Myriad Ages First Dragon Chapter 1074


Chapter 1074 Best fruit drop location?


Not long after, where Long Qingchen was standing, a human-shaped fairy fruit suddenly fell.


Even he himself was a little sorry, so he could only reach out to catch it.

Nangong Xue Xin was stunned, "Dragon Clan's future luck will be fulfilled by Brother Chen, which is very understandable. After all, Brother Chen is the genius of Dragon Clan Supreme, and he has great influence on Dragon Clan's future luck. It has a great influence, but why does the luck of Human Race also come true on Brother Chen?"

The talented and beauties were speechless for a while. Arrived, looking at Long Qingchen's appearance, he was not interested in Xianguo at all, but Xianguo kept dropping to him.

"Take it."

Long Qingchen handed it to Tantai Nianchen, "This kind of fairy fruit has no effect on me, and it still works on you."

Tantai Nianchen hesitated for a while, but didn't answer, "Father, give it to others, the Queen just said, each Fruit Tree's fairy fruit can only be eaten one, I have already eaten one. "

Nangong Xue Xin said with a smile, "This fruit tree of all ethnic groups, each form of fairy fruit has different effects, the one you just ate was a dragon form, this one is a human form, It's not against the rules, you can eat it."

"This is what you said, you can't blame me for eating too much."

Tantai Nianchen happily took it The human-shaped fairy fruit took half of it in one bite.

Long Qingchen looked hot, looked away, and pretended not to know her


The old woman looked at Tai Solitary Sword Sect eagerly The former Sect Master, in fact, she didn't want to eat fairy fruit, she just didn't want to be compared by Tantai Nianchen, Tantai Nianchen had eaten two, and she didn't even have a hair.

"The place where he stands is exactly the best place to drop the fruit of this Ten Thousand Clan Fruit Tree."

Too Solitary Sword Sect Sect Master coldly snorted, "It's not unusual. !"

Tantai Nianchen was eating the fairy fruit, and said vaguely, "I am incompetent, so I have to make many excuses."

Long Qingchen smiled and took a few steps, " Okay, you come and stand here."

The former Sect Master of the Solitary Sword Sect immediately walked over and stood at the position he had just stood on.

The best drop location? The talented and beauties all looked curiously at the Solitary Sword Sect and the former Sect Master to see if that was the case.

Nangong Xue smiled and said nothing. As the owner, she knows these exotic fruits best, and there is no such thing as "the best place to drop the fruit".

Time passed a little bit

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour passed, however, the fairy fruit of the Fruit Tree of Wanzu never fell again.

Noticing everyone's strange eyes, the face of the Sect Master before the Solitary Sword Sect is getting more and more ugly. For so long, not even a hair has fallen off, he is equivalent to slapped himself in the face, It's a shame.

Nangong Xue Xin is very good at being a human being, so she did not continue to embarrass the former Sect Master of the Solitary Sword Sect, she smiled and said, "It seems that everyone is not very lucky, but it doesn't matter, there are many strange things. Let's go over and take a look."

She walked to the next Fruit Tree first, and everyone slowly followed.

"This Fruit Tree is called First Rank Fruit Tree."

"Why is it called First Rank Fruit Tree?"

"Because, after taking it The fairy fruit from this Fruit Tree will immediately be promoted to the First Rank cultivation base."

Nangong Xue introduced it like a rare family.

The eyes of all the talented and beauties are fiery, and immediately raise the First Rank cultivation base, which is equivalent to saving an unknown number of years. This is a real effect.

Nangong Xue said with a smile, "Of course, only people below the Undead Realm can take it. Above the Undead Realm, the cultivation base is too high, and the First Rank will not work."

This did not affect the fiery eyes of the talented and beauties, because none of them reached the Undead Realm or above, and the First Rank effect was effective for them!

Tantai Nianchen said beyond doubt, "father, get me one."

Long Qingchen spread his hands, "I can't pick it, I can only wait for it to drop voluntarily. , I can't do anything about it."

