most important thing is that it looks very similar to Ye Meijia in the previous life, it should be Ye Meijia's Reincarnation Body.

He took one step forward and suddenly appeared in front of the young female cultivator.

Seeing him coming, the young female cultivator smiled brightly, "Should I call you Long Qingchen, or Long Qingchen? Or Dragon Clan's patriarch?"


Long Qingchen also smiled, opened his arms, and greeted her, "It's been more than ten thousand years, the old colleagues finally meet, let's hug first."

"Go to hell!"

Ye Meijia stretched out her hand, pushed him away, and rolled her eyes at him, "I heard that you already have several wives, and you have several children. Aren't you afraid that your wife will castrate you when you're outside, making fun of flowers?"

"cough cough"

Long Qingchen coughed a few times, "What do you mean by several wives, it sounds so ugly, It's just one wife and one concubine."


Ye Meijia sighed, "Hey, you men, coming to this cultivation world is like a fish back in The water is gone."

Long Qingchen also sighed, "Yeah, when I was in Bluestar in my previous life, I was a single dog, desperately pursuing a certain beauty, but unfortunately, a certain beauty was just pretending I can't see it, it's maddening me."

"When did you pursue me so hard?"

Ye Meijia put her hands on her slender waist, her beautiful eyes glaring at him, "Obviously it is I have hinted to you several times, you just don't take the initiative, you are like a log, and you still have the face to tell me this!"

"" Long Qingchen was a little dazed, "I'm not talking about you, I mean your best friend"


Ye Meijia screamed, took out a long knife from the space ring, and slashed at Long Qingchen.

The truth was finally revealed, but the truth was a bit too cruel for her to accept.

Long Qingchen of course ran away.

After chasing around the entire small galaxy, Ye Meijia was sure she couldn't catch up with him, so she could only give up reluctantly, "In this cultivation world, you are really outstanding, you are one of the four of us. The best mix."

"It's okay."

Laughed humbly, Long Qingchen followed, his eyes narrowed, "So, you've seen Yang Yan before. , He Xu?"

Ye Meijia nodded, "I've seen you thousands of years ago, only you, but you haven't recognized us yet."

Long Qingchen asked, " Why didn't you come to me sooner? Ten thousand years ago, the fact that I served as the general patriarch of Dragon Clan spread throughout the universe, you should have known me long ago?"

"Of course you do, in fact, from We knew when you were the Holy Son of Dragon Clan."

Ye Meijia said, "However, the Lord means that your position is very important, let us not disturb you until now. , you are in full control of Dragon Clan, and the cultivation base is close to immortality. When the time is right, the Lord will allow me to come to you."


Long Qingchen frowned, he didn't like to "address" others like this, like a servant.

Ye Meijia patted her white forehead lightly, "I forgot, I haven't told you yet. Actually, the four of us reincarnated from Blue Star to Cultivation World were arranged by the Lord."

Long Qingchen looked indifferent, not surprised, "I have already guessed, there is no such thing as a coincidence in the world, there must be some arrangements behind the scenes, I just want to know why the four of us were chosen. What's his purpose for doing this?"

Ye Meijia said, "Do you still remember our trip?"

Long Qingchen looked strange, "Of course I do, When we were traveling, we were in that hotel."

Ye Meijia's face turned red and she gave him a white look, "That's not what I'm talking about, when we were traveling, we went to climb a building full of stones. Shan, in the crevice of the stone, I found a wild fruit with a fragrant smell, and it didn't feel poisonous, so the four of us ate it."

Long Qingchen wondered, "That kind of wild fruit is similar to What does it have to do with the Lord you said?"

"You listen to me."

Ye Meijia continued speaking of which.

"At that time, we were just mortals and didn't even know that it was an extremely rare fairy fruit called 'afterlife fruit'. If you eat this fairy fruit, you will definitely be born in the Great Influence in the next life! "

"When the Lord passed by the blue star, he found that the four of us had taken the fruit of the afterlife, and he sent a heavenly thunder to let the four of us fly ash annihilation and be reincarnated in advance."

"Sure enough, you were reincarnated into the ancient Dragon domain of Dragon Clan, I was reincarnated into the High Level full-star force Ye Family, Yang Yan was reincarnated into a ninety-nine-star force, and the most powerful was He Xu, who was reincarnated into the open source taboo The balance family of power, and, with the secret support of the Lord, the son of Saint became smoothly, and now he has become the patriarch of the balance family!"

Long Qingchen felt shivering, and vaguely understood this "Master" "He wants to control the Dragon Clan, Ye Family, and the Balance Body Family through the four of us?"

"You're wrong."

Ye Meijia said , "The cultivation base of the Lord has already accomplished all the good fortune, his only pursuit is the last eternity, he has no interest in Dragon Clan, Ye Family, and the balance body family, he only hopes that he will become the key to eternity. At this moment, the four of us can use the heritage of our family to protect him and block those ulterior motives. When the Lord becomes the last eternity, the four of us and our four families will also receive the Supreme honor and become the real under one of the entire universe. person, above countless people."

Long Qingchen indifferently said, "I don't appreciate him, I even want to kill him."

Ye Meijia started, "Why is this? Say?"

Long Qingchen speaking of which.

"In our past life, the four of us accidentally took the afterlife fruit, which means that after we die naturally, we will be reincarnated into the Great Influence of Cultivation World."

"And, what did he do?"

"He, just for his own purposes, killed us, let us reincarnate in advance, and made us miss our relatives in our past lives, and we haven't had time to honor those in our past lives. His parents were reincarnated."

"You think, we should thank him?"

Speaking of this, Long Qingchen sneered, "It's not bad if I don't kill him, I'll give him back. He protects the Dao?"

Ye Meijia was silent, "After the Lord killed our previous life, he gave our relatives a lot of money and some spiritual medicine to improve the physique, so that our relatives will live in the second half of their lives. They lived a carefree life, all of them lived a long life of more than one hundred and seventy years, breaking the lifespan record of Blue Star human beings. At that time, the news of Blue Star countries also reported that the four of us were rated as longevity homes. I I think the Lord has done a good job."

"Can money and spiritual medicine make up for the pain of losing children?"

Long Qingchen disagreed, "The elderly most hope What I see is that the children are married, and the children and grandchildren are full, not these."

"Anyway, the Lord has no ill will towards us,"

Ye Meijia sighed, "You were born in In the ancient Dragon domain, I got the memories of Heaven Devouring Martial Meridian and Dragon Emperor Jiu Ni. I was born as the Holy Son of Dragon Clan. I don’t need the help of the Lord. Unlike you, I, Yang Yan, and He Xu are the three of us. With the secret support of his family, he gradually emerged and took charge of the family."

Long Qingchen said indifferently, "Tell him for me, in short, I will not protect him, and it is even more impossible to use the heritage of Dragon Clan to help him. He protects the Dao."

"Okay, I will tell the Lord what you said."

Ye Meijia was helpless, she shrugged a little, relaxed, lightly said with a smile , "Forget it, let's not talk about these important Cultivation World events, old colleagues meet, won't you invite me to drink?"

"This is a must."

Long Qingchen laughed stand up.

(end of this chapter)

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