"I don't care, anyway, I want one to improve the cultivation base."

Tantai Nianchen complained, "I just ate it. The two Myriad Fruits in dragon form and human form don't seem to have any effect at all."

Nangong Xue Xin said, "Miss Nianchen doesn't know, First Rank fruit is a quick effect, eat it Immediately advance to the cultivation base, however, the effect of Wanzu fruit is slow, and it will be of great benefit to your future cultivation, so the effect of Wanzu fruit is not worse than that of First Rank fruit, or even higher.”

"Who can tell what will happen in the future, I like to increase cultivation base immediately."

Tantai Nianchen looked at Long Qingchen eagerly.

Long Qingchen was helpless, "Look at what I do, if it doesn't fall off, what can I do."


His tone barely fell, and a fairy fruit fell, just in his position.


The talented and beauties were all stunned.

Long Qingchen was also startled for a moment, and subconsciously reached out to catch it, which made him speechless.

It's a coincidence, isn't it?

Is there such a coincidence in the world?


There must be a reason!


Could it be that the Nine Heavenly Sovereigns deliberately ingratiate themselves with him, and deliberately let the fairy fruit drop to him?

However, the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, as a taboo force, had no need to please him like this.

He had to look towards Nangong Xue Xin, hoping that Nangong Xue Xin could answer.

Nangong Xue Xin shook his head with a solemn expression, "This is the first time I have seen this phenomenon."

The former Sect Master of the Solitary Sword Sect sneered, "Three times in a row. , I don't believe that there is such a coincidence in the world, he must have used some kind of secret technique of picking fairy fruits that we don't know about."

"Xuanzu is right, he cheated!"

The old woman is also provoking, hoping to arouse public anger and let everyone accuse Long Qingchen together.

Nangong Xue Xin said seriously, "I can be sure that he did not cheat, Brother Chen's cultivation base is deep and unmeasurable, but my cultivation base is not low, I am so close to Brother Chen. Inside, if Brother Chen cheated, I could not have noticed it."

The black clothed Supreme Elder of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty glanced at the old woman, "Our queen's cultivation base has already touched the immortal. On the edge of the realm, no one can cheat in front of her except the super strong in the indestructible realm."

Touched the edge of the indestructible realm?

The talented and beauties were sucked in a cold breath, and they were all shocked. Although they knew that Nangong Xue Xin's cultivation base was very high, they didn't expect to have reached this point.

Long Qingchen was not surprised. He had already noticed Nangong Xue Xin's cultivation base, which was similar to his.

"Please don't doubt the justice of our Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty."

The white clothed Supreme Elder of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty was more direct, lightly said to the old woman, "This time The Hundred Orchard Festival is absolutely fair."

The old woman didn't dare to say anything, she had already met Long Qingchen and Tantai Nianchen, and she didn't dare to offend the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty, if it was In this way, then, too Solitary Sword Sect will not protect her.

"I know the reason!"

An old man crossed the void and strode forward. He was the ancestral emperor of the Nine Heavenly Sovereign Dynasty.

This is the super powerhouse of the immortal realm!

Moreover, it is the real Old Senior who survived to the present in the early days of ancient times!

Everyone present, including Nangong Xue Xin, Long Qingchen, and the former Sect Master of the Solitary Sword Sect, all gave a salute to this old man and expressed their respect.

Tantai Nianchen said curiously, "What's the reason?"

Zu Huang didn't answer directly, but looked at her kindly with a smile, "The Fengyuan forces more than 10,000 years ago At the gathering, you were just a little fellow, time flies so fast."

Tantai Nianchen lightly said with a smile, "I still remember you, at that time, my mother and Dongfang Family Guardian confrontation, you come to make peace."

The emperor asked, "I heard that your mother's hair is all white?"

Tantai Nianchen's expression became sad.

Long Qingchen didn't know why the ancestral emperor asked this question, whether he cared with good intentions or had a good conscience. It's hard to figure out the intentions of the super-powerful people. All white with some black remaining."

(end of this chapter)

